1,013 research outputs found

    Implementing Neuro Linguistic Programming (Nlp) in Changing Students' Behavior: Research Done at Islamic Universities in Aceh

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    The students of Islamic Universities have learned many Islamic books and knowledge. They should behave honestly in the examination because Islam teaches them to be honest. However, it is found that there are students, especially from Islamic Teaching Department, who cheat in the exam. Their knowledge about religion does not affect their attitude and behavior. So, the researcher wants to implement some of NLP techniques and models during the final exam to see if cheating activities done by the students reduced. Before they start doing the exam, the researcher built the rapport with them, and then said something by using certain words that affect their subconscious mind or called hypnotic language patterns. If this massage becomes the program in their mind, it will change their behavior in exam. After implementing some of NLP techniques or models, it shows that the frequency of cheating can be reduced drastically

    Implementing Neuro Linguistic Programming (Nlp) in Changing Students' Behavior: Research Done at Islamic Universities in Aceh

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    The students of Islamic Universities have learned many Islamic books and knowledge. They should behave honestly in the examination because Islam teaches them to be honest. However, it is found that there are students, especially from Islamic Teaching Department, who cheat in the exam. Their knowledge about religion does not affect their attitude and behavior. So, the researcher wants to implement some of NLP techniques and models during the final exam to see if cheating activities done by the students reduced. Before they start doing the exam, the researcher built the rapport with them, and then said something by using certain words that affect their subconscious mind or called hypnotic language patterns. If this massage becomes the program in their mind, it will change their behavior in exam. After implementing some of NLP techniques or models, it shows that the frequency of cheating can be reduced drastically

    Evaluating Built-in ECC of FPGA on-chip Memories for the Mitigation of Undervolting Faults

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    Voltage underscaling below the nominal level is an effective solution for improving energy efficiency in digital circuits, e.g., Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). However, further undervolting below a safe voltage level and without accompanying frequency scaling leads to timing related faults, potentially undermining the energy savings. Through experimental voltage underscaling studies on commercial FPGAs, we observed that the rate of these faults exponentially increases for on-chip memories, or Block RAMs (BRAMs). To mitigate these faults, we evaluated the efficiency of the built-in Error-Correction Code (ECC) and observed that more than 90% of the faults are correctable and further 7% are detectable (but not correctable). This efficiency is the result of the single-bit type of these faults, which are then effectively covered by the Single-Error Correction and Double-Error Detection (SECDED) design of the built-in ECC. Finally, motivated by the above experimental observations, we evaluated an FPGA-based Neural Network (NN) accelerator under low-voltage operations, while built-in ECC is leveraged to mitigate undervolting faults and thus, prevent NN significant accuracy loss. In consequence, we achieve 40% of the BRAM power saving through undervolting below the minimum safe voltage level, with a negligible NN accuracy loss, thanks to the substantial fault coverage by the built-in ECC.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Econometric Analysis of Foreign Reserves and Some Macroeconomic Variables in Nigeria (1970–2007)∗

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    Countries are showing interest in accumulating foreign reserves to ensure macroeconomic stability. There has been some debate whether to beef up the level of nations’ foreign reserves or make it lower, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. Whereas some argue that the foreign reserve determines the country’s rating in the global market, others hold opposing views. In this light, this paper examined the interactive influence of foreign reserve (FRS) on some macroeconomic variables such as: economic size (GDP); trade; level of capital inflows (KFL); exchange rate (EXR); and inflation. Analyzing secondary data from CBN statistical bulletins (1970–2007), the econometric results obtained from cointegration test, vector error correction (VEC) within the framework of autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) revealed the following: (1) existence of a longrun relationship between the variables and two cointegrating equations; (2) possibility of convergence of the variables from the short run to the long run with slow speed of adjustment. It is thus the conclusion of this paper that accumulation of large foreign reserves is not very productive in Nigeria due to its inability to induce some of the macroeconomic variables


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    Abstrak: Penggunaan radiasi pengion dalam bidang kedokteransemakin mengalami peningkatan terutamapada pemeriksaan diagnostik, radioterapi, serta intervensi non-bedah. Teknik diagnosis dan intervensi non-bedah seperti fluoroskopi, radiologi dan kardiologi intervensi menghasilkan dosis radiasi yang tinggi tidak hanya pada pasien tetapi juga pada pekerja medis. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melakukan pemantauan kondisi lingkungan kerja pada kegiatan medis tersebut untuk melindungi pekerja dari efek kesehatan jangka panjang akibat paparan radiasi. Pemantauan efek langsung pada makhluk hidup akibat paparan radiasi pengion hampir jarang dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi lingkungan kerja rumah sakit yang terpaparradiasi pengion menggunakanAllium cepa sebagai bioindikator. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung padaempat (4) lokasi yaitu ruang periksa dan operator pada tindakan kardiologi intervensi, ruang periksa dan operator tindakan fluoroskopi,ruang operator tindakan CT-Scandanradioterapi.Bioindikator ditempatkan pada masing-masing ruang tindakan tersebut. Efek yang dilihat pada tanaman A. cepa adalah indeks mitotikdan aberasi kromosom. Hasil perhitungan dosis radiasi pada semua ruang operator di keempat lokasi studi masih berada di bawah nilai ambang batas, begitu pula dengan nilai rerata indeks mitotik dan aberasi kromosom yang dapat dikatakan tidak bersifat toksik terhadap sel A. cepa.Sementara itu dosis radiasi pada ruang periksa kardiologi intervensi berada di atas ambang batas, hal ini pun sejalan dengan nilai indeks mitotik dan aberasi kromosom yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan kurva dosis-respon, hubungan antara dosis akumulasi terhadap persentase indeks mitotik dan aberasi kromosom bersifat logaritmik dengan nilai korelasi (R2) yang tinggi yaitu berturut-turut 0,862 dan 0,933


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    Abstrak : Fitoremediasi merupakan salah satu metode alternatif yang aman dan cukup efektif dalam memperbaiki kualitas air. Salah satu tanaman yang dapat digunakan dalam proses fitoremediasi ialah tanaman Kiapu (Pistia stratiotes). Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui serapan Cu oleh tanaman kiapu (Pistia stratiotes) dalam air serta apakah kerapatan tanaman berpengaruh pada serapan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat model perairan kontrol dan tercemar. Pada model kontrol, media yang digunakan ialah air ledeng yang telah diaerasi sementara pada model tercemar media yang digunakan ialah air ledeng yang telah diaerasi dan dikontaminasi Cu dengan konsentrasi 0,0196 mg/l, 0,0228 mg/l dan 0,0226 mg/l. Variasi kerapatan tanaman yang dilakukan ialah 30 mg/cm2 (kerapatan 1), 40 mg/cm2 (kerapatan 2), dan 50 mg/cm2 (kerapatan 3). Pengukuran konsentrasi logam pada tanaman dan air dilakukan pada hari ke 0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 dan 20. Metode analisis logam berat yang dilakukan meliputi ekstraksi logam berat dan pengukuran dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini ialah terjadi penurunan konsentrasi logam Cu pada air dengan konsentrasi terendah terjadi pada hari ke 10 untuk model tercemar kerapatan 1 dan pada hari ke 15 untuk model tercemar kerapatan 2 dan 3. Akumulasi logam berat lebih banyak terdapat di bagian akar. Melalui uji T-berpasangan, disimpulkan bahwa variasi kerapatan yang dilakukan tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dalam serapan  logam Cu. Besarnya faktor biokonsentrasi dalam penelitian berkisar antara 1246,153 l/kg hingga 48014,95 l/kg mengindikasikan bahwa Kiapu merupakan tanaman hiperakumulator yang baik.Abstract : Phytoremediation is one of the alternative methods which is safe and effective enough in improving water quality. One of the plants that can be use in phytoremediation process is Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes). Research has been conducted to determine the Cu absorbtion by water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and the influence of plant density on the absorbtion. Research was done by creating control and polluted water models. In the control model, the media used is tap water that has been aerated. Meanwhile, in the polluted water model, the media used is tap water that has been aerated and contaminated with Cu with a concentration of 0.0196 mg/ l, 0.0228 mg/ l and 0.0226 mg/l. Plant density variations that conducted are 30 mg/cm2 (density 1), 40 mg/cm2 (density 2) and 50 mg/cm2 (density 3). Measurement of metal concentrations in plants and water carried out on day 0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20. Methods of heavy metal analysis consist of the heavy metal extraction and measurement by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Results obtained from this research are the decreasing of Cu concentration on the water with the lowest concentrations occurred at day 10 to polluted water model-density 1 and on day 15 to polluted water model-density 2 and polluted water model-density 3. Accumulations of heavy metals are more numerous in the root. Through a paired T-test, concluded that the density variations of Pistia stratiotes do not affect significantly on the absorption of Cu. The amount of bioconcentration factor in the study ranged from 1246,153 l/kg up to 48014,948 l/kg indicates that Pistia stratiotes is a good  hyperaccumulator plant.Keywords: Bioconcentration Factor; Cu; Phytoremediation; Pistia stratiotes; Plant densit