581 research outputs found

    Petroleum taxation: a comparison between Russia and Kazakhstan

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    The paper compares mineral resource recovery taxes for oil to be paid in Kazakhstan and the RF. It provides a case study on an average Kazakh oil and gas company and presents tax calculations as an example. To compare the taxation systems in Kazakhstan and the RF, the situation is modelled as if the field was located in the RF and the relevant calculations are carried out in compliance with national laws and regulations

    Вплив антиоксидантів на активність ензимів глутатіонової системи антиоксидантного захисту організму бичків за гострого нітратно-нітритного токсикозу

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    The article presented the results of studies of the effect of sodium nitrate on indexes of glutatione system of antioxidant defense system in young cattle, such as the activity of glutathionereductase, glutathioneperoxidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. It was founded that feeding bulls with the toxicants at a dose 0,45 NО3¯ / kg enzyme activity in the blood of experimental animals throughout the experiment decreased. After using the nitrate load of young cattle it was used drugs Ursovit-ADES and sodium selenite. It was founded stimulatory effects on activity of glutathione system of antioxidant defense. Specifically,it was founded significant activity increase of glutathionereductase, glutathioneperoxidase and glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase. in the blood of young cattle, which were conducted with nitrate loading.У статті наведено результати досліджень впливу нітрату натрію на показники глутатіонової системи антиоксидантного захисту організму молодняку великої рогатої худоби. Досліди проводились на бичках шестимісячного віку, чорно-рябої породи. Активність глутатіонпероксидази (К.Ф. та глутатіонредуктази (К.Ф. визначали за методом В.В. Лемешко і співавт., активність глюкозо-6-фосфатдегідрогенази (К.Ф. – за методом N.Z. Baquezetal. Венозну кров відбирали на початку досліду та через 3 години після згодовування бичкам нітрату натрію, а також через 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 годин після введення вітамінних препаратів. Встановлено, що за умов згодовування бичкам нітрату натрію у дозі 0,45 NО3¯ /кг маси тіла активність ензимів глутатіонової системи крові тварин упродовж усього досліду знижувалась. За умов нітратного навантаження, молодняку великої рогатої худоби застосовували препарати урсовіт АДЕС та селеніт натрію. Застосування препаратів-антиоксидантів за умов розвитку гострого нітратно-нітритного токсикозу у бичків сприяли підвищенню активності ензимної ланки глутатіонової системи антиоксидантного захисту (глутатіонредуктази, глутатіонпероксидази, глюкозо-6-фосфатдегідрогенази) у крові дослідних тварин. Сукупне введення урсовіту-АДЕС та селеніту натрію проявляло кращу дію на глутатіонову систему антиоксидантного захисту організму бичків ніж застосування лише урсовіту-АДЕС

    Sero-prevalence of herpes simplex type 2 virus (HSV-2) and HIV infection in Kampala, Uganda

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    Background:Prevalence of herpes simplex type 2 virus (HSV-2) is high worldwide. Previous studies in Uganda were rural or in women. We estimated age and sex-specific sero- prevalence of HSV-2 in Kampala, Uganda.Methods: Using two-stage random sampling stratified on population density, a survey of persons 15-65 years was conducted. Type-specific serological tests for HSV-2, HSV-1(HerpeSelect2 and 1 ELISA), HIV (Rapid tests and ELISA), syphilis (RPR and TPHA) were done. Additional prevalence analysis included post-stratification weighting on the Uganda 2002 Census gender distribution.Results: Among 1124 persons, HSV-2 prevalence was 58% (95% CI: 55, 60), HSV-1; 98% (95% CI: 97.6, 99.1), HIV; 17.7% (95% CI: 14.8, 19.2) and syphilis; 1.7% (95% CI: 1.4, 1.9). Weighted HSV-2 prevalence was 53.8% (Women; 63.8%, men; 43.2%), similar to unweighted data. Weighted HIV prevalence was 20.7% in women, 8.6% in men. Of 165 HIV infected persons, 85.4% had HSV-2. Risk factors for HSV-2 were being a woman (OR 2.0; 95% CI: 1.42, 2.78), age (OR 3.3; 95% CI: 2.43, 4.53), education (OR 1.70; 95% CI: 1.34, 2.34) and HIV (OR 4.5; 95% CI: 2.70, 7.50).Conclusion: Prevalence of HSV-2 and HIV was high especially in women. Syphilis was rare. Awareness of herpes was low. Interventions in young people are needed.Keywords: HSV-2, HIV, Kampala Ugand

    Ветеринарно-санітарна оцінка ковбаси вареної вищого сорту “Лікарська”

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    Today in Ukraine the part of the sausage production segment is about 30 % of all ready meat products. The boiled sausages play the main role among them. About 65 % of general assortment belongs to them among consumers. Safety and quality assurance of sausage is impossible without the conformity of requirements and recipes. The SSTU 4436:2005 “Boiled sausages, sausages, meat breads. General specifications” regulates them in Ukraine. However, today is observed the significant growth of sausages assortment, which are produced by recipes of producers. It allows them to use in production different nutritional supplements, replacement of raw materials, etc. Recent publications of experts shows that about 80 % of food products are falsified. The most common is assortment falsification. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to analyze the conformity of quality and safety parameters of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the different producers to the SSTU 4436:2005 “Boiled sausages, sausages, meat breads. General specifications”. The materials of our study were the samples of high-class boiled sausage “Likarska” from the several domestic producers: LLC “Alan” (Dnipro), JV “Vekka” LLC (Odessa region, Lyman district, Blagodatne), LLC “Globino Meat Factory” (Poltava region, Globin district, Globino), LLC “Khodoriv Meat Factory” (Lviv region, Zhydachiv district, Khodoriv). The samples were selected by the control purchase in Odessa trading network (“METRO”, “Silpo”, “FOZZY”) and in Lviv trading network (“Vopak”, “МЕТРО”, “Silpo”). As a result 20 samples were selected and investigated in general. The studies were conducted during 2019–2020 on the basis of Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotecnologies of Odessa State Agrarian University) and on the basis of the laboratory of Department of Veterinary-Sanitary Inspection (Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Lviv). We selected the samples, carried out sanitary assessments of sausages, determined the microbiological parameters in accordance with applicable regulations. We determined the physico-chemical parameters using the device FoodScan, radionuclides content – by β-γ-spermometry and the general toxicity – using the express method with the infusorium Colpoda steinii. According to the results of analysis of labeling we found out that the packaging (label) of all producers which were studied contains the basic production and consumer information. The analysis of the organoleptical, microbiological indicators and the radionuclides content of samples which were studied established their compliance with the requirement of SSTU 4436:2005. The total toxicity of sausages also wasn’t established. At the same time the analysis of physico-chemical parameters revealed non-compliance with SSTU 4436:2005 requirements by the mass fraction of protein in sausage “Likarska”, which was produced by JV “Vekka” LLC (10.95 ± 0.01 %) and LLC “Globino Meat Factory” (10.68 ± 0.02 %).Сьогодні в Україні частка сегменту виробництва ковбас становить близько 30 % в обсязі готової м’ясної продукції, а серед них провідну роль займають варені ковбаси, на споживання яких припадає до 65 % від загального асортименту. Забезпечення якості та безпеки ковбас, неможливе без дотримання вимог і рецептур, які в Україні регламентує ДСТУ 4436:2005 “Ковбаси варені, сосиски, сардельки, хліби м’ясні. Загальні технічні умови”. Проте сьогодні спостерігається суттєвий ріст асортименту ковбас, вироблених за рецептурами, розробленими безпосередньо виробниками, що дозволяє їм використовувати при виробництві різноманітні харчові добавки, заміну сировини тощо. Останні публікації фахівців свідчать, що близько 80 % харчової продукції фальсифіковано і найпоширенішою є асортиментна фальсифікація. Тому метою нашого дослідження було проаналізувати відповідність показників якості та безпечності вареної ковбаси вищого сорту “Лікарська” різних виробників ДСТУ 4436:2005 “Ковбаси варені, сосиски, сардельки, хліби м’ясні. Загальні технічні умови”. Матеріалом наших досліджень були зразки вареної ковбаси вищого сорту “Лікарська” декількох вітчизняних виробників: ТОВ “Алан” (м. Дніпро), СП “Векка” ТОВ (Одеська область, Лиманський район, с. Благодатне), ТОВ “Глобинський м’ясокомбінат” (Полтавська область, Глобинський район, м. Глобине), ТзОВ “Ходорівський м’ясокомбінат” (Львівська область, Жидачівський район, м. Ходорів). Зразки відібрали шляхом контрольної закупки у торгівельній мережі міст Одеси (“МЕТРО”, “Сільпо”, “FOZZY”) та Львова (“Вопак”, “МЕТРО”, “Сільпо”). Всього було відібрано і досліджено 20 зразків. Дослідження проводились впродовж 2019–2020 рр. на базі багатопрофільної лабораторії факультету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій Одеського державного аграрного університету і лабораторії кафедри ветеринарно-санітарного інспектування Львівського університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С. З. Ґжицького. Відбір проб і сенсорну оцінку ковбас, визначення мікробіологічних показників проводили згідно з чинною нормативною документацією, визначення фізико-хімічних показників – за допомогою приладу FoodScan, вміст радіонуклідів – методом β-γ-спертрометрії; загальну токсичність – експрес-методом з використанням інфузорії Colpoda steinii. За результатами аналізу маркування встановлено, що пакування (етикетка) всіх досліджених виробників містить основну виробничу і споживчу інформацію. Аналіз органолептичних і мікробіологічних показників та вмісту радіонуклідів досліджених зразків встановив їхню відповідність вимогам ДСТУ 4436:2005. Загальної токсичності ковбас також не виявлено. Натомість аналіз фізико-хімічних показників виявив невідповідність вимогам ДСТУ 4436:2005 за вмістом масової частки білка ковбаси “Лікарська” виробництва СП “Векка” ТОВ (10.95 ± 0.01 %) і ТОВ “Глобинський м’ясокомбінат” (10.68 ± 0.02 %)

    Instruments Measuring Self-Care in Children and Young Adults With Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Review

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    : Children and young adults (CYAs) with chronic conditions need to engage in self-care to improve their quality of life. This study aimed to retrieve the literature on instruments to assess self-care in CYAs living with chronic conditions and evaluate the psychometric proprieties of the instruments retrieved. A systematic literature review was conducted on six databases to identify peer-reviewed papers that described or used an evaluation instrument of self-care in CYAs with chronic conditions. Twenty-three articles describing 11 instruments of self-care were identified. Five instruments (45.45%) were developed for specific diseases, while six (54.54%) for various chronic illnesses. Most of the instruments were focused on treatment adherence within self-care maintenance (i.e., behaviors to maintain illness stability), excluding the monitoring of clinical parameters or the management of exacerbations. This review provides an overview of available instruments that measure self-care in CYAs with chronic conditions, which health professionals could use for patient education

    Kidney disease in Uganda: a community based study.

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The majority of studies on CKD in SSA have been conducted among HIV-infected populations and mainly from large health facilities. We determined the prevalence of CKD and its predictors among populations in communities in central Uganda. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Wakiso district using multi-stage sampling. Data was collected on age, sex, socio-economic status, history of alcohol intake, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and smoking. Measurement of blood pressure, weight and height to determine body mass index (BMI) and investigations including HIV testing, fasting blood sugar, creatinine and urinalysis were conducted. Logistic regression was used to estimate the strength of the association between variables and the presence of CKD estimated using the Cockcroft Gault formula. RESULTS: A total of 955 participants aged 18-87 years were enrolled into the study. The median age was 31 years (Interquartile range 24-42) and majority (67%) were female. Up to 21.4% (204/955) had abnormal renal function with CKD stage 1 in 6.2% (59/955), stage 2 in 12.7% (121/955), stage 3 in 2.4% (23/955), CKD stage 4 in 0% and CKD stage 5 in 0.1% (1/995). Female gender OR 1.8 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.2-2.8), age >30 years OR 2.2(95% CI 1.2-3.8) and high social economic status OR 2.1 (95% CI 1.3-3.6) were associated with increased risk of CKD while BMI > 25Kg/m2 was protective against CKD OR 0.1 (95% CI 0.04-0.2). Traditional risk factors such as HIV-infection, diabetes mellitus, smoking and alcohol intake were not found to be significantly associated with CKD. CONCLUSION: We found a high prevalence of kidney disease in central Uganda. Interestingly the traditional risk factors associated with CKD previously documented, were not associated with CKD

    Self-care in children and young people with complex chronic conditions: a qualitative study using Emotional Text Mining

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    Objectives: To explore: (1) self-care behaviors in children and young people (range: 6 months–24 years) with complex chronic conditions, characterized by the diagnosis of a severe chronic condition, substantial family-identified needs, functional limitations associated with technology dependence, and intensive use of healthcare services; (2) the contribution to self-care of family members and other persons involved in the child's health and daily life context (e.g., health professionals and teachers), and (3) the principal factors that might have influenced the self-care process associated with developmental age. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted in an Italian academic tertiary pediatric hospital between September 2020 and May 2021. Overall, 25 focus groups and 7 online interviews were conducted via videoconferencing. Textual data were analyzed using Emotional Text Mining to identify three levels of communication: the factors, the main themes (clusters), and the sub-themes. Results: A total of 104 participants were enrolled, including 27 patients with complex chronic conditions (12 males, mean age = 11.1 ± 4.40), 33 parents, 6 siblings, 33 health professionals, and 5 teachers. Participants described the process of self-care through four main factors: “self-care”, “external settings”, “family”, and “management”. Five clusters (themes) were identified: (1) Self-care management (device; consulting); (2) Shift of agency (influencing factors; parents; school); (3) Self-care support (normal life and personal development; multidisciplinary support); (4) Daily self-care maintenance/monitoring; (5) Treatment adherence. Self-care management was mostly relevant for parents of children aged between 6 months and 3 years. Conclusion: The self-care process varies according to the needs related to the specific developmental age and the evolution of the clinical condition over time. The contribution of the family, health professionals, and social networks is fundamental for adequate self-care. To help families manage the unstable condition of their children at home, it is necessary to strengthen support networks implement home care, and ensure continuity of care