50 research outputs found

    Downgrading Financial Service Delivery and Institutional Sustainability: A Case Study of Akwapim Rural Bank, Ghana

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    Rural financial markets in the developing world are faced with the problem of information asymmetry and are monopolistically competitive. Based on this, one policy option to enhance rural clients’ access is for formal financial institutions to mimic products and services of informal intermediaries. Empirical evidence on impact of mimicry on institutional sustainability can help improve policy choices, yet there is a dearth of studies on this. Using time series data to analyse trends in selected financial ratios and means this study examines the impact that the mimicking of an informal financial product by a formal financial institution (Rural Bank) has on the outreach and sustainability. The time series data was collected from the bank’s financial statements and returns to the central bank between 1996 and 2005. It was found that adoption of informal financial product enhanced outreach and sustainability of the bank. This study, demonstrates that the mimicry policy option if adopted by formal financial institutions can enhance availability of financial services to the productive poor and also lead to long-term sustainability of financial institutions.Key Words: Downgrading, Rural Finance, Informal Financial Products, Institutional Sustainability, Financial Products and Service

    Microenterprise development coupled with nutrition education can help increase caregivers’ incomes and household accessibility to animal source foods

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    Low income and lack of knowledge about child nutrition have been identified as key constraints to the use of Animal Source Foods (ASF) in the diets of young Ghanaian children. To improve ASF consumption among children in Ghana, the Enhancing Child Nutrition through Animal Source Food Management (ENAM) project introduced an intervention that combined women’s microenterprise development activities with nutrition education on the importance of ASF in children’s diets. The present study assessed the effects of the intervention on the participants’ enterprise performance, their contribution to key household and child-related expenditures as well as their households’ purchases of ASF. Additionally, household ASF consumption was assessed in monetary terms (measured in Ghana cedis (GH¢):1GH¢ = US$ 0.92).A structured questionnaire was used to interview 80 caregivers who participated in the ENAM project activities in four intervention communities and 80 non-participant caregivers in four control communities. Information solicited included household characteristics, profits from microenterprises and contributions to household food and non-food expenditures. Significantly more participant caregivers expanded (P=0.004) and diversified (P=0.004) their enterprises and, as a result, tended to have higher average enterprise profits (GH¢19.3 ± 2.2 vs. GH¢12.2 ± 1.9; P=0.08) and significantly higher savings (GH¢62.9 ± 2.2 vs. GH¢26.3 ± 1.9; P<0.05) than non-participant caregivers. In addition, the intervention was associated with significantly higher percentage of monetary contributions by caregivers towards children’s health expenses (P<0.05), school expenses (P<0.01) as well as expenses on clothing and footwear (P<0.01). Caregivers’ mean percentage contribution to household food expenses also tended to be higher (P<0.1) for participants (50.8 ± 3.5%) then for non-participants (41.8 ± 4.1%). Participant households also tended to spend more money (P<0.10) and consumed significantly more amounts (in monetary value) of ASF (P<0.01) than non-participant households. Being a participant in the ENAM project’s microenterprise development and nutrition education activities was associated with higher enterprise profits, savings deposits, contributions to householdand children-related expenditures, and ASF consumption at the household level

    Grounding agricultural research in resource-poor farmers' needs: a comparative analysis of diagnostic studies in Ghana and Benin

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    Eight researchers from Ghana and Benin, with different backgrounds but all co-operating within the Convergence of Sciences project, conducted diagnostic studies as a first step of their research aimed at developing technologies together with resource-poor farmers. The purpose of including diagnostic studies was to increase the likelihood that the resulting technologies would be grounded in the needs and opportunities of these farmers. To better understand the potential of diagnostic studies for improving the contribution of agricultural research to farmers’ livelihoods, a comparative study was conducted of the diagnostic studies carried out by the eight researchers. This research on agricultural research was participatory in that its results were arrived at in consultation with the eight researchers. The comparison revealed that diagnostic studies identified and established forums of stakeholders, especially of farmers, who were to play key roles in the co-construction of knowledge during the field experimental phase that followed the diagnostic studies. The diagnostic studies gave farmers a say in the design and conduct of the experimental phase which allowed them to influence the research process in the direction of developing and testing technologies that work in their circumstances and that satisfy their needs and priorities. In addition, the diagnostic studies have led to transparent choices with respect to the selection of sites, farmers and experiments. Furthermore, the conditions for negotiation were created. Finally, the diagnostic studies played a crucial role in making the partners within the Convergence of Sciences project aware of the importance of contextual framework conditions in determining the relevance of the project

    Dietary intakes and iron status of vegetarian and non-vegetarian children in selected communities in Accra and cape coast, Ghana

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    There is a scarcity of information on dietary intake and iron status of Ghanaian children raised on vegetarian diets. A cross-sectional study design was used to compare the diets and iron status of vegetarian children between the ages of 9 months and 11 years (n= 26) with matched controls, non-vegetarian children (n=26) of similar ages and same sex and living within the same communities in Accra and Cape Coast, Ghana. Dietary information was collected using 24-hr food recall and 12-hr home observation. Haemoglobin, plasma ferritin, C-reactive protein, and Transferrin Receptor (TfR) concentrations were determined on finger prick (haemoglobin) and venous blood samples collected during the study. Based on the 24-hr food recall, vegetarian children’s diets were devoid of vitamin B12whereas non-vegetarian children’s diets were not (0.0 ± 0.0 mg vs. 1.5 ± 1.8 mg, p<0.001). The dietary intake based on 12-hr home observation showed similar results. However, vegetarians had significantly higher intake of dietary fibre (17.1 ± 11.9 g vs. 8.4 ± 6.2 g, p= 0.002), thiamine (1.1 ± 0.8 mg vs. 0.5 ± 0.3 mg, p= 0.001) and vitamin A (1702 ± 1887 Retinol Equivalent (RE)vs. 671 ± 691 RE, p= 0.010) than non-vegetarian children. Dietary diversity based on nine food groups was similar between groups (5.8 ±1.0score). Plasma ferritin was higher for non-vegetarian children compared to the vegetarians (59.2± 48.2 ng/mL vs. 34.1± 25.8ng/ml, p= 0.012) but there was no group difference in plasma TfR. The prevalence of anaemia was about 25% in both groups. Typical diets of Ghanaian children lack variety and both vegetarian and nonvegetarian diets are insufficient to support adequate iron status. Iron-rich foods such as meat or supplements are needed. There is urgent need for immediate vitamin B12 supplementation for all vegetarian children and a general need for nutrition education to diversify all children’s diets

    Farmers' agronomic and social evaluation of productivity yield and N2-fixation in different cowpea varieties and their subsequent residual N effects on a succeeding maize crop

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    Cowpea-maize rotations form an important component of the farming systems of smallholder farmers in the forest/savannah transitional agro-ecological zone of Ghana. We evaluated five cowpea varieties for grain yield, N-2-fixation, biomass production, and contribution to productivity of subsequent maize grown in rotation. We further analyzed the interrelationship between these technical dimensions and the social acceptability of these cowpea varieties for farmers. Cowpea grain yield ranged between 1.1 and 1.4 t ha(-1) with no significant yield differences among the different varieties. Using the N-15 natural abundance technique, the average proportion of N-2 fixed ranged between 61% for Ayiyi and 77% for Legon prolific. This resulted in average amounts of N-2 fixed in above-ground biomass ranging between 32 and 67 kg N ha(-1), respectively. Variation in estimates due to differences in delta N-15 among reference plants were larger than differences between cowpea varieties. The amount of soil-derived N ranged from 15 to 20 kg N ha(-1). The above-ground net N contribution of the cowpea varieties to the soil (after adjusting for N export in grains) was highest for Legon Prolific (31 kg N ha(-1)) due to high N-2-fixation and high leaf biomass production. Maize grain yield after cowpea without application of mineral N fertilizer ranged between 0.4 t ha(-1) with maize after maize to 1.5 t ha(-1) with Legon Prolific. The N fertilizer equivalence values for the cowpea varieties ranged between 18 and 60 kg N ha(-1). IT810D-1010 was ranked by the farmers as the most preferred cowpea variety due to its white seed type, short-duration, ease of harvesting and good market value. Despite the high leaf biomass production and high amount of N-2 fixed by Legon Prolific, it was generally the least preferred variety due to lower market price, late maturity, least potential cash income (due to the red mottled seed type) and difficulty in harvesting. Although farmers recognized the contribution of cowpea to soil fertility and yields of subsequent maize, they did not consider this as an important criterion for varietal selection. Soil fertility improvement must be considered as an additional benefit rather than a direct selection criterion when designing more sustainable smallholder farming systems

    Perceived Impacts of Rural-Urban Migration on Agricultural Productivity in Nanumba South District of Northern Region of Ghana

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    There has been much out-migration by the youth from the Nanumba South District in the Northern Region of Ghana to urban centres in the country. The study was designed to to find out perceptions of the community members of causes of out-migration and its impact on agriculture and food availability in the Nanumba South District.The research design used quantitative data on a sample size of 400 farmers. A significant relationship was found between two push factors (poor educational services and poor health services) and the motivation to migrate while all the pull factors studied were statistically significant. It was observed that there was no significant relationship between farm incomes and the motivation to migrate but there was a significant relationship between migration and labour availability; migration and availability of agricultural land; and migration and food availability. The study recommends the need for policies aimed at increasing income growth in agriculture, intensification of the non-farm economy and investment in basic education, skills development, and provision of functional social amenities. Keywords: Migration, push factors, pull factors, out-migratio

    Exploring opportunities for enhancing innovation in agriculture: The case of oil palm production in Ghana

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    We carried out a study using key informant interviews, focus group discussions and individual interviews to explore opportunities to enhance innovation in the oil palm sector in Ghana. Current technical innovations at the farm level are insufficient to promote sustainable oil palm production and to alleviate poverty because of overriding institutional constraints at the larger-than-farm level. Oil palm was selected for the study for three main reasons: (1) It is considered a national priority crop because of its potential for reducing poverty, (2) It has a wide geographical coverage and (3) It is considered as both food and cash crop. Oil palm has evolved in the past 40 years from a public-sector to a private-sector crop. The study identified the following main actors in oil palm production: small private farms that produce about 80% of the crop; large-scale industrial estates with their network of smallholder and out-grower farmers who produce to supply their large-scale mechanized processing mills; small-scale semi-mechanized processing mills, medium-scale mechanized mills and secondary processors. Opportunities that will make it rational for farmers to invest in increased production and improved sustainability include: (1) creating institutional conditions that will enable small-scale processors to be integrated into the value chain; (2) organising farmers to be able to negotiate for better deals for themselves; (3) improve system of distribution of improved planting material in regions where accessibility to seedlings of the high-yielding tenera hybrid variety is difficult; and (4) developing new tenancy rules and arrangements that improve the income of tenant farmers and encourage them to invest in increased productivity

    Enhancing backyard poultry enterprise performance in the techiman area: A value chain analysis

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    Backyard Poultry (BP) production is widespread among rural households in Ghana and provides an opportunity for small scale enterprise development to contribute to poverty alleviation. Traditionally, efforts to improve poultry production activities have emphasized the technical aspects of production while neglecting the social and organizational processes that underlie BP enterprises. A value chain framework was used to qualitatively assess BP enterprises in two communities in the Techiman Municipality of the Brong Ahafo Region in Ghana. The main purpose of the study was to understand how the activities and relationships among actors along the BP value chain influence BP enterprise performance and its implications for development of the industry. Community key informants defined a BP enterprise as ownership of at least ten post vulnerability age chickens (defined as ability to roost on trees to escape predators and disease). All identified BP farmers in the communities were classified as ‘high’ and ‘low’ enterprise performers based on flock size of ‘post- vulnerability age chickens’. The study participants included a purposive sample of ‘low’ (n=10) and ‘high’ (n=10) performing BP farmers from each community as well as service providers and support institutions in the BP value chain identified through snowball sampling. Qualitative data were collected using focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Content analysis was used to summarize themes and patterns from the interview transcripts and to compare high and low performing BP enterprises based on the identified activities and relationships. Higher BP enterprise performance was associated with stronger inter- and intra-actor integration of activities in the various functions of the value chain and higher investment of resources in the activities of the value chain. Additionally, opportunities for import substitution to meet the high national demand for chicken meat were identified. Sustainable improvements in the BP sector must involve social, relational, organizational, as well as technical innovation

    Relationship between caregivers’ income generation activities and their children’s animal source food intake

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    Enhancing Child Nutrition through Animal Source Food Management (ENAM) project provided financial and technical support for caregivers’ Income Generation Activities (IGA) with the aim of increasing their access to Animal Source Foods (ASF) for improved child nutrition. Using baseline data from the ENAM project, this study assessed the relationship between the type of caregivers’ IGA -whether it is related to ASF [ASF-R] or unrelated [ASF-U] - and the quantity and diversity of ASF consumed by their children. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on household socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and children’s ASF consumption in the past week from 530 caregivers of children 2-to5 years old in 12 communities in three agro-ecological zones of Ghana. A weighed food record of children’s dietary intakes was also completed during two 12-hour home observations on a randomly selected sample of 117 children. Approximately 6% (n=32) of caregivers were not engaged in any IGA. Of the caregivers who were involved in an IGA (n=498), approximately one-third of them were engaged in an ASF-R IGA, such as selling smoked fish, selling eggs and the selling cooked food that included ASF. Caregivers (67%) were engaged in ASF-U IGA, such as crop farming, petty trading in non ASF items and artisanal work. The quantity and diversity of ASF consumed by the children did not differ (p=0.988 and p=0.593, respectively) by the type of caregiver IGA. However, after accounting for agro-ecological zone, being involved in an ASF-R IGA positively predicted children’s ASF diversity (p<0.001). The number of children in the household negatively predicted children’s ASF diversity (p=0.011) whereas high/medium household wealth status tended to be positively associated with ASF diversity (p=0.064).The study suggested that there is need to promote ASF-R IGA among caregivers to increase the ability to purchase more varied and nutritious food items for improving children’s growth