508 research outputs found

    Design of Adiabatic MTJ-CMOS Hybrid Circuits

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    Low-power designs are a necessity with the increasing demand of portable devices which are battery operated. In many of such devices the operational speed is not as important as battery life. Logic-in-memory structures using nano-devices and adiabatic designs are two methods to reduce the static and dynamic power consumption respectively. Magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) is an emerging technology which has many advantages when used in logic-in-memory structures in conjunction with CMOS. In this paper, we introduce a novel adiabatic hybrid MTJ/CMOS structure which is used to design AND/NAND, XOR/XNOR and 1-bit full adder circuits. We simulate the designs using HSPICE with 32nm CMOS technology and compared it with a non-adiabatic hybrid MTJ/CMOS circuits. The proposed adiabatic MTJ/CMOS full adder design has more than 7 times lower power consumtion compared to the previous MTJ/CMOS full adder

    Identifikasi Kawasan Penangkapan Induk Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodon) pada Perairan Pesisir Kabupaten Aceh Jaya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menetapkan kawasan penangkapan induk udang windu (Penaeus monodon) dan kondisi lingkungan perairannya ditinjau dari aspek fisika kimia perairan pada kawasan perairan kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survey dan teknologi system informasi geografis. Kawasan penangkapan induk udang di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya pada umumnya terdapat pada titik ordinat: (1) H 950 34\u27 bujur timur dan 040 38\u27 lintang utara, (2) H 950 33\u27 bujur timur dan 040 39\u27 lintang utara, (3) H 950 34\u27 bujur timur dan 040 40\u27 lintang utara, (4) H 950 34\u27 bujur timur dan 040 33\u27 lintang utara. Parameter fisika kimia perairan yang diukur pada kawasan penangkapan induk udang menunjukkan kondisi yang sangat sesuai bagi sistem kehidupan udang.The aims of this study was to establish the broodstock catchment areas of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) and the condition of the waters which was surrounding their habitat in terms of environmental aspects of physical chemical water parameter in the coastal waters of Aceh Jaya region. This study used survey approach and geographic information system technology as methodelogy. The catching areas of broodstock in Aceh Jaya region commonly found on the ordinate point: (1) H 950 34\u27 east longitude and 040 38\u27 north, (2) H 950 33\u27 east and 040 39\u27 north, (3) H 950 34\u27 east and 040 40\u27 north, (4) H 950 34\u27 east and 040 33\u27 north. Physical and chemical parameters of water measured at catchment areas showed that the water parameters in the prawn habitat were very suitable for supporting of tiger prawn living

    Two most abundant species of Ulva and Enteromorpha from coast of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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    The present paper reports mass occurrence of two algal species Ulva grandis Saifullah and Nizamuddin and Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Link in a protected coastal area in Jeddah, heavily polluted with domestic sewage. They seem to prefer low salinity eutrophic waters for their maximum growth

    The Effect Implementation of Fundamental Safe Work Practice Injury Prevention Section Workover in PT. ACS Duri.

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    PT. Asrindo Citraseni Satria (ACS) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang minyak dan gas bumi dan merupakan sub kontraktor PT.CPI. PT. ACS telah menerapkan FSWP yang mempunyai tujuan yakni untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai, mengurangi, mengendalikan atau menghilangkan resiko-resiko yang terkait dengan pekerjaan, akan tetapi sampai sekarang masih ada kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi walaupun dalam jumlah kecil. Penulis ingin mengetahui tentang pengaruh penerapan Fundamental Safe Work Practice (FSWP) terhadap pencegahaan kecelakaan kerja dibagian Workover PT. ACS Duri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei analitik kuantitatif, dengan desain Cross Sectional yang dilakukan mulai bulan Mei sampai dengan Juni Tahun 2012 dengan besar sampel 122 dari 360 orang yang berkerja di bagian Workover. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan sistem Accidental Sampling, dan data diolah dengan menggunakan program komputer dengan menganalisa variabel independen berupa penerapan FSWP serta variabel dependen yaitu kecelakaan kerja dan diuji menggunakan Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penerapan FSWP dapat mencegah kecelakaan kerja yang meliputi SOP dengan nilai P = 0,01 lebih kecil dari nilai α =0,05 berarti ada hubungan bermakna antara penerapan SOP dengan kecelakaan kerja, PTW dengan nilai P = 0,02 lebih kecil dari nilai α =0,05 berarti ada hubungan bermakna antara penerapan PTW dengan kecelakaan kerja, serta LOTO dengan nilai P = 0,01 lebih kecil dari nilai α =0,05 berarti ada hubungan bermakna antara penerapan LOTO dengan kecelakaan kerja. Disimpulkan bahwa, penerapan FSWP dapat mengurangi/menurunkan angka kecelakaan kerja di bagian Workover, dan diharapkan bagi pihak manajemen HES untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan karyawan tentang aspek-aspek FSWP (SWA, Hazard Analysis, SOP, Access Control, PPE, MSDS, Housekeeping, PTW & Other Safe Work Practices)

    Perilaku Politik Elit Struktural Muhammadiyah Dalam Pemilihan Calon Anggota DPD RI Periode 2019-2024 Di Kabupaten Pangkep

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the form of political behavior of Muhammadiyah structural elites in the selection of DPD RI members. This research method is a qualitative method that provides an objective picture of the actual state of the object being studied and the type of research used is the phenomenological type. The data used is the primary data source and secondary data source with the number of informants as many as 7 people. And documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The data usage used is source triangulation, triangulation technique and time triangulation. This research aims to find out position analysis, reputation analysis and analysis of decisions of Muhammadiyah structural elite Pangkep’s regency. The results showed that the pattern of political behavior of Muhammadiyah structural elites in Pangkep Regency tends to be moderate-accommodating by being characterized by the participation of Muhammadiyah structural elites of Pangkep Regency in elections by choosing certain DPD RI Member Candidates without excessive fanaticism, then there is a willingness to cooperate and establish adaptive and rational relationships with prospective DPD RI Members without having to fuse themselve
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