259 research outputs found

    Let’s Improv It: The Embodied Investigation of Social Collaboration

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    How do we share embodied knowledge? How do we understand the world through our bodies? How can we effectively interpret and communicate somatic experiences to a wider audience? These questions emerged during a collaborative research project Let’s Improv It (August 2016, Plymouth University), which set out to explore how kinaesthetic empathy and multisensory perception help us to understand our own actions, intentions and emotions, as well as those of others. We additionally questioned the role and perception of physical and emotional touch within embodied knowledge. After a five-day practice-led investigation, a 20-minute improvised somatic movement score was developed with the aim of providing a novel experience of touch and movement. The authors collectively delivered the score and reflected on the outcomes of this experience over the course of a year (2016–2017). In this paper, we explore how our research project expanded the boundaries of the conventional concepts of knowledge and cognition. We see such participatory sessions, in which movement and embodied experience freely unfold in time and space, as a ‘laboratory’ in which we examine the underlying mechanisms of collaboration. We reflect on how such an experience can be seen as a creative process, or as an emergent, collaborative art-work. The participants are both the creators and, simultaneously, the audience of our improvised experience. The experience provided a non-judgmental context for physical engagement and observation, which is an outcome that will be introduced alongside participants’ feedback. Overall, the project revealed that shared embodied knowledge is highly appreciated, particularly among those without previous experience with embodied enquiry or movement research

    Enhancement of Cardiac Store Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE) within Novel Intercalated Disk Microdomains in Arrhythmic Disease

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    Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), a major Ca2+ signaling mechanism in non-myocyte cells, has recently emerged as a component of Ca2+ signaling in cardiac myocytes. Though it has been reported to play a role in cardiac arrhythmias and to be upregulated in cardiac disease, little is known about the fundamental properties of cardiac SOCE, its structural underpinnings or effector targets. An even greater question is how SOCE interacts with canonical excitation-contraction coupling (ECC). We undertook a multiscale structural and functional investigation of SOCE in cardiac myocytes from healthy mice (wild type; WT) and from a genetic murine model of arrhythmic disease (catecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia; CPVT). Here we provide the first demonstration of local, transient Ca2+ entry (LoCE) events, which comprise cardiac SOCE. Although infrequent in WT myocytes, LoCEs occurred with greater frequency and amplitude in CPVT myocytes. CPVT myocytes also evidenced characteristic arrhythmogenic spontaneous Ca2+ waves under cholinergic stress, which were effectively prevented by SOCE inhibition. In a surprising finding, we report that both LoCEs and their underlying protein machinery are concentrated at the intercalated disk (ID). Therefore, localization of cardiac SOCE in the ID compartment has important implications for SOCE-mediated signaling, arrhythmogenesis and intercellular mechanical and electrical coupling in health and disease

    Excitations in the Halo Nucleus He-6 Following The Li-7(gamma,p)He-6 Reaction

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    A broad excited state was observed in 6-He with energy E_x = 5 +/- 1 MeV and width Gamma = 3 +/- 1 MeV, following the reaction Li-7(gamma,p)He-6. The state is consistent with a number of broad resonances predicted by recent cluster model calculations. The well-established reaction mechanism, combined with a simple and transparent analysis procedure confers considerable validity to this observation.Comment: 3 pages of LaTeX, 3 figures in PostScript, approved for publication in Phys. Rev. C, August, 200

    Three-body resonances in He-6, Li-6, and Be-6, and the soft dipole mode problem of neutron halo nuclei

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    Using the complex scaling method, the low-lying three-body resonances of 6^6He, 6^6Li, and 6^6Be are investigated in a parameter-free microscopic three-cluster model. In 6^6He a 2+^+, in 6^6Li a 2+^+ and a 1+^+, and in 6^6Be the 0+^+ ground state and a 2+^+ excited state is found. The other experimentally known 2+^+ state of 6^6Li cannot be localized by our present method. We have found no indication for the existence of the predicted 1^- soft dipole state in 6^6He. We argue that the sequential decay mode of 6^6He through the resonant states of its two-body subsystem can lead to peaks in the excitation function. This process can explain the experimental results in the case of 11^{11}Li, too. We propose an experimental analysis, which can decide between the soft dipole mode and the sequential decay mode.Comment: REVTEX, Submitted to Phys. Rev. C, 12 pages, 2 postscript figures are available upon request. CALTECH, MAP-16

    Halo Excitation of 6^6He in Inelastic and Charge-Exchange Reactions

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    Four-body distorted wave theory appropriate for nucleon-nucleus reactions leading to 3-body continuum excitations of two-neutron Borromean halo nuclei is developed. The peculiarities of the halo bound state and 3-body continuum are fully taken into account by using the method of hyperspherical harmonics. The procedure is applied for A=6 test-bench nuclei; thus we report detailed studies of inclusive cross sections for inelastic 6^6He(p,p')6^6He^* and charge-exchange 6^6Li(n,p)6^6He^* reactions at nucleon energy 50 MeV. The theoretical low-energy spectra exhibit two resonance-like structures. The first (narrow) is the excitation of the well-known 2+2^+ three-body resonance. The second (broad) bump is a composition of overlapping soft modes of multipolarities 1,2+,1+,0+1^-, 2^+, 1^+, 0^+ whose relative weights depend on transferred momentum and reaction type. Inelastic scattering is the most selective tool for studying the soft dipole excitation mode.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. C., 11 figures using eps

    Indirect Study of the 16O+16O Fusion Reaction Toward Stellar Energies by the Trojan Horse Method

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    The 16 O+ 16 O fusion reaction is important in terms of the explosive oxygen burning process during late evolution stage of massive stars as well as understanding of the mechanism of low-energy heavy-ion fusion reactions. We aim to determine the excitation function for the most major exit channels, α + 28 Si and p + 31 P, toward stellar energies indirectly by the Trojan Horse Method via the 16 O( 20 Ne , α 28 Si) α and 16 O( 20 Ne , p 31 P) α three-body reactions. We report preliminary results involving reaction identification, and determination of the momentum distribution of α - 16 O intercluster motion in the projectile 20 Ne nucleus

    Expression of SPIG1 Reveals Development of a Retinal Ganglion Cell Subtype Projecting to the Medial Terminal Nucleus in the Mouse

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    Visual information is transmitted to the brain by roughly a dozen distinct types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) defined by a characteristic morphology, physiology, and central projections. However, our understanding about how these parallel pathways develop is still in its infancy, because few molecular markers corresponding to individual RGC types are available. Previously, we reported a secretory protein, SPIG1 (clone name; D/Bsp120I #1), preferentially expressed in the dorsal region in the developing chick retina. Here, we generated knock-in mice to visualize SPIG1-expressing cells with green fluorescent protein. We found that the mouse retina is subdivided into two distinct domains for SPIG1 expression and SPIG1 effectively marks a unique subtype of the retinal ganglion cells during the neonatal period. SPIG1-positive RGCs in the dorsotemporal domain project to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), superior colliculus, and accessory optic system (AOS). In contrast, in the remaining region, here named the pan-ventronasal domain, SPIG1-positive cells form a regular mosaic and project exclusively to the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) of the AOS that mediates the optokinetic nystagmus as early as P1. Their dendrites costratify with ON cholinergic amacrine strata in the inner plexiform layer as early as P3. These findings suggest that these SPIG1-positive cells are the ON direction selective ganglion cells (DSGCs). Moreover, the MTN-projecting cells in the pan-ventronasal domain are apparently composed of two distinct but interdependent regular mosaics depending on the presence or absence of SPIG1, indicating that they comprise two functionally distinct subtypes of the ON DSGCs. The formation of the regular mosaic appears to be commenced at the end of the prenatal stage and completed through the peak period of the cell death at P6. SPIG1 will thus serve as a useful molecular marker for future studies on the development and function of ON DSGCs

    The application of cortical layer markers in the evaluation of cortical dysplasias in epilepsy

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    The diagnostic criteria for focal cortical dysplasia type I (FCD I) remain to be well and consistently defined. Cortical layer-specific markers (CLM) provide a potential tool for the objective assessment of any dyslamination. We studied expression patterns of recognised CLM using immunohistochemistry for N200, ER81, Otx1, Map1b (subsets of V/VI projection neurones), Pax6, Tbr1, Tbr2 (differentially expressed in cortical neurones from intermediate progenitor cells), Cux 1 (outer cortical layers) and MASH1 (ventricular zone progenitors). Dysplasia subtypes included FCD I and II, dysplasias adjacent to hippocampal sclerosis (HS) or dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours (DNTs); all were compared to neonatal and adult controls. Laminar expression patterns in normal cortex were observed with Tbr1, Map1b, N200 and Otx1. FCDI cases in younger patients were characterised by abnormal expression in layer II for Tbr1 and Otx1. FCDII showed distinct labelling of balloon cells (Pax6, ER81 and Otx1) and dysmorphic neurones (Tbr 1, N200 and Map1b) supporting origins from radial glia and intermediate progenitor cells, respectively. In temporal lobe sclerosis cases with dysplasia adjacent to HS, Tbr1 and Map1b highlighted abnormal orientation of neurones in layer II. Dyslamination was not confirmed in the perilesional cortex of DNT with CLM. Finally, immature cell types (Otx1, Pax6 and Tbr2) were noted in varied pathologies. One possibility is activation of progenitor cell populations which could contribute to the pathophysiology of these lesions