813 research outputs found

    Rancang bangun pengendali tekanan pada sistem inspirasi ICU ventilator

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    Ventilator mekanik sangat penting untuk mempertahankan hidup pasien dengan gejala gagal napas berat ataupun gagal napas ringan yang memerlukan bantuan pernapasan baik secara invasive maupun non-invasive. Sistem ICU ventilator merupakan salah satu alat bantu pernapasan yang bekerja secara invasive dimana penggunaannya dengan memasukkan alat bantu napas melalui mulut atau hidung pasien. ICU ventilator memiliki mode khusus pressure control yang memfokuskan pada tercapainya pressure setpoint pada saat pernapasan. Pressure inspirasi dan flow inspirasi merupakan variabel yang harus diatur dalam mode pressure control ventilator. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan pengendalian tekanan pada sistem inspirasi ICU ventilator. Kendali PI digunakan untuk mengendalikan flow inspirasi yang diberikan oleh sistem, untuk mencapai pressure setpoint pada saat inspirasi, flow inspirasi harus dihitung berdasarkan parameter resistance dan compliance pasien. Hasil pemodelan kendali PI flow udara, didapatkan parameter Kp = 1,1855 dan Kd = 24,68211. Hasil pemodelan kendali diuji pada pengujian berbasis simulasi dan implementasi. Pengujian simulasi menghasilkan rata-rata rise time 0,22971 s, settling time 0,76903 s, overshoot 0,60543 %, dan error steady state 0 %. Pengujian implementasi menghasilkan rata-rata rise time 0,553685 s, settling time 0,999423 s, overshoot 3,582655 %, dan error steady state 1,25516 %. Pengujian pengendalian tekanan menghasilkan eror rata-rata pressure inspirasi yaitu 1,89239 % dan eror PEEP yaitu 6,41321 %, dengan rata-rata tercapainya pressure inspirasi yaitu 1,83 siklus, dan flow inspirasi pada sistem stabil pada 5,83 siklus. Mechanical ventilation is very important to maintain the life of patients with symptoms of severe respiratory failure or mild respiratory failure who require both invasive and non-invasive respiratory support. The ICU ventilator system is a breathing apparatus that works invasively where its use is by inserting a breathing apparatus through the patient's mouth or nose. The ICU ventilator has a special pressure control mode that is focused on achieving the pressure set point during breathing. Inspiratory pressure and inspiratory flow are variables that must be adjusted in the ventilator pressure control mode. This study discusses the design of pressure control in the ICU ventilator inspiratory system. PI control is used to control the inspiratory flow provided by the system, to reach the setpoint pressure during inspiration, the inspiratory flow must be calculated based on the patient's resistance and compliance parameters. The results of PI air flow control modeling obtained parameters Kp = 1,1855 and Kd = 24,68211. The results of the control modeling were tested on simulation-based testing and implementation. The simulation test resulted in an average rise time 0,22971 s, settling time 0,76903 s, overshoot 0,60543 %, and steady state error 0 %. The implementation test resulted in an average rise time of 0,553685 s, settling time of 0,999423 s, overshoot of 3,582655 %, and steady state error of 1,25516 %. The pressure control test resulted in an average inspiratory pressure error of 1,89239% and PEEP error of 6,41321 %, with an average inspiratory pressure achievement of 1,83 cycles, and the inspiratory flow in a stable system at 5,83 cycles

    Penilaian kemahiran pengaturcaraan: Eksperimen terhadap pelajar menggunakan proses kejuruteraan semula

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    Agak sukar untuk kita menilai tahap kemahiran pengaturcaraan setiap pelajar jika hanya merujuk kepada keputusan peperiksaan semata-mata. Oleh yang demikian, kertas kerja ini akan melaporkan hasil eksperimen yang telah dilakukan terhadap pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maklumat, pengkhususan dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Perisian. Seramai 33 orang pelajar yang mempunyai keputusan yang baik dalam Pengaturcaraan Java telah dipilih dan diuji dalam makmal menggunakan proses kejuruteraan semula. Pelajar diminta untuk membangunkan semula program menggunakan Java berpandukan program Ada yang disediakan. Hanya keputusan pengaturcaraan yang memenuhi spesifikasi ujian sahaja dinilai dan masa setiap pelajar yang berjaya direkodkan

    Algoritmos para emparelhamentos em grafos bipartidos

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    Orientador : Claudio Leonardo LucchesiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da ComputaçãoResumo: O problema de emparelhamentos em grafos consiste em determinar um conjunto M de arestas do grafo, onde as arestas são disjuntas nos vértices. Em particular, estamos interessados em determinar emparelhamentos máximos, ou seja, de cardinalidade máxima. Existem muitas variações em torno do tema, o grafo pode ser: bipartido ou não, ponderado ou não. Neste trabalho apresentamos as principais técnicas para se projetar os algoritmos mais eficientes que resolvem o problema de emparelhamentos máximos, ponderados ou não, em grafos bipartidos. Também descrevemos os principais algoritmos, seqüenciais e paralelos, que resolvem este problema. O Capítulo 2 apresenta os principais algoritmos para resolver o problema em grafos bipartidos não ponderados: o algoritmo de Hopcroft e Karp, o algoritmo paralelo de Kim e Chwa e o algoritmo paralelo de Goldberg, Plotkin e Vaidya. O Capítulo 3 apresenta os principais algoritmos para resolver o problema em grafos bipartidos ponderados: o algoritmo de Edmonds e Karp, o algoritmo com escalonamento de Gabow, o algoritmo com escalonamento e aproximação de Gabow e Tarjan, o algoritmo paralelo de Goldberg, Plotkin e Vaidya e o algoritmo paralelo de Gabow e Tarjan. O Apêndice A contém uma tabela dos principais algoritmos para resolver o problema no caso em que os grafos não são bipartidosAbstract: The matching problem in graphs consists in determining a vertex disjoint set M of edges of the graph. In particular, we are interested in finding maximum matchings, that is, matchings of maximum cardinality. There are many variations around this problem, the graph can be: bipartite or general, weighted or not. In this work we present the main techniques to design the most efficient algorithms that solve the problem of maximum matching, weighted or not, in bipartite graphs. We also describe the main algorithms, sequential and parallel, to solve this problem. Chapter 2 contains the most important algorithms to solve the problem for non weighted bipartite graphs, namely, the algorithm of Hopcroft and Karp, the parallel algorithm of Kim and Chwa, and the parallel algorithm of Goldberg, Plotkin and Vaidya. Chapter 3 contains the most important algorithms to solve the problem for weighted bipartite graphs, namely, the algorithm of Edmonds and Katp, the scaling algorithm of Gabow, the scaling and approximation algorithm of Gabow and Tarjan, the parallel algorithm of Goldberg, Plotkin and Vaidya and the parallel algorithm of Gabow and Tarjan. In Appendix A it is given a table which describes briefly the most important algorithms for solving the general problem, in which the graph is not bipartiteMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    A Secured Model of E-Tendering Using Unified Modeling Language Approach

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    E-Tendering systems remain uncertain on issues relating to legal and security compliance, in which unclear security framework is one of the issues. In te current situation, tendering systems are lacking in addressing integrity, confidentiality, authentication, and non-repudiation. Thus, ensuring the system requirements, consider security and trust issues has to be regarded as one of the challenges in developing an e-Tendering system. Therefore, this paper a model of a secured e-Tendering system using Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach. The modelling process begins with identifying the e-Tendering process, which is based on Australian Standard Code of Tendering (AS 4120-1994). It is followed by identifying the security threats and its countermeasure. The use case approach has been proven reliable in determining appropriate requirements for handling security issues. Having considered that, the outcome of this paper is a secured e-Tendering model. The model can guide developers as well as other researchers

    Generic functional requirements for effective school parents interaction system (SPIS)

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    An effective interaction system in school environment is certainly vital in order to improve communication and relationship between school and its community. Apart from that, information can be shared and exchanged easily. Through use of Internet, the drawback in old style of school-parent relationship including problem with parents do not have enough time to get involve in their children life school will be solved without doubt.Although there are some existing Internet-based systems for school-parent interaction that currently available in the market, the specifications and the features of these systems are different. Thus, this paper will propose generic functional requirements of school-parent interaction system. The proposed requirements can be used as a standard requirement which beneficial for developers in constructing an effective school-parent interaction system. Thus, reduce the development time and effort

    Behçet’s Disease and Neuro-Behçet’s Syndrome

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    Behçet’s disease is an idiopathic chronic relapsing multisystem vascular-inflammatory disease of unknown origin, which usually presents with orogenital ulceration and uveitis and is identified as the triple-symptom complex. Primary neurological involvement in Behçet’s disease is known as neuro-Behçet’s syndrome (NBS). Clinical findings and neuroimaging demonstrate that there are two major forms of NBS: a central nervous system inflammatory parenchymal disease, and a less common nonparenchymal form that involves the large extraparenchymal vascular structures, mainly the venous dural sinuses. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) typically reveals brainstem lesions with parenchymal involvement and an occluded dural sinus may be seen in the extraparenchymal type. Cerebrospinal fluid studies typically indicate inflammatory changes in the parenchyma and increased pressure with extraparenchymal involvement. Drugs used for the preventive treatment of NBS include azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and anti-TNF agents
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