43 research outputs found

    Examination of educational programs utilizing ICT in hybrid lessons

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    本稿は,コロナ禍における授業方針の転換により,クラス分割して対面と遠隔を組み合わせたハイブリッド型授業を取り上げICTを有効活用した新たな教育プログラムを検討したものである。これまでになかった遠隔授業を導入するにあたり,対面と遠隔をいかにうまく組み合わせるかを考慮し,対面では対面ならではの学生の交流を重視した内容(テーマ)とし,遠隔は,学生が個人またはグループで取り組めるオンライン教材と動画作成などの課題を設定し ,新たな教育プログラムの検討をおこなった

    Development and evaluation of PBL lesson programs utilizing ICT

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    本研究は、社会の情勢が大きく変化していく中で大学での新たなICTを活用することによって、質の高い授業プログラムを検討することをねらいとする。特に、学生・教員間でのコミュニケーションが必要となる PBL授業を対象とし、どのようなICTを活用することが授業に自主的かつ積極的に参加し、学び・成長する機会をつくれるかについて検討した。本研究では、主にコミュニケーションツール slackとGoogleの状況共有を中心に学生の利用度と評価について考察している 。結果は、いずれもスムーズに利用することが可能で親和性があり、学生同士、教員とのコミュニケーションが以前より向上したといえる

    Magnetic characterization change by solvents of magnetic nanoparticles in liquid-phase magnetic immunoassay

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    Liquid-phase magnetic immunoassay (MIA) using magnetic nano-particles (MNPs) has been studied as a more rapid method compared to optical methods for inspecting proteins and viruses. MIA can estimate the number of conjugated antibodies without being washed differently from conventional optical immunoassay. However, in the case of the liquid phase, it is considered that the magnetic properties of MNPs are affected by physical properties such as viscosity and impurity substances such as biological substances contained in the blood. In this study, the effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) in buffer and serum solution was evaluated to reveal the effect of serum because the sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) ions in the serum dominate ion balance of blood. The measurement results of AC magnetic susceptibility and a dynamic light scattering (DLS) showed that the aggregation of MNPs was largely affected by the concentration of NaCl. This effect of the NaCl could be explained by shielding of the surface charge of MNPs by ions in the solution. Although the concentrations of NaCl in the buffer and serum solution were almost same, we found that MNPs were aggregated more in their size for those in the serum solution because of other impurities, such as proteins. These results suggest evaluation of effects of the contaminants in serum and optimization of polymer coatings of MNPs could be important factors to realize measurements of magnetic immunoassay with high accuracy. (C) 2019 Author(s)

    Laser monitoring of dynamic behavior of magnetic nanoparticles in magnetic field gradient

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    Manipulation of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) by an external magnetic field has been widely studied in the fields of biotechnology and medicine for collecting and/or reacting biomaterials in the solutions. Here, dynamic behaviors of MNP in solution under changing gradient magnetic field were investigated using our newly developed laser transmission system (LTS) with a variable magnetic field manipulator. The manipulator consists of a moving permanent magnet placed beside the optical cell filled with MNP solution. A laser beam was focused on the cell and the transmitted laser beam was detected by a silicon photodiode, so that the localized concentration of the MNP at the focused area could be evaluated by the intensity of transmitted laser beam. In this study, the LTS was applied to evaluate dynamic behaviors of MNP in serum solution. Dispersion and aggregation of MNP in the solution were evaluated. While time evolution of dispersion depends on the serum concentration, the behavior during aggregation by the magnetic field was independent of the serum concentration. A series of measurements for zeta-potentials, distributions of particle size, and magnetization distributions was carried out to understand this difference in the behavior. The results indicated that a Brownian motion was main force to distribute the MNP in the solution; on the other hand, the magnetic force to the MNP mainly affected the behavior during aggregation of the MNP in the solution

    Educational Value of Work Experience “Part-Time Job”Related to the Transition to Work

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    本稿は,コロナ以前にて多く大学生が在学中に従事するアルバイトのうち,とりわけ将来の職業の移行に関連したアルバイトの教育的価値を明らかにすることを目的とする。特に,大学での教育と将来の職業が必ずしも一致しない文系大学生のアルバイトの有効性を探る。調査方法は半構造化面接のインタビュー調査を用いて,修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ(M-GTA)もちいて分析をおこなった。結果は,アルバイトと比較的類似の就業体験である教育プログラム内の「インターンシップ」,「実習」を代替・補完する教育的価値の可能性が確認された。departmental bulletin pape

    Lipocalin function of E.coli zinT (yodA) protein.

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    重金属やアミトロール(AT)で発現誘導され、大腸菌ストレス応答タンパク質の一種であるzinT (yodA)は、一次構造比較やX線結晶構造解析による三次元立体構造などから、C末端領域に金属結合部位を持つこと、ABC transporter やlipocalinファミリーと一部相同なアミノ酸配列を持つことが明らかとなっているが、zinTの金属以外の低分子結合能については報告がない。そこで本研究では、大腸菌zinTタンパク質の種々の物質との結合能を、野生型zinTおよびN末端22残基欠損体(ΔN22)を用いて検討した。 まず、zinTの分子内TyrまたはTrp蛍光を指標として、種々の物質を添加に伴う蛍光強度の減少を測定した。低分子化合物としては、(1)ATおよびdNTP(2) 脂肪酸および脂質5種、(3) 複素式化合物3種、(4)芳香族化合物3種を検討し、zinTに対しそれぞれ添加し、30℃、10分間保温後、蛍光スペクトルを測定した。その結果、化合物添加によりzinTの最大蛍光強度は濃度依存的に減少し、特にdNTP, Qurcetinおよび8-ANSで顕著に見られた。また、野生型とΔN22において、蛍光減少の濃度依存性に顕著な差異は見られなかった。以上より、zinTは疎水性低分子化合物結合能(lipocalin活性)を有し、N末端領域のlipocalin活性に対する寄与は少ないことが明らかとなった

    Verification of the Effectiveness of University-Sponsored Internships

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    本研究の目的は,大学生を対象とした大学主催インターンシップの効果を学問・就職活動の方法が異なる文系・理系学生を軸に検証することである。大学教育と職業の接続の一つとしてインターンシップが拡充されているが,職業に関連した分野を学んでいる理系学生を対象としたインターンシップと一部を除き必ずしも職業に直結しない文系学生を対象としたインターンシップの効果が異なる結果となるのではないかと考えた。検証の結果,効果のひとつである就業観の醸成では,文系学生は肯定的に捉えている一方,理系学生は,否定的と異なる結果であった。「獲得能力」については,文系学生は肯定的,理系学生は否定的な評価となった。全般的に文系学生は,比較的肯定的な評価しているが,理系学生,一部そうではない認識をしていることが確認された。departmental bulletin pape

    An association between systolic blood pressure and stroke among patients with impaired consciousness in out-of-hospital emergency settings

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    Background: Stroke is difficult to diagnose when consciousness is disturbed. However few reports have discussed the clinical predictors of stroke in out-of-hospital emergency settings. This study aims to evaluate the association between initial systolic blood pressure (SBP) value measured by emergency medical service (EMS) and diagnosis of stroke among impaired consciousness patients. Methods: We included all patients aged 18 years or older who were treated and transported by EMS, and had impaired consciousness (Japan Coma Scale ≧ 1) in Osaka City (2.7 million), Japan from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2007. Data were prospectively collected by EMS personnel using a study-specific case report form. Multiple logistic regressions assessed the relationship between initial SBP and stroke and its subtypes adjusted for possible confounding factors. Results: During these 10 years, a total of 1,840,784 emergency patients who were treated and transported by EMS were documented during the study period in Osaka City. Out of 128,678 with impaired consciousness, 106,706 who had prehospital SBP measurements in the field were eligible for our analyses. The proportion of patients with severe impaired consciousness significantly increased from 14.5% in the =200 mmHg SBP group (P for trend =200 mmHg group versus the SBP 101-120 mmHg group was 5.26 (95% CI 4.93 to 5.60). The AOR of the SBP > =200 mmHg group versus the SBP 101-120 mmHg group was 9.76 in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 16.16 in intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and 1.52 in ischemic stroke (IS), and the AOR of SAH and ICH was greater than that of IS. Conclusions: Elevated SBP among emergency patients with impaired consciousness in the field was associated with increased diagnosis of stroke

    Effectiveness of prehospital Magill forceps use for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to foreign body airway obstruction in Osaka City

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    Background: Although foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) accounts for many preventable unintentional accidents, little is known about the epidemiology of FBAO patients and the effect of forceps use on those patients. This study aimed to assess characteristics of FBAO patients transported to hospitals by emergency medical service (EMS) personnel, and to verify the relationship between prehospital Magill forceps use and outcomes among out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) patients with FBAO. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed ambulance records of all patients who suffered FBAO, and were treated by EMS in Osaka City from 2000 through 2007, and assessed the characteristics of those patients. We also performed a multivariate logistic-regression analysis to assess factors associated with neurologically favorable survival among bystander-witnessed OHCA patients with FBAO in larynx or pharynx. Results: A total of 2,354 patients suffered from FBAO during the study period. There was a bimodal distribution by age among infants and old adults. Among them, 466 (19.8%) had an OHCA when EMS arrived at the scene, and 344 were witnessed by bystanders. In the multivariate analysis, Magill forceps use for OHCA with FBAO in larynx or pharynx was an independent predictor of neurologically favorable survival (16.4% [24/146] in the Magill forceps use group versus 4.3% [4/94] in the non-use group; adjusted odds ratio, 3.96 [95% confidence interval, 1.21-13.00], p = 0.023).Conclusions: From this large registry in Osaka, we revealed that prehospital Magill forceps use was associated with the improved outcome of bystander-witnessed OHCA patients with FBAO

    Lifestyle Habits Adjustment for Hypertension and Discontinuation of Antihypertensive Agents

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    Background: Hypertension is one of lifestyle-related diseases, and prevention and effect of reduction pressure can be expected by non-pharmacological interventions. Authors have continued guidance of adjustment for lifestyle to thousands of hypertensive patients, resulting 4.6%-6.1% case could discontinue hypertensive agents. This study enrolled patients with all necessary related data. Subjects and methods: Subjects were 50 patients with hypertension (M/F: 25/25, age 65.4 ± 8.6 vs. 53.4 ± 6.2 years, BMI 23.4 ± 2.7 vs. 22.3 ± 2.5, respectively), who could discontinued antihypertensive agents. They received consultation and intervention from registered dietitian nutritionists, exercise therapists and nurses. Results: The comparative results on males and females are as follows: smoking habit was 76% vs. 0%, alcohol intake was 60% vs. 0%, diabetes complication was 16% vs. 8%, and hyperlipidemia was 32% vs. 52%, respectively. These cases showed rare to none incidence of cerebral vascular accident (CVA), coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Consultations in median were 4.0 vs. 4.0 times, median weight reduction was 2.2 kg vs. 1.6 kg and median period withdrawal of the drug was 2.0 years vs. 2.5 years. Discussion and conclusion: When living adjustment is advised, blood pressure decreases due to behavior change. Our results suggest that these cases have less arteriosclerosis development, which enables withdrawal of medicine. It is necessary to carefully observe the progress whether the antihypertensive drug will be unnecessary or will be restarted. Current results obtained would become the fundamental data in the future, and the adjustment for diet and exercise would be useful for more adequate treatment for hypertension