223 research outputs found

    Learning Through Teaching in Haiti

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    Przegląd artykułów dotyczących rozwoju społecznego z czasopism:Social Development, Developmental Psychology, Child Development, Developmental Science, American Psychologis

    Education as a commodity/business? : the dilemmas of educational institutions in the free market economy

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    Umiejętności społeczne dziecka obiektem diagnozy przedszkolnej

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    The field of preschool social education may be analyzed from a variety of perspectives, all of which offer deep insights into children’s experiences. The acquisition of social skills is a lifelong process that relies on one’s social initiative in interacting with others. Since quantitative methods fail to produce satisfactory results, those researchers who diagnose social skills in children must have reliable knowledge concerning the latter’s development, and be willing to develop interpretations of the behaviour of children in particular social situations. This paper sets out to consider whether preschool teachers are capable of diagnosing social skills in children as part of the „preschool diagnostic assessment” recommended by the Polish Ministry of National Education in its Common Core for Preschool Educators. It is pointed out that the document is vague in its description of how to define the aims of social education. Some theoretical premises are presented, with the aim of furnishing criteria for diagnosing social skills in preschool children – criteria somewhat broader than those recommended in the Common Core. Several concepts are proposed in order to help explain the phenomenon of „children’s community formation”, where this is achieved through learning collaborative skills or in response to the need to create forms of shared intentionality when interacting with others (Bruner, Schaffer, Tomasello). The process of gathering knowledge about children’s social skills requires that teachers select suitable methods for identifying the position of particular children in the children’s community, where the latter is different from the community of adults and so follows its own quite distinct rules. The paper also makes suggestions for teachers about how to work to identify and interpret children’s relationships with their peers in naturally occurring situations, such as during spontaneous games, peer tutoring, or peer collaboration, and in prearranged educational situations such as group learning through collaboration.Sfera wychowania społecznego w przedszkolu może być ujmowana z różnych perspektyw badawczych, ukazując pogłębiony obraz doświadczeń dziecięcych. Nabywanie umiejętności społecznych jest procesem trwającym całe życie, zależnym od aktywności społecznej podczas uczestniczenia w kontaktach z innymi ludźmi. Diagnozowanie tych umiejętności wymaga rzetelnej wiedzy o rozwoju, a także otwartości badacza na interpretowanie zachowań dzieci w sytuacjach społecznych, a nie wyłącznie ich pomiaru ilościowego. W artykule przedstawiono refleksje dotyczące możliwości prowadzenia przez nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego diagnozy umiejętności społecznych wychowanków, zalecanej przez MEN w Podstawie Programowej Wychowania Przedszkolnego w ramach tak zwanej „diagnozy przedszkolnej”. Zwrócono uwagę na niejasności dokumentu w zakresie sposobu konstruowania celów wychowania społecznego. Wskazano na przesłanki teoretyczne wyznaczające, szerzej niż w Podstawie, kryteria dotyczące przedszkolnej diagnozy umiejętności społecznych. Zaproponowano koncepcje, które pozwalają zrozumieć sposób powstawania „społeczności dziecięcej” poprzez naukę współdziałania i potrzebę wspólnoty intencji w kontakcie z drugim człowiekiem (Bruner, Schaffer, Tomasello). Gromadzenie wiedzy o umiejętnościach społecznych wychowanków wymaga od nauczyciela doboru takich dróg diagnozy, które rzeczywiście pozwolą poznać miejsce dziecka w „społeczności dziecięcej”, różniącej się od społeczeństwa dorosłych oraz kierującej się własnymi regułami. W artykule zaproponowano formy pracy, dzięki którym nauczyciel może obserwować i interpretować relacje dzieci z rówieśnikami w sytuacjach naturalnych, takich jak zabawy spontaniczne, tutoring rówieśniczy, współpraca rówieśnicza, a także w aranżowanych sytuacjach edukacyjnych jak grupowe uczenie się poprzez współpracę

    Proteomics Characterization of Extracellular Space Components in the Human Aorta

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    The vascular extracellular matrix (ECM) is essential for the structural integrity of the vessel wall and also serves as a substrate for the binding and retention of secreted products of vascular cells as well as molecules coming from the circulation. Although proteomics has been previously applied to vascular tissues, few studies have specifically targeted the vascular ECM and its associated proteins. Thus, its detailed composition remains to be characterized. In this study, we describe a methodology for the extraction of extracellular proteins from human aortas and their identification by proteomics. The approach is based on (a) effective decellularization to enrich for scarce extracellular proteins, (b) successful solubilization and deglycosylation of ECM proteins, and (c) relative estimation of protein abundance using spectral counting. Our three-step extraction approach resulted in the identification of 103 extracellular proteins of which one-third have never been reported in the proteomics literature of vascular tissues. In particular, three glycoproteins (podocan, sclerostin, and agrin) were identified for the first time in human aortas at the protein level. We also identified extracellular adipocyte enhancer-binding protein 1, the cartilage glycoprotein asporin, and a previously hypothetical protein, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) spondin. Moreover, our methodology allowed us to screen for proteolysis in the aortic samples based on the identification of proteolytic enzymes and their corresponding degradation products. For instance, we were able to detect matrix metalloproteinase-9 by mass spectrometry and relate its presence to degradation of fibronectin in a clinical specimen. We expect this proteomics methodology to further our understanding of the composition of the vascular extracellular environment, shed light on ECM remodeling and degradation, and provide insights into important pathological processes, such as plaque rupture, aneurysm formation, and restenosis

    The effect of cathepsins from varied sources on proteinpolysaccharide (PP-L) of bovine costal cartilage and on proteoglycan subunit (PGS) of bovine nasal cartilage

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48001/1/223_2005_Article_BF02152353.pd

    Extractability of lysozyme from bovine nasal cartilage

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    Lysozyme (mucopeptide N-acetylmuramylhydrolase, EC is present in the extracellular matrix of bovine nasal cartilage at a concentration of about 0.03 to 0.08 mg per g wet tissue (3-8 mg/100 ml per g). It is extracted from the tissue in guanidinium chloride solutions between 0.3 and 0.8 M. These concentrations are much lower than those which effectively extract most of the proteoglycans from the tissue, 2.5-3.0 M. Lysozyme migrates to the top of CsCl density gradients which are used to purify aggregated or monomer proteoglycan preparations; this suggests that lysozyme is not involved in the aggregation of proteoglycans in vitro. Chondroitinase from Proteus vulgaris effectively removes chondroitin sulfate from cartilage slices without solubilizing lysozyme which indicates that this highly anionic polysaccharide does not immobilize lysozyme in the matrix. Trypsin (EC releases most of the chondroitin sulfate as well as 75% of the lysozyme from the matrix.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34018/1/0000294.pd

    Experimental osteoarthritis induced by selective myectomy and tendotomy

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    A new model of osteoarthritis has been developed that utilizes an extraarticular surgical technique to alter gait and weight-bearing capabilities in the hind limbs of experimental animals. Guinea pigs, averaging 650 gm in weight, were subjected to unilateral resection of a segment of the gluteal muscles at the sacral origin, to section of the infrapatellar ligament, or to both procedures. Progressive changes consistent with osteoarthritis developed over 10–24 weeks as judged by gross, radiologic, and microscopic findings. In addition, an increase in mean cartilage water content and 35 SO 4 −2 incorporation into proteoglycans by 10 and 14 weeks, respectively, were consistent with the chemical changes observed in early osteoarthritis. Abnormalities developed not only in the operated hind limb, but in the contralateral, unoperated hind limb at a slightly later time. Thus, this animal model provided the opportunity to evaluate a mild gait abnormality and other biomechanical influences on the evolution of osteoarthritis which is uninfluenced by any intraarticular joint trauma.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/37774/1/1780290214_ftp.pd

    Relations between social and economic values in terms of the sociological concept of Florian Znaniecki

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    The work is devoted to the analysis of the Florian Znaniecki’s idea of the relationships between two systems of values – the social one and the economic one. The presented analysis focuses on the Znaniecki’s theses in the reference to the current market approach to education