414 research outputs found
Korea's economic challenges in the 4th industrial revolution
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Essays in nonparametric measures of changes in taste and hedging behavior with options
This dissertation consists of three self contained essays. The first develops and implements a method for measuring taste change that does not require any parametric estimation. The second essay shows how expected utility maximization problems can be solved when the distribution of prices or revenue is truncated. The third essay examines optimal hedging behavior of a firm faced with both price and output uncertainty, and who has access to both futures and options markets
Pemanfaatan Green Roof sebagai Media Filter Air Hujan di Kota Pontianak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh green roof terhadap kualitas air hujan di KotaPontianak. Pengaruh tersebut dipelajari dengan cara membandingkan antara kualitas air hujan yang melewatigreen roof dengan kualitas air yang tidak melewati green roof. Penelitian diawali dengan merancang danmembuat model green roof. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak empat kali dan diuji di laboratoriumterhadap parameter pH, kekeruhan, Pb terlarut dan E.Coli. Metode analisa menggunakan metode analisastatistika anova satu jalur (one way-anova). Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah rata-rata pH air hujan lewat green roof sebesar 6,29sedangkan air hujan yang tidak lewat green roof sebesar 5,29 dan 5,33. Rata-rata kekeruhan air hujan yanglewat green roof sebesar 149,75 NTU sedangkan rata-rata air hujan yang tidak melewati atap hijau sebesar1,235 NTU dan 1,845 NTU. Rata-rata Pb terlarut pada air hujan yang lewat green roof dan tidak lewat greenroof sebesar 0,0161 ppm, 0,0144 ppm, dan 0,0169 ppm. Indentifikasi bakteri E.Coli pada air hujan lewat greenroof negatif. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa, atap hijau memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadapparameter pH dan kekeruhan, namun tidak pada parameter Pb terlarut dan E.Coli
A Test for the Consistency of Demand Data with Consumer Preference Theory
We introduce adding-up, convexity, and noninferiority into the weak axiom of revealed preferences and show how we can use this approach to detect and measure structural change without estimation or subjective input. We use this new approach to measure taste changes among meats for the United States, Canada, Japan, and South Korea
Multiperiod Production with Forward and Options Markets
Production and hedging in both forward and options markets are analyzed for forward-looking firms that maximize expected utility. In the presence of unbiased forward and options prices, it is shown that such firms will use options as hedging instruments. This result contrasts with the conclusions from studies that assume myopic behavior, and occurs because forward looking agents care about the effect of future output prices on profits from future production cycles. Simulations support the theoretical results and show how the introduction of an options market influences the optimal forward position
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