90 research outputs found

    Sosiaalipolitiikka 2000-luvun hyvinvointiyhteiskunnassa

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    Suomalaisen lapsen elämää

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Suomalainen lapsi / Leena Kartovaara ja Hannele Sauli. Helsinki, 2000

    Sosiaalipolitiikka: romantiikkaa vai kylmiä kalan silmiä?

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    Sosiaalipolitiikka ja julkisuus – ketkä ovat äänessä?

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    Johdanto symposiumiin: Empatia, hyvinvointi ja yhteiset asiat

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    Raha ja rakkaus hyvinvoinnin lähteinä

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    Huono-osaisuuden kasautuminen ja pitkittyminen Suomessa 1970-2000

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    Sosiaaliala tieteen ja käytännön ristiaallokossa

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    Samassa veneessä: empatiakuilujen poliittinen ulottuvuus Suomessa

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    In the same boat? Empathy gaps in Finnish politics Until today, Finns have wanted to think that they are figuratively in the same boat. In particular,this phrase is used by politicians, creating the impression that everyone is treated in the same wayand everyone is taken care of. This article looks into this rhetoric and analyzes how the voters ofdifferent parties care about the well-being of different population groups. In other words, we areinterested in empathy gaps within the Finnish population. The research data consists of two representativesurveys from 2016 and 2018 collected by research project Tackling Inequalities in Time ofAusterity (TITA) (N = 4933). The so called honorable poor cause most empathy among the respondents.By contrast, least empathy is caused by groups that are somehow seen as guilty of their ownsituation. The voters of Left Alliance as well as Greens are the most empathetic to most of thepopulation groups, whereas the voters of Finns Party are the least empathetic. However, statisticaldifferences between supporters of differents parties are relatively small
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