1,208 research outputs found

    The human side of leadership: Inspirational leadership effects on follower characteristics and happiness at work (HAW)

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    Leadership has received significant attention over the past years. Now is the time to refine how leaders impact on followers and their attitudes. This study examines how inspirational leaders influence follower characteristics (FC), and in turn, their happiness at work. In this study, the mediating effect of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work was specifically examined. Data was gathered from 389 frontline banking employees working in Italian and Spanish banks. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a positive partial mediating role of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work. Results showed that inspirational leadership exerts a more positive influence on followers' happiness at work when follower characteristics are more positive. Our discussion highlights the importance of understanding the role of the follower characteristics that are involved in the effectiveness of inspirational leadership

    The degree/diameter problem in maximal planar bipartite graphs

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    The (¿;D) (degree/diameter) problem consists of nding the largest possible number of vertices n among all the graphs with maximum degree ¿ and diameter D. We consider the (¿;D) problem for maximal planar bipartite graphs, that are simple planar graphs in which every face is a quadrangle. We obtain that for the (¿; 2) problem, the number of vertices is n = ¿+2; and for the (¿; 3) problem, n = 3¿¿1 if ¿ is odd and n = 3¿ ¿ 2 if ¿ is even. Then, we study the general case (¿;D) and obtain that an upper bound on n is approximately 3(2D + 1)(¿ ¿ 2)¿D=2¿ and another one is C(¿ ¿ 2)¿D=2¿ if ¿ D and C is a sufficiently large constant. Our upper bound improve for our kind of graphs the one given by Fellows, Hell and Seyffarth for general planar graphs. We also give a lower bound on n for maximal planar bipartite graphs, which is approximately (¿ ¿ 2)k if D = 2k, and 3(¿ ¿ 3)k if D = 2k + 1, for ¿ and D sufficiently large in both cases.Postprint (published version

    The degree/diameter problem in maximal planar bipartite graphs

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    The (Δ,D)(Δ,D) (degree/diameter) problem consists of finding the largest possible number of vertices nn among all the graphs with maximum degree ΔΔ and diameter DD. We consider the (Δ,D)(Δ,D) problem for maximal planar bipartite graphs, that is, simple planar graphs in which every face is a quadrangle. We obtain that for the (Δ,2)(Δ,2) problem, the number of vertices is n=Δ+2n=Δ+2; and for the (Δ,3)(Δ,3) problem, n=3Δ−1n=3Δ−1 if ΔΔ is odd and n=3Δ−2n=3Δ−2 if ΔΔ is even. Then, we prove that, for the general case of the (Δ,D)(Δ,D) problem, an upper bound on nn is approximately 3(2D+1)(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋3(2D+1)(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋, and another one is C(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋C(Δ−2)⌊D/2⌋ if Δ≥DΔ≥D and CC is a sufficiently large constant. Our upper bounds improve for our kind of graphs the one given by Fellows, Hell and Seyffarth for general planar graphs. We also give a lower bound on nn for maximal planar bipartite graphs, which is approximately (Δ−2)k(Δ−2)k if D=2kD=2k, and 3(Δ−3)k3(Δ−3)k if D=2k+1D=2k+1, for ΔΔ and DD sufficiently large in both cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Valoración del estado nutricional e intervención dietética de pacientes pediátricos con fibrosis quística

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    La Fibrosis Quística es una patología que cursa con sintomatología de origen pulmonar y digestivo. El tratamiento nutricional es un aspecto clave en la evolución de los pacientes, y tiene una gran relación con la función pulmonar. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el estado nutricional y la intervención dietética de los pacientes pediátricos diagnosticados de FQ y tratados en el Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid. Se hizo un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 23 pacientes menores de 18 años diagnosticados y tratados de FQ. Edad media: 6.58 y DS: 4.45. Se recogió información referente a las características de la enfermedad y la intervención dietética recibida: toma de suplementos vitamínicos, DHA, suplementos hipercalóricos e hidrolizados de proteínas lácteas, nutrición enteral y parenteral. Se evalúo el estado nutricional de los pacientes mediante los datos obtenidos de zIMC en 8 puntos de su evolución. Los pacientes reciben suplementación polivitamínica (56.5%), con vitaminas liposolubles (39.1%), y DHA (39.1%). 5 pacientes (21.7%) necesitaron fórmulas semielementales y sólo 3 pacientes (13%) tomaron suplementos con mayor densidad calórica. Los pacientes presentan un zIMC promedio de –0.53 ± 0.83 (-1.68 a 1.27), por debajo de los objetivos propuestos por las guías de práctica clínica (zIMC ≥ 0). El zIMC oscila en su evolución entre 0 y -1 tanto en suficientes pancreáticos como en los pacientes que cursan con insuficiencia pancreática. Los resultados muestran gran similitud con otros centros del territorio nacional. Los pacientes presentan una normalidad clínica y nutricional la mayor parte de su evolución, sin embargo, es difícil alcanzar el objetivo propuesto por las guías internacionales.Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietétic

    Manufacturing firms’ export activity: Business and financial cycles overlaps!

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    This paper models how the business and financial cycles interact in firms’ export activity. Specifically, we study the influence of macroeconomic variables on the decision to export and on the volume of exports, being controlled by firms’ characteristics. A distinction is made between the firms’ export activity in reaction to increases in external demand after improvements in national competitiveness, and firms’ exporting in response to a reduction in aggregate internal demand. The decision to export depends positively on the countries’ competitiveness variables, and the volume of exports also depends positively on national competitiveness and negatively on growth of internal demand. We also find a positive influence of the leverage of the economy on extensive and intensive export activity. Our results suggest that the financial cycle overlaps with the business cycle in influencing firm export activity decisions

    Financial constraints on R&D projects and Minsky moments: Containing the credit cycle

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    This paper tests Minsky?s financial instability hypothesis (FIH) for a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms. We find that the probability of a firm being financially constrained externally in terms of undertaking innovation projects moves inversely with the business and credit cycle, which is consistent with Minsky?s FIH. We provide evidence that the credit and business cycles strengthen each other. These results highlight the importance of implementing polices designed to contain the financial cycle

    How happy are young economists in their jobs?

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    This paper investigates issues of job satisfaction and competencies among economists. For this purpose, we use a data set gathered in 2006 at the University of Seville. Ordered logit analysis is used to analyze the determinants of an economist’s overall satisfaction at work. The results demonstrate that competency mismatches matter for reported overall job satisfaction

    Determinantes de la resiliencia en la infancia y su promoción desde la escuela infantil

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    La resiliencia es un concepto que hace referencia a la capacidad de las personas para adaptarse y hacer frente a situaciones adversas. Desde esta perspectiva, en este trabajo se realiza una amplia búsqueda de información sobre esta temática, de modo que pueda ser abordada desde el ámbito educativo, incluyendo una propuesta de intervención que trata de proporcionar herramientas y estrategias resilientes para sobrellevar acontecimientos adversos. Se presentan, por tanto, una serie de autores que han estudiado la importancia de este concepto y su evolución a lo largo del tiempo, y diversas teorías relacionadas con la regulación de emociones, como la Psicología Positiva, orientadas a garantizar un correcto desarrollo emocional del menor; además, se menciona la relevancia de los ámbitos sociales que lo rodean, considerados como factores de protección que promueven la educación y el desarrollo socioemocional, orientándolos a desarrollarse como individuos tolerantes, empáticos y resilientes.Resilience is a concept that refers to people's ability to adapt and cope with adverse situations. From this perspective, this work conducts a broad search for information on this topic, so that it can be addressed from the educational field, including an intervention proposal that seeks to provide resilient tools and strategies to cope with adverse events. Therefore, authors who have studied the importance of this concept and its evolution over time are presented, as well as various theories related to the regulation of emotions, such as Positive Psychology, aimed at ensuring the correct emotional development of children; in addition, the relevance of the social environments that surround them is mentioned, considered as protective factors that promote education and socio-emotional development, guiding them to develop as tolerant, empathetic and resilient individuals.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Educación Infanti

    Los factores determinantes del emparejamiento educación-empleo: Evidencia a partir de una nueva muestra de economistas

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    Esta comunicación utiliza datos primarios para analizar los determinantes del (des)ajuste educativo de una cohorte de jóvenes economistas formados en la Universidad de Sevilla. Metodológicamente estima un modelo logit multinomial, en el que las categorías son el buen emparejamiento, la sobrecualificación, la infracualificación y el mal emparejamiento. Dejando de lado las características del empleo, nuestros resultados confirman que existe un efecto diferencial por sexo en el desajuste educativo y que además la nota media y el tiempo de búsqueda de empleo afectan a la clasificación de los egresados en las diferentes categorías
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