576 research outputs found

    When Instability Becomes Permanent: Uncertainty in the Labor Market as a Determinant of Redistribution Preferences

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    Treballs Finals del Màster d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2018, Tutor : Pilar Sorribas NavarroAlthough existing research reveals interesting relations explaining redistribution demand, little is known about the impact of the contract type and the macroeconomic context in shaping redistribution preferences of individuals. We analyze the Spanish dual labor market to provide causal evidence of the effect of temporal contracts in determining preferences for redistribution. To do so, exact matching is applied to Spanish data from the European Social Survey for the period 2002-2014. Furthermore, we analyze the heterogeneous effect of the contract type by studying the impact of the economic crisis starting in 2008. Our results give causal support to the insurance theory by showing that the fact of holding a temporal contract increases preferences for redistribution. Nevertheless, this effect disappears when the effect of the adverse macroeconomic context is considered. The riskier economic context makes risk perception of individuals holding permanent contracts increase, which results in stronger demand for redistribution. This macroeconomic effect determining preferences for redistribution appears to be stronger than the individual determinant of holding a specific contract type

    El TAC a Granollers o l'artesania de fer teatre

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    Les Escoles en el temps de la guerra : l'aplicació del CENU a l'ensenyament primari a Granollers 1936-1939 = Schools in wartime : Applying the CENU (Council for New Unified Schools) in Granollers during the Civil War (1936-39)

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    Com que les escoles han definit un dels models de ciutadania, he agafat aquest punt de referència per explorar en l'educació del primer terç del segle XX a la ciutat de Granollers, capital del Vallès Oriental. Amb l'esclat de la Guerra Civil es va reorganitzar aquest model de participació de la ciutadania en un dels aparells de gestió: l'escola. Calia elaborar la descripció del sistema escolar previ al conflicte bèl·lic; així es podrien percebre les actuacions aplicades durant la reforma del model educatiu que corresponia una nova orientació de la societat civil. L'aplicació del CENU a les escoles de la ciutat fou un fet que va canviar el mapa escolar de la ciutat i l'orientació laboral del professorat. A l'article es poden llegir les línies d'actuació seguides a Granollers. La naturalesa de les reformes correspon a les propostes d'higiene, salubritat i pedagogia proposades des de l'escola nova. En l'àmbit del professorat no es va notar pràcticament cap canvi a les escoles regides per l'Estat. Els mestres de les escoles tancades s'adaptaren al nou ordre social i laboral del CENU i hi hagué moviment en el professorat, motivat per desplaçaments a d'altres poblacions, per trasllat al front de guerra, per jubilació i per defunció. Exposades les característiques del CENU a Granollers, es veu que es van aplicar les quatre accions plantejades en la seva totalitat. El professorat dels grups escolars va seguir amb els nomenaments oficials; els que no tenien titulació van passar pel règim d'oposicions prescrit. Tot aquest procés adquirí relleu, però unit com anava al procés de guerra, va sofrir un desgast progressiu en la societat civil, que patia a la rereguarda les migradeses i la inestabilitat de la Guerra Civil; ambdós fets va contribuir, de manera progressiva l'absentisme escolar.In wartime, schools provide testimony about the daily life in small cities such as Granollers, which acquired the title of city in 1927, due to the fact that it could offer its inhabitants secondary school education. At that time, the life style in this progressively industrial city was based on agriculture and characterised by humbleness and hard work. In addition, the city was also involved in developing secular and social concepts that, when combined together during the nineteenth century, resulted in different school models. The city grew during the first third of the twentieth century and its pace of life increased in step with factories, potteries, the marketplace and trade. This practically ancient order, structured partly by the rhythm of the four seasons, was disrupted by a military coup d’état that took place in July 1936 and a social revolution that changed an exemplary citizenship model related to children’s education and acquiring knowledge. Schools changed as a result of a remarkable teaching philosophy that sought to regenerate and improve society, make the most of children’s abilities and build a new society by means of a single, public, secular and Catalan school. Applying the CENU (the Council for New Unified Schools) to the city’s schools changed the educational profile of the city and the career orientation of its teaching staff. The lines of action followed in Granollers can be found in the article. The nature of the reforms is related to proposals for hygiene, health, and teaching put forward by the New School. There were practically no changes in State-run schools in terms of teaching staff. Teachers from schools that had been closed adapted to the CENU’s new social and working order and there was a high turnover of teaching staff because of transfers to other towns, deployment to the front, retirement and death. However, during the Civil War this small and really quite anonymous city, where people led a simple life, became a focal point of the war. On 31 May 1938, the civilian population in the city of Granollers were bombed while going about their daily business: children on their way to school, adults off to work or heading for the ration queue in search of food to keep them in life and limb. This attack against the population threw daily life into turmoil, reducing houses and part of the Porxada to rubble. One teacher was killed when a school was hit. Children had been playing in the Plaça de Can Sínia on their way to school when the bombing began and some were injured by the blasts. The resulting upheaval lasted until the end of the war, severely compromising teaching practices and causing a high rate of school absenteeism. Unfortunately, then, the CENU’s regeneration principles disappeared shortly after they had been introduced. Many years were to go by before the city could emerge from being under the shadow of Franco

    Granollers, Ciutat Educadora

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    Electrothermally actuated RF MEMS switches suspended on a low-resistivity substrate

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    This paper presents an electrothermally actuated lateral resistive-contact switch for application to low-gigahertz-band communication systems. It was manufactured on a standard low-resistivity substrate, and its RF performance was improved by suspending the structures 25 μm from the substrate, which is a strategy for future integration with active devices in the system-on-chip concept. Measured insertion losses are−0.26 dB at 1 GHz and −0.65 dB at 6 GHz, return losses are −29 dB at 1 GHz and −25 dB at 6 GHz, and isolations are −52 dB at 1 GHz and −26 dB at 6 GHz. The device is driven by a metal electrothermal actuator, which achieves large displacements and contact forces at much lower temperatures than traditional polysilicon electrothermal actuators. The RF power handling characteristics are also addressed and measured.Peer Reviewe
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