696 research outputs found


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    Keselamatan pasien rumah sakit adalah suatu sistem dimana rumah sakit membuat asuhan pasien lebih aman yang meliputi pengkajian, identifikasi dan pengelolaan hal yang berhubungan dengan risiko pasien, pelaporan dan analisis insiden, kemampuan belajar dari insiden dan tindak lanjutnya serta implementasi solusi untuk meminimalkan timbulnya risiko dan mencegah terjadinya cedera yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan akibat melaksanakan suatu tindakan atau tidak mengambil tindakan yang seharusnya diambil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan patient safety dalam pemberian obat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh tahun 2016. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan sampel sebanyak 40 perawat pelaksana yang dipilih dengan teknik accidental sampling. Waktu pengumpulan data tanggal 30 Juni-16 Juli 2016, menggunakan lembar checklist yang terdiri dari 8 item observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 31 responden (77,5%) tidak menerapkan patient safety dalam pemberian obat dengan lengkap. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bagi pihak rumah sakit untuk dapat meningkatkan penerapan patient safety terutama dalam pemberian obat dengan cara memberikan sosialisasi atau pelatihan kepada perawat pelaksana terkait patient safety dalam pemberian obat dan meningkatkan supervisi kepala ruang terhadap kinerja perawat pelaksana

    Synthesis of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins for biological applications

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    Porphyrins are ideal candidates for PDT (Photodynamic therapy). Their ability to localise preferentially in diseased tissue allows specific targeting of cancerous tissue in certain areas. In recent years, linking photosensitisers to sugar moieties has attracted great interest. Glycosylated porphyrins have increased solubility which enhances their uptake into cells, and also selectivity of the porphyrins. Cationic porphyrins have also been studied due their increased solubility and selective accumulation into mitochondria.In this project, we have successfully combined these two properties of water- soluble derivatives of porphyrins to enhance their efficacy as potential PDT agents. Thioglycosylated cationic porphyrins have been synthesised, characterised and their photocytotoxicity assays against human colorectal adenicarcinoma cells (HT-29) assessed.Metalloporphyrins on the other hand were synthesised with the intention of using them as molecular oxygen sensors. Oxygen-dependant changes in phosphorescence lifetime can be used to measure oxygen concentration in biological systems. A versatile method was developed which allowed palladium metal insertion into porphyrin macrocycles. The metalloporphyrins were synthesised, purified and analysed using TLC, MS, 'H NMR and UV spectroscopy. Further functionalisation of the metalloporphyrins was achieved by the selective substitution of the para-fluoro substituent of the pentafluorophenyl group with thiols. In this way, a range of palladium(II) porphyrins were synthesised.Failure of cells to internalise these porphyrins using conventional methods has prompted further considerations of encapsulating them in nanoparticles

    Field validation of bentazon phytoremediation

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    Phytoremediation with black willow (Salix nigra) was conducted in 1996 by planting trees at a density of 2000 trees/hectare at BASF Corporation in a shallow groundwater plume containing low levels of bentazon. In this project, the roots, stems,and leaves of the black willow plants were extracted and analyzed to see if bentazon from the ground water was taken up by the plants. Different extraction procedures such as liquid-phase extraction and solid-phase extraction were compared. Final determination using different analytical techniques such as GC-MSD, GC-ECD, and HPLC with UV detection for the isolation and analysis of bentazon residues from the plant matrix were compared and the best clean-up and analytical procedure for its determination in plant samples was demonstrated. On analysis using the LLE and GC-ECD method, bentazon concentrations in the plant samples collected over a one-year period did not show any discernible pattern. Residues of the pesticide were found in 15% of all the plant samples analyzed at the method detection limit of 0.27 mg/kg. The average bentazon concentration found in the samples was 0.48mg/kg with a range of 0.7mg/kg and 0.32mg/kg. Comparison of the LLE method with the SPE method of sample extraction shows the advantages of the SPE method over LLE due to decrease in the extraction time, use of less quantity of organic solvents, better quality of final extracts, and better recoveries. The average recoveries for leaves using LLE and SPE procedures with GC-MSD were 39.1% and 49.9% respectively. Average recoveries for stems using LLE and SPE with GC-MSD were 56.3% and 63.9% respectively. Average recoveries for the LLE procedure for all the five sets of samples using GC-ECD were 51.7%, 58.1% and 59.6% respectively for leaves, stems, and roots matrices. Comparison of the HPLC method with GC demonstrates that GC is a preferable method for analysis of bentazon from plant matrices due to its sensitivity, reliability and higher separation efficiency. Positive identification of bentazon was difficult with HPLC because of its insufficient sensitivity for trace analysis and its low separation efficiency resulting in coelution and broad peaks


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    Preparing for the Future Crisis: Lessons from Creative Economic Policies on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Pandemic

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    Looking at how the government implements creative economy policies for the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector during a pandemic, this article aims to see how they are implemented and draw lessons that can be used to prepare for future crises. This study aims to identify the challenges that the creative economy in MSME will face in the future, so that a number of suggestions can be provided as capital for defense and strengthening of the national economic sector. This study's research chosen method is a literature review, with primary sources consisting of scholarly journal articles from various sources. This study demonstrates how government economic policies can increase MSMEs' product sales. According to the findings of the analysis, there are two tailed of issues that will be confronted in the future, systemic and dynamic challenges. As a result, the MSME sector should be ready to improve the system and adapt it to the market environment
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