20 research outputs found

    Longivitas post ekuilibrasi spermatozoa sapi crossbreed Ongole menggunakan bahan pengencer yang disuplementasi Ekstrak buah merah

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    The use of Papuan red fruit as a supplementation ingredient in diluents is one solution to the high price of diluent raw materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using a diluent supplemented with red fruit extract (RFE) in various levels on the quality of liquid semen of Ongle crossbred cattle during storage at equilibration temperature. The research was conducted in the Animal Health Laboratory of Semangga District and the Independent Laboratory. The research method and design used were a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. This study used 4 diluting treatments, namely P0 = Tris egg yolk (TKT), P1 = (TKT + 0.1 ml RFE), P2 = (TKT + 0.3 ml RFE) and P3 = (TKT + 0.5 ml RFE). Semen was collected using an artificial vagina, immediately after the semen storage was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. The homogenized semen was divided into 4 tubes, then put the semen into the straw as much as 0.25 ml. The next process is equilibration at 5oC for 2, 4, 6, 8 hours and evaluation of spermatozoa longivity is carried out at pots equilibration. The results showed that there was a difference (P <0.05) in the longivity of spermatozoa in P3 treatment against the control. In conclusion, it can be concluded that the red fruit extract supplementation in egg yolk tris diluent was able to maintain spermatozoa longevity.Pemanfaatan buah merah khas papua sebagai bahan suplementasi dalam pengencer merupakan salah satu solusi dari mahalnya harga bahan baku pengencer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pengencer yang disuplementasi Ekstrak buah merah (MBM) dalam berbagai level terhadap kualitas semen cair sapi peranakan ongle selama penyimpanan suhu ekulibrasi. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium kesehatan hewan Distrik Semangga dan Laboratorium Mandiri. Metode penelitian dan rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 perlakuan pengencer yaitu P0 = Tris kuning telur (TKT), P1 = (TKT + 0.1 ml MBM), P2= (TKT + 0.3 ml MBM) dan P3= (TKT + 0.5 ml MBM). Semen dikoleksi menggunakan vagina buatan, sesaat setelah penampungan semen dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Semen yang telah dihomogenkan dibagi kedalam 4 tabung selanjutnya di masukkan semen kedalam straw sebanyak 0.25 ml. Proses selanjutnya adalah ekuilibrasi pada suhu 5oC selama 2, 4, 6, 8  jam dan evaluasi  longivitas spermatozoa dilakukan pada Pots ekuilibrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan (P<0.05) pada longivitas spermatozoa pada perlakuan P3 terhadap Kontrol. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi Ekstrak buah merah dalam pengencer tris kuning telur mampu mempertahankan longvitas spermatozoa

    Performans Reproduksi Sapi Lokal yang Toleran Terhadap Iklim di Merauke

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    Potensi merauke sebagai daerah penghasil sapi potong di kawasan timur Indonesia telah di tetapkan oleh pemerintah, namun perlu adanya kajian lebih lanjut tentang kemampuan produksi dan reproduksi sapi lokal yang tolerans terhadap iklim di merauke. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performas reproduksi sapi lokal di merauke, dewasa kelamin, umur pertama kawin, siklus birahi, lama estrus, lama kebuntingan, kawin kembali setelah beranak dan calving interval. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei secara langsung dan wawancara pada peternak. Data primer diperoleh dari dinas peternakan dan kesehatan hewan kabupaten merauke, sedangkan data sekunder di peroleh dari hasil wawancara dengan inseminator. Data diolah secara statistik menggunakan analisis deskriptif dalam bentuk rata-rata dan standar deviasi dari setiap peubah yang diamati. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling menggunakan sapi sebanyak 90 ekor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan performans reproduksi pada sapi jantan (pubertas) 17,20Ā±0,066 bulan, umur pubertas sapi betina 20.90Ā±0,099 bulan, umur sapi dara pertama kali dikawinkan 24.50Ā±0,008 bulan. Lama bunting anak jantan 278,33Ā±0,011 hari, lama bunting anak betina 274.10,33Ā±0,044 hari. Kawin kembali setelah beranak 129,67Ā±0,397 hari, nilai S/C sapi lokal >1 namun dalam ambang batas normal dan tingkat kematian pedet mencapai 18,04% yang diakibatkan oleh faktor eksternal. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Performa reproduksi pada sapi lokal di merauke dengan keadaan suhu tinggi dalam keadaan normal

    Supplementation of Pandanus conoideus Oil in Cryopreservation Diluents for Maintaining the Semen Quality of Ongole Grade Bull

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    Antioxidants such as tocopherol, Ɵ-carotene, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from red fruit oil of Papua may be used to protect frozen semen. The study is aimed to test the effect of red fruit oil supplementation on motility, viability, and recovery rate of frozen sperm of Ongole-grade bulls. Semen was collected twice a month from eight 4-5-year-old male Ongole grade using an artificial vagina, followed by macro- and microscopical evaluations. Collected semen was divided into four tubes and diluted with tris egg yolk diluents (TEY) as a control, TEY supplemented with 0.5% red fruit oil (RFO) (TEY RFO0.5), TEY supplemented with 1% RFO (TEY RFO1.0), and TEY supplemented with 1.5% RFO (TEY RFO1.5). The diluted semen was then packed into the straw and equilibrated for 2, 4, and 6 h prior to frozen on liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes. The observed variables in this study were sperm motility, sperm viability, and morphology after equilibration, after thawing, and recovery rate. The experimental design is a completely randomized factorial design. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and were further tested using Duncan multiple range test. The results showed that the sperm motility of fresh semen was 81.10Ā±1.42%. The percentage of sperm motility in TEY RFO1.5 treatment at 6 h equilibration was 60.00Ā±1.06%, significantly higher compared to TEY RFO1.0 and TEY RFO0.5. The percentage of post-thawing sperm motility in TEY RFO1.5 treatment was 62.40Ā±1.09%. The best post-thawing sperm viability in TEY RFO1.5 was 80.70Ā±1.20%, significantly increase from the treatment of TEY RFO1.0 and TEY RFO0.5. The recovery rate (RR) for TEY RFO1.5 treatment had the best percentage at 76.94%. In conclusion, RFO supplementation in semen diluents for 2 h of equilibration resulted in the best motility and viability at 0 h of post thawing observation

    Faktor- Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Respon Petani Ternak dalam Budidaya Kerbau sebagai Usaha Tetap

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    Merauke Regency has very good natural potential for the development of agricultural businesses, especially in the livestock sector. The process of improving the livestock sector has been supported by the government, namely a raised livestock program that aims to support the food needs of animal origin can be met from local procurement, one of which is buffalo cattle. The area in Merauke Regency which has quite a large buffalo population is the Kurik District with a total of 144 buffaloes. This study covers all districts in curik which are explorative in nature which are used to collect preliminary data, research data includes quantitative and qualitative data and promer and skunde data. Data analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis. The results showed that 17.39% of livestock farmers strongly agreed that buffalo cattle could be used as a permanent business, while 56.52% of livestock farmers did not agree if buffaloes were used as permanent businesses and 26.09% of livestock farmers did not agree. This is because buffalo livestock farmers only keep buffalo cattle in small quantities and only as savings or savings and grazing land which is increasingly diminishing because it is converted into agricultural land. The conclusion from this study is that not all buffalo breeders are willing to make their business a permanent business, and still rely on businesses in the field of food crops. Keywords: Buffalo cultivation; permanent business; response

    Enhanced predictive optimization of methane dry reforming via ResponseSurface methodology and artificial neural network approaches: insights using a novel nickel-strontium-zirconium-aluminum catalyst

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    This study investigates the molecular dynamics of methane dry reforming catalyzed by a novel nickel-strontium-zirconium-aluminum (5Ni+3Sr/10Zr+Al) catalyst, leveraging both Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) for predictive optimization. Focusing on the impact of operational parametersā€”hourly space velocity, reaction temperature, and CO2:CH4 mole ratioā€”on the conversion rates and formation of reaction components, we aim to predict optimal conditions and corresponding process variables. Through a comparison of a three-layer Feed Forward Neural Network, optimized at a 3:10:1 topology, with traditional RSM approaches, our findings highlight the superior predictive capabilities of ANN models. Notably, ANN demonstrated exceptional performance with R2adjĀ and F_Ratio values significantly surpass those of RSM, alongside lower statistical error terms. This superiority is attributed to ANN's robust handling of nonlinear relationships between inputs and outputs, asserting its potential for enhancing predictive accuracy in chemical process optimization. At optimum predicted conditions like 1 CH4/CO2,750 Ā°C reaction temperature, 12000 cm3gāˆ’1hāˆ’1 space velocity, NiSrZrAl outperformed with &gt; 85 % CH4 and CO2 conversion with H2/CO āˆ¼1 up to 20 h time on stream. Our research underscores the importance of integrating advanced modeling techniques for the efficient and accurate prediction of catalytic reactions, offering valuable insights for future applications in chemical engineering and catalysis.<br/