32 research outputs found

    Size dependent influence of the pad and gate parasitic elements to the microwave and noise performance of the 0.35 µm n and p type MOSFETs.

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    Noise and s-parameters of the p and n type MOSFETs were measured and simulated for the different bias points. The pad parasitic models of the „short“ and „open“ were extracted by means of comparison of measured and simulated s-parameters. The influence of the pad elements on the microwave noise was analyzed. The simulation of intrinsic device noise was performed on the basis of good fit of measured and simulated noise and s-parameters of the DUT. For the narrow gate (50 µm) width devices the pad parasitics significantly affect microwave noise performance for both p and n type devices. At the lower drain currents the kinks and loops in the s-parameters were observed. At low drain current a resonant peak in NFmin and Rn around 8 GHz was found. Those resonant effects observed in noise and s-parameters diminish with the increase of the drain current and were qualitatively accounted for by the simulations by using equivalent circuit with the parasitic inductive element coupled to the gate

    Nonlinear transport and fluctuation characteristics of doped semiconductors

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    Fluctuation phenomena in doped n-type GaAs, at moderate applied electric fields being influenced by interelectron scattering, are interpreted in terms of effective electron temperature. Electron Fick’s diffusion coefficients in longitudinal and transfer direction are estimated

    Microwave Noise Analysis in InP and GaAs HBTs

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    High frequency (h.f.) noise characteristics of advanced InP and GaAs HBTs were measured and simulated. The compact model (CM) HICUM/L2 v2.34 was used for the DC, AC and noise simulation as well as for the noise analysis. Geometry scalable model parameters for InP HBTs with the different emitter widths and lengths were extracted from temperature dependent DC and AC measurements on HBTs and special test structures. The CM is in good agreement with measured data. Non-equilibrium electron transport was found to shape fT and fmax for GaAs HBTs. For both HBT types, based on the noise source decomposition, an analysis of the influence of the different noise sources on the minimum noise figure (NFmin) was performed at different base-collector biases VBC. It was found that noise due to intervalley transfer related electron scattering has negligible impact on NFmin for both InP and GaAs HBTs. H.f. noise reduction as a result of Coulomb current blocking in GaAs HBTs was confirmed. Shot noise correlation was investigated in GaAs HBTs with different base layer thickness (wB) and base doping for the optimal h.f. noise behavior

    Effects of Electron Bombardment on CdSe Crystals At T ≅ 4K

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    Systematic Compact Modeling of Correlated Noise in Bipolar Transistors

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    Measures for increasing of company’s production capacity / Geresnio gamybinių pajėgumų naudojimo priemonės

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    Production capacity improvements are poorly explored areas of economic literature and the existing methods are difficult to apply. For this reason, the organization has only a superficial analysis of capacity, but after all this time, each production company had to improve the production capacity for the market economy and the most economical use of production factors. This article explores the company’s production capacity for better use of tools. It also presents the capacity of their concept, establishment, evaluates the factors leading to their production capacity, for developing efficiency measures and model presentation. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos įmonės gamybinių pajėgumų geresnio naudojimo priemonės. Atlikta mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, analizuojami gamybinių pajėgumų formavimo ir naudojimo teoriniai teiginiai. Taip pat apibūdinami gamybiniai pajėgumai, jų samprata, nustatymas, vertinami juos lemiantys veiksniai ir nurodomos jų didinimo priemonės. Tyrimo tikslas – gamybinių pajėgumų geresnio naudojimo priemonių modelio sudarymas. Raktiniai žodžiai: gamybiniai pajėgumai; gamybinių pajėgumų naudojimas; tobulinimas; gamybos veiksnia