A study on Nidana and Chikitsa of Mootravaha Sroto Dushti Vikara with Ahara Vidhi of Charaka Samhita


In the present modern life style, we do not take care of our health and the consequences of our eating habits and other styles of life, which are harmful for us. Ahar Vidhi Vidhan described in our classics which are the foundation of dietetics. Which indicates the method of Ahara, these are Ushna, Snigdha, Matravat, is consumed after the digestion of previously ingested food, Virya Avirudha Ahara.[1] Any slight disturbance at the level of Mootravaha Srotas, either structurally or functionally leads to Sammurchana of Dosha and Dushya[2] and as a result disease manifests inside the body. Handling the faulty dietic habits, diseases may be originated and aggravated. To study the effect of Ahara Vidhi in detail with correlation with Mootrvaha Sroto Vikaras in this literary study. Thus properly convincing about the importance of Ahara rules to prevent from diseases is very necessary in present situation of time

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