397 research outputs found

    Application of the MMG method for the prediction of steady sailing condition and course stability of a ship under external disturbances

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    For the navigation safety of ships, it is essential to monitor the maneuvering characteristics under external disturbances due to wind and waves. For this purpose, evaluating the average steady sailing conditions such as check helm, speed drop, hull drift angle, etc. of a ship moving straight in steady wind and waves is beneficial. In addition, the dynamic stability (course stability) of the ship should be evaluated under its steady sailing condition. This study proposes a method for predicting the steady sailing conditions and course stability under external disturbances, based on the MMG standard method presented by Yasukawa and Yoshimura (J Mar Sci Technol 20(1):37–52, 2015). The calculation accuracy of the MMG method has been validated through experiments. The steady sailing conditions and the course stability of a pure car carrier are calculated using the proposed method under external disturbances in deep and shallow waters. In addition, the environmental conditions that limit safe navigation (maneuvering limit) are also discussed, while investigating the effect of the main engine output in particular. In both deep and shallow waters, a significant effect on the maneuvering limit is observed due to a reduction in engine output. Thus, the presented method is useful in capturing the maneuvering limit of the ship under external disturbances.This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant number JP26249135

    Successful aging and leisure environment: a comparative study of urban and rural areas in Taiwan

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    The Growth Pattern and it's Process of Commercial Center in NOIDA Industrial Area, INDIA

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    This research considered Indian NOIDA industrial area development and made clear that some commercial central place were came into existence in this area. The development of NOIDA industrial area is based on an industrial arrangement of positions plan of a nation level or industrial area a dispersion plan at the Delhi metropolitan area. This industrial area was developed by UP state government. In NOIDA's land utilization plan only 12.7 percents are for industrial business and with hitting a land against 47.2 percents for a residence use. At this industrial area to have estimated plan population in 2011 with approximately 500,000. Electricity, gas, and a vertical water supply are already supplied such as after living of course preparation. And the arrangement of positions of educational facilities or preservation of public security facilities also is done. Town center, shopping center, and commercial facilities called a sector shop aren't an exception. The 15.8 percents of the commercial zone's development were finished and the 45.0 percents of the housing zone's development were done, so must wait for a while now until every facilities are completed. It became result these commercial facilities obviously effectively not to function necessarily for a regional development at a point use around 1997. Surely, for NOIDA development authority seem to above mentioned for commercial facilities plan-like as arranging it, though steadily a location of a retail store and office is thought it, a moving into rate of commercial facilities named a shopping center and super-bazaar arranged went to the end of it. And was a low object for several sectors at the ratio of each sectors. Though it used to be sold by NOIDA development authority for these stores, a store also includes it as becoming vacant and sales is completed. However, it commands a majority a store was speculatively purchased as glaring at a prospect of a future NOIDA as becoming vacant, and it was thought it by an overwhelming majority the case that there exist

    A ultra-sonografia no diagnóstico do refluxo gastroesofágico em crianças

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas.Objetivo: Avaliar a ultra-sonografia como meio diagnóstico do RGE, comparando-a com a seriografia esôfago-gastro-duodenal (SEGD)

    Políticas públicas no campo da educação ambiental para a gestão de resíduos na cidade de Ji-Paraná/RO

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    A degradação da natureza e de seus recursos encontram suas causas no modelo de consumo adotado pela sociedade contemporânea, pois os benefícios trazidos pelo avanço da tecnologia e o incremento da industrialização são capazes de colocar no mercado, à disposição dos consumidores, produtos em grande quantidade e com facilidades para a sua aquisição. A mídia tem sua parcela de responsabilidade, pois induz ao consumo, sem se preocupar com a destinação final dos produtos obsoletos ou que, mesmo em condições de uso, são descartados. O aumento da produção dos resíduos sólidos e a sua inadequada disposição no meio ambiente faz parte da história da humanidade e vem acompanhando a evolução do homem ao longo do tempo. Esse comportamento se encontra arraigado na sociedade e requer mudanças, pois fatores como o contínuo crescimento da população e consequentemente do consumo e da geração dos resíduos, tornam as ações de controle e a gestão sustentável dos resíduos sólidos urbanos um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pela sociedade contemporânea, que passa a ver a implementação de políticas públicas no campo da educação ambiental, como uma ferramenta capaz de mudar comportamentos e conscientizar a população sobre a importância de se preservar o meio ambiente ao adotar posturas ambientalmente corretas visando à redução da produção de resíduos sólidos. São por estas razões que este estudo teve como objetivo, analisar as políticas públicas adotadas no campo da educação ambiental visando o manejo sustentável dos resíduos sólidos no município de Ji-Paraná/RO. Para melhor compreensão da necessidade de criar e executar tais políticas públicas, buscou-se resgatar e descrever como ocorreram os processos de povoamento e desenvolvimento na Amazônia e no estado de Rondônia, pelo fato do município de Ji-Paraná ser o locus da pesquisa. Neste contexto, tornou-se necessário, ainda, resgatar o histórico e a forma como se sucedeu a destinação final dos resíduos sólidos neste município, desde a época que ainda estava em formação e expansão. Para realizar esta tarefa investigativa, foi utilizada a metodologia da pesquisa bibliográfica para a construção do referencial teórico e na coleta de dados, este estudo utilizou os métodos de pesquisa descritivo, histórica e documental, quando da busca de informações através de dados secundários, como a pesquisa feita em documentos oficiais da prefeitura. Para se obter os resultados e solução do problema levantado por esta pesquisa, fez-se necessário aplicar um questionário junto aos atores relacionados ao processo de proteção e educação ambiental do município de Ji-Paraná. Assim, para compreender como este município realiza e implementa suas políticas públicas no campo da educação ambiental, visando a participação e mudança de comportamento da população em relação à redução da produção dos resíduos sólidos, esta pesquisa utilizou-se da metodologia da Pesquisa-Ação de Collis (2005), por ser um estudo qualitativo que tem seu caráter subjetivo, isto porque segundo este método, o pesquisador ao realizar sua investigação passa a fazer parte da realidade social que pretende estudar. . Segundo Thiollent (2011), a pesquisa-ação é considerada uma pesquisa social cuja base é empírica, pois é concretizada de forma associada com uma ação para viabilizar a resolução de uma situação desfavorável à sociedade, isto ocorre quando os pesquisadores e os participantes interessados na solução do problema, se envolvem e junto com o pesquisador, passam a fazer parte da realidade pesquisada. A utilização da metodologia da análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2002), também se fez necessária, pois esta permitiu que as respostas obtidas com aplicação do questionário fossem classificadas, categorizadas e posteriormente demonstradas por meio de gráficos. Feito o estudo proposto e as análises, verificou-se que grande é o desafio que a Administração Pública em conjunto com a sociedade necessita vencer, pois ainda há muito que fazer no campo da educação ambiental para que as mudanças necessárias em relação à redução do consumo e da produção dos resíduos sólidos aconteçam.The nature and its resources’ degradation find their causes in the consumption’s model adopted by contemporary society, since the benefits brought by the advancement of technology and the industrialization’s increase are able to place on the market, at the disposal of consumers, products in great quantity and with facilities for its acquisition. The media has its share of responsibility, as it induces consumption, without worrying about the final destination of obsolete products or that, even under conditions of use, are discarded. The increase of the solid waste’s production and its inadequate disposal in the environment is part of the humanity’s history and it has been following the man’s evolution over time. This behavior is rooted in society and requires changes, because factors such as the continuous growth of the population and consequently of the consumption and the waste’s generation, make the actions of control and the sustainable management of urban solid waste one of the great challenges faced by contemporary society, that start seing the implementation of public policies in the environmental’s education area as a tool able to change behaviors and making the population aware of the importance of preserving the environment by adopting environmentally correct postures aiming at reducing the solid waste’s production. It is for these reasons that this study had the objective of analyzing public policies adopted in the environmental education’s área aiming at the sustainable management of solid waste in the municipality of Ji-Paraná / RO. Thus, in order to understand how this municipality performs and implements its public policies in the environmental education’s area, aiming at participation and change of behavior of the population in relation to the reduction of solid waste production, this research used the methodology of Collis’s Action Research (2005), as it is a study which has its subjective character, because according to this method, the researcher while conducting his investigation becomes part of the social reality that want to study. According to Thiollent (2011), the action-research is considered a social research whose basis is empirical, as it is carried out in conjunction with an action to enable the resolution of a situation unfavorable to society, This occurs when researchers and participants interested in solving the problem, get involved and together with the researcher, become part of the researched reality. The use of content analysis methodology (Bardin, 2002), were also necessary because it allowed that the answers obtained with the application of the questionnaire were classified, categorized and later demonstrated by means of graphs. Once the proposed study and analyzes have been carried out, it was verified that the challenge that the Public Administration needs to overcome is great, since there is still a lot to do in the field of environmental education so that the necessary changes in relation to the reduction of consumption and the production of solid waste happen