70 research outputs found

    An unusual intracardiac foreign body

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    Impact of the age on early embryonic mortality (EEM) and embryo quality in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)

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    Die vorliegende Studie über den Alterseinfluß bei der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) besteht aus drei Hauptteilen. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit den Charakteristiken des Spermathekeninhalts alter und junger Bienenköniginnen. Im zweiten Teil geht es um die Auswirkungen des maternalen Alters auf die embryonale Mortalität und die juvenile Entwicklung der Brut. Im dritten Studienteil werden die Auswirkungen der Verweildauer in der Spermatheca auf die embryonale Mortalität, Embryonenqualität und Larvenentwicklung der Nachkommen untersucht. Der Samen aus den Spermatheken älterer Bienen weist andere Bewegungsmuster, eine geringere Geschwindigkeit und eine anderen Enzymaktivität auf als der Samen, der aus den Spermatheken junger Königinnen gewonnen wurde. Ein altersbedingtes Nachlassen der Fertlität ist daraus zu erklären. Im Laufe von zwei Jahren wurde die embryonale Entwicklung und das Larvenwachstum von Nachkommen unterschiedlich alter Königinnen untersucht (2-jährige bis frisch begattete Königinnen). Ältere Königinnen legten kleinere Eier und deren Nachkommen zeigten eine signifikant höhere Mortalitätsrate und kleinere Entwicklungsstadien als die Nachkommen jüngerer Königinnen. In einer weiteren Studie wurde die embryonale Mortalität und die Embryonalentwicklung von Nachkommen, die aus älteren Samen entstanden, untersucht. Dabei wurde der Samen aus den Spermatheken von alten und jungen begatteten Königin entnommen und jungfräuliche Königinnen übertragen. um das Alter der Königin auszugleichen. Bei der Untersuchung wurde eine höhere embryonale Mortalität und generell, zu gewissen Entwicklungszeiten signifikant, kleine Entwicklungsstadien bei den Königinnen festgestellt, die mit dem älteren Samen befruchtet wurden. Der relative Anteil an früher und später embryonaler Mortalität war auch zwischen den beiden Spermien-Alterlassen signifikant unterschiedlich. Die insgesamt hohe embryonale Mortalität auch in der Kontrollgruppe (Königinnen besamt mit Sperma aus den Spermathecen junger Königinnen) belegt, dass die Methode der Samenextraktion und Reinsemination einen großen Einfluß auf die Embryonalentwicklung hatte. Auch das Phänomen „leerer Eier“, welches in beiden Gruppen in gleicher Frequenz vorgefunden wurde, ist möglicherweise durch diese Methode bedingt.This study on the honey bee, Apis mellifera, consists of three major parts. The first involves the characteristics of the spermathecal content of old and young honey bee queen. The second examines maternal age effects on embryonic mortality and juvenile development of offspring in the honey bee. The third investigates on the impact of semen age on early embryonic mortality, embryo quality and larvae development in the honey bee. Semen collected from the spermatheca of old queen bees show different sperm movement patterns and slower speed than sperm from the spermathecae of young queens. This ability is possibly related to different enzyme activities and metabolisms found in the spermathecal contents of differently aged queens. The embryonic development and larval growth rate have been examined with regard to queen honey bees of different ages (2-year-old to freshly mated queens) during two years (2005 and 2006). Early embryonic mortality “EEM” has been found to be higher within the eggs from old queens than in those from younger queens. Egg volume, consequently embryo size, reduces as queen’s age. A further investigates embryonic mortality in offspring originating from older semen. This has been carried out by extracting the semen from the spermatheca of an old or/and young mated queen and re-inseminating it into a virgin queen, in order to adjust for queen age. The investigation show higher embryonic mortality in the offspring from virgin queens inseminated with semen extracted from older queens than with semen from younger queens. The relative percentage of early and late embryonic mortality within the groups was different between queens re-inseminated with aged semen. High embryonic mortality in the control semen ages may be affected by the method of extracting from semen out of the spermatheca and re-inseminating it into a virgin queen. Empty egg phenomenon, which has been found in both groups, may be related to this techniqu

    Aortic remodelling in Fabry disease

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    Aims To evaluate thoracic aortic dilation in patients with Fabry disease (FD). Methods and results A cohort of 106 patients with FD (52 males; 54 females) from three European centres were studied. The diameter of the thoracic aorta was assessed at three levels (sinus of Valsalva, ascending aorta, and descending aorta) using echocardiograms and cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. Aortic dilation at the sinus of Valsalva was found in 32.7% of males and 5.6% of females; aneurysms were present in 9.6% of males and 1.9% of females. No aortic dilation was observed in the descending aorta. There was no correlation between aortic diameter at the sinus of Valsalva and cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusion Fabry disease should be considered as a cardiovascular disease that affects the heart and arterial vasculature, including the thoracic aorta. Thus, patients with FD should be closely monitored for the presence, and possible progression and complications of aortic dilation. Clinical Trial Registration: Protocol 101/01. Ethics committee, Faculty of Medicine, Lausann

    Acute Pulmonary Embolism in COVID-19: A Potential Connection between Venous Congestion and Thrombus Distribution

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    BACKGROUND: Vascular abnormalities, including venous congestion (VC) and pulmonary embolism (PE), have been recognized as frequent COVID-19 imaging patterns and proposed as severity markers. However, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we aimed to characterize the relationship between VC, PE distribution, and alveolar opacities (AO). METHODS: This multicenter observational registry (clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT04824313) included 268 patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection and subjected to contrast-enhanced CT between March and June 2020. Acute PE was diagnosed in 61 (22.8%) patients, including 17 females (27.9%), at a mean age of 61.7 ± 14.2 years. Demographic, laboratory, and outcome data were retrieved. We analyzed CT images at the segmental level regarding VC (qualitatively and quantitatively [diameter]), AO (semi-quantitatively as absent, <50%, or >50% involvement), clot location, and distribution related to VC and AO. Segments with vs. without PE were compared. RESULTS: Out of 411 emboli, 82 (20%) were lobar or more proximal and 329 (80%) were segmental or subsegmental. Venous diameters were significantly higher in segments with AO (p = 0.031), unlike arteries (p = 0.138). At the segmental level, 77% of emboli were associated with VC. Overall, PE occurred in 28.2% of segments with AO vs. 21.8% without (p = 0.047). In the absence of VC, however, AO did not affect PE rates (p = 0.94). CONCLUSIONS: Vascular changes predominantly affected veins, and most PEs were located in segments with VC. In the absence of VC, AOs were not associated with the PE rate. VC might result from increased flow supported by the hypothesis of pulmonary arteriovenous anastomosis dysregulation as a relevant contributing factor

    Vascular Abnormalities Detected with Chest CT in COVID-19: Spectrum, Association with Parenchymal Lesions, Cardiac Changes, and Correlation with Clinical Severity (COVID-CAVA Study)

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    Although vascular abnormalities are thought to affect coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients’ outcomes, they have not been thoroughly characterized in large series of unselected patients. The Swiss national registry coronavirus-associated vascular abnormalities (CAVA) is a multicentric cohort of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection who underwent a clinically indicated chest computed tomography (CT) aiming to assess the prevalence, severity, distribution, and prognostic value of vascular and non-vascular-related CT findings. Clinical outcomes, stratified as outpatient treatment, inpatient without mechanical ventilation, inpatient with mechanical ventilation, or death, will be correlated with CT and biological markers. The main objective is to assess the prevalence of cardiovascular abnormalities–including pulmonary embolism (PE), cardiac morphology, and vascular congestion. Secondary objectives include the predictive value of cardiovascular abnormalities in terms of disease severity and fatal outcome and the association of lung inflammation with vascular abnormalities at the segmental level. New quantitative approaches derived from CT imaging are developed and evaluated in this study. Patients with and without vascular abnormalities will be compared, which is supposed to provide insights into the prognostic role and potential impact of such signs on treatment strategy. Results are expected to enable the development of an integrative score combining both clinical data and imaging findings to predict outcomes