297 research outputs found

    The Crisis of the Long 1850s and Regime Change in the Ionian State and the Kingdom of Greece

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    The overthrow of King Othon in 1862 and the decolonization of the Ionian Islands led to the unification of the Ionian State with the Kingdom of Greece. This article argues that the multifaceted crisis of the long 1850s (1847-1862) created a crisis of legitimacy for both the British Protectorate and the Othonian regime. The change of regime represents a case where an economic, social and political crisis set in motion a process of democratization and not the rise of an authoritarian regime (as in the 1930s). The argument balances socio-economic structuralist factors with the contingency of political action that determined the union of the two states; this regime change was the optimal and favoured solution and the way out of the legitimacy crisis for all actors involved

    Global history in the age of crisis: metanarratives of material progress and the rise of Asia

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    Metanarratives of material progress have been around at least since the time of Smith, Marx and Weber. This article reviews some works in global (economic) history and the history of financial crises and discusses the relationship between the rise of global history and the rise of Asia

    Review of K. P. Kostis's "Τα κακομαθημένα παιδιά της Ιστορίας": Η διαμόρφωση του νεοελληνικού κράτους 18ος-21ος αιώνας ["History’s spoiled children": The formation of the modern Greek state, 18th-21st centuries]

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    Kostas P. Kostis, "Τα κακομαθημένα παιδιά της Ιστορίας": Η διαμόρφωση του νεοελληνικού κράτους 18ος-21ος αιώνας ["History’s spoiled children": The formation of the modern Greek state, 18th-21st centuries], Athens: Polis, 2013. 898 pp.

    The Crisis of the Long 1850s and Regime Change in the Ionian State and the Kingdom of Greece

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    The overthrow of King Othon in 1862 and the decolonization of the Ionian Islands led to the unification of the Ionian State with the Kingdom of Greece. This article argues that the multifaceted crisis of the long 1850s (1847-1862) created a crisis of legitimacy for both the British Protectorate and the Othonian regime. The change of regime represents a case where an economic, social and political crisis set in motion a process of democratization and not the rise of an authoritarian regime (as in the 1930s). The argument balances socio-economic structuralist factors with the contingency of political action that determined the union of the two states; this regime change was the optimal and favoured solution and the way out of the legitimacy crisis for all actors involved

    Global history in the age of crisis: metanarratives of material progress and the rise of Asia

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    Metanarratives of material progress have been around at least since the time of Smith, Marx and Weber. This article reviews some works in global (economic) history and the history of financial crises and discusses the relationship between the rise of global history and the rise of Asia

    Metabolomics And The Role Of Metabolism In Stem Cell Bioprocessing

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    Stem cell bioprocesses require reproducibility, robustness and quality control of both the process and the product for wide clinical use1. The role of metabolism is critical in stem cell bioprocesses as it controls cellular processes (proliferation, apoptosis, reprogramming) but also influences gene regulation and cellular physiology by directly affecting epigenomic changes2. Metabolomics analysis of both intracellular (finger-printing) and extracellular (foot-printing) metabolites a) enables evaluation of “cellular state”, b) captures a holistic view (snapshot) of the cell culture physiology, and c) provides dynamic information culture needs that can be used for bioprocess optimisation. Examples of research conducted in our group highlight 1) that metabolic profiling was able to identify differences in human pluripotent cell physiology (hESCs and hiPSCs) after treatment with ROCK inhibitor, which control gene expression and protein expression was not sensitive enough to detect; 2) time-series metabolomics analysis of the osteogenic differentiation process of umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells identified differences in the efficiency of two major osteoinductive agents (dexamethasone and BMP-2) demonstrating that dexamethasone-treated MSCs were metabolically close to human primary osteoblasts; 3) the development of a novel perfusion bioreactor for the culture of pluripotent stem cells (ESCs) that facilitates environmental homeostasis by maintaining sufficient levels of nutrients while preventing the accumulation of metabolic by-products over toxic levels ensuring ESC pluripotency. The above examples emphasise the importance of metabolomics in all stages of stem cell bioprocess by sensitive and effective monitoring, which can be used for robust bioprocess optimisation as well as bioprocess and product quality control – critical aspects of biomanufacturing for clinical applications

    Church buildings "Documentation and analytic study of church buildings in Basra city"

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    هنالك مبان لها قيمهٌ معماريهٌ مميزه تتعرض للاندثار والزوال لاسباب ترتبط بالاهمال وسوء الاستعمال او لاسباب ترتبط بالجوانب المناخيه وغيرها من العوامل. ومن هذه المباني الابنية الدينية ومنها  ابنية الكنائس في المدن المختلفة, ومنها مدن العراق التي تحوي اغلب مدنها على هذا النمط البنائي, اذ سيتطرق البحث إلى هذا النوع من الابنية لما تمثلة من خزين ثقافي ومعماري فضلا عن اهميتها الدينية والاجتماعية والثقافية. تناول البحث ابنية الكنائس من حيث نشوءها تاريخاً وتطورها وانماطها البنائية وأبرز العناصر التصميمة لهذه الابنية التي يميزها عن غيرها من المباني, اذ تطرق البحث الي العديد من الدراسات والطروحات المعمارية الخاصة بابنية الكنائس, ومن خلال نقدها تم بلورة المشكلة البحثية والمتمثلة بعدم وجود دراسة متخصصة بتوثيق كنائس مدينة البصرة في منطقتي العشار والبصرة, اذ تمثلت منهجية البحث درسة عمارة ابنية الكنائس في البصرة وتوثيقها بصورة عملية واكاديمية [1]وبيان ابرز خصائصها وسماتها المعمارية والحضرية كونها جزء من النسيج الحضري البصري, لغرض الحفاظ عليها, اذ توصل البحث إلى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات والتوصيات لتحقيق هدف البحث.   [1] واجهه الباحث الكثير من الصعوبات منها: ان اغلب المباني المراد توثيقها قد تحولت استخدامها الى سكن للعوائل او انها مهجوراً ومغلقة الابواب, كذلك فان اغلب بنيت في فترات زمينة بعيده تعود الي القرن التاسع عشر وتعرضت الى العديد من الصيانه او التهديم او التغيرات او اهملت واندثرت.There are buildings with distinctive architectural values exposed to extinction and disappearing for reasons associated with neglect and abuse, or for reasons linked to aspects of climatic and other factors. One of these buildings are religious buildings, including the buildings of churches in various cities, including the cities of Iraq, which most cities contain this structural pattern of religious buildings, as it will address research into this type of buildings, as it represents the cultural stocks and architectural as well as religious, social and cultural importance. The research buildings churches in terms of emergence history and evolution and patterns of structural and highlighted Altsamama elements of these buildings, which distinguishes it from other buildings, as it touched search to many studies and proposals architectural own buildings in the churches, and through the criticism has been crystallizing research problem, namely the lack of specialized study documented Churches the city of Basra in the regions of the publican and Basra, which required Bunting buildings churches building in Basra and documented informed and Academy and the statement the most prominent characteristics and traits of architectural and urban being a part of the visual urban fabric, for the purpose of maintaining, as research found a set of conclusions and recommendations for achieving the goal of the research

    Nuclear Magnetohydrodynamic EMP, Solar Storms, and Substorms

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    In addition to a fast electromagnetic pulse (EMP), a high altitude nuclear burst produces a relatively slow magnetohydrodynarnic EMP (MHD EMP), whose effects are like those from solar storm geomagnetically induced currents (SS GIC). The MHD EMP electric field E < 10^-1 V/m and lasts < 10^2 sec, whereas for solar storms E > 10^-2 V/m and lasts >10^3 sec. Although the solar storm electric field is lower than MHD EMP, the solar storm effects are generally greater due to their much longer duration. Substorms produce much smaller effects than SS GIC, but occur much more frequently. This paper describes the physics of such geomagnetic disturbances and analyzes their effects.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 5 table

    Assessing the role of the London 2012 Paralympic Games in the provision and management of grassroots sport for disabled adults

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    © 2016 The Author(s).Legacies from hosting the Paralympic Games is an under-developed area. In a thematic analysis of Paralympic legacies, Misener et al. (2013) discovered few empirically researched studies focusing on legacies from the hosting of Paralympic Games. Of the forty-three sources of evidence included in their review, only eleven were identified as being of an empirical nature, with most focusing on the Sydney 2000 Paralympics and its tangible legacies. In addition, Mahtani et al. (2013)were unable to find any evidence for the Summer Paralympic Games and sport participation legacies. One of the legacy aims of the London 2012 Paralympic Games was to support disabled adults to participate in sport and physical activity (Office for Disability Issues 2011). The 2012 Paralympics was undoubtedly a success as a sporting event, but, as we approach the Rio 2016 Paralympics, what reflections can be made regarding the 2012 Paralympics grassroots sport participation legacy for disabled adults in England? How successful has the Paralympics been in providing opportunities to participate in sport, four years on from the Games? To aid our understanding of this under-researched area and of the grassroots sport participation legacy from London 2012, this researchaims to answer the following question:How has the grassroots sport participation legacy of the 2012 Paralympic Games been managed? The data presented in this study represents preliminary findings and is sub-set of a wider study and PhD. The views of senior managers from NDSOs, regarding the impact and management of the grassroots sport participation legacy for disabled adults in England,will be the focus of this study. Supplementing the views of the NDSOs, this study will also report on secondary quantitative data which enhances our understanding of the impact of the 2012 Paralympic Games on the grassroots sport participation of disabled adults in England. Two national sport organisations and five of the eight NDSOs have so far been interviewed and will be the source of the qualitative data for this research. Preliminary results suggest the level of demand for sport after the Paralympics was greater than anticipated, with sport providers not being able to respond efficiently to the demand. There was also a lack of leveraging, issues with funding, and difficulties engaging with National Governing Bodies (NGBs). This study is still on-going and, when finalised, will also include the views of selected NGBs, County Sport Partnerships, and national sport organisations. The results of this study will represent the views of different stakeholder organisations involved in the delivery and management of grassroots disability sport in England, building our understanding of the 2012 Paralympic grassroots sport participation legacy for disabled adults.Non peer reviewedFinal Published versio