29 research outputs found
A study on corrosion resistance of ISO 5832-1 austenitic stainless steel used as orthopedic implant
The ISO 5832-1 austenitic stainless steel used as biomaterial is largely applied in the area of orthopedics, especially in the manufacture of implants, such as temporary or permanent replacement of bone structures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the localized corrosion resistance of the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel used in orthopedic implants by electrochemical tests in two different solutions. The results of this study are of great interest to evaluate the corrosion of metallic implants that can result in the release of corrosion products into bodily fluids causing possible adverse biological reactions. The determination of the chemical elements in the composition of the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel was performed by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The samples for electrochemical tests were grinded with silicon carbide paper up to #4000 finishing, followed by mechanical polishing with diamond paste. The open circuit potential measurements and anodic polarization curves were obtained in solution of 0.90 wt. % of NaCl and of simulated body fluid (SBF). The results indicated that the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel presented a high resistance to crevice corrosion in simulated body fluid solution but high susceptibility to this form of corrosion in the chloride solution.
Accumulation of mineral nutrients in Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Smith (Bromeliaceae) contaminated with zinc during in vitro culture
Com o objetivo de estudar a absorção e translocação de Ca, Co, Fe, K e Zn em Aechmea blanchetiana, plantas foram cultivadas in vitro em meios de cultivo contendo concentrações de Zn (0,0; 0,18; 1,8; 18 e 180 mg Zn L-1). Após 16 semanas de cultivo, os sistemas aéreo e radicular foram separados e determinadas à massa seca para massa de matéria seca e para a análise por ativação com nêutrons (AAN). O procedimento consistiu em irradiar amostras e padrões no reator nuclear de pesquisa IEA-R1 por 16 h para análise por espectrometria de raios gama. O controle dos resultados foi avaliado por meio das análises dos materiais de referência certificados, com desvios padrão relativo de 9,1 % e erros inferiores a 12,9 %. Os resultados das determinações dos elementos mostraram que o Zn alterou absorção e translocação de Ca, Co, Fe, K e Zn. A espécie apresentou alta quantidade de Zn nos sistemas aéreo e radicular indicando, possivelmente, ser bioacumuladora desse elemento.A FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisado Estado de São Paulo, Processo 2008/55680-8) eao CNPq (Conselho Nacional de DesenvolvimentoCientífico e Tecnológico, Processo nº 305776/2009-6)pelo fomento a esta pesquis
Study of ph effect on AZ31 magnesium alloy corrosion for using in temporary implants
Currently, magnesium alloys are gaining great interest for medical applications due to their degrading properties in the human body ensuring a great biocompatibility. These alloys also provide profitable mechanical properties due similarities with human bone. However, a difficulty in applying these materials in the biomaterials industries is the corrosion prior to cell healing. The effect of the chemical composition of Mg alloys on their corrosion behavior is well known. In this study, samples of AZ31 magnesium alloy were cut into chips for elemental chemical analysis by neutron activation analysis (NAA). Concentrations of the elements As, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb and Zn were determined in the AZ31 alloy. Visualization tests of agar corrosion development in various media, of 0.90% sodium chloride solution (mass), phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and simulated body fluid (SBF) were performed. Visualizations of the effect of agar gel corrosion revealed pH variation during the corrosion process due to the released into the cathode. The highest released of hydroxyl ions occurred in NaCl solution compared to PBS and SBF solutions indicating that NaCl solution was much more aggressive to the alloy compared to the others
A streamlined approach by a combination of bioindication and geostatistical methods for assessing air contaminants and their effects on human health in industrialized areas: A case study in Southern Brazil
© 2017 Ferreira, Ribeiro, Ferreira, Kniess, Quaresma, Lafortezza, Santos, Saiki and Saldiva. Industrialization in developing countries associated with urban growth results in a number of economic benefits, especially in small or medium-sized cities, but leads to a number of environmental and public health consequences. This problem is further aggravated when adequate infrastructure is lacking to monitor the environmental impacts left by industries and refineries. In this study, a new protocol was designed combining biomonitoring and geostatistics to evaluate the possible effects of shale industry emissions on human health and wellbeing. Futhermore, the traditional and expensive air quality method based on PM2.5 measuring was also used to validate the low-cost geostatistical approach. Chemical analysis was performed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDXRF) to measure inorganic elements in tree bark and shale retorted samples in São Mateus do Sul city, Southern Brazil. Fe, S, and Si were considered potential pollutants in the study area. Distribution maps of element concentrations were generated from the dataset and used to estimate the spatial behavior of Fe, S, and Si and the range from their hot spot(s), highlighting the regions sorrounding the shale refinery. This evidence was also demonstrated in the measurements of PM2.5 concentrations, which are in agreement with the information obtained from the biomonitoring and geostatistical model. Factor and descriptive analyses performed on the concentrations of tree bark contaminants suggest that Fe, S, and Si might be used as indicators of industrial emissions. The number of cases of respiratory diseases obtained from local basic health unit were used to assess a possible correlation between shale refinery emissions and cases of repiratory disease. These data are public and may be accessed on the website of the the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Significant associations were found between the health data and refinery activities. The combination of the spatial characterization of air pollution and clinical health data revealed that adverse effects were significant for individuals over 38 years of age. These results also suggest that a protocol designed to monitor urban air quality may be an effective and low-cost strategy in environmentally contaminated cities, especially in low- and middle-income countries.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex
Avaliação preliminar da qualidade da fluoxetina comercializada por farmácias de manipulação em Belo Horizonte/MG
In this study, fourteen samples of fluoxetine being commercialized by thirteen different establishments of the network of magistral pharmacies in the City of Belo Horizonte/MG were assessed. The sampling corresponds to 47,0% of the total 30 different units of preparation of the city, which corresponds to about 180 points of sale. Analyses for determining weight, identification, active ingredient content and uniformity of dosage units were performed by the State Foundation Ezequiel Dias (FUNED /MG) based on methodologies described by reference pharmacopoeias. Irregularities, on the labeling and the content testing, were observed in some samples. It was also investigated, through the technique of neutron activation analysis (NAA), the presence and concentrations of metals and other inorganic impurities. The results showed the presence of elements such as As, Br, Cr Co, Cr, Hf and others, that even at low concentrations, may be harmful to human health if consumed steadily for a long term.Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas 14 amostras de fluoxetina comercializadas por 13 estabelecimentos diferentes da rede de farmácias magistrais em Belo Horizonte/MG. A amostragem obtida representa 47,0% do total de 30 unidades de preparação distintas na cidade e corresponde a cerca de 180 pontos de venda. Foram realizadas análises de determinação de peso, identificação, teor de princípio ativo e uniformidade de doses unitárias. As análises foram realizadas pela Fundação Estadual Ezequiel Dias (Funed/MG) com base nas metodologias descritas nas farmacopeias de referência. Foram observadas irregularidades em algumas amostras como na rotulagem e ensaio de teor. Foi também investigada a presença e concentração de metais e outras impurezas inorgânicas através da técnica de análise por ativação neutrônica (AAN). Os resultados mostraram também a presença de elementos como As, Br, Co, Cr e Hf que, mesmo em baixas concentrações, podem ser prejudiciais à saúde humana se consumidos de forma constante durante longo prazo
Avaliação da Qualidade da Sinvastatina Comercializada por Farmácias de Manipulação em Belo Horizonte/MG
The growing expansion of the magistral sector associated with reports of deviations from quality of compounded drugs, with serious cases, has generated a series of efforts by the Health Surveillance in the search for an efficient monitoring of pharmacies and products offered to the population. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of preparations containing simvastatin, manipulated in some pharmacies of Belo Horizonte/MG, after reviewing the health legislation occurred in 2007, through the realization of pharmacopoeic physicochemical analyzes of determination weight, identity and content of active ingredient and uniformity of dosage units. Further, research by neutron activation analysis, the presence and concentration of inorganic impurities in the samples of simvastatin manipulated. The results expressed an index of satisfactoriness of only 30%. This fact confirms the need for fast and efficient acts by public health authorities, and improving processes used in the manipulation within the establishments, to ensure the quality of compounded drugs.A enorme expansão recente do setor de farmácias magistrais associada aos relatos de desvios na qualidade de medicamentos manipulados, com casos graves, têm sido motivo de atenção por parte dos sistemas de Vigilância Sanitária no País. Com esse objetivo, tem-se buscado um monitoramento mais eficiente do trabalho das farmácias magistrais e dos produtos ofertados à população. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas amostras de sinvastatina comercializadas em cinco diferentes farmácias de Belo Horizonte/MG. Para cada estabelecimento, foram adquiridos via receita médica dois lotes do produto e realizadas as análises de: determinação de peso, identificação e teor de princípio ativo e uniformidade de doses unitárias. Os resultados obtidos expressaram um índice de satisfatoriedade de apenas 30% do total de amostras manipuladas. Foi investigada também, pela técnica de análise por ativação neutrônica, a presença e concentração de impurezas inorgânicas presentes nas amostras. Mesmo em baixas concentrações, a presença de elementos não essenciais, como As, Br e Cr, pode ser prejudicial à saúde humana se consumidos de forma constante durante longo prazo. Esses resultados confirmam a necessidade de ações rápidas e eficientes pelas autoridades sanitárias para garantir a qualidade necessária a esses produtos
Infraestrutura verde para monitorar e minimizar os impactos da poluição atmosférica
RESUMO O Material Particulado (MP) está entre os principais contaminantes do ar. A Infraestrutura Verde (IV) vem sendo reconhecida como alternativa para melhorar a qualidade do ar. As árvores podem afetar diretamente os níveis de MP, interceptando partículas em sua superfície. Devido a essa capacidade, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo contribuir com informações sobre a viabilidade da vegetação verde para interceptar e identificar as principais fontes de poluentes atmosféricos. Amostras de cascas de árvores de parques urbanos de São Paulo (SP) foram utilizadas como monitor biológico de poluentes atmosféricos. Foi observado um decaimento exponencial das concentrações e aprisionamento de poluentes em direção à região mais interna dos parques. Além disso, foi possível distinguir a emissão de veículos leves das emissões de veículos pesados. O baixo custo do monitoramento e sua eficácia mostram que a IV ocupa papel de destaque na melhoria da saúde e a qualidade de vida das pessoas, bem como nas ações que buscam atenuar os efeitos da poluição do ar em cidades de médio e grande porte
A Streamlined Approach by a Combination of Bioindication and Geostatistical Methods for Assessing Air Contaminants and Their Effects on Human Health in Industrialized Areas: A Case Study in Southern Brazil
Industrialization in developing countries associated with urban growth results in a number of economic benefits, especially in small or medium-sized cities, but leads to a number of environmental and public health consequences. This problem is further aggravated when adequate infrastructure is lacking to monitor the environmental impacts left by industries and refineries. In this study, a new protocol was designed combining biomonitoring and geostatistics to evaluate the possible effects of shale industry emissions on human health and wellbeing. Futhermore, the traditional and expensive air quality method based on PM2.5 measuring was also used to validate the low-cost geostatistical approach. Chemical analysis was performed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDXRF) to measure inorganic elements in tree bark and shale retorted samples in São Mateus do Sul city, Southern Brazil. Fe, S, and Si were considered potential pollutants in the study area. Distribution maps of element concentrations were generated from the dataset and used to estimate the spatial behavior of Fe, S, and Si and the range from their hot spot(s), highlighting the regions sorrounding the shale refinery. This evidence was also demonstrated in the measurements of PM2.5 concentrations, which are in agreement with the information obtained from the biomonitoring and geostatistical model. Factor and descriptive analyses performed on the concentrations of tree bark contaminants suggest that Fe, S, and Si might be used as indicators of industrial emissions. The number of cases of respiratory diseases obtained from local basic health unit were used to assess a possible correlation between shale refinery emissions and cases of repiratory disease. These data are public and may be accessed on the website of the the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Significant associations were found between the health data and refinery activities. The combination of the spatial characterization of air pollution and clinical health data revealed that adverse effects were significant for individuals over 38 years of age. These results also suggest that a protocol designed to monitor urban air quality may be an effective and low-cost strategy in environmentally contaminated cities, especially in low- and middle-income countries
Information gain in environmental monitoring through bioindi-cation and biomonitoring methods ("B & B technologies") and phytoremediation processes : with special reference to the Biological System of Chemical Elements (BSCE) under specific consideration of Lithium
Different definitions for the concepts of information, information transfer, i.e. communication and its effect and efficiency of false, but also correct information, especially from the environmental sector, are given. "THE TEN ECOLOGICAL COMMANDMENTS"developed by Menke-Glückert at the end of the 1960s, the 9th commandment "Do not pollute information", in particular, is examined in more detail and understood practically as a currently unchanging law in our existing world societies. The "Ethics Consensus", derived from "THE TEN ECOLOGICAL COMMANDMENTS"and developed by Markert at the end of the 1990s, reflects both theoretical and practical levels of action that many people in our highly diverse world societies can support. From a scientific point of view, this article deals with the so-called B & B technologies, i.e. bioindication and biomonitoring of chemical elements, their chemical speciation as well as organic substances. B & B technologies, which deals with the biological detection of atmospheric deposition of chemical substances on a regional, national, and international level, are taken into account. From both an academic and a practical point of view, mosses have prevailed here in the last decades in addition to lichens. The use of mosses is a major focus of international air monitoring, especially in Europe. Furthermore, the phytoremediation of chemical substances in water, soil and air is described as a biological and sustainable biological process, which does not yet have the full scope as it is used in bioindication and biomonitoring, as shown in the example of mosses. However, the phytoremediation is considered to be an excellent tool to have the leading role in the sustainable pollutant "fight". In the future qualitative and quantitative approaches have been further developed to fit scientifically and practically B&B Technologies as well the different forms of phytotechnological approaches. Finally, the example of lithium, which is optionally derived from the Biological System of Chemical Elements (BSCE), becomes a chemical example that the administration of lithium to ALL mentally conditioned diseases such as manic depression to smoking cigarettes becomes one of the most valuable services for the recovery of human society on a global level. As a conclusion of these tremendous effects of lithium can be considered: Pulled out, to make clear that only this chemical element beside a psychiatric care and the involvement of family members, friends, physicians, psychologists and psychiatrists. In addition, it is a must that there is a strong relationship between patient, psychiatrist(s) and strongly related persons to the patient. First an intensive information transfer via communication must be guaranteed. After it, psychological support by doctors and, only if it seems necessary Lithium is to be given in a patient specific dose.RST/Applied Radiation & Isotope
Caracterização de Polímeros e Determinação de Constituintes Inorgânicos em Embalagens Plásticas Metalizadas
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados analíticos da determinação de elementos químicos em materiais plásticos metalizados, obtidos por análise por ativação com nêutrons (NAA) e os resultados da identificação de polímeros por espectroscopia no infravermelho (IR) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). Foram coletadas amostras de plásticos metalizados de embalagens de alimentos e cosméticos. Os resultados dos testes IR e DSC indicaram que os tipos de polímeros usados em plásticos metalizados são polietileno, polipropileno, poli(tereftalato de etileno) e poliestireno. A NAA consistiu em irradiar as amostras e padrões com fluxo de nêutrons térmicos do reator nuclear IEA-R1, seguido da medida da atividade dos raios gama induzidos usando um detector de Germânio hiperpuro acoplado ao espectrômetro de raios gama. Elementos tóxicos como arsênio, cádmio, cromo, níquel e antimônio assim como elementos não tóxicos como bário, cálcio, cobalto, ferro, escândio, selênio e zinco foram determinados e suas concentrações apresentaram grande variabilidade entre as amostras. A análise de polímeros e elementos tóxicos é de grande interesse para o desenvolvimento de processos adequados e seguros para reciclagem e incineração de embalagens plásticas metalizadas, sem causar danos ao ambiente