17 research outputs found
Influence de SO2 et de l'acide ascorbique sur l'activité antiradicalaire des tanins, mesurée sur l'anion superoxyde. Application aux vins rouges
Pour des concentrations habituellement utilisées en oenologie, le SO2 ne presente pas d'activité antiradicalaire à l'égard de l'anion superoxyde. L'acide ascorbique est un antiradicalaire dont les performances sont fonction de sa concentration. Les différents tanins testés présentent tous de très importantes activités antiradicalaires. Dans les vins rouges, ce sont donc pour l'essentiel les procyanidines qui captent les radicaux libres superoxydes.
Influence of SO2 and ascorbic acid on the scavenger effect of tannins, measured on superoxide anion. Application to red wines
At usual oenological concentrations SO2 does not have a scavenger effect on superoxide anion. Ascorbic acid is an antiradical the effect of which varies with concentration. Different tannins, e.g. castalagin, pentagalloylglucose, procyanidins B2 and B4, (+)-catechin and garlic acid, are shown to have significant antiradical effects. In red wines in particular procyanidins have a scavenger effect on free superoxide radicals
Izolacija i sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala cijanidin 3-O-glikozida iz plodova Ribes biebersteinii Berl.
The reversed-phase preparative high performance liquid chromatographic purification of the methanol extract of the fruits of Ribes biebersteinii Berl. (Grossulariaceae) afforded five cyanidin glycosides, 3-O-sambubiosyl-5-O-glucosyl cyanidin (1), cyanidin 3-O-sambubioside (2), cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (3), cyanidin 3-O-(2G-xylosyl)-rutinoside (4) and cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside (5). They showed considerable free-radical-scavenging properties in the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay with the RC50 values of 9.29 × 106, 9.33 × 106, 8.31 × 106, 8.96 × 106 and 9.55 × 106 mol L1, respectively. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by various chemical hydrolyses and spectroscopic means. The total anthocyanin content was 1.9 g per 100 g dried fruits on cyanidin 3-glucoside basis.Pet cijanidin glikozida, 3-O-sambubiozil-5-O-glukozil cijanidin (1), cijanidin 3-O-sambubiozid (2), cijanidin 3-O-glukozid (3), cijanidin 3-O-(2G-ksilozil)-rutinozid (4) i cijanidin 3-O-rutinosid (5) izolirani su iz metanolnog ekstrakta plodova Ribes biebersteinii Berl. (Grossulariaceae) koristeći reverzno-faznu preparativnu tekućinsku kromatografiju visoke učinkovitosti. Cijanidin glikozidi pokazali su sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala u pokusu s 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazilom (DPPH). Dobivene su sljedeće RC50 vrijednosti: 9,29 × 106, 9,33 × 106, 8,31 × 106, 8,96 × 106, odnosno 9,55 × 106 mol L1. Strukture glikozida određene su kemijskom hidrolizom i spektroskopijom masa. Ukupni sadržaj antocijanina bio je 1,9 g na 100 g suhih plodova preračunato na cijanidin 3-glukozid
Potential of a multiparametric optical sensor for determining in situ the maturity components of red and white vitis vinifera wine grapes
A non-destructive fluorescence-based technique for evaluating Vitis vinifera L. grape maturity using a portable sensor (Multiplex ®) is presented. It provides indices of anthocyanins and chlorophyll in Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sangiovese red grapes and of flavonols and chlorophyll in Vermentino white grapes. The good exponential relationship between the anthocyanin index and the actual anthocyanin content determined by wet chemistry was used to estimate grape anthocyanins from in field sensor data during ripening. Marked differences were found in the kinetics and the amount of anthocyanins between cultivars and between seasons. A sensor-driven mapping of the anthocyanin content in the grapes, expressed as g/kg fresh weight, was performed on a 7-ha vineyard planted with Sangiovese. In the Vermentino, the flavonol index was favorably correlated to the actual content of berry skin flavonols determined by means of HPLC analysis of skin extracts. It was used to make a non-destructive estimate of the evolution in the flavonol concentration in grape berry samplings. The chlorophyll index was inversely correlated in linear manner to the total soluble solids (°Brix): it could, therefore, be used as a new index of technological maturity. The fluorescence sensor (Multiplex) possesses a high potential for representing an important innovative tool for controlling grape maturity in precision viticulture
Étude structurale de lignines extraites de cour de bois de chêne
Dans ce travail les auteurs présentent la structure de deux types de lignines extraites du bois de cœur de Q. robur. Il s'agit de LE, lignine extraite en milieu hydroalcoolique acide (PM 23 kDa) et
de LD extraite à chaud par le dioxane acidifié (PM 45 kDa). L'analyse des spectres 2D de type TOCSY et HMQC confirme que les deux lignines contiennent principalement des noyaux
phénoliques monométhoxylés (Gaïacyles) et diméthoxylés (Syringyles) reliés par des liaisons β–O–4 aryl-ether prépondérantes. LD se distingue de LE par une proportion plus importante de
noyaux G.
Raleio de cachos em vinhedos de altitude e qualidade do vinho da cultivar Syrah Cluster thinning in high altitude vineyards and wine quality from the cultivar Syrah
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes intensidades de raleio de cachos de uvas (Vitis vinifera L.), em vinhedos de altitude, sobre a evolução dos compostos fenólicos durante a maturação da uva. O experimento foi conduzido em São Joaquim, SC, a uma altitude média de 1.230 m, em videiras da cv.Syrah, enxertadas sobre 'Paulsen 1103', conduzidas em espaldeira, em duplo cordão esporonado, espaçadas em 3x1,2 m, com cobertura antigranizo. Os tratamentos de raleio foram definidos de modo a se ter redução da produtividade em 13,3, 26,6 e 40% em relação à produtividade do tratamento controle sem raleio, estimada em 15 Mg ha-1. Os tratamentos foram ajustados quando 50% das bagas encontravam-se em "véraison". Odelineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e 40 plantas por tratamento. As avaliações foram feitas nas safras 2005/2006 e 2006/2007. Avaliou-se a evolução dos compostos fenólicos durante as oito semanas antecedentes à colheita. O raleio de cachos aumentou o conteúdo de antocianinas quando a produtividade estimada foi de 12 Mg ha-1, e melhorou a composição fenólica das bagas, atributos esses favoráveis à produção de vinhos tintos finos de qualidade.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different intensities of cluster thinning in mountain vineyards cv.Syrah on the evolution of phenolic compounds, during grape maturation. The experiment was carried out in the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 crop seasons, at São Joaquim, SC, Brazil, at an average altitude of 1,230 m, on 'Syrah' grapevines that had been grafted on 'Paulsen 1103' root stock and trained out in vertical trellis system, spaced in 3x1.2 m and protected against hail. The cluster thinning was adjusted in the "veraison" corresponded to 15 Mg ha-1 (control), 13 Mg ha-1, 11 Mg ha-1 and 9 Mg ha-1, in a complete randomized blocks. The evolution of phenolic compounds was evaluated during the eight antecedent weeks to the harvest. The cluster thinning increased the content of anthocyanin in the grapes with a yield of 12 Mg ha-1, and improved their phenolic composition. These changes were favorable for the production of fine wines with excellent quality
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Critical stages of the brewing process for changes in antioxidant activity and levels of phenolic compounds in ale
Samples were taken at each stage of brewing (malt, milling, mashing, wort separation, hop addition, boiling, whirlpool, dilution, fermentation, warm rest, chill-lagering, beer filtration, carbonation and bottling, pasteurization, and storage). The level of antioxidant activity of unfractionated, low-molecular-mass (LMM) and high-molecular-mass (HMM) fractions was measured by the 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfortic acid) radical cation (ABTS(.+)) and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) procedures. Polyphenol levels were assessed by HPLC. The LMM fraction ( 0.001) in catechin and ferulic acid levels. Increases in antioxidant activity levels were observed after mashing, boiling, fermentation, chill-lagering, and pasteurization, in line with previous studies on lager. Additionally, increases in the level of antioxidant activity occurred after wort separation and carbonation and bottling and were accompanied by increases in levels of most monitored polyphenols. Data from the ABTS(.-) and FRAP assays indicated that the compounds contributing to the levels of antioxidant activity responded differently in the two procedures. Levels of ferulic, vanillic, and chlorogenic acids and catechin accounted for 45-61% of the variation in antioxidant activity levels