21,196 research outputs found

    Very Rapid High-Amplitude Gamma-ray Variability in Luminous Blazar PKS 1510-089 Studied with Fermi-LAT

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    Here we report on the detailed analysis of the gamma-ray light curve of a luminous blazar PKS1510-089 observed in the GeV range with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi satellite during the period 2011 September -- December. By investigating the properties of the detected three major flares with the shortest possible time binning allowed by the photon statistics, we find a variety of temporal characteristics and variability patterns. This includes a clearly asymmetric profile (with a faster flux rise and a slower decay) of the flare resolved on sub-daily timescales, a superposition of many short uncorrelated flaring events forming the apparently coherent longer-duration outburst, and a huge single isolated outburst unresolved down to the timescale of three-hours. In the latter case we estimate the corresponding gamma-ray flux doubling timescale to be below one hour, which is extreme and never previously reported for any active galaxy in the GeV range. The other unique finding is that the total power released during the studied rapid and high-amplitude flares constitute the bulk of the power radiatively dissipated in the source, and a significant fraction of the total kinetic luminosity of the underlying relativistic outflow. Our analysis allows us to access directly the characteristic timescales involved in shaping the energy dissipation processes in the source, and to provide constraints on the location and the structure of the blazar emission zone in PKS1510-089.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Intersubband Edge Singularity in Metallic Nanotubes

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    Tunneling density of states of both the massless and massive (gapped) particles in metallic carbon nanotubes is known to have anomalous energy dependence. This is the result of coupling to multiple low-energy bosonic excitation (plasmons). For both kinds of particles the ensuing effect is the suppression of the density of states by electron-electron interactions. We demonstrate that the optical absorption between gapless and gapped states is affected by the many-body effects in the opposite way. The absorption probability is enhanced compared with the non-interacting value and develops a power-law frequency dependence with the exponent -0.2 for typical nanotubes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure (final version, discussion of Sommerfeld factor and Ref. 11 added

    Characteristic energies, transition temperatures, and switching effects in clean SNS graphene nanostructures

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    We study proximity effects in clean nanoscale superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (S\midN\midS) graphene heterostructures using a self-consistent numerical solution to the continuum Dirac Bogoliubov-de Gennes (DBdG) equations. We obtain results for the pair amplitude and the local density of states (DOS), as a function of doping and of the geometrical parameters determining the width of the structures. The superconducting correlations are found to penetrate the normal graphene layers even when there is extreme mismatch in the normal and superconducting doping levels, where specular Andreev reflection dominates. The local DOS exhibits peculiar features, which we discuss, arising from the Dirac cone dispersion relation and from the interplay between the superconducting and Thouless energy scales. The corresponding characteristic energies emerge in the form of resonant peaks in the local DOS, that depend strongly on the doping level, as does the energy gap, which declines sharply as the relative difference in doping between the S and N regions is reduced. We also linearize the DBdG equations and develop an essentially analytical method that determines the critical temperature TcT_c of an \sns nanostructure self-consistently. We find that for S regions that occupy a fraction of the coherence length, TcT_c can undergo substantial variations as a function of the relative doping. At finite temperatures and by manipulating the doping levels, the self consistent pair amplitudes reveal dramatic transitions between a superconducting and resistive normal state of the structure. Such behavior suggests the possibility of using the proposed system as a carbon-based superconducting switch, turning superconductivity on or off by tuning the relative doping levels.Comment: 13 pages, figures include

    Variations of Hadron Masses and Matter Properties in Dense Nuclear Matter

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    Using a self-consistent quark model for nuclear matter we investigate variations of the masses of the non-strange vector mesons, the hyperons and the nucleon in dense nuclear matter (up to four times the normal nuclear density). We find that the changes in the hadron masses can be described in terms of the value of the scalar mean-field in matter. The model is then used to calculate the density dependence of the quark condensate in-medium, which turns out to be well approximated by a linear function of the nuclear density. Some relations among the hadron properties and the in-medium quark condensate are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, University of Adelaide preperint ADP-94-20/T160, submitted to Physical Review

    Transport in the XX chain at zero temperature: Emergence of flat magnetization profiles

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    We study the connection between magnetization transport and magnetization profiles in zero-temperature XX chains. The time evolution of the transverse magnetization, m(x,t), is calculated using an inhomogeneous initial state that is the ground state at fixed magnetization but with m reversed from -m_0 for x0. In the long-time limit, the magnetization evolves into a scaling form m(x,t)=P(x/t) and the profile develops a flat part (m=P=0) in the |x/t|1/2 while it expands with the maximum velocity, c_0=1, for m_0->0. The states emerging in the scaling limit are compared to those of a homogeneous system where the same magnetization current is driven by a bulk field, and we find that the expectation values of various quantities (energy, occupation number in the fermionic representation) agree in the two systems.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages, 3 ps figure

    Maximal multihomogeneity of algebraic hypersurface singularities

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    From the degree zero part of logarithmic vector fields along an algebraic hypersurface singularity we indentify the maximal multihomogeneity of a defining equation in form of a maximal algebraic torus in the embedded automorphism group. We show that all such maximal tori are conjugate and in one-to-one correspondence to maxmimal tori in the degree zero jet of the embedded automorphism group. The result is motivated by Kyoji Saito's characterization of quasihomogeneity for isolated hypersurface singularities and extends its formal version and a result of Hauser and Mueller.Comment: 5 page