9 research outputs found

    Cortical thickness of the insula and prefrontal cortex relates to externalizing behavior: Cross-sectional and prospective findings

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    Externalizing behaviors (EBs) pertain to a diverse set of aggressive, antisocial, and potentially destructive behaviors directed toward the external environment. They range from nonclinical to clinical in severity, associated with opposition, aggression, hyperactivity, or impulsivity, and are considered a risk factor for the emergence of psychopathology later in adulthood. Focusing on community adolescents (N = 102; 49 female and 53 male adolescents; age range 12-19 years), this study aimed to explore the relations between EBs and the cortical thickness of regions of interest as well as to identify possible risk markers that could improve understanding of the EB construct. Using a mixed cross-sectional and prospective design (1-year follow-up), we report specific associations with cortical thickness of the left insular, right orbitofrontal, and left anterior cingulate cortex. Specifically, thinner left insular and right orbitofrontal cortex was associated with higher EBs, and thinner left anterior cingulate cortex predicted less reduction in EBs 1 year later. In addition, further examination of the aggression and rule-breaking subscales of the Youth/Adult Self-Report, used to assess EBs, revealed specific associations with insular subregions. Findings suggest that cortical structure morphology may significantly relate to the expression and maintenance of EBs within the general population of adolescents

    Mentalization-based treatment in clinical high risk for psychosis: A rationale and clinical illustration

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    Developmental clinical research in recent years has highlighted the value treating psychotic disorders at the earliest stage to reduce long-term morbidity. It is now suggested that treatment during the clinical high risk states (CHR), preceding by 1 to 4 years the onset of psychotic disorders, may delay or prevent the onset of psychosis, and contribute to a more positive prognosis. In this article, we wish to provide a rationale and clinical illustration of mentalization-based treatment (MBT) as an indicated preventive treatment for CHR. We will first review the notion of high-risk for psychosis, providing a trans-theoretical developmental framework for conceptualizing the clinical progression from sub-clinical towards clinical psychotic states. Second, we address the commonalities and differences between the constructs of mentalization and metacognition, and discuss their relevance in preventive psychotherapeutic treatment for CHR. Thirdly, we provide a clinical illustration of MBT to emerging psychosis. Finally, we conclude by discussing the specific contributions of MBT approach in youths at CHR, and the necessary research for evaluating its relevance in the context of risk for developing psychosis

    Attachment, Neurobiology, and Mentalizing along the Psychosis Continuum.

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    In this review article, we outline the evidence linking attachment adversity to psychosis, from the premorbid stages of the disorder to its clinical forms. To better understand the neurobiological mechanisms through which insecure attachment may contribute to psychosis, we identify at least five neurobiological pathways linking attachment to risk for developing psychosis. Besides its well documented influence on the hypothalamic-pituary-adrenal (HPA) axis, insecure attachment may also contribute to neurodevelopmental risk through the dopaminergic and oxytonergic systems, as well as bear influence on neuroinflammation and oxidative stress responses. We further consider the neuroscientific and behavioral studies that underpin mentalization as a suite of processes potentially moderating the risk to transition to psychotic disorders. In particular, mentalization may help the individual compensate for endophenotypical impairments in the integration of sensory and metacognitive information. We propose a model where embodied mentalization would lie at the core of a protective, resilience response mitigating the adverse and potentially pathological influence of the neurodevelopmental cascade of risk for psychosis

    Remote access to an expert system for infectious diseases

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    An expert-system antibiotic information database was developed in order to help non-specialist doctors to choose the appropriate treatment for patients with infectious diseases. Fifty doctors conducted a pilot trial of the database, using modem access and the telephone network. During an eight-month study period, 1053 queries were received. The range of duration of the queries was 130-350 s. Of the queries, 473 (45%) were for particular patients with an infectious disease. The response rate to a questionnaire mailed out to the users at the end of the project was 100%. All doctors, even those who had limited experience with computers, found it easy to understand and to use the database

    Efficacy of a triage system to reduce length of hospital stay

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    BackgroundAttempts have been made to improve the efficiency of in-patient acute care. A novel method has been the development of a ‘triage system’ in which patients are assessed on admission to develop plans for discharge or transfer to an in-patient ward.AimsTo compare a triage admission system with a traditional system.MethodLength of stay and readmission data for all admissions in a 1-year period between the two systems were compared using the participating trust's anonymised records.ResultsDespite reduced length of stay on the actual triage ward, the average length of stay was not reduced and the triage system did not lead to a greater number of readmissions. There was no significant difference in costs between the two systems.ConclusionsBased on our findings we cannot conclude that the triage system reduced length of stay, but we can conclude that it does not increase the number of readmissions as some have feared.</jats:sec

    The role of mentalizing in the relationship between schizotypal personality traits and state signs of psychosis risk captured by cognitive and perceptive basic symptoms.

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    Schizotypal traits and disturbances in mentalizing (the capacity to understand the mental states driving one's own and others' behaviors) have been implicated in increased vulnerability for psychosis. Therefore, we explored the associations linking schizotypal traits, mentalizing difficulties and their interactions to clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR-P), as captured by the Basic Symptoms (BS) approach, during adolescence and young adulthood. Eighty-seven adolescents and young adults from the general population (46% male, 44% female; age: 14-23 years) were assessed with the Schizophrenia Proneness Interview (SPI-CY/A) for 11 perceptive and cognitive BS, with the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) for schizotypal traits, and with the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ) for self-reported mentalizing abilities. The RFQ evaluates the level of certainty (RFQc scale) and uncertainty (RFQu scale) with which individuals use mental state information to explain their own and others' behaviors. Logistic regression models showed significant positive effects of the SPQ disorganization scale on perceptive BS and of the SPQ interpersonal scale on cognitive BS. Post-hoc analyses revealed that schizotypal features pertaining to odd speech and social anxiety, respectively, were associated with perceptive and cognitive BS. Furthermore, higher scores on the RFQu scale and lower scores on the RFQc scale independently explained the presence of cognitive BS. Finally, significant interaction effects between RFQc and SPQ odd speech on perceptive BS, and between RFQc and SPQ social anxiety on cognitive BS were found. Our findings suggest that schizotypal traits and mentalizing significantly relate both independently and through their interactions to the presence of cognitive and perceptive BS included in CHR-P criteria. Furthermore, mentalizing dysfunction may contribute in the relation between schizotypal traits and early state signs of CHR-P. Mentalizing may support both detection and early treatment of CHR-P among adolescents and young adults who present with trait risk for psychosis