40 research outputs found

    Production of viral vectors using recombinase-mediated cassette exchange

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    DNA viruses are often used as vectors for foreign gene expression, but large DNA region from cloned or authentic viral genomes must usually be handled to generate viral vectors. Here, we present a unique system for generating adenoviral vectors by directly substituting a gene of interest in a small transfected plasmid with a replaced gene in a replicating viral genome in Cre-expressing 293 cells using the recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) reaction. In combination with a positive selection of the viral cis-acting packaging signal connected with the gene of interest, the purpose vector was enriched to 97.5 and 99.8% after three and four cycles of infection, respectively. Our results also showed that the mutant loxP V (previously called loxP 2272), a variant target of Cre used in the RMCE reaction, was useful as a non-compatible mutant to wild-type loxP. This method could be useful for generating not only a large number of adenovirus vectors simultaneously, but also other DNA virus vectors including helper-dependent adenovirus vector

    Transplantation of genetically marked cardiac muscle cells

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    AbstractWe examined the possibility that cardiomyocytes could be genetically marked or modified before being grafted to the heart under conditions applicable to the clinical setting. We used a replication-defective recombinant adenovirus carrying the β-galactosidase reporter gene, and delivered it to cultured murine fetal cardiac myocytes. Virtually all fetal cardiomyocytes in a primary culture expressed β-galactosidase 24 hours after recombinant adenovirus infection. These cells were transplanted to the hearts of syngenic adult recipient mice. Expression of the β-galactosidase gene in the grafted cells was demonstrated by staining with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-β-d-galactosidase, resulting in a blue color at the histochemical level and an electron-dense deposit on transmission electron microscopic analysis. Gene expression was recognized from 7 days to 12 weeks after transplantation. Implanted cardiomyocytes aligned themselves along the layers of the host myocardium. Formation of gap junctions was demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy. Neither inflammation nor fibrous scar tissue was detectable by histologic analysis. This study demonstrates that ex vivo gene transfer to the heart by means of the adenoviral vector is possible. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1997;113:10-8

    Trans-complemented hepatitis C virus particles as a versatile tool for study of virus assembly and infection

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    AbstractIn this study, we compared the entry processes of trans-complemented hepatitis C virus particles (HCVtcp), cell culture-produced HCV (HCVcc) and HCV pseudoparticles (HCVpp). Anti-CD81 antibody reduced the entry of HCVtcp and HCVcc to almost background levels, and that of HCVpp by approximately 50%. Apolipoprotein E-dependent infection was observed with HCVtcp and HCVcc, but not with HCVpp, suggesting that the HCVtcp system is more relevant as a model of HCV infection than HCVpp. We improved the productivity of HCVtcp by introducing adapted mutations and by deleting sequences not required for replication from the subgenomic replicon construct. Furthermore, blind passage of the HCVtcp in packaging cells resulted in a novel mutation in the NS3 region, N1586D, which contributed to assembly of infectious virus. These results demonstrate that our plasmid-based system for efficient production of HCVtcp is beneficial for studying HCV life cycles, particularly in viral assembly and infection

    High-level expression by tissue/cancer-specific promoter with strict specificity using a single-adenoviral vector

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    Tissue-/cancer-specific promoters for use in adenovirus vectors (AdVs) are valuable for elucidating specific gene functions and for use in gene therapy. However, low activity, non-specific expression and size limitations in the vector are always problems. Here, we developed a ‘double-unit’ AdV containing the Cre gene under the control of an α-fetoprotein promoter near the right end of its genome and bearing a compact ‘excisional-expression’ unit consisting of a target cDNA ‘upstream’ of a potent promoter between two loxPs near the left end of its genome. When Cre was expressed, the expression unit was excised as a circular molecule and strongly expressed. Undesired leak expression of Cre during virus preparation was completely suppressed by a dominant-negative Cre and a short-hairpin RNA against Cre. Using this novel construct, a very strict specificity was maintained while achieving a 40- to 90-fold higher expression level, compared with that attainable using a direct specific promoter. Therefore, the ‘double-unit’ AdV enabled us to produce a tissue-/cancer-specific promoter in an AdV with a high expression level and strict specificity

    Adenovirus Vectors Expressing Eight Multiplex Guide RNAs of CRISPR/Cas9 Efficiently Disrupted Diverse Hepatitis B Virus Gene Derived from Heterogeneous Patient

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) chronically infects more than 240 million people worldwide, causing chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 could provide new therapies because it can directly disrupt HBV genomes. However, because HBV genome sequences are highly diverse, the identical target sequence of guide RNA (gRNA), 20 nucleotides in length, is not necessarily present intact in the target HBV DNA in heterogeneous patients. Consequently, possible genome-editing drugs would be effective only for limited numbers of patients. Here, we show that an adenovirus vector (AdV) bearing eight multiplex gRNA expression units could be constructed in one step and amplified to a level sufficient for in vivo study with lack of deletion. Using this AdV, HBV X gene integrated in HepG2 cell chromosome derived from a heterogeneous patient was cleaved at multiple sites and disrupted. Indeed, four targets out of eight could not be cleaved due to sequence mismatches, but the remaining four targets were cleaved, producing irreversible deletions. Accordingly, the diverse X gene was disrupted at more than 90% efficiency. AdV containing eight multiplex gRNA units not only offers multiple knockouts of genes, but could also solve the problems of heterogeneous targets and escape mutants in genome-editing therapy

    Adenovirus-Encoding Virus-Associated RNAs Suppress HDGF Gene Expression to Support Efficient Viral Replication

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    <div><p>Non-coding small RNAs are involved in many physiological responses including viral life cycles. Adenovirus-encoding small RNAs, known as virus-associated RNAs (VA RNAs), are transcribed throughout the replication process in the host cells, and their transcript levels depend on the copy numbers of the viral genome. Therefore, VA RNAs are abundant in infected cells after genome replication, i.e. during the late phase of viral infection. Their function during the late phase is the inhibition of interferon-inducible protein kinase R (PKR) activity to prevent antiviral responses; recently, mivaRNAs, the microRNAs processed from VA RNAs, have been reported to inhibit cellular gene expression. Although VA RNA transcription starts during the early phase, little is known about its function. The reason may be because much smaller amount of VA RNAs are transcribed during the early phase than the late phase. In this study, we applied replication-deficient adenovirus vectors (AdVs) and novel AdVs lacking VA RNA genes to analyze the expression changes in cellular genes mediated by VA RNAs using microarray analysis. AdVs are suitable to examine the function of VA RNAs during the early phase, since they constitutively express VA RNAs but do not replicate except in 293 cells. We found that the expression level of hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) significantly decreased in response to the VA RNAs under replication-deficient condition, and this suppression was also observed during the early phase under replication-competent conditions. The suppression was independent of mivaRNA-induced downregulation, suggesting that the function of VA RNAs during the early phase differs from that during the late phase. Notably, overexpression of HDGF inhibited AdV growth. This is the first report to show the function, in part, of VA RNAs during the early phase that may be contribute to efficient viral growth.</p></div