403 research outputs found

    La Restauración de la réplica de la Galera Real

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    Breu historial del consell municipal d'Olot i la trajectòria artesana dels olotins, en els seus orígens

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    Cercar les arrels del passat en les fermes bases que ens reserven els fons documentals, en espera que la realitat sorgeixi de la nebulosa del temps; heus ací un dels més íntims i afermats propòsits. Servar i reviure moments històrics, antics i bells costums i tradicions de la nostra terra. Tanmateix, les seculars arrels del passat poden convertir-se en quelcom de viu i palpitant per a la història i cultura dels pobles.El present treball serà una ampliació d'un altre publicat en el setmanari local "La Garrotxa" - Navidad 1.978; aquesta vegada, però, amb la introducció d'altres documents inèdits, confio omplir buits, posar noves fites a la Història del nostre poble, aprofundir molt especialment en la coneixença de la tradició laboral olotina

    The quality of urban air in Barcelona: a new approach applying compositional data analysis methods

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    The main goal of this paper is to go some steps further to improve the understanding and manageability of air quality. Quality of atmospheric air in large cities is a matter of great importance because of its impact on the environment and on the health of the population. Recently, measures restricting access of private vehicles to the centre of large cities and other measures to prevent atmospheric air pollution are currently topical. The knowledge of air quality acquires special relevance to be able to evaluate the impact of those great social and economic measures. There are many indices to express air quality. In fact, quite every country has its own, depending on the main pollutants. In general, all indices ignore the compositional nature of the concentrations of air pollutants and do not apply methods of Compositional Data Analysis and have some other weak points such as leak of standardized scale. Therefore, the methodology used is founded on Compositional Data Analysis. The air quality index has an adequate correlation between input (concentrations) and output (air quality index), it distinguishes between air pollution and air quality and it has a 0-100 reference scale which makes easier interpretation and management of air quality expression. To illustrate the proposed method, an application is made to a series of air pollution data (Barcelona, 2001-2015). The results show the effectiveness of the 2008 European directive on ambient air qualityPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Las metáforas en las dificultades de aprendizaje

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    What happens in the brain when we learn? This question will guide any cognitive intervention. What we know is that learning involves connecting neurons, as a kind of building road network, highways, freeways and shortcuts so that the movement as smooth as possible. Knit this network is not easy and requires work and effort regularly, along the development and schooling, we ask our children and adolescents. In this case it’s important that the teacher becomes the mediator between knowledge and students, so that involved in what they learn. But to engage the student must develop strategies that enable children are found willing and motivated to learn. In this sense, the metaphor can be considered a resource to support meaningful learning. In which create new networks and synchronicities, the brain, the process by which knowledge is connected and updated.¿Qué ocurre en el cerebro cuando aprendemos? Esta pregunta orientará cualquier intervención cognitiva. Lo que sabemos es que aprender implica conectar neuronas, construir como una especie de red viaria con caminos, carreteras, autopistas y atajos de manera que la circulación sea lo más fluida posible. Tejer esta red no es tarea fácil y requiere de un trabajo y esfuerzo que, de manera habitual, a lo largo del desarrollo y la escolarización, pedimos a nuestros niños y adolescentes. En este caso es importante que el profesor se convierta en el mediador entre los conocimientos y los alumnos, de tal modo que estos últimos participan en lo que aprenden. Pero para lograr la participación del alumno se deben crear estrategias que permitan que los niños se hallen dispuestos y motivados para aprender. En este sentido, la metáfora puede considerarse un recurso de apoyo para el aprendizaje significativo, en el que se crean nuevas redes y sincronías, a nivel cerebral, proceso por el cual se conectan los conocimientos y se actualizan