10 research outputs found

    Ravintola Myllytuvan asiakastyytyväisyyskysely

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli selvittää pienen paikkakunnan pub-ravintola Myllytuvan asiakkaiden tyytyväisyys palvelun laatuun, palveluympäristöön, valikoimaan sekä erikoistapahtumiin, kuten esimerkiksi vuosittain pidettävään Kökkö Open Air –tapahtumaan. Tarkoituksena oli analysoida haastattelujen ja mielipidekyselyiden tuloksia, sekä saada käytännössä toteutettavia kehittämisehdotuksia suoraan asiakkailta. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää tyytymättömyyttä aiheuttavat tekijät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena haastattelujen ja asiakastyytyväisyyttä käsittelevän mielipidekyselyn avulla. Mielipidekyselyt asetettiin esille 06.03.2014 ja kerättiin 23.03.2014. Mielipidekyselyitä oli 70, ja näistä palautettiin yhteensä 64 kappaletta, joista jouduttiin hylkämään neljä johtuen epäasiallisista tai keskeneräisistä vastauksista. Hukkaprosentti oli siis vain 6,25 %. Otoskoko ylitti odotukset, ottaen huomioon pienen paikkakunnan kapasiteetin. Vastaajat jaettiin 5 lohkoon: 18-25 vuotiaat, 26-33 vuotiaat, 34-41 vuotiaat, 41-49 vuotiaat ja yli 50 vuotiaat. Jokainen lohko keräsi vähintään yhden vastaajan molemmista sukupuolista, lukuunottamatta 34-41 vuotiaissa, josta ei saatu miespuolista mielipidettä. Koko otannassa 65 % vastaajista oli miehiä ja 35 % naisia. Toisena menetelmänä käytettiin haastattelua. Siskoni haastatteli kahdeksaa eri ikäistä ravintola Myllytuvan asiakasta, sekä miehiä että naisia. Siskoni toimi haastattelijana työpaikkani aiheuttaman eturistiriidan vuoksi, näin toivoin saavani mahdollisimman rehellisiä ja puolueettomia vastauksia. Haastateltavien iät olivat 18 ja 72 ikävuoden välillä, ja kokemus Myllytuvan asiakkuudesta oli vaihteleva. Osa kävi muutaman kerran viikossa kun taas yksi oli paikalla vasta toista kertaa. Tuloksien luotettavuus laitettiin suurennuslasin alle. Vastauksissa oli paljon positiivisia asioita, mutta asiakkaat olivat kuitenkin uskaltaneet tuoda esiin myös ihailtavasti negatiivisia mielipiteitään sekä parannusehdotuksia ravintolalle. Ilman niitä asiakastyytyväisyyden selvittäminen olisi todella hankalaa, jokaisella yrityksellä näet on aina parannettavaa. Tuloksien luotettavuus kasvoi suuren vastaajakunnan, puolueettoman haastattelijan käyttämisen sekä negatiivisen kritiikin esiintymisen vuoksi. Vastaajat todella halusivat auttaa kehittämään paikallisen pubinsa toimintaa ja asiakkaiden viihtyvyyttä.The purpose of this thesis was to study the customer satisfaction of a pub-restaurant Myllytupa which is located in a small town. The study focused on the quality and the ambience of the service, the selection offered and special events, such as the yearly Kökkö Open Air. The objective was to analyze the results of interviews and opinion polls and to receive realizable development ideas directly from the customers. An addi-tional aim was to clarify the factors causing dissatisfaction. The study was conducted as a survey including interviews and an opinion poll on the customer satisfaction. The opinion poll was issued on the 6th March 2014 and collected on the 23rd March 2014. The amount of questionnaires issued was 70, and out of the 64 responses returned, four had to be discarded due to inappropriate or uncompleted an-swers. Consequently the waste percentage was only 6,25%. The sample size exceeded expectations, considering the population of a small town. The respondents were divided into five segments according to their age: between 18 and 25, between 26 and 33, between 34 and 41, between 41 and 49 and over 50 years old. Each segment contained at least one respondent of each gender, with the exception of the category of 34-41-year-olds, where no male opinion was received. Of the whole sampling 65% were male and 35% female. Another method used was an interview. My sister interviewed eight customers of the restaurant Myllytupa, of different ages and both male and female. The reason for my sister working as the interviewer was the conflict of interests of my job, and conse-quently it was possible to receive as truthful and objective responses as possible. The respondents were between 18 and 72 years old and their experience of the Myllytupa varied. Some of them visited the restaurant a few times a week whereas for one of the customers it was only his/her second visit to Myllytupa. The reliability of the results was scrutinized. The responses included several positive factors, but the customers also admirably had the courage to bring forward negative opinions and development suggestion to the restaurant. Without these a study on customer satisfaction would be very difficult as every company is able to improve. The reliability of the results increased thanks to the amount of the respondents, the usage of an impartial interviewer and the negative feedback. The respondents honestly wanted to develop the operations and customer comfort of their local pub

    From ‘Economic Objectives’ to Constitutional Protection: A Path to Entrenching the Right to Development in the Legal Framework of the Gambia

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    The 1997 Constitution of The Gambia offers minimal protection of economic rights that are essential in the realization of the right to development. The justiciable provisions of the bill of rights in Chapter IV of the Constitution are largely of civil and political rights in nature. Chapter XX of the Constitution outlines several objectives to guide State policy and law formulation as well as law enforcement. However, these principles are non-justiciable in nature, leaving the general population without judicially enforceable human rights despite years of economic deprivation. The status of economic rights and the resultant neglect in investing towards realization of economic rights continues to influence the current state of poverty index in The Gambia. Women, who are faced with multidimensional vulnerabilities, are pushed further down the poverty line by this reality aggravating their economic status. Article 8(1) of the UN Declaration on the Right to Development calls on States to undertake, all necessary measures for the realization of the right to development and for States to take effective measures to ensure that women have an active role in the development process. In this light, this paper will unpack the ‘economic objectives’ envisaged in section 215 of the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia and measure the content of this provision against already existing obligations of The Gambia at the regional and international level. The paper will highlight the need to elevate the economic objectives into justiciable human rights in the domestic legal framework of The Gambia to realize the right to development. The paper will also propose strategies to promulgate laws that will eventually make the realization of economic rights a possibility

    Ten principles for conservation translocations of threatened wood-inhabiting fungi

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    Unlike for many other organism groups, conservation translocations of fungi are still rare. Encouraged by recent successful translocations, there is a growing interest in applying this conservation tool to threatened wood-inhabiting fungi. When combined with other conservation or restoration measures, translocation can be an effective measure for preventing further population decline in the short term, and species extinctions in the long term. Translocations can be appropriate for rare and specialist fungal species that occur as small local populations in isolated patches across fragmented landscapes, where there is a low likelihood of successful dispersal between distant host trees that have special qualities and are situated in suitable conditions. As species translocations are a controversial topic, the pros and cons of translocation as a conservation tool for threatened fungi need careful consideration. We highlight the uncertainties and risks that are connected to fungal translocations, and propose ten principles adhering to the precautionary principle

    Att effektivera projektarbete : Utvecklingsförslag för Ålands Sjödagars projektgrupp 2014

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    År 2013 arrangerades Ålands Sjödagar för 23:e året i rad. Projektgruppen bakom arrangemanget bestod av fyra personer, varav två var vi. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att hitta utvecklingsförslag för projektgruppen som kommer att arbeta med Ålands Sjödagar 2014 så att den ska kunna arbeta effektivare och arrangera ett ännu bättre evenemang. Examensarbetet är uppdelat i två delar, projektgruppen och projektledaren. Utgående från en SWOT analys och intervjuer med projektgruppen inriktar vi oss på väsentlig teori. Genom att koppla ihop teorin med analysen har vi tagit fram utvecklingsförslag. I den teoretiska delen behandlar vi ämnen som projektarbete, en projektgrupps uppbyggnad och hur en ledare bör vara. Utöver detta tas distansarbete upp, något som vi stötte på då vi jobbade med projektet. Resultatet visar att årets projektgrupp var lyckad, men inte perfekt. Det finns en hel del att utveckla och mycket att lära, både för beställare, projektledare och projektgrupp. Vision, roller och möten är delar som bör utvecklas för att effektivera arbetet. Att arbeta på distans utan gemensamma spelregler är inte det optimala alternativet, därför bör detta förbättras. Teambuilding är ett sätt att hjälpa grupper att jobba bättre och effektivare och detta är något som projektgruppen 2014 bör lägga fokus på.Åland Sea Days 2013 was organized for the 23rd year in a row. The project group behind the event consisted of four persons, two of whom were the authors of this bachelor’s thesis. The purpose of this study is to find development proposals for the project team that will work with the Åland Sea Days 2014 so that they can work more effectively and arrange an even better event. The thesis is divided into two parts, the project group and the project manager. On the basis of a SWOT analysis and interviews with the project group we will focus on essential theory. By linking theory with the analysis, we have highlighted proposals for development . In the theoretical part, we project work, analyze a project group's structure and how a leader should be. In addition, we discuss teleworking, which we came across when we were working on the project. The results show that this year's project group was successful, but not perfect. There is a lot to develope and a lot to learn, both for clients, project managers and the project group. Vision, roles and meetings are parts that should be developed to streamline the work. Teleworking without common rules is not the optimal option, that is why it should be improved. Team building is a way to help groups to work better and more efficiently, and according to our results this is something the project group 2014 should focus on

    Report on Citizenship Law : The Gambia

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    This report discusses citizenship in the Gambia. It explores the history of citizenship in this country, modes of acquisition and loss, and current debates and reform plans regarding citizenship policy.Research for the 2020/2021 GLOBALCIT Reports has been supported by the European University Institute's Global Governance Programme and the British Academy Research Project CITMODES (co-directed by the EUI and the University of Edinburgh)

    Decision-making Among Hepatitis C Virus-negative Transplant Candidates Offered Organs from Donors with HCV Infection

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    Background. Historically, many organs from deceased donors with hepatitis C virus (HCV) were discarded. The advent of highly curative direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies motivated transplant centers to conduct trials of transplanting HCV-viremic organs (nucleic acid amplification test positive) into HCV-negative recipients, followed by DAA treatment. However, the factors that influence candidates' decisions regarding acceptance of transplant with HCV-viremic organs are not well understood. Methods. To explore patient-level perceptions, influences, and experiences that inform candidate decision-making regarding transplant with organs from HCV-viremic donors, we conducted a qualitative semi-structured interview study embedded within 3 clinical trials investigating the safety and efficacy of transplanting lungs and kidneys from HCV-viremic donors into HCV-negative recipients. The study was conducted from June 2019 to March 2021. Results. Among 44 HCV-negative patients listed for organ transplant who were approached for enrollment in the applicable clinical trial, 3 approaches to decision-making emerged: positivist, risk analyses, and instinctual response. Perceptions of risk contributed to conceptualizations of factors influencing decisions. Moreover, most participants relied on multiple decision-making approaches, either simultaneously or sequentially. Conclusions. Understanding how different decisional models influence patients' choices regarding transplant with organs from HCV-viremic donors may promote shared decision-making among transplant patients and providers

    Decision-making Among Hepatitis C Virus-negative Transplant Candidates Offered Organs from Donors with HCV Infection

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    Background. Historically, many organs from deceased donors with hepatitis C virus (HCV) were discarded. The advent of highly curative direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies motivated transplant centers to conduct trials of transplanting HCV-viremic organs (nucleic acid amplification test positive) into HCV-negative recipients, followed by DAA treatment. However, the factors that influence candidates’ decisions regarding acceptance of transplant with HCV-viremic organs are not well understood. Methods. To explore patient-level perceptions, influences, and experiences that inform candidate decision-making regarding transplant with organs from HCV-viremic donors, we conducted a qualitative semistructured interview study embedded within 3 clinical trials investigating the safety and efficacy of transplanting lungs and kidneys from HCV-viremic donors into HCV-negative recipients. The study was conducted from June 2019 to March 2021. Results. Among 44 HCV-negative patients listed for organ transplant who were approached for enrollment in the applicable clinical trial, 3 approaches to decision-making emerged: positivist, risk analyses, and instinctual response. Perceptions of risk contributed to conceptualizations of factors influencing decisions. Moreover, most participants relied on multiple decision-making approaches, either simultaneously or sequentially. Conclusions. Understanding how different decisional models influence patients’ choices regarding transplant with organs from HCV-viremic donors may promote shared decision-making among transplant patients and providers