4,879 research outputs found

    Spacetime geometries and light trapping in travelling refractive index perturbations

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    In the framework of transformation optics, we show that the propagation of a locally superluminal refractive index perturbation (RIP) in a Kerr medium can be described, in the eikonal approximation, by means of a stationary metric, which we prove to be of Gordon type. Under suitable hypotheses on the RIP, we obtain a stationary but not static metric, which is characterized by an ergosphere and by a peculiar behaviour of the geodesics, which are studied numerically, also accounting for material dispersion. Finally, the equation to be satisfied by an event horizon is also displayed and briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum radiation from superluminal refractive index perturbations

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    We analyze in detail photon production induced by a superluminal refractive index perturbation in realistic experimental operating conditions. The interaction between the refractive index perturbation and the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field leads to the production of photon pairs.Comment: 4 page

    Bimagnon studies in cuprates with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the O K edge. II - The doping effect in La2-xSrxCuO4

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    We present RIXS data at O K edge from La2-xSrxCuO4 vs. doping between x=0.10 and x=0.22 with attention to the magnetic excitations in the Mid-Infrared region. The sampling done by RIXS is the same as in the undoped cuprates provided the excitation is at the first pre-peak induced by doping. Note that this excitation energy is about 1.5 eV lower than that needed to see bimagnons in the parent compound. This approach allows the study of the upper region of the bimagnon continuum around 450 meV within about one third of the Brilluoin Zone around \Gamma. The results show the presence of damped bimagnons and of higher even order spin excitations with almost constant spectral weight at all the dopings explored here. The implications on high Tc studies are briefly addressed

    Reply to Comment on: Hawking radiation from ultrashort laser pulse filaments

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    A comment by R. Schutzhold et al. raises possible concerns and questions regarding recent measurements of analogue Hawking radiation. We briefly reply to the opinions expressed in the comment and sustain that the origin of the radiation may be understood in terms of Hawking emission

    Application of a model for the evaluation of the \u201cVisitor Satisfaction\u201d in a nature reserve of South Italy

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    The protected natural area represents an important resource because from it sustainable and long-lasting social and economic development processes can start. In fact, the conservation of biodiversity can help create economic values by using natural capital which, if properly valorised, can help the momentum of local sustainable development and create diffuse welfare in terms of employment and income. To such a purpose, the evaluation both of the demand by those who enjoy the services of a protected area and of the level of satisfaction that visitors draw from their experience becomes a priority. The present study aims at investigating the behaviour and the preferences of the visitors to a protected natural area by means of the application of a \u201cVisitor Satisfaction\u201d model, in order to provide the managing institution and the local stakeholders with a method for the evaluation of the services offered, and in particular those services that directly concern the recreational function. The model has been implemented in the Riserva Naturale Orientata \u201cFoce del Fiume Belice e dune limitrofe\u201d, which is part of the provinces of Agrigento and Trapani in the Region of Sicilia (Sicily, South Italy). Our hope is that it can be extended to other protected areas

    Anisotropic interactions opposing magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Sr3_3NiIrO6_6

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    We report our investigation of the electronic and magnetic excitations of Sr3_3NiIrO6_6 by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Ir L3_3 edge. The intra-t2gt_{2g} electronic transitions are analyzed using an atomic model, including spin-orbit coupling and trigonal distortion of the IrO6_6 octahedron, confronted to {\it ab initio} quantum chemistry calculations. The Ir spin-orbital entanglement is quantified and its implication on the magnetic properties, in particular in inducing highly anisotropic magnetic interactions, is highlighted. These are included in the spin-wave model proposed to account for the dispersionless magnetic excitation that we observe at 90 meV. By counterbalancing the strong Ni2+^{2+} easy-plane anisotropy that manifests itself at high temperature, the anisotropy of the interactions finally leads to the remarkable easy-axis magnetism reported in this material at low temperature

    Il macello come strumento del monitoraggio aziendale

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    Sono stati considerati i diversi schemi disponibili per il monitoraggio al macello di alcune patologie ad elevato impatto economico in suinicoltura, e discussa l\u2019effettiva applicabilit\ue0 al sistema di produzione del suino pesante italiano. Per quanto riguarda in particolare la malattia respiratoria, si pu\uf2 considerare il macello come un ambito di grande rilevanza per l\u2019approvvigionamento di dati oggettivi ed aggiornati. Tuttavia, solo un veterinario provvisto delle indispensabili conoscenze anatomo- patologiche, e che abbia svolto un idoneo percorso formativo, pu\uf2 eseguire una valutazione corretta delle diverse fasi evolutive delle lesioni indotte da una determinata malattia; diversamente, \ue8 possibile che le informazioni raccolte non siano corrispondenti alla realt\ue0 d\u2019allevamento, o addirittura fuorvianti rispetto al reale stato sanitario della produzione

    Highly effective and isotropic pinning in epitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films grown on CaF2 substrates

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    We report on the isotropic pinning obtained in epitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films grown on CaF2 (001) substrate. High critical current density values larger than 1 MA/cm2 in self field in liquid helium are reached together with a very weak dependence on the magnetic field and a complete isotropy. Analysis through Transmission Electron Microscopy evidences the presence of defects looking like lattice disorder at a very small scale, between 5 and 20 nm, which are thought to be responsible for such isotropic behavior in contrast to what observed on SrTiO3, where defects parallel to the c-axis enhance pinning in that directio

    Bimagnon studies in cuprates with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the O K edge. I - An assessment on La2CuO4 and a comparison with the excitation at Cu L3 and Cu K edges

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    We assess the capabilities of magnetic Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) at the O KK edge in undoped cuprates by taking La_{2}CuO_{4} as a benchmark case, based on a series of RIXS measurements that we present here. By combining the experimental results with basic theory we point out the fingerprints of bimagnon in the O KK edge RIXS spectra. These are a dominant peak around 450 meV, the almost complete absence of dispersion both with π\pi and σ\sigma polarization and the almost constant intensity vs. the transferred momentum with σ\sigma polarization. This behavior is quite different from Cu L3L_3 edge RIXS giving a strongly dispersing bimagnon tending to zero at the center of the Brillouin zone. This is clearly shown by RIXS measurements at the Cu L3L_3 edge that we present. The Cu L3L_3 bimagnon spectra and those at Cu KK edge - both from the literature and from our data - however, have the same shape. These similarities and differences are understood in terms of different sampling of the bimagnon continuum. This panorama points out the unique possibilities offered by O KK RIXS in the study of magnetic excitations in cuprates near the center of the BZ

    Multiple double-exchange mechanism by Mn2+^{2+}-doping in manganite compounds

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    Double-exchange mechanisms in RE1x_{1-x}AEx_{x}MnO3_{3} manganites (where RE is a trivalent rare-earth ion and AE is a divalent alkali-earth ion) relies on the strong exchange interaction between two Mn3+^{3+} and Mn4+^{4+} ions through interfiling oxygen 2p states. Nevertheless, the role of RE and AE ions has ever been considered "silent" with respect to the DE conducting mechanisms. Here we show that a new path for DE-mechanism is indeed possible by partially replacing the RE-AE elements by Mn2+^{2+}-ions, in La-deficient Lax_{x}MnO3δ_{3-\delta} thin films. X-ray absorption spectroscopy demonstrated the relevant presence of Mn2+^{2+} ions, which is unambiguously proved to be substituted at La-site by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering. Mn2+^{2+} is proved to be directly correlated to the enhanced magneto-transport properties because of an additional hopping mechanism trough interfiling Mn2+^{2+}-ions, theoretically confirmed by calculations within the effective single band model. The very idea to use Mn2+^{2+} both as a doping element and an ions electronically involved in the conduction mechanism, has never been foreseen, revealing a new phenomena in transport properties of manganites. More important, such a strategy might be also pursed in other strongly correlated materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure