70 research outputs found

    Stacked crop rotations and cultural practices for canola and flax yield and quality

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    Canola (Brassica napus L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) are important oilseed crops, but improved management practices to enhance their yields and quality are needed. We studied the effect of stacked versus alternate‐year crop rotations and traditional versus improved cultural practices on canola and flax growth, seed yield, oil concentration, and N‐use efficiency from 2006 to 2011 in the northern Great Plains, USA. Stacked rotations were durum (Triticum turgidum L.)‐durum‐canola‐pea (Pisum sativum L.) (DDCP) and durum‐durum‐flax‐pea (DDFP). Alternate‐year rotations were durum‐canola‐durum‐pea (DCDP) and durum‐flax‐durum‐pea (DFDP). The traditional cultural practice included a combination of conventional tillage, recommended seed rate, broadcast N fertilization, and reduced stubble height. The improved cultural practice included a combination of no‐tillage, increased seed rate, banded N fertilization, and increased stubble height. Canola stand count was 36–123% greater with the improved than the traditional cultural practice in 2006, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Canola pod number and oil concentration were 3–36% greater in the improved than the traditional practice in 2007 and 2010, but trends reversed by 5–19% in 2008. Flax stand count was 28% greater with DFDP than DDFP in 2007 and 56% greater in the improved than the traditional practice in 2010. Flax pod number, seed weight, seed yield, N content, N‐use efficiency, and N‐removal index varied with crop rotations, cultural practices, and years. Canola growth and oil concentration increased with the improved cultural practice as well as flax growth, yield, and quality enhanced with alternate‐year crop rotation and the improved cultural practice in wet years

    Nitrogen Use in Durum and Selected Brassicaceae Oilseeds in Two-Year Rotations

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    Brassicaceae oilseeds can serve as potential feedstocks for renewable biofuels to offset demand for petroleum-based alternatives. However, little is known about oilseed crop yield potential and N use in semiarid, wheat (Triticum spp.)-based cropping systems that dominate the northern Great Plains (NGP). A 5-yr study was conducted in northeast Montana to investigate the yield potential of a direct seeded system of durum (T. durumDesf.) in rotation with either chemical fallow or three Brassicaceae oilseeds: camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz], crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex R.E. Fries), and canola-quality Brassica juncea L. Overall, results from the study indicated that seed yield in the three Brassicaceae oilseeds tested in rotation with durum was related (P \u3c 0.001; r2 = 0.68) to a nitrogen recovery index (NRI), indicating the importance of nitrogen use (NU) efficiency in dryland oilseed production, and that B. juncea generally used N more efficiently than crambe and camelina. Similarly, NRI was related (P \u3c 0.001; r2 = 0.72) to grain yield in durum following oilseeds. Grain yield of durum following B. juncea was similar to durum following fallow and greater than durum following camelina or crambe. Durum following crambe tended to use N more inefficiently than durum following camelina, B. juncea, or fallow. Differences in yield and N use of durum and oilseeds varied among years, which underscores the need to further develop management tools to optimize durum-oilseed cropping systems in highly variable rainfall environments typical of the NGP

    Management and Tillage Infl uence Barley Forage Productivity and Water Use in Dryland Cropping Systems

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    Annual cereal forages are resilient in water use (WU), water use efficiency (WUE), and weed control compared with grain crops in dryland systems. The combined influence of tillage and management systems on annual cereal forage productivity and WU is not well documented. We conducted a field study for the effects of tillage (no-till and tilled) and management (ecological and conventional) systems on WU and performance of forage barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and weed biomass in two crop rotations (wheat [Triticum aestivum L.]–forage barley–pea [Pisum sativum L.] and wheat–forage barley–corn [Zea mays L.] –pea) from 2004 to 2010 in eastern Montana. Conventional management included recommended seeding rates, broadcast N fertilization, and short stubble height of wheat. Ecological management included 33% greater seeding rates, banded N fertilization at planting, and taller wheat stubble. Forage barley in ecological management had 28 more plants m–2, 2 cm greater height, 65 more tillers m–2, 606 kg ha–1 greater crop biomass, 3.5 kg ha–1 mm–1greater WUE, and 47% reduction in weed biomass at harvest than in conventional management. Pre-plant and post-harvest soil water contents were similar among tillage and management systems, but barley WU was 13 mm greater in 4-yr than 3-yr rotation. Tillage had little effect on barley performance and WU. Dryland forage barley with higher seeding rate and banded N fertilization in more diversified rotation produced more yield and used water more efficiently than that with conventional seeding rate, broadcast N fertilization, and less diversified rotation in the semiarid northern Great Plains

    Green and animal manure use in organic field crop systems

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    Dual-use cover/green manure (CGM) crops and animal manure are used to supply nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to organically grown field crops. A comprehensive review of previous research was conducted to identify how CGM crops and animal manure have been used to meet N and P needs of organic field crops, and to identify knowledge gaps to direct future research efforts. Results indicate that: (a) CGM crops are used to provide N to subsequent cash crops in rotations; (b) CGM-supplied N generally can meet field crop needs in warm, humid regions but is insufficient for organic grain crops grown in cool and sub-humid regions; (c) adoption of conservation tillage practices can create or exacerbate N deficiencies; (d) excess N and P can result where animal manures are accessible if application rates are not carefully managed; and (e) integrating animal grazing into organic field crop systems has potential benefits but is generally not practiced. Work is needed to better understand the mechanisms governing the release of N by CGM crops to subsequent cash crops, and the legacy effects of animal manure applications in cool and sub-humid regions. The benefits and synergies that can occur by combining targeted animal grazing and CGMs on soil N, P, and other nutrients should be investigated. Improved communication and networking among researchers can aid efforts to solve soil fertility challenges faced by organic farmers when growing field crops in North America and elsewhere

    Land Rolling Does Not Influence Productivity of Subsequent-Year Spring Wheat

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    Land rolling is a common practice in the northern Great Plains and upper Midwest to push rocks to the soil surface after planting annual grain legumes and forage crops to protect harvest equipment despite the potential to increase weed density and soil erosion and decrease crop yield. Field trials were conducted in 2005 and 2006 to determine if land rolling the previous season influenced weed density or productivity of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) planted following summer fallow or two crops planted the previous season, pea (Pisum sativum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Density of green foxtail [Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.] and total weeds in spring wheat were influenced by year, planting date, and crop grown in the previous year, but land rolling had no influence on weed density. Yield of spring wheat was greater following summer fallow than following pea and barley, likely due to 0.9 inches greater available soil water at planting and 1.0 inch greater water use. Land rolling × previous crop interaction affected preplant soil water content with rolled fallow having 1.1 and 1.6 inches greater water content (0- to 4-ft depth) than rolled barley or pea, respectively; soil water content at planting did not vary for previous crop where no land rolling occurred. Spring wheat water productivity was 0.15 lb/acre-inch greater when the previous year’s crops were planted at the early date than when planting was delayed. Land rolling in the previous year did not influence weed density, grain yield, protein concentration, and water use or water productivity of spring wheat.This article is published as Lenssen, A.W., and U.M. Sainju. 2019. Land Rolling Does Not Influence Productivity of Subsequent-Year Spring Wheat. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 5:190024. doi: 10.2134/cftm2019.04.0024.</p

    North American Soil Degradation: Processes, Practices, and Mitigating Strategies

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    Soil can be degraded by several natural or human-mediated processes, including wind, water, or tillage erosion, and formation of undesirable physical, chemical, or biological properties due to industrialization or use of inappropriate farming practices. Soil degradation occurs whenever these processes supersede natural soil regeneration and, generally, reflects unsustainable resource management that is global in scope and compromises world food security. In North America, soil degradation preceded the catastrophic wind erosion associated with the dust bowl during the 1930s, but that event provided the impetus to improve management of soils degraded by both wind and water erosion. Chemical degradation due to site specific industrial processing and mine spoil contamination began to be addressed during the latter half of the 20th century primarily through point-source water quality concerns, but soil chemical degradation and contamination of surface and subsurface water due to on-farm non-point pesticide and nutrient management practices generally remains unresolved. Remediation or prevention of soil degradation requires integrated management solutions that, for agricultural soils, include using cover crops or crop residue management to reduce raindrop impact, maintain higher infiltration rates, increase soil water storage, and ultimately increase crop production. By increasing plant biomass, and potentially soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations, soil degradation can be mitigated by stabilizing soil aggregates, improving soil structure, enhancing air and water exchange, increasing nutrient cycling, and promoting greater soil biological activity
