567 research outputs found

    Women's emotion work on Facebook: Strategic use of emotions in public discourse

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    Debates on Facebook are frequently accused of being too emotional, and rational arguments give way to anger, outrage, and polarisation. Emotions are often juxtaposed against reasoning in public deliberation, as they are not considered rational but coercive in nature. However, others would argue that emotions have a specific function in public discussion, as, for example, they can make an argument more genuine or trigger empathy. Considering that social network sites, such as Facebook, are designed to favour emotional engagement, it becomes clear that more understanding is needed about the experience of emotions in such debates. Based on 30 in-depth interviews, this study explores how emotions in Facebook debates are experienced and negotiated by Norwegian women. The findings show that while some emotions are disliked and considered non-conductive, other emotions are employed strategically. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates how the use and negotiation of emotions can be understood as emotion work.publishedVersio

    A digital public sphere: Just in theory or a perceived reality for users of social network sites?

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    Social network sites (SNS) have the potential of providing new and more egalitarian spaces for public deliberation, and researchers, media and politicians often discuss them in those terms. Still, little attention is given to how ordinary users perceive SNS as spaces for public deliberation. This study addresses this gap by investigating how SNS generally are perceived by the users as potential spaces for public deliberation and if this perception is conditioned by demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, level of education, use of Twitter, and activity in SNS. The study draws on users of SNS in a nationally representative survey from Norway (N=1699). The results show signifi cant diff erences in the perception of SNS as spaces for public deliberation according to both demographic characteristics and activity. More importantly, even if people are aware of SNS being portrayed as spaces for public deliberation, few are found to use them in such a way.publishedVersio

    Facebook as a public arena for women: infringing on democratic ideals and a cause of worry

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    Facebook allows users to engage in public discourse. However, debates on social network sites are criticised for damaging democracy by adding to polarisation, limiting perspectives, and promoting a derogatory tone driven by emotion and personal conviction rather than facts. Research has thus far mainly focused on visible participation on Facebook, while the experience of this public space remains under-theorised. This study provides insights into women's user experience of Facebook as an arena for public discourse by conducting qualitative interviews with 30 female users of Facebook (aged 19-74) in Norway. The findings revealed interpretive repertoires based on deliberative ideals and negativity toward activities that do not adhere to such ideals. However, the results also indicated that worry was a key factor in negotiating these ideals and sometimes unintentionally replacing them with behaviours that may be harmful to public discussion.publishedVersio

    Honor song| A novel

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    Why so quiet? Exploring inhibition in digital public spaces

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    Social network sites have been considered as important arenas for public debate, but as a large proportion of users do not actively participate, there is a need to further our understanding of a phenomenon as hidden, unnoticed and invisible as non-participation. We argue that inhibition is a valuable socio-psychological lens to study non-participation, usefully extending the conceptual framework of political communication regarding non-participation, and offering a more precise way of theorising the intent behind this apparent passivity. Using representative survey data collected in Norway in 2017 (N = 2064), we first sensitise the multi-layered concept of inhibition through combining different dominant approaches: the spiral-of-silence theory, the harsh debate climate, political efficacy, and specific properties of social network sites related to identity and impression management. Second, we show that inhibition functions as an in-between concept balancing participation and non-participation in social network sites. Through factor analysis principal component factor (PCF), we integrate established theories that allow us to define overarching dimensions of inhibition, demonstrating that it is a complex phenomenon not easily understood through one specific theoretical perspective.publishedVersio

    Estetiske læreprosesser i grunnskolen: En studie av den erkjennelsesorienterte og den kunstorienterte forståelsen av estetiske læreprosesser i utdanningspolitiske dokumenter

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    Dette er en kvalitativ studie som drøfter estetiske læreprosesser som begrep i et utvalg utdanningspolitiske dokumenter ut ifra følgende problemstilling: Estetiske læreprosesser i grunnskolen kan forstås som både; i) en teori om læring og det estetiske ved erkjennelsesprosessen, og som i) en teori om produksjon og resepsjon av kunst og kultur. Hvordan viser disse forståelsene av estetiske læreprosesser seg i et utvalg dokumenter fra den utdanningspolitiske diskursen som gjelder grunnskolen? Studien tar utgangspunkt i et analytisk skille mellom den erkjennelsesorienterte og den kunstorienterte tilnærmingen til estetiske læreprosesser. Metoden for studien er diskursanalyse, der jeg drøfter funn fra dokumenter rettet mot grunnskolen når det gjelder verdier og prinsipper, praktisk og estetisk innhold samt grunnskolelærerutdanningen. Drøftingen skjer i lys av teori og forskning rundt estetiske læreprosesser, med bidrag fra Hansjörg Hohr, Helene Illeris, Bennyé D. Austring og Merete Sørensen, og Rapport om estetiske læreprosesser i grunnskolelærerutdanningene- helhetlig integrert og forskningsbaert (Austring & Sørensen, 2006; By et al., 2020; Hohr, 2004, 2013, 2015; Hohr & Pedersen, 1996; Illeris, 2012). Mitt vitenskapsteoretiske perspektiv er sosialkonstruktivisme. Utvalget består av Overordnet del- verdier og prinsipper for grunnopplæringen, Skaperglede, engasjement og utforskertrang- Praktisk og estetisk innhold i barnehage, skole og lærerutdanning og Forskrift om rammeplan for grunnskolelærerutdanning for trinn 5-10 (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2016, 2017, 2019). Bakgrunnen for studien er uklarheten i måten estetiske læreprosesser beskrives i utdanningspolitiske dokumenter og forskning. Uklarhetene ligger i om det forstås innenfor en formal estetikkforståelse, der form, innhold og kunst er nødvendige karakteristikker. Eller forstått som det estetiske ved erkjennelsen uten formale krav, i retning en pragmatisk estetikkforståelse. Et teoretisk poeng i studien er at erkjennelsesorienteringen og kunstorienteringen bidrar med en ny måte å forstå estetiske læreprosesser på. Det konkluderes med at både den erkjennelsesorienterte og den kunstorienterte tilnærmingen til estetiske læreprosesser vises i dokumentene. Med unntak av Overordnet del nevnes estetiske læreprosesser eksplisitt. Drøftingen viser at estetiske læreprosesser ikke prioriteres og at begrepet fremstår som noe utvannet på grunn av upresise formuleringer i samtlige dokumenter

    Cancer stem cells as mediators of treatment resistance in brain tumors: Status and controversies

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    Malignant primary brain tumors are characterized by a short median survival and an almost 100% tumorrelated mortality. Despite the addition of new chemotherapy regimes, the overall survival has improved marginally, and radiotherapy is only transiently effective, illustrating the profound impact of treatment resistance on prognosis. Recent studies suggest that a small subpopulation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) has the capacity to repopulate tumors and drive malignant progression and mediate radio- and chemoresistance. This implies that future therapies should turn from the elimination of the rapidly dividing, but differentiated tumor cells, to specifically targeting the minority of tumor cells that repopulate the tumor. Although there exists some support for the CSC hypothesis, there remain many uncertainties regarding theoretical, technical, and interpretational aspects of the data supporting it. If correct, the CSC hypothesis could have profound implications for the way tumors are classified and treated. In this review of the literature, we provide original data and hypotheses supporting alternative explanations and outline some of the therapeutic implications that can be derived.publishedVersio

    North Namibia margin : regional tectonic evolution based on integrated analysis of seismic reflection and potential field data and modelling

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    Rifting of the Paleozoic Gondwana supercontinent during Mesozoic time ended eventually with the breakup of Africa and South America, leading to passive margin formation and to the creation of the South Atlantic Ocean (e.g. Karner & Driscoll, 1999; Mohriak et al., 2002). Rifting began in the south and propagated towards the north, accompanied by lithosphere stretching that finally culminated in breakup and the onset of sea floor spreading. Plate motion reconstruction in the South Atlantic is controversial due to a magnetic quiet zone lasting from early Aptian to Campanian times. End of rifting and onset of seafloor spreading is by many studies estimated to range from 137 to 130 Ma in the southern part of the South Atlantic (Austin & Uchupi, 1982; Nürnberg & Müller, 1991; Gladczenko et al., 1997; Mohriak et al., 2002). The oldest magnetic seafloor-spreading anomalies recognized off Namibia are 130 Ma, and breakup is therefore considered to have occurred there in Early Cretaceous time (Rabinowitz and LaBrecque, 1979). The South Atlantic rift system created two different passive margin settings offshore Namibia, namely non-volcanic and volcanic, situated north and south of the bathymetric feature Walvis Ridge offshore North Namibia (Fig. 1.1) (Gladczenko et al., 1999). On the conjugate South America margin, the Rio Grande Rise (Fig. 1.1) represents the conjugate prominent bathymetric feature, which is related to the Tristan hot-spot plume trail (e.g. Storey, 1995; Eldholm et al., 2000; Thompson et al., 2001). North of Walvis Ridge the margin shows more similarities with the Angola margin, but without the prominent salt structures (e.g. Marton et al., 2000; Nurullina, 2006). This part has got no/little evidence of extrusive magmatic material and underplating compared to the margin south of the Walvis Ridge, which exhibits large volumes of extrusive material both offshore and onshore, and evidence of underplating (e.g. Gladczenko et al., 1997; Gladczenko et al., 1999). As petroleum exploration advances into frontier regions it is important to understand the crustal architecture of continental margins. Since most seismic surveys do not extend seaward beyond the continental shelf and slope, integration and modelling of potential field data helps to gain more information and to reduce costs and interpretation risks. In this study, the North Namibian margin is studied based on an integrated analysis of seismic reflection, potential field data and modelling. The aim is to study and model the crustal structure and to refine the continent-ocean boundary/transition. Through this analysis, the main tectonic events shaping the margin are discussed and the margin segmentation due to a number of transfer systems is refined. Finally, the architecture and development of the North Namibia margin is viewed and discussed in a South Atlantic conjugate margin-setting framework

    Strategic development opportunities in business processes : a study concerning how managers can identify strategic development opportunities through new technology

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    Den teknologiske utviklingen forekommer i en ekstrem hastighet og har for første gang åpnet for en automatisering av bred variasjon av arbeidsoppgaver. Automatisering av slike oppgaver legger til rette for en vekst i produktivitet og markedsfortrinn for forretninger som ønsker å benytte seg av slike muligheter. Selv om det eksisterer godt definerte rammeverk for å identifisere strategiske muligheter, finnes det derimot lite forskning rundt identifiseringen av strategiske muligheter ved ny teknologi. Målet med denne studien er å fylle dette tomrommet i litteraturen ved å utvikle og anvende en metodikk for identifiseringen av strategiske muligheter ved ny teknologi. På bakgrunn av dette forsøker studien å besvare følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan ledere identifisere strategiske utviklingsmuligheter i deres forretningsprosesser? Med studiens metodiske tilnærming og problemstillingens art, er det valgt å bruke en kombinasjon av casestudie og fenomenologisk studie som forskningsdesign for å besvare studiens problemstilling. Valget av metode baseres på studiens teoretiske tilnærming. Denne studien tar ikke utelukkende utgangspunkt i en av metodene, men nytter begge i en stegvisdeduktiv induktiv tilnærming. Studiens teori presenteres derfor for å danne et teoretisk rammeverk over metodikkene, rammeverkene og den teknologiske utviklingen som gir grunnlaget for studiens egen metodikk for identifisering av strategiske muligheter. Empiriske data ble samlet inn gjennom observasjoner og intervjuer på et sentrallager og sykehus. Sammen med det teoretiske rammeverket utgjorde dette grunnlaget for studiens analyse og videre diskusjon. Hovedfunnene i denne studien viser at oppgavens utviklede metodikk kan være en god tilnærming til identifiseringen av strategiske muligheter. Samtidig bør ikke ledere utelukkende se på de strategiske mulighetene som kommer av ny teknologi, men også vurdere bruken av tradisjonelle metoder for effektivisering av forretningsprosesser. På denne måten kan de maksimere forretningsprosessenes produktivitet. Den teknologiske utviklingen medbringer strategiske muligheter. Dette vil også ha implikasjoner for forretninger som ønsker å være konkurransedyktige. Det blir avgjørende for ledere i slike organisasjoner å se på hvordan de kan benytte seg av disse mulighetene for å øke egen produktivitet og redusere kostnader. Samtidig må ledere allerede i dag begynne å tenke på hvordan de kan legge til rette for en kapitalisering på slike muligheter etterhvert som teknologien blir mer og mer realisert