95 research outputs found

    Study of the physico-chemical properties of vancomycin hydrochloride for determining its potential applications in formulation development

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    The study of physico-chemical properties of vancomycin hydrochloride is an important parameter in the pre–formulation analysis of a drug. Pre-formulation study provides important information for formulation design or support the need for molecular modification. The main objective of pre-formulation is to develop a stable and an effective drug, with a safe dosage. Therefore properties like specific conductivity, density, viscosity, velocity of sound and specific gravity are determined which further helps in determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC). Other thermodynamic parameters are calculated from CMC like change in entropy, enthalpy and Gibb’s free energy which indicated that formation of micelles is favourable and exothermic in nature. Along with this, thermo-acoustic parameters such as apparent molar volume and apparent molar compressibility have also been determined. These parameters revealed that electrostatic interactions were favourable at lower concentrations of vancomycin hydrochloride whereas hydrophobic interactions were dominant at higher concentrations. All these studies have proven useful in determining the types of interactions occurring in the system. Moreover, a stable concentration of vancomycin hydrochloride can also be determined which may aid in the topical formulation of this drug

    Study of the physico-chemical properties of vancomycin hydrochloride for determining its potential applications in formulation development

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    1113-1119The study of physico-chemical properties of vancomycin hydrochloride is an important parameter in the pre-formulation analysis of a drug. Pre-formulation study provides important information for formulation design or support the need for molecular modification. The main objective of pre-formulation is to develop a stable and an effective drug, with a safe dosage. Therefore, properties like specific conductivity, density, viscosity, velocity of sound and specific gravity are determined which further helps in determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC). Other thermodynamic parameters are calculated from CMC like change in entropy, enthalpy and Gibb’s free energy which indicated that formation of micelles is favourable and exothermic in nature. Along with this, thermo-acoustic parameters such as apparent molar volume and apparent molar compressibility have also been determined. These parameters reveal that electrostatic interactions are favourable at lower concentrations of vancomycin hydrochloride whereas hydrophobic interactions are dominant at higher concentrations. All these studies have proven useful in determining the types of interactions occurring in the system. Moreover, a stable concentration of vancomycin hydrochloride can also be determined which may aid in the topical formulation of this drug

    In Silico Targeting of influenza virus haemagglutinin receptor protein using Diosmetin, Tangeritin, and Anthocyanidins as potential drugs

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    Influenza viruses cause acute respiratory illnesses in birds, humans, and other mammals, and are a major public health concern around the world. Pandemic flu could be caused by an unforeseen human adaptation of an influenza subtype or strain rather than currently circulating influenza viruses. The need for plant metabolites-based new anti-influenza drugs appears to be urgent. Blocking Haemeagglutinin (HA) protein is one of the most appealing drug targets to halt the growth of the virus. The influenza virus can acquire resistance to currently existing therapies, therefore necessitating the development of new medications. The plant's bioactive metabolites, flavanoids are having potential medicinal efficacy. The current study aimed to identify certain flavonoids (Diosmetin, Tangeritin, and Anthocyanidins) that might interact with the HA protein of the influenza virus and help in inhibiting its growth. We used PyRx v0.8 for virtual screening and docking studies. The highest binding affinity docked structures were analyzed using PyMOL and Discovery Studio Visualizer. The present study revealed that these naturally occurring compounds interacted with HA protein, resulting in the minimization of energy in the range of -5.2 to -7.0 kcal/mol. Diosmetin showed the best binding affinity of -7.0Kcal/mol. The molecular binding studies revealed that Diosmetin, Tangeritin, and Anthocyanidins are potential compounds to test against HA protein and can be used to develop effective anti-influenza agents


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    Sprouts are now well known for their high nutritive value and digestibility. They are rich in enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fibers. Sprouts are low in fat and calories, being rich in nutrients and known to promote health, sprouts now a days are available in most of the grocery stalls. Survey of sprouted seeds available at retail venders has shown the presence of pathogenic bacteria like E. coli 0157, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogens, which is of concern for health conscious public. In the present study an attempt has been made to identify and examine the microorganisms present in seed sprouts of mung bean. Key Words: Mung Bean Sprouts, Morphological Identification, Biochemical Characteristics

    Saraca indica

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    Medicinal plants are used as a complementary and alternative medicine in treatment of various diseases including cancer worldwide, because of their ease of accessibility and cost effectiveness. Multicomposed mixture of compounds present in a plant extract has synergistic activity, increases the therapeutic potential many folds, compensates toxicity, and increases bioavailability. Saraca indica (family Caesalpiniaceae) is one of the most ancient sacred plants with medicinal properties, exhibiting a number of pharmacological effects. Antioxidant, antibreast cancer activity and toxicological evaluation of Saraca indica bark extract (SIE) were carried out in the present study. The results of the study indicated that this herbal preparation has antioxidant and antibreast cancer activity. Toxicological studies suggest that SIE is safer to use and may have a potential to be used as complementary and alternative medicine for breast cancer therapy

    The power of narrative persuasion: how an entertainment-education serial drama tackled open defecation and promoted contraceptive use in India

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    Television and radio serial dramas have been used as an effective entertainment-education (EE) strategy to address complex health and social issues around the world. In this article, we analyse India’s experience with the EE television serial, Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti HoonSeason 3 (I, A Woman, Can Achieve Anything, hereafter MKBKSH-3), broadcasted in 2019. Produced by Population Foundation of India, MKBKSH-3purposely employed principles of narrative persuasion to tackle open defecation, promote contraceptive use, and advocate for gender equality in a deeply entrenched patriarchal system. As part of a larger programme evaluation, we conducted data collection using two complementary methods: (1) field experiments in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur Dehat district with repeated measures among viewers and non-viewers; and (2) viewer surveys through the popular interactive voice response system with callers from across 28 states and union territories. Wherever possible, we kept questions consistent to help triangulate research findings. Our results indicate a significant increase in toilet ownership and decrease in open defecation among MKBKSH-3viewers. Further, MKBKSH-3’scharacters and storylines helped raise awareness of injectable contraceptives, and viewers—both male and female—displayed an increased likelihood of moving toward adopting contraceptives that were promoted. These empirical findings add to the growing literature on the value of entertainment-education serial dramas as enabling media for social and behaviour change.publishedVersio

    Karakterizacija solvatomorfa metotreksata pomoću termoanalitičkih i drugih metoda

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    Identification and characterization of different forms of methotrexate were carried out by crystallization from different solvents. Five different forms of the drug were obtained. Appearance of a desolvation endotherm in the DSC accompanied by mass loss in TGA for forms I, II, IV and V showed these forms to be acetonitrile solvate hydrate (form I), trihydrate (forms II and IV) and dimethylformamide solvate (form V), respectively. However, the desolvation peak was absent in form III (obtained from methanol) indicating the absence of any solvent of crystallization. This form was found to be partially crystalline by its XRPD pattern. Solution calorimetry was further used to differentiate between the forms as they differ in lattice energy, resulting in different enthalpies of solution. The dissolution and solubility profiles were correlated with the enthalpy of solution and subsequently with crystallinity of all the forms; the least endothermic form (form III) had the highest dissolution rate.U radu je provedena identifikacija i karakterizacija pet različitih formi metotreksata dobivenih kristalizacijom iz različitih otapala. Desolvatacijska izoterma u DSC popraćena gubitkom mase u TGA za forme I, II, IV i V ukazuje da su te forme solvati s acetonitrilom: hidrat (forma I), trihidrat (forma II i IV) i solvat s dimetilformamidom (forma V). Međutim, desolvatacijski pik je odsutan u formi III (dobivenoj iz metanola) što ukazuje na odsutnost otapala u kristalnoj formi. Ta forma je parcijalno kristalna i pokazuje odgovarajući XRPD uzorak. Energija kristalne ćelije je za različite forme različita, što ima za posljedicu različite entalpije otapanja te omogućava primjenu kalorimetrije otopine za diferencijaciju formi. Topljivost je korelirana s entalpijom otopine i kristaliničnosti svih formi. Najmanje endotermna forma (forma III) je najbolje topljiva