27 research outputs found

    Book prefaces in basic, applied and social sciences: A genre-based study

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    This is the final version. Available from IDOSI Publications via the link in this recordGenre- based studies have recently focused on different types of professional and academic texts to identify their communicative purpose(s), generic structure and linguistic features. However, analyzing the generic and linguistic structure of book prefaces as a subcategory of academic genres seems to have been significantly underresearched. This study focuses on academic book prefaces in three disciplines of management, metallurgy and mathematics to identify their generic structure, linguistic features and potential disciplinary differences. Identifying similar generic structure for book prefaces in the three disciplines, the researchers suggest that book prefaces in the above-mentioned areas are very similar in terms of their communicative purpose(s), generic structure and readers' expectation. Furthermore, the study did not identify any significant difference in the use of the moves and steps among the book prefaces in the three disciplines on the whole, which suggests that writers in the three disciplines generally use the same moves and steps with rather similar frequencies. Finally, analyzing the generic structure and linguistic features of book prefaces indicated that book prefaces fulfill a promotional purpose besides their common informative purpose

    A survey of feeding habits of economic benthic feeder fishes in the southern of Caspian Sea (Rutilus frissi kutum, Rutilus rutilus caspicus, Cyprinus carpio, Liza auratus and Liza saliens)

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    Present study analyzed the stomach contents of individuals belonging to five fish’s species in order toInvestigate seasonal changes in feeding strategy and diet composition in the South coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan and Mazandaran provinces) from late March until late May 2010 using the research ship Gillan and fishing with batoom trawl nets and fishing blades insoles bony fishes in the depths of less than 60 meters. The average length and the total weight of Rutilus frisii kutum, Rutilus rutilus caspicus, Cyprinus carpio, Liza auratus and Liza saliens respectively were 36/9 ± 8/5 cm , 562/9 ± 353/2 g, 23/2 ± 3/2 cm , 202 ± 101/6 g, 24/6 ± 8/1 cm , 249/8 ± 242 g, 32/2 ± 8/9 cm , 320/9 ± 242/8 g, 22/7 ± 2/6 cm and 82/9 ± 52/2 g repectively. Using the method of Shorygin and Costello highly nourishing food strategy and different species of fishes were studied. The results of this study showed that Rutilus frisii kutum fed generally of Balanus and Cerastorderma In order of importance after Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Crabs, Fish eggs, Filamentous alge in GI Rutilus frisii kutum presence, but feeding it of Bivalvia (in particular Cerastorderma) was much more than the other food. The results of present study showed that under the influence of compatibility and behavioral mechanisms, ecological, physiological and nutritional importance of Rutilus frisii kutum Bivalvia. The results of studies were showed that Bivalvia was feeding the dominant Rutilus frisii kutum , while the results of this study showed that despite Bivalvia present importance in feeding the of this species, it seems that its presence in such digestion decreased. As well as the dominant food of Rutilus rutilus caspicus was fish, but generally from Detrite fed. This study showed that feeding the dominant species of Cyprinus carpio, Liza auratus and Liza saliens of Detrite was. The most important food items after ditrit for the Cyprinus carpio in order of importance include the Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, Abra ovata, Nereis, Fish eggs, Filamentous alge, was. The Liza auratus dietary habits also showed that after ditrit the most importance in nutrition related to Foraminifera, Porifera and Balanus, and for Liza saliens to Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Porifera. The results showed that the mullet the greater the intensity of feeding fishes than other species were, Rutilus frisii kutum in between of Cyprinidae the greater the intensity of feeding fishes than other species were (0/05 > P). The values of this indicator in the lower longitudinal in all fish species investigated were more than high longitudinal groups. The feeding intensity at different times of sampling for all species investigated showed that in all species at times extremely reduced the reproductive index (0/05 > P). As well as the diversity foods in the lower longitudinal in all fish species investigated were more than high longitudinal groups. In conclusion, our results demonstrated Food strategy have changed based on physiological changes, metabolism activity, behaviour, and the amount of food available

    The comprehensive study of possibility ecological control Mnemiopsis leidyi in Caspian Sea activity: The study and recognization parasitic fauna and Bacterial flore in ctenophore (Mnemiopsis leidyi and Bereo ovata)

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    Bacterial flora and parasitic fauna of M. leidyi an exotic invader jelly fish to Caspian Sea ecosystem and B. ovata to Black sea an alternative biological control agent was studied. During summer 1382 to spring 1383, using routine Bacteriological work. 72 sample of sea water Caspian Sea obtained from depth 20 and 50 meters, 36 sample of M. leidyi from depth 20 meters, 10 sample of B. ovata and 3 sample of sea water (Black sea) were collected and according to Bacteriological was studied. 216 sample of M. leidyi from depth 10 to 50 meters of Caspian Sea and 47 sample of B. ovata from Black and Marmarreh Sea (Turkey) were collected and was studied. In this study no parasite from was identified in M. leidyi (Caspian sea) but 64 percentage and 73 percentage of B. ovata (Marmarreh and Black sea respectively) contaminated to Trichodina ctenophore at varians concentration B. ovata of Black sea (130 min 1050 max) and B. ovata Marmarre sea (420 min 2100 max). While B. ovata kept at high salinity of 21 ppt was more contaminated with this pretrichial protozoan (Trichodina) than in low salinity (12/5 ppt). in comparision of bacterial flore in two cetenophore (M. leidyi and B. ovata) was observed that some of bacteria such as micrococcus sp, Aeromonas sp. Bacillus coagulans in both ctenophore and some other bacteria such as Agromobacterium and chromobacterium only observed in B. ovata but other researcher have reported fram Caspin sea and some of bacteria to specific Shewanella , Vibrio harveiy and bacillus linens was observed in B. ovata . Of course specific bacteria cannot transfer to Caspian Sea (different of salinity black sea (2/1%) to Caspian Sea (1/25 %)). Therefore if B. ovata to introduce to south Caspian Sea for biological control population M. leidyi. it is necessary at first some of viral pathogen in aquatic animal (fish) such as VNN, IPN,IHN,VHS,SVC was studied and then with confidence 95% non-infestation B. ovata to viruses and pass from bath anti parasite and anti-bacterial must be introduce to south Caspian sea

    Stock assessment of the bony fishes in Iranian coastal waters of the Caspian Sea (2007-2010)

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    In the years 2007-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 the exploitation of bony fishes resources (by 131 beach seines) started on 12 October but finished on 9 April, 9 April and 13 April, respectively. During these periods the total catch of bony fishes were 23537.8, 20045.5 and 18664.8 tonnes, respevtively. During these periods, kutum predominated and represented the highest proportion of total catch at 73.1, 74.0 and 66.9% , followed by golden grey mullet at 18.3, 13.9 and 18.7%, respectively. K values calculated 0.22, 0.15 and 0.14 year-1 and L∞ were 66.0, 62.7 and 70.0 cm for kuttum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively. The instantaneous coefficient natural mortality were estimated as 0.386 and 0.35 year-1 for kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively. During three periods, the exploitation rates were 0.789, 0.584 and 0.614 for kutum and 0.71, 0.75 and 0.61 for golden grey mullet, respectively. In the years 2007-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, the total biomass, from the biomass-based cohort analysis were 56600, 62090 and 61590 tonnes for kutum and and MSY estimated about 24733.7 and 8550.4 tones for kuttum and 11040, 11900 and 14460 tonnes for golden grey mullet, respectively. The ABC (acceptable biological catch) were estimated as 8000 and 2200 tonnes

    Survey of diversity, distribution, abundance and biomass of macrobenthic fauna in the southern Caspian Sea

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    The Sampling of macrobenthic communities in southeastern Caspian Sea, Iranian coast, were investigated seasonally from April to March 2012. Sampling was carried out at 8 transect as named Astara, Badar Anzali, Sefied rood, Tonekaboon, Nooshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad, Gomishan.In each transect were choice 8 stations at 5m, 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m depths respectively. Samples were taken in triplet with a 0.1m^² van Veen grab.Totally 28 macrofaunal species belonging to 10 families were identified as gamaridae (9species), corophidae (3species),psudocumidae(8 species), amphartidae (2species), balanidae, chironomidae, cardidae scorbicolaridae, nereidae, sponoidae, each one species. Polychaetes were dominated, representing 72.5% of the whole fauna while while (equal 62.4% of total abundance and 5/1%biomass) were belong to Streblospio spp. from Spionidae family. Cerastoderma lamarcki belong to bivavia consist of 2/3% total macobethos abundance and 73% biomass. Total abundance of macrobenthos of middle area were higher than east and west area in southern Caspian Sea. Average benthic population density (no/m^2) with (SE) was 4581(444 ). The benthic biomass (mg/m^2) with an overall mean of 12. 125(02). Spatial and temporal variations of benthos. In the present study showed, maximum abundance Macrobenthos 17855(5543) no/m^2) were recorded in 20 meter depths at Nooshahr trancect , while minimum 841(109 )in 10 meter depths at Amirabad trancect p<0.05. Maximum biomass 135.10(126) g/m^2 were obtained at 10m depths in Astara minimum 0.51(0.4) ) g/m^2 at 5m depths in Nooshahr transect . maximum were obtained in winter and minimum in summer Number of species varied 3 to 18 , Generally, minimum species diversity were obtained at 20 m depth in Tonekabon transects and the maximum value was observed at 100 m depth of sefeidrood variations physicochemical factors were between salinity 12.5to12.9ppt ,temperature 8-19˚c and PH 8.1 dissolve oxygen 69-101mg/li. Total secondary production calculated, according ,104/996g AFDW/m^2/yr.Maximum were recorded in 10meter depth (30/381AFDW/m^2/yr) and minimum at 50 meter depth(11/007g AFDW/m^2/yr) respectively. Average total organic matter were 3/18 percent in sample periods. Percent of total organic matter (TOM) were low in 5 and 10 m depths and increased toward offshore depths. TOM percent was 1/67(0.11 ) at 5 m depth and increased to 4/38(0.13 )in 100 m depth. Average total silt &clay were 68/63(2.97) percent in sample periods. Positive significant relation was between silt &clay and total organic matter. Macrobenthos community reduce in high silt clay and high sandy contents. Due to increase of streptolosbio.spp, monitoring program for understanding effect of this organism on ecosystem and on fish feeding is necessary

    Hydrology and hydrobiology and environmental pollutions in lower than 10 meters depths of Caspian Sea

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    The present project in related to survey of factors and hydrology and hydrochemical features (water temperature, dissolve oxygen saturation, pH, clearance, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon) hydrobiology (zooplankton, phytoplankton, macrobenthos) and survey of bio environment pollution (oil, heavy metal, detergent) executed in lower 10m in different water larger in southern Caspian Sea in 2002-2003. For sampling 8 lines number were vertical on coast that selected from Astra in west to Gomishan in east in southern Caspian Sea basin. The result indicated the average physical factors such as pH were 8.11 and salinity12.12 ppt ,and disolve oxygen6.7 mg/l. Average chemical factors such as NO_2 , NO_3 and NH_4 were 1.2 µg/l, 25.7 µg/l, 13 µg/l respectively.Total nitogen and organic nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen were 690.2 µg/l , 667.6 µg/l , 41.6 µg/l. Average silicat were recrded 266.35 µg/l . Total Phosphorus was observed 37.35 µg/l and average of organic Phosphorus concentration was and 20.25 µg/l .Average of Total organic matter (T.O.M) was 4.98% maximum amount were observed in Lisar and minimum in Nooshahr . Concentration of heavy metal during sampling were respectively ,Fe>Mn>Zn>Cr>Ph>Co>Cd>Cu. Maximum concentration of Fe were determined in winter in Nooshahr and Babolsar respectively 13/3 µg/l 17/1 µg/l. In many stations and different Season, the amount of heavy meta were lower standard of in marine water. The concentration of oil hydrocarborate (PAHs) in autumn was 0/13 ppb and in winter 0/12 ppb. The amount of (PAHs) in Southern Caspian Sea were Lower than other parts of Caspian Sea. The average of detergent concentration (LAS) was 0/036 µg/l that was two fold higher than determined in 2001. Total 107 species of phytoplankton belong to 5 phylum were identified. The numbers of species of phytoplankton groups were respectively, chrysophyta (42 species), cyanophyta (17 species), pyruphyta (17 species), chlorophyta (21 species) and euglenophyta (9 species). The maximum diversity of phytoplankton observed in summer and minimum in autumn. High diversity of chrysophta and cyanophyta observed in summer and phyrophyta and chrlophyta in spring. The composition of phytoplanhkton groups were respectively, chrysophyta (70%), phyrophyta (9%) and chlorophyta (7%) and euglonophyta (1%). Maximum density of phytoplankton was observed in autumn and minimum in winter. Total 19 species of Zooplankton were identified. Maximum diversity was observed in summer and minimum in winter. Zooplankton changes during sampling, showed amount of density of zooplankton in 5m were more than 10 m depths. Total (17 species macrobenthos were identified. The composition of macrobenthos groups were respectively , Annalida (92/7% ) , Bivalvia (2/7%) gumarida (108%) cumacea ( 1/5%) , Balanidae 103% . max . density were observed in Astara and min . in Sefied roud Average of density were 1218 0/851 ind /m^2 and biomass 14 15 g/m^2 High density were recorded in autumn and low density in winter . Correlation of phytoplankton and zooplankton with physicochemical parameter and also relation between total organic matter and sediment grain size were calculated.Ecological indicies (simpson diversity evenns diversity and shanoon-wiever diversity) were calculated for macrobenthos. Data were shown impact of cetenephora (Mnenemiopsis leidyi) on zooplankton and phytoplankton and macrobenthos density

    Evaluating hospital websites in Kuwait to improve consumer engagement and access to health information:a cross-sectional analytical study

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    Abstract Background Current advances in information and communication technology have made accessing and obtaining health-related information easier than ever before. Today, many hospital websites use a patient-centric approach to promote engagement and encourage learning for better health-related decision making. However, little is known about the current state of hospital websites in the State of Kuwait. This study aims to evaluate hospital websites in Kuwait and offer recommendations to improve patient engagement and access to health information. Methods This study employs a cross-sectional analytical approach to evaluate hospital websites in Kuwait in 2017. The websites of hospitals that provide in-patient services were identified through a structured search. Only active websites that were available in either English or Arabic were considered. The evaluation of the websites involved a combination of automated and expert- based evaluation methods and was performed across four dimensions: Accessibility, Usability, Presence, and Content. Results Nine hospitals met the inclusion criteria. Most of the websites fell short in all four dimensions. None of the websites passed the accessibility guidelines. The usability of websites varied between hospitals. Overall, the majority of hospitals in Kuwait have rudimentary online presence and their websites require careful reassessment with respect to design, content, and user experience. The websites focus primarily on promoting services provided by the hospital rather than engaging and communicating with patients or providing evidence-based information. Conclusions Healthcare organization and website developers should follow best-practices to improve their websites taking into consideration the quality, readability, objectivity, coverage and currency of the information as well as the design of their websites. Hospitals should leverage social media to gain outreach and better engagement with consumers. The websites should be offered in additional languages commonly spoken by people living in Kuwait. Efforts should be made to ensure that health information on hospital websites are evidence-based and checked by healthcare professionals

    Microstructural and mechanical evaluation of post-processed SS 316L manufactured by laser-based powder bed fusion

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    Post-processing is one of the main ways to improve mechanical and microstructural characteristics of stainless steel 316 L fabricated by the laser-based powder bed fusion (LPBF) process. In this study, optimized LPBF parameters were used to manufacture SS316L bars. For the post-processing, two main heat treatment strategies have been used, quenching and tempering, with various heating and dwelling conditions. While micro-CT scanning was used to identify the porosity inside the as-built specimen, the microstructures of both as built and heat-treated specimens were additionally investigated by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The tensile test’s wrought specimens were obtained at various strain rates of 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 s1 A two-dimensional (2D) digital image correlation (DIC) technique and fractography analysis were used to understand the tensile behavior further. The results show that the as-built specimen density level was in the range of 99.993e99.997%, with only extremely small pockets of pores present. The microstructure results show that temperature distribution is the most important factor in the formation of columnar grains (CG). The columnar-shaped grains formed from the edge of the melt pool (MP) in the direction of the laser motion path. The resulting dimensions and form of the cellular structures are presented. The crystal orientation of the specimens was also studied with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The result shows that the fraction of directional grains is relatively small due to a scan rotation and the scanning strategies adopted during the LPBF process. With heating at 1050 C with a dwell time of 40 min, followed by quenching in cold water, smaller grain sizes were obtained, meaning longer grain boundaries and major impediments to dislocation motion, leading to better mechanical properties and fracture characteristics over wrought specimens. The results of EBSD and SEM were also correlated with the 2D DIC test result