243 research outputs found

    Possibility of Selection for Mineral Concentration in Orchardgrass by X-Ray Microanalysis

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    To assess the ability of X-ray microanalysis for screening breeding populations of orchardgrass in mineral concentration, correlations between chemical and X-ray analysis were investigated. Six orchardgrass plants with high- and low-Mg concentrations were examined for three harvest dates in 1995. The samples were separated into leaf blade, leaf sheath, culm and head. Mg concentration in leaf and head were higher than in sheath and in culm. P concentration was highest in the head, and lowest in the sheath. Correlations between chemical and X-ray analysis were r=0.692***, 0.526***, 0.252* and 0.562*** for Mg, Ca, K and P, respectively. Correlation coefficients between chemical and X-ray analysis were highest for Mg among 4 minerals. X-ray microanalysis can be used to screen orchardgrass plants for Mg concentration at initial growth stage

    Kajian Desain Pola Sirkulasi sebagai Sarana Evakuasi Kebakaran pada Bangunan Igd dan Cot di Rshs Bandung

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    Public facilities needed to support the health needs of the community as one of them is the Hospital. Hospital is building the groove zone and diverse activities. Building a case study in this research is the Central Operating Theater (COT) and ER (ER) Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, given the activity of the ER and the COT structure is quite high, some users of the building are patients who do not have the ability to evacuate itself when there is a fire, so that the effect is important in designing a good circulation patterns and can be a fire evacuation pathways for patients medics also safe in the event of a fire, and keep a fire evacuation support equipment placed along the evacuation route. Method This study was done by descriptive analysis to determine the building zone and circulation pattern design good, safe evacuation during a fire in a building Central Operating Theater (COT) and ER (ER) RSHS

    Activity of Japanese Society of Grassland Science

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    The Japanese Society of Grassland Science (JSGS) was founded in 1954 for the purposes of progressing grassland and forage crop sciences and fostering grassland agriculture and better management of grassland for animal production in Japan. From the first, the members of JSGS have included interdisciplinary scientists from forage crop science, forestry, animal science, agribusiness and many related fields. In the 50 years since its foundation, JSGS has made large contributions to the progress of both science and industry in Japan. The number of JSGS members is now declining slightly, but there are still about 950 including 800 individual members and 150 organisations or private companies. The profile of the current members is mainly scientists working in university or governmental and private research institutes

    Exact spin dynamics of the 1/r^2 supersymmetric t-J model in a magnetic field

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    The dynamical spin structure factor S^{zz}(Q,omega) in the small momentum region is derived analytically for the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with 1/r^2 interaction. Strong spin-charge separation is found in the spin dynamics. The structure factor S^{zz}(Q,omega) with a given spin polarization does not depend on the electron density in the small momentum region. In the thermodynamic limit, only two spinons and one antispinon (magnon) contribute to S^{zz}(Q,omega). These results are derived via solution of the SU(2,1) Sutherland model in the strong coupling limit.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in J.Phys.

    Performance of high-magnesium cultivars of three cool-season grasses grown in nutrient solution culture

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    Breeding for high magnesium (Mg) concentrations pas been conducted for several forage species. Mgwell, Magnet, and HiMag are the first experimental strains, bred for increased Mg concentrations of orchardgrass, Italian ryegrass, and tall fescue, respectively. This experiment compared the performance and genetic variability of these high-Mg cultivars grown in solution culture with other cultivars in each species. Three mineral absorption experiments were carried, out with one month aged seedlings. Seedlings were evaluated for shoot dry weight, uptake and concentration of Mg, calcium (Ca), and potassium (K), and also the density of these minerals in the shoot. The cultivars of different species behaved differently among the experiments even though the over all environmental condition was kept similar. The high-Mg cultivars showed higher Mg uptake per plant, but the differences were not so distinct. However, the trend in Mg concentration among the cultivars of different species was similar, and the difference between high-Mg cultivars and control cultivars was distinct. The Mg density in the shoot of these cultivars was significantly high. Also the high-Mg cultivars showed lower equivalent ratio, K/(Ca+Mg). Genotypic differences in high-Mg cultivars with others could be distinctly explained by differences in Mg concentration and Mg density in the shoot, which coupled with low K/(Ca + Mg) ratio. These common properties of high-Mg cultivars might be considered as a good parameter for screening

    Dynamical Properties of the 1/r^2-Type Supersymmetric t-J Model in a Magnetic Field: Manifestation of Spin-Charge Separation

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    Quasi-particle picture in a magnetic field is pursued for dynamical spin and charge correlation functions of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with inverse-square interaction. With use of exact diagonalization and the asymptotic Bethe-ansatz equations for finite systems, excitation contents of relevant excited states are identified which are valid in the thermodynamic limit. The excitation contents are composed of spinons, antispinons, holons and antiholons obeying fractional statistics. Both longitudinal and transverse components of the dynamical spin structure factor are independent of the electron density in the region where only quasi-particles with spin degrees of freedom (spinons and antispinons) contribute. The dynamical charge structure factor does not depend on the spin-polarization density in the region where only quasi-particles with charge (holons and antiholons) are excited. These features indicate the strong spin-charge separation in dynamics, reflecting the high symmetry of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table (PS file), 15 figures (JPEG file). Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Meta-orbital Transition in Heavy-fermion Systems: Analysis by Dynamical Mean Field Theory and Self-consistent Renormalization Theory of Orbital Fluctuations

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    We investigate a two-orbital Anderson lattice model with Ising orbital intersite exchange interactions by means of dynamical mean field theory combined with the static mean field approximation of the intersite orbital interactions. Focusing on Ce-based heavy-fermion compounds, we examine the orbital crossover between the two orbital states, when the total f-electron number per site n_f is n_f ~ 1. We show that a "meta-orbital" transition, at which the occupancy of the two orbitals changes steeply, occurs when the hybridization between the ground-state f-electron orbital and conduction electrons are smaller than that between the excited f-electron orbital and conduction electrons. Near the meta-orbital critical end point, the orbital fluctuations are enhanced, and couple with the charge fluctuations. A critical theory of the meta-orbital fluctuations is also developed by applying the self-consistent renormalization theory of itinerant electron magnetism to the orbital fluctuations. The critical end point, first-order transition and crossover are described within Gaussian approximations of orbital fluctuations. We discuss the relevance of our results to CeAl2, CeCu2Si2, CeCu2Ge2 and the related compounds, which all have low-lying crystalline-electric-field excited states.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79, (2010) 11471

    Dynamical Structure Factors of the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain with Inverse-Square Exchange and Ising Anisotropy

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    The dynamical properties of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain are studied by the exact diagonalization and the recursion method of finite systems up to 24 sites. Two types of the exchange interaction are considered: one is the nearest-neighbor type, and the other is the inverse-square one. As the Ising anisotropy becomes larger, there appears a noticeable difference in the transverse component S^{xx}(q,\omega) between the two types of the exchange. For the nearest-neighbor type, the peak frequency of S^{xx}(q,\omega) for each q approaches the center of the continuum spectrum. On the contrary, the peak frequency for the inverse-square type moves to the upper edge of the continuum, and separates from the continuum for the anisotropy larger than the threshold value. Whether the interaction between domain walls (solitons) is absent or repulsive in the Ising limit leads to this difference in the behavior of S^{xx}(q,\omega). In the longitudinal component S^{zz}(q,\omega), on the other hand, the feature of the dynamics is scarcely different between the two types. The energy gap and the static properties are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages. A hard copy of 16 figures is available on request. Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Exact dynamical structure factor of the degenerate Haldane-Shastry model

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    The dynamical structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) of the K-component (K = 2,3,4) spin chain with the 1/r^2 exchange is derived exactly at zero temperature for arbitrary size of the system. The result is interpreted in terms of a free quasi-particle picture which is generalization of the spinon picture in the SU(2) case; the excited states consist of K quasi-particles each of which is characterized by a set of K-1 quantum numbers. Divergent singularities of S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) at the spectral edges are derived analytically. The analytic result is checked numerically for finite systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let