150 research outputs found

    Intake of Radionuclides in the Trees of Fukushima Forests 5. Earthquake Could Have Caused an Increase in Xyloglucan in Trees

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    A megathrust earthquake caused the Fukushima–Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, which dispersed abundant radioiodines, causing them to be bound to xyloglucan into forest trees. Nevertheless, targeted xyloglucan was found in increased quantities in the annual rings of forest trees affected by the earthquake. We propose that trees could acclimate rapidly to shaking stress through an increase in xyloglucan deposition as a plant response under natural phenomena

    Comparative genomic analysis of 1047 completely sequenced cDNAs from an Arabidopsis-related model halophyte, Thellungiella halophila

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Thellungiella halophila </it>(also known as <it>T. salsuginea</it>) is a model halophyte with a small size, short life cycle, and small genome. <it>Thellungiella </it>genes exhibit a high degree of sequence identity with Arabidopsis genes (90% at the cDNA level). We previously generated a full-length enriched cDNA library of <it>T. halophila </it>from various tissues and from whole plants treated with salinity, chilling, freezing stress, or ABA. We determined the DNA sequences of 20 000 cDNAs at both the 5'- and 3' ends, and identified 9569 distinct genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we completely sequenced 1047 <it>Thellungiella </it>full-length cDNAs representing abiotic-stress-related genes, transcription factor genes, and protein phosphatase 2C genes. The predicted coding sequences, 5'-UTRs, and 3'-UTRs were compared with those of orthologous genes from Arabidopsis for length, sequence similarity, and structure. The 5'-UTR sequences of <it>Thellungiella </it>and Arabidopsis orthologs shared a significant level of similarity, although the motifs were rearranged. While examining the stress-related <it>Thellungiella </it>coding sequences, we found a short splicing variant of <it>T. halophila </it><it>salt overly sensitive 1 </it>(<it>ThSOS1</it>), designated <it>ThSOS1S</it>. ThSOS1S contains the transmembrane domain of ThSOS1 but lacks the C-terminal hydrophilic region. The expression level of <it>ThSOS1S </it>under normal growth conditions was higher than that of <it>ThSOS1</it>. We also compared the expression levels of Na<sup>+</sup>-transport-system genes between <it>Thellungiella </it>and Arabidopsis by using full-length cDNAs from each species as probes. Several genes that play essential roles in Na<sup>+ </sup>excretion, compartmentation, and diffusion (<it>SOS1</it>, <it>SOS2</it>, <it>NHX1</it>, and <it>HKT1</it>) were expressed at higher levels in <it>Thellungiella </it>than in Arabidopsis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The full-length cDNA sequences obtained in this study will be essential for the ongoing annotation of the <it>Thellungiella </it>genome, especially for further improvement of gene prediction. Moreover, they will enable us to find splicing variants such as <it>ThSOS1S </it>(AB562331).</p

    Intake of Radionuclides in the Trees of Fukushima Forests 3. Removal of Radiocesium from Stem Wood, Cryptomeria Japonica (L.f.) D. Don.

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    Nuclear power plant accidents have dispersed radiocesium into the atmosphere to contaminate trees with no turnover in heartwood, as occurred in Fukushima, and as has persisted for over 30 years around Chernobyl. Here we employ the ponding method, in which radiocesium can be flushed out from the cross-cut edges of Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D. Don., stem with water due to xyloglucan degradation in tracheids. Furthermore, lab-scale ponding experiments have shown that a non-detectable level of radiocesium has been observed not only in the pool water used for 575 days but also in the water containing recombinant xyloglucanase. This traditional technology is now a new biotechnology

    Intake of Radionuclides in the Trees of Fukushima Forests 4. Binding of Radioiodine to Xyloglucan

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    The 1, 4-linked glucans such as xyloglucan and amylose are known to form a complex with iodine/iodide ions and to also be precipitated with CaCl2 in the presence of iodine. Here, we show that iodine gas could be specifically incorporated into xyloglucan. Furthermore, we show that [125I]I2 gas is, over time, incorporated at high levels into the entire outer surface of poplar seedlings but that spraying seedlings with abscisic acid to close stomata decreases the incorporation of the gas. There was less incorporation of the gas in a transgenic poplar overexpressing xyloglucanase at the early stages when compared with a wild type. This shows that xyloglucan serves as a key absorber of iodine gas into a plant body. After individual leaves of cultured seedlings were exposed to the gas for 30 min, no radioiodine was emitted from those leaves over the following two weeks, indicating that no turnover occurs in radioiodine once it is bound to the polysaccharides in plant tissues. We conclude that forest trees could serve as one of the largest enormous capture systems for the radioiodine fallout following the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima

    Possible cross-feeding pathway of facultative methylotroph Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi Gela4 on methanotroph Methylocaldum marinum S8

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    Non-methanotrophic bacteria such as methylotrophs often coexist with methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) by cross-feeding on methane-derived carbon. Methanol has long been considered a major compound that mediates cross-feeding of methane-derived carbon. Despite the potential importance of cross-feeding in the global carbon cycle, only a few studies have actually explored metabolic responses of a bacteria when cross-feeding on a methanotroph. Recently, we isolated a novel facultative methylotroph, Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi Gela4, which grows syntrophically with the methanotroph, Methylocaldum marinum S8. To assess the potential metabolic pathways in M. caenitepidi Gela4 co-cultured with M. marinum S8, we conducted genomic analyses of the two strains, as well as RNA-Seq and chemical analyses of M. caenitepidi Gela4, both in pure culture with methanol and in co-culture with methanotrophs. Genes involved in the serine pathway were downregulated in M. caenitepidi Gela4 under co-culture conditions, and methanol was below the detection limit (< 310 nM) in both pure culture of M. marinum S8 and co-culture. In contrast, genes involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, as well as acetyl-CoA synthetase, were upregulated in M. caenitepidi Gela4 under co-culture conditions. Notably, a pure culture of M. marinum S8 produced acetate (< 16 μM) during growth. These results suggested that an organic compound other than methanol, possibly acetate, might be the major carbon source for M. caenitepidi Gela4 cross-fed by M. marinum S8. Co-culture of M. caenitepidi Gela4 and M. marinum S8 may represent a model system to further study methanol-independent cross-feeding from methanotrophs to non-methanotrophic bacteria

    Randomized phase II study to determine the optimal dose of 3-week cycle nab-paclitaxel in patients with metastatic breast cancer

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    Background Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is commonly observed in patients treated with nanoparticle albumin–bound paclitaxel (nab-PTX). We conducted a multicenter randomized controlled study to evaluate the optimal dose of nab-PTX. Methods We compared three different doses of q3w nab-PTX (Standard: 260 mg/m2 [SD260] vs Medium: 220 mg/m2 [MD220] vs Low: 180 mg/m2 [LD180]) in patients with HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Grade 3/4 neuropathy rates in the three doses were estimated using the logistic regression model. The optimal dose was selected in two steps. Initially, if the hazard ratio (HR) for PFS was 1.33, the inferior dose was excluded, and we proceeded with the non-inferior dose. Then, if the estimated incidence rate of grade 3/4 neurotoxicity exceeded 10%, that dose was also excluded. Results One hundred forty-one patients were randomly assigned to SD260 (n = 47), MD220 (n = 46), and LD180 (n = 48) groups, and their median PFS was 6.66, 7.34, and 6.82 months, respectively. The HRs were 0.73 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.42–1.28) in MD220 vs SD260, 0.77 (95% CI 0.47–1.28) in LD180 vs SD260, and 0.96 (95% CI 0.56–1.66) in LD180 vs MD220. SD260 was inferior to MD220 and was excluded. The estimated incidence rate of grade 3/4 neurotoxicity was 29.5% in SD260, 14.0% in MD220, and 5.9% in LD180. The final selected dose was LD180. Conclusions Intravenous administration of low-dose nab-PTX at 180 mg/m2 q3w may be the optimal therapy with meaningful efficacy and favorable toxicity in patients with MBC

    Methanogenic archaea use a bacteria-like methyltransferase system to demethoxylate aromatic compounds

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    Methane-generating archaea drive the final step in anaerobic organic compound mineralization and dictate the carbon flow of Earth’s diverse anoxic ecosystems in the absence of inorganic electron acceptors. Although such Archaea were presumed to be restricted to life on simple compounds like hydrogen (H(2)), acetate or methanol, an archaeon, Methermicoccus shengliensis, was recently found to convert methoxylated aromatic compounds to methane. Methoxylated aromatic compounds are important components of lignin and coal, and are present in most subsurface sediments. Despite the novelty of such a methoxydotrophic archaeon its metabolism has not yet been explored. In this study, transcriptomics and proteomics reveal that under methoxydotrophic growth M. shengliensis expresses an O-demethylation/methyltransferase system related to the one used by acetogenic bacteria. Enzymatic assays provide evidence for a two step-mechanisms in which the methyl-group from the methoxy compound is (1) transferred on cobalamin and (2) further transferred on the C(1)-carrier tetrahydromethanopterin, a mechanism distinct from conventional methanogenic methyl-transfer systems which use coenzyme M as final acceptor. We further hypothesize that this likely leads to an atypical use of the methanogenesis pathway that derives cellular energy from methyl transfer (Mtr) rather than electron transfer (F(420)H(2) re-oxidation) as found for methylotrophic methanogenesis

    Mutations in nuclear pore complex promote osmotolerance in Arabidopsis by suppressing the nuclear translocation of ACQOS and its osmotically induced immunity

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    We have previously reported a wide variation in salt tolerance among Arabidopsis thaliana accessions and identified ACQOS, encoding a nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) protein, as the causal gene responsible for the disturbance of acquired osmotolerance induced after mild salt stress. ACQOS is conserved among Arabidopsis osmosensitive accessions, including Col-0. In response to osmotic stress, it induces detrimental autoimmunity, resulting in suppression of osmotolerance, but how ACQOS triggers autoimmunity remains unclear. Here, we screened acquired osmotolerance (aot) mutants from EMS-mutagenized Col-0 seeds and isolated the aot19 mutant. In comparison with the wild type (WT), this mutant had acquired osmotolerance and decreased expression levels of pathogenesis-related genes. It had a mutation in a splicing acceptor site in NUCLEOPORIN 85 (NUP85), which encodes a component of the nuclear pore complex. A mutant with a T-DNA insertion in NUP85 acquired osmotolerance similar to aot19. The WT gene complemented the osmotolerant phenotype of aot19. We evaluated the acquired osmotolerance of five nup mutants of outer-ring NUPs and found that nup96, nup107, and aot19/nup85, but not nup43 or nup133, showed acquired osmotolerance. We examined the subcellular localization of the GFP–ACQOS protein and found that its nuclear translocation in response to osmotic stress was suppressed in aot19. We suggest that NUP85 is essential for the nuclear translocation of ACQOS, and the loss-of-function mutation of NUP85 results in acquired osmotolerance by suppressing ACQOS-induced autoimmunity in response to osmotic stress

    Association of Genetic Polymorphism with Taxane-induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Sub-analysis of a Randomized Phase II Study to Determine the Optimal Dose of 3-week Cycle Nab-Paclitaxel in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients

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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is an important clinical challenge that threatens patients’ quality of life. This sub-study of the ABROAD trial investigated the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on CIPN, using genotype data from a randomized study to determine the optimal dose of a 3-week-cycle regimen of nab-paclitaxel (q3w nab-PTX) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Patients with HER2-negative MBC were randomly assigned to three doses of q3w nab-PTX (SD: 260 mg/m2 vs. MD: 220 mg/m2 vs. LD: 180 mg/m2). Five SNPs (EPHA4-rs17348202, EPHA5-rs7349683, EPHA6-rs301927, LIMK2-rs5749248, and XKR4-rs4737264) were analyzed based on the results of a previous genome-wide association study. Per-allele SNP associations were assessed by a Cox regression to model the cumulative dose of nab-PTX up to the onset of severe or worsening sensory neuropathy. A total of 141 patients were enrolled in the parent study; 91(65%) were included in this sub-study. Worsening of CIPN was significantly greater in the cases with XKR4 AC compared to those with a homozygote AA (HR 1.86, 95%CI: 1.00001−3.46, p=0.049). There was no significant correlation of CIPN with any other SNP. A multivariate analysis showed that the cumulative dose of nab-PTX was most strongly correlated with CIPN (p<0.01)

    Differential regulations of abscisic acid-induced desiccation tolerance and vegetative dormancy by group B3 Raf kinases in liverworts

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    Phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a key role in stomata closure, osmostress acclimation, and vegetative and embryonic dormancy. Group B3 Raf protein kinases (B3-Rafs) serve as positive regulators of ABA and osmostress signaling in the moss Physcomitrium patens and the angiosperm Arabidopsis thaliana. While P. patens has a single B3-Raf called ARK, specific members of B3-Rafs among six paralogs regulate ABA and osmostress signaling in A. thaliana, indicating functional diversification of B3-Rafs in angiosperms. However, we found that the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, belonging to another class of bryophytes, has three paralogs of B3-Rafs, MpARK1, MpARK2, and MpARK3, with structural variations in the regulatory domains of the polypeptides. By reporter assays of the P. patens ark line and analysis of genome-editing lines of M. polymorpha, we found that these B3-Rafs are functionally redundant in ABA response, with respect to inhibition of growth, tolerance to desiccation and expression of stress-associated transcripts, the majority of which are under the control of the PYR/PYL/RCAR-like receptor MpPYL1. Interestingly, gemmae in gemma cups were germinating only in mutant lines associated with MpARK1, indicating that dormancy in the gametophyte is controlled by a specific B3-Raf paralog. These results indicated not only conservation of the role of B3-Rafs in ABA and osmostress response in liverworts but also functional diversification of B3-Rafs, which is likely to have occurred in the early stages of land plant evolution