Perceived Impacts of Rural-Urban Migration on Agricultural Productivity in Nanumba South District of Northern Region of Ghana


There has been much out-migration by the youth from the Nanumba South District in the Northern Region of Ghana to urban centres in the country. The study was designed to to find out perceptions of the community members of causes of out-migration and its impact on agriculture and food availability in the Nanumba South District.The research design used quantitative data on a sample size of 400 farmers. A significant relationship was found between two push factors (poor educational services and poor health services) and the motivation to migrate while all the pull factors studied were statistically significant. It was observed that there was no significant relationship between farm incomes and the motivation to migrate but there was a significant relationship between migration and labour availability; migration and availability of agricultural land; and migration and food availability. The study recommends the need for policies aimed at increasing income growth in agriculture, intensification of the non-farm economy and investment in basic education, skills development, and provision of functional social amenities. Keywords: Migration, push factors, pull factors, out-migratio

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