230 research outputs found

    Burkholderia cenocepacia ET12 strain activates TNFR1 signalling in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells

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    Burkholderia cenocepacia is an important pulmonary pathogen in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF). Infection is often associated with severe pulmonary inflammation, and some patients develop a fatal necrotizing pneumonia and sepsis (‘cepacia syndrome’). The mechanisms by which this species causes severe pulmonary inflammation are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that B. cenocepacia BC7, a potentially virulent representative of the epidemic ET12 lineage, binds to tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and activates TNFR1-related signalling pathway similar to TNF-α, a natural ligand for TNFR1. This interaction participates in stimulating a robust IL-8 production from CF airway epithelial cells. In contrast, BC45, a less virulent ET12 representative, and ATCC 25416, an environmental B. cepacia strain, do not bind to TNFR1 and stimulate only minimal IL-8 production from CF cells. Further, TNFR1 expression is increased in CF airway epithelial cells compared with non-CF cells. We also show that B. cenocepacia ET12 strain colocaizes with TNFR1 in vitro and in the lungs of CF patients who died due to infection with B. cenocepacia, ET12 strain. Together, these results suggest that interaction of B. cenocepacia , ET12 strain with TNFR1 may contribute to robust inflammatory responses elicited by this organism.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73011/1/j.1462-5822.2007.01029.x.pd

    Mannitol promotes adherence of an outbreak strain of Burkholderia multivorans via an exopolysaccharide-independent mechanism that is associated with upregulation of newly identified fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins

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    © Society for General Microbiology, 2013. Post-print version of article deposited in accordance with SHERPA RoMEO guidelinesBurkholderia multivorans, a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), is an important pathogen of the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. Mannitol, approved as an inhaled osmolyte therapy for use in CF patients, promotes exopolysaccharide (EPS) production by the Bcc. In the present study, we investigated the role of mannitol-induced EPS in the adherence of B. multivorans. We report that mannitol promoted adherence of two representative B. multivorans strains. However, whilst this enhanced adherence was largely EPS-dependent in an environmental isolate, it was EPS-independent within a CF outbreak strain, suggesting strain-to-strain variation in adhesins. Genome sequencing of the outbreak strain enabled the identification of two distinct loci encoding putative fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins. The putative fimbriae-encoding locus was found to be widely distributed amongst clinical and environmental B. multivorans. In contrast, the locus encoding the putative afimbrial adhesin (of the filamentous haemagglutinin family, FHA) was restricted to clinical isolates. Both loci contributed to biofilm formation and mucin adherence. Furthermore, we report that mannitol promoted expression of both loci, and that the locus encoding the putative FHA-family adhesin is a key determinant of the enhanced adherence observed following growth in mannitol. Our studies provide the first characterization, to our knowledge, of B. multivorans adhesins, and in so doing highlight the strain-dependent role of EPS in the Bcc and the difficulties in assigning phenotypic traits to Bcc EPS due to the wider response to mannitol. Our observations also highlight the need to monitor the microbiological effects of inhaled mannitol therapy in Bcc-infected CF patients

    A study of morbidity pattern in Misgav Ladach technique of caesearean section

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    Background: There has been progressive increase in C-section (CS) rate globally since last 10 years. Issues related to maternal choice, Mode of delivery for non-cephalic presentation at term, vaginal delivery after previous scar have been the focus of attention. The objective of the study was to determine whether Misgav Ladach caesarean section technique offers benefits over Traditional Method of caesarean section with regards to Duration of surgery, Time taken for abdominal entry, Total operation time, Amount of blood loss and Postoperative morbidity.Methods: A randomized control study was carried out on 460 patients who underwent Caesarean section at Krishna hospital, Karad, Maharashtra, India between November 2013 to June 2015.Results: 460 cases of caesarean section admitted to Krishna institute of medical sciences, karad during the period of November 2013 to June 2015 were studied with respect of clinical pattern, majority of the cases who underwent, caesarean section by both the methods were in the age group of 21-25 years. The main indication for caesarean section was fetal distress. Fetal distress accounts for 29% in Misgav Ladach method and 31% in traditional method, failed induction accounts for 6% in Misgav Ladach and 8% in traditional method. The total operation time was 31 min average in Misgav Ladach and 37 min in traditional group. The mean blood loss for the Misgav Ladach group was 486 ml and 521 ml for the traditional group, which was significantly different (p<0.001). The postoperative morbidity due to fever was 4% in the both groups.Conclusions: Substantial reductions in operating time and blood loss were noted in the study, which may benefit the women in reducing the exposure time to anesthesia

    Diabetic nephropathy: early markers for monitoring and prevention

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes, with its complications is perpetually on the rise more so in India .Diabetic Nephropathy progresses silently, and manifests at a stage where, patient can be offered only renal replacement. This study was undertaken to detect early markers of Diabetic Nephropathy. Aims and objective of the study was to study early nephropathy by UACR (urinary albumin/creatinine ratio), RFT (renal function test) and e-GFR in Type 2 diabetic patients of more than 2 years duration, with and without hypertension.Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional observational study, of 100 patients, 18-60 years of age, of type 2 Diabetes of 2 year duration and above, of which 50 were only diabetic and 50 had diabetes and hypertension. Patients who had an established renal disease were excluded from study.Results: Our study of 100 patients, 18-60 years of age, had 23 male and 77 female patients. Maximum patients were in age group 41-50 years, and 52% had diabetes of 2-4 years duration. Of the renal parameters studied, BUN was normal in 72% and S. Creatinine normal in 67%. UACR was normal in only 38%, and e-GFR was normal in 49%.Conclusions: In our study age and sex, duration of Diabetes and HbA1c did not have any bearing on renal parameters. UACR followed by e-GFR, were deranged early. UACR was more deranged in diabetics with hypertension.

    A rare case report: unscarred uterus rupture in pregnancy with intra-abdominal missing foetal limb

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    Ruptured uterus is an obstetric and surgical emergency that can lead to maternal or fetal death. Spontaneous rupture of an unscarred uterus during pregnancy is a rare occurrence. The incidence of ruptured uterus is 0.3 to 1.7% in women with scarred uterus, and 0.03 to 0.08% among women with unscarred uterus. We report a rare case of spontaneous uterine rupture at 30 weeks of gestation with missing fetal limb. Later on, after doing emergency laparotomy the missing limb was found in the abdominal cavity of the patient who had an unscarred uterus. Uterine rupture occurring in an unscarred uterus is sometimes an unpredictable event. Abdominal pain occurring on a pregnant woman should be seriously managed. Ultrasound scan and external electronic fetal monitoring should be carried out rapidly so as to diagnose the uterine rupture at the earliest

    A study on Nidana and Chikitsa of Mootravaha Sroto Dushti Vikara with Ahara Vidhi of Charaka Samhita

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    In the present modern life style, we do not take care of our health and the consequences of our eating habits and other styles of life, which are harmful for us. Ahar Vidhi Vidhan described in our classics which are the foundation of dietetics. Which indicates the method of Ahara, these are Ushna, Snigdha, Matravat, is consumed after the digestion of previously ingested food, Virya Avirudha Ahara.[1] Any slight disturbance at the level of Mootravaha Srotas, either structurally or functionally leads to Sammurchana of Dosha and Dushya[2] and as a result disease manifests inside the body. Handling the faulty dietic habits, diseases may be originated and aggravated. To study the effect of Ahara Vidhi in detail with correlation with Mootrvaha Sroto Vikaras in this literary study. Thus properly convincing about the importance of Ahara rules to prevent from diseases is very necessary in present situation of time

    Prevalence of middle mesial canals and Isthmi in mandibular molars in a subpopulation of Andhra Pradesh: An in vivo investigation using CBCT.

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    Background: Pulp and root canal space is enigmatic and highly complex. Encountering rare has become a norm with the advancements in the technology of materials and types of equipment. The success of the root canal treatment depends on the effective removal of bacteria from the whole pulp space. A high percentage of the missed canal is reported for the failure of Endodontic therapy. Mandibular molars have complex root canal anatomy. Two roots with two canals in mesial root and one to two canals in distal root is a common occurrence.    Nevertheless, the incidence of variation is relatively high, including separate distolingual, mesiobuccal, C-Shaped canals, isthmus, and additional canal in the mesial root. A wide range of the middle mesial canal occurrence, i.e., 3.1 to 46.1%, is reported in the world and 28.3% in North India. Aim: To identify the prevalence of the true middle mesial canal (MM) and configuration of Isthmi in the mesial root of the mandibular molar in the AP   subpopulation of South India.   Materials and methods: CBCT of 89 patients were randomly selected from the institutional database. Data entry was performed in Excel, and data analysis was done with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: Four images (4.5%) revealed Middle Mesial canals with no statically significant occurrence. The frequency of isthmi in the mesial roots was 52.7%.  This showed a considerable presence. Conclusion: MM canals are 4.5% in a subpopulation of Andhra Pradesh. Isthmuses are very common in the mesial roots of permanent mandibular molars. Isthmus about 58% was seen with Type II configuration that is the presence of two canals without a definite communication

    Greenbug feeding-induced resistance to sugarcane aphids in sorghum

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    Plants are attacked by multiple insect pest species and insect herbivory can alter plant defense mechanisms. The plant defense responses to a specific herbivore may also contribute to the herbivore growth/survival on plants. Feeding by one insect species can modulate the plant defenses, which can either facilitate or hamper the colonization of subsequent incoming insects. However, little is known about the effect of sequential herbivory on sorghum plants. In this study, we demonstrate that a specialist aphid, sugarcane aphid (SCA; Melanaphis sacchari) grows faster on sorghum than a generalist aphid species, greenbug (GB; Schizaphis graminum). We also determined how the pre-infestation of SCA on sorghum affected the invasion of GB and vice-versa. Our sequential herbivory experiments revealed that SCA reproduction was lower on GB-primed sorghum plants, however, the reverse was not true. To assess the differences in plant defenses induced by specialist vs. generalist aphids, we monitored the expression of salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) marker genes, and flavonoid biosynthetic pathway genes after 48 h of aphid infestation. The results indicated that GB infestation induced higher expression of SA and JA-related genes, and flavonoid pathway genes (DFR, FNR, and FNSII) compared to SCA infestation. Overall, our results suggested that GB-infested plants activate the plant defenses via phytohormones and flavonoids at early time points and hampers the colonization of incoming SCA, as well as explain the reproductive success of SCA compared to GB

    Comparison of push-out bond strength of bioceramic sealer with bioceramic coated and non-bioceramic coated Guttapercha: an in vitro study

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    Background: The goal of the endodontic treatment is to achieve a fluid-tight impervious seal to prevent the ingress of bacteria and the occurrence of any pathology in future. The endodontic sealer plays a crucial role in obtaining the hermetic seal by filling all the spaces and by binding to the root dentin and to the core obturating material, which is usually gutta-percha. Aim: This study aimed to compare the push-out bond strength of Endosequence BC sealer with bioceramic coated gutta-percha and non-bioceramic coated gutta-percha. Materials and methods: A total of 36 extracted human maxillary central incisors were decoronated to standardize the root length of 15mm. Working length was determined and Biomechanical preparation for all the samples was done with a Mtwo (VDW Company) rotary file till 40/.06. Samples were randomly divided into three groups containing 12 teeth in each group based on the obturation procedure, namely Group 1: Endosequence BC sealer along with Endosequence bioceramic coated gutta-percha (n=12), Group 2: Endosequence BC sealer along with normal gutta-percha (n=12), Group 3: AH Plus sealer along with normal gutta-percha. All the samples were obturated using single cone technique. The specimens were sectioned orthogonally at middle third to obtain three sections of 1mm thick. All the samples were subjected to the push-out bond strength test with the universal testing machine. The data were subjected to one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by post hoc analysis. Results: Samples obturated with Endosequence BC sealer with Endosequence bioceramic coated gutta-percha showed the maximum push-out bond strength followed by Group 3 and Group 2.  One-way Anova showed significant differences (p=0.021) among the groups. In posthoc analysis, the specimens from group 1 exhibited significant differences (p=0.016) with the group 2 specimens. Conclusion: The push-out bond strength of Endosequence Bioceramic sealer with Endosequence Bioceramic coated gutta-percha was significantly higher than that of Endosequence Bioceramic sealer with normal gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer with normal gutta-percha