200 research outputs found

    Toxicity prediction of anti tuberculosis active molecules

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The aim of the work was to understand the toxicity, physically significant descriptors and pharmaceutically relevant properties of some imidazoles obtained from the open sources that may found to be active against tuberculosis. At present five azoles were modeled for the prediction and calculation of descriptors that were carried out by means of computational approach [1].

    Socio-economic correlates and determinants of cashew productivity: An analysis of Dakshina Kannada district

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    The study analyses the socio-economic correlates and determinants of cashew productivity in the Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka state, as a prerequisite for developing and initiating effective extension interventions for combating low productivity and profitability from cashew cultivation. Results show that majority of the cashew farmers recorded medium to low productivity in cashew cultivation. Extension contact and participation were identified as significant correlates of cashew production and productivity along with level of education and primary occupation. Age of the farmer, primary occupation, years of experience in farming, cosmopoliteness, number of yielding cashew trees, yearly expenditure made in cashew farming and net income from cashew farming were identified as determinants of cashew productivity. The study suggests motivating farmers to take up cashew cultivation in high density mode, undertake cashew cultivation in better quality land with recommended management practices and proportionately increasing yearly expenditure for cashew farming in relation to net income from agriculture. The results clearly indicate that socio-personal and economic correlates and determinants along with policy environment have a larger contribution in explaining cashew productivity, while technology component alone cannot be expected to bring a positive impact

    Technology impacts on area, production and productivity of cashew in Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka

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    The study analyses the technology impacts on area, production and productivity of cashew in the Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka state, for combating low productivity and profitability from cashew cultivation. Results revealed that highest area under cashew is occupied by the variety Ullal-3 followed by Bhaskara with similar trend in adoption levels. The ‘Ullal-3 + Bhaskara’ combination emerged to be the most popular one among farmers in the study area. Farmers realized highest yield from cashew varieties such as Bhaskara and Madakkathara-2 followed by Ullal-1 and Ullal-3. Productivity under normal density (8 x 8 m) as well as high density (5 x 5 m) planting was highest for Bhaskara and Madakkathara-2. Correlation analysis showed that four technologies; soil and water conservation, pruning and training, plant protection and harvesting and post-harvest technologies had highly significant relation with the cashew production achieved by farmers. Increased adoption of soil and water conservation techniques, development and popularization of user friendly plant protection measures and adoption of viable intercrops can contribute largely to increase cashew production while increased adoption of pruning and training in cashew orchards can significantly increase the per unit productivity of cashew orchards. The study concludes that socio-economic and bio-physical factors along with policy environment have a larger contribution in explaining cashew production and productivity and technology component alone cannot be expected to bring a positive impact. Understanding the above dynamics in technology impact can help researchers and extension agencies working in cashew sector to design better innovations and effective outreach strategies

    Mucous Extravasation Phenomenon of Lingual Glands of Blandin and Nuhn

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    Mucocele is a collection of mucin in the submucosa, which occurs mostly due to rupture of the gland proper or the duct of a minor salivary gland. They are most commonly found on the lower lip followed by floor of the mouth and buccal mucosa. Only 9 to 10% of Mucocele are found on the tongue and that they occur exclusively in the anterior lingual salivary glands of Blandin and Nuhn. The following is a case report of mucous extra-vasation phenomenon of lingual glands of Blandin and Nuhn

    Experimental Study on the Impact of Seasonal Sound Speed Variability on Signal Detection Range in Arabian Sea

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    Temporal variability of Signal Detection Range (SDR) with respect to measured noise level and sound speed is examined. An N x 2D acoustic model which included bathymetric variations, was used to study detection ranges for an area in Arabian Sea. Azimuthal and seasonal SDR at octave bands within 500 Hz were determined at different receiver depths. Study shows that seasonal change in sound speed profile resulted in high SDR and noise level in winter at the location. Study also confirms the significant seasonal difference in detection range corresponds to the cut off frequency at 160 Hz. Detection range for a receiver at a depth 40 m is observed to be high across the azimuth and seasons of study

    El-Nino and its impacts on coral reef ecosystem in 289 the eastern Indian Ocean

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    The coral reef bleaching associated with the elevated Ocean temperature has been widely reported in the last three decades from different regions of the world. The rising temperature and acidification of Oceans makes a big challenge for the survival of reefs in the world. The other important stresses for the reefs include increased UV radiation, sea level variations, suspended sediments and increased turbidity of water. There are different studies which relate bleaching events with global warming and climate change. However, the increased frequency of mass bleaching events could not be sufficiently explained with current warming rates of the Ocean. Stone et al., (1999) put forward a new theory that recent increases in mass bleaching events were in response to the relative increase in El Niño experienced over the last two decades

    Selective Breeding and Development of Disease Resistant Broodstock of Black Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798

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    The Indian tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon is the principal species being cultured. Of late hatchery sector is being dependent on wild gravid females due to non response of broodstock to eyestalk ablation. High cost of gravid females compelling the grow-out sector to stock pathogen carrier seeds. Hence domestication of tiger shrimp is essential to produce Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) broodstock / Disease Resistant (DR) broodstock. Merits and demerits of SPF versus DR broodstock are presented. Development of SPF broodstock involves stringent management of environment to arrest the entry of pathogens and more than one economic trait can be selected. Whereas in development of DR broodstockanimals are challenged with the pathogen and a selection of other economic traits are less possible. Resistance in shrimp exists at the species level as well as individual level. Experiment on domestication of P. monodon in which programme was advanced up to F3 generation has revealed the existence of resistance for WSSV at the individual level. Selective breeding programme for development of D R broodstock involves development of disease free base population, forming them into families, production of F1 generation family wise through inbreeding, challenging each family with WSSV at 3-5 g size and rearing survived individuals up to 100 g size, production of F2 generation by random inter crossing between families, advancing the programme up to F5 generation. Development of DR broodstock is imperative to ensure sustainable shrimp productio

    Spatial variability of north east monsoon rainfall over Peninsular India during strong, weak and normal NEMR years

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    732-739North East Monsoon Rainfall (NEMR) is classified as strong, weak and normal depending on the strength of the NEM rainfall using Peninsular India (PI) monthly rainfall data and its behavior is examined during contrasting NEMR years. The sub divisions Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh contribute maximum rainfall to the cumulative PI NEMR and South Interior Karnataka and Rayalseema contribute the least, whether it is a strong or weak NEM. Analysis shows that the rainfall pattern is substantially different in all six sub divisions between strong and weak NEMR years and the difference is statistically significant as confirmed by the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney rank sum test. Composite analysis shows that more rainfall is received in all the six sub divisions in comparison to the Long Period Average (LPA) during years of strong NEMR, and vice-versa during years of weak NEMR. Correlation analysis between PI NEMR and the sub divisional NEMR indicates that the sub divisions Tamil Nadu (TLN), Rayalseema (RLS), South Interior Karnataka (SIK) and Coastal Andhra Pradesh (CAP) have strong positive correlation whereas Kerala (KER) and Coastal Karnataka (COK) rainfall shows moderate correlation

    Temporal behavior of north east monsoon rainfall during extreme NEMR years over Peninsular India

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    940-946Strong, weak and normal Northeast Monsoon Rainfall (NEMR) are defined depending on the strength of the Northeast Monsoon (NEM) rainfall compared to the long period average (LPA) using monthly rainfall data of Peninsular India (PI). Behavior of NEM monthly (October, November and December) rainfall and contribution of monthly rainfall towards NEM seasonal rainfall is examined during extreme (strong and weak) NEMR years. Strength of association between PI monthly and PI NEM seasonal rainfall is computed and the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney rank sum test is used to evaluate the differences in the rainfall of NEM months between strong and weak NEM years. It is observed that October/November months contribute maximum rainfall to the NEMR and December contributes the least irrespective of the strength of NEMR and that during strong NEMR years rainfall contribution in October – December months is significantly more than the rainfall in the corresponding months during weak NEMR years. Composite analysis shows that rainfall in each of the NEM months is more than the LPA of the corresponding months during strong NEMR years and less than the LPA of the corresponding months during weak NEMR years. Correlation analysis between PI NEMR and PI monthly rainfall shows that November rainfall has the highest linear correlation whereas December rainfall has the least. The percentage contribution of rainfall is largest in October and least in December and the annual variability is highest for November and least for December

    Evolution mechanism of contrasting phases of consecutive IOD events from 1994 to 1998

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    The Dipole Mode Index (DMI), an Index used to represent the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), shows a back to back occurrence of positive and negative IOD events during the period 1994 to 1998. The year 1994 was a strong positive IOD year and was followed by a strong negative IOD in 1996. The positive IOD in 1997 and negative IOD in 1998 were co-occurred with the strong El-Nino and strong La-Nina, respectively. In the present study, we have looked into the evolution of consecutive IOD events during the period 1994 to 1998 and analyzed the differences in their formation, features and association with Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) for various homogenous regions of the Indian subcontinent. We have found that the El-Nino and La-Nina enhances the IOD-induced positive SST anomalies in the western and eastern parts of the Indian Ocean during the co-occurred years, respectively. The evolution of positive IOD in 1997 is driven by the strong easterly wind anomalies associated with strong El-Nino. The positive anomalies of SST in the western equatorial Indian Ocean is maintained by the El-Nino which results in the long life span of positive IOD in the year 1997 than that of pure positive IOD year 1994. The westward propagating Rossby wave generated due to PIOD is maintained by strong El-Nino in the year 1997. The vertical dynamics, represented by D20, showed minor differences during the pure and co-occurred IOD events. The positive IOD years with El-Nino had good correlation with the Peninsular India and Central North East India regions rainfall. Since we have used only limited samples or cases under the different categories, our present results are preliminary in nature