113 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Fractal Properties of Solar Faculae

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    Present study is aimed at investigating the solar faculae area from 1990 to 2007 which partially covered the22nd and 23rd solar cycle. Rescaled Range Analysis (RRA) and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) have beenadopted to evaluate the behaviour of nonlinear dynamics of solar faculae area. Results show that the value of Hurstexponent for solar faculae area from RRA and DFA is negatively correlated. It means it is non-persistent and longrange correlated. Obtained result is inaccurate so the only solution is to transform the data into stationary data by takingdifferencing. RRA is applied on residuals and RRA to evaluate the fractal property of the time series. Solar faculae areainvestigated in this study is fractal in nature and predictable ass well. Moreover, the time series of solar faculae area isnon-linear as established by the Brock – Dechert – Scheinkman (BDS) test result

    Free Movement of natural persons: North-South Conflicts of Economic Interests

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    The establishment of the General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) is one of the major achievements of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. All the trades in services fall within the GATS through four modes of delivery under Article I:2 of GATS. Among the modes, the liberalization of mode 4: Movement of Natural Persons which relates the removal of restrictions on workers travelling abroad temporarily, upon which developing countries have comparative advantage, remains one of the least negotiated issues of the WTO, while the other 3 modes upon which the developed countries have dominance have been liberalized substantially. This study elucidates some logical arguments that mode 4 is the victim of the North-South conflict of economic interests. Besides, this study furnishes arguments how liberalization of mode 4 can be economically beneficial for both North and South. The structural weakness in Articles, Schedules and Annexes of GATS entailing mode 4 needs to be restructured so that developing countries are able to participate meaningfully in the world trade in services and see their economic interests are protected equitably with the developed countries so that the economic interests of both developed and developing countries in trade in services can become mutually supportive

    Legal Opinion (Fatwa) of MUI (Council of Indonesian Ulama') on Ahmadiyah

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    Fatwa pada dasarnya tidak mengikat, tetapi pada batas tertentu dapat menimbulkan ekses sosial dan politik. Hal ini karena sebagian besar umat Islam yang 'awam dapat menggunakannya sebagai dasar hukum dan agama untuk melegitimasi tindakan-tindakan mereka, termasuk di dalamnya tindakan-tindakan kekerasan.Hal ini pula yang ditengarai terjadi pada sebagian umat Islam Indonesia ketika menyikapi paham dan pengikut Ahmadiyah. Karena  dipengaruhi oleh fatwa MUI, maka mereka menggunakan fatwa tersebut untuk melegitimasi tindakan mereka seperti mengusir, mengejar, membakar bahkan hingga membunuh pengikut Ahmadiyah. Tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana MUI mendefinisikan fatwa khususnya tentang Ahmadiyah yang kemudian melahirkan ekses sosial dan politik

    Optimalisasi Distribusi Dana Zakat: Upaya Distribusi Kekayaan (Studi terhadap UU No. 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat)

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana optimalisasi distribusi dana zakat sebagai upaya untuk mendistribusikan kekayaan yang pada akhirnya dapat memberikan kesejahteraan kepada masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu, perlu juga diketahui dan dikaji sistem penyaluran dan pengelolaan dana zakat yang dijelaskan dalam UU No. 23 tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa menggali potensi zakat perlu dilakukan melalui identifikasi objek zakat. Sosialisasi dalam mekanisme penerimaan atau pemungutan melalui petugas pengumpul zakat sangat penting, Namun yang terpenting setelah zakat terkumpul dalam  penyaluran kepada mustahik (penerima zakat). Efektifitas ini berkaitan pula dengan efisiensi dalam internal manajemen termasuk kualitas dan profesionalitas amil zakat, dan transparansi dalam tata-kelola zakat. Di samping itu, zakat disalurkan bukan sekedar kepada fakir miskin yang lebih ditujukan ke kepentingan konsumsi (keluarga), tetapi idealnya dana yang disalurkan dapat dijadikan modal usaha bagi perbaikan ekonomi keluarga warga muslim. Jadi sisi investasi atas zakat jauh lebih bermanfaat dibandingkan sisi konsumsi dari zakat


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    For information such as a scramjet engine, the first definition of a ramjet engine, such as a scramjet engine, is a direct line of a plywood package. Ramjet engines are not part of the engine, but they work with acne, which slows the air at an accelerating rate, increases heat and intensity, and stimulates air control. Oil. Finally, the noise that causes pride in the speed of the video causes it to be pressed. Because of the evacuation of the free population, the heat and high level of fire flow "higher than the free flow." In Mach, located in Mach 6, these plugins do not work to reduce video streams. In this study, the scramjet engine usually starts with the development of a private health unit. 05:00. To find them in these fastest times, we used boats up to 3.00-4.00 from Mach, and from there we took the jet plane and started jumping to run the scramjet engine. If we expand the scramjet engine, the Mach engine will be and 9.0. We can use the power supply, which means ramjet mechanism and reduces the weight and difficulty. The Scramjet engine project used in this project only aims at insurance plans for the implementation and verification of CFD floods. Use of component includes study on

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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    Kepuasan pelanggan sangat dipengaruhi oleh service atau pelayanan dan juga kinerja dari sebuah lembaga. Ketika pelayanan dan kinerja sebuah lembaga tidak atau kurang baik maka kepuasaan pelanggan menunjukkan angka yang rendah.  Berdasarkan penelitian penulis tentangpengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga, tingkat Kepentingan (Importance) > Tingkat Kinerja (Performance) atau dapat dikatakan bahwa Expected Service > Perceive Service. Dengan demikian, berarti mahasiswa belum merasa puas terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Faktor-faktor yang belum memberikan kepuasan kepada mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta  meliputi semua faktor, dengan urutan sebagai berikut relability, diikuti dimensi assurance, tangiles, responsiveness  dan terakhir emphaty (2,88). Faktor-faktor lainnya yang dianggap tidak penting tapi sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik oleh UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta adalah: Faktor interior kantor dan ruang kelas UIN yang menarik, Faktor tampilan kantor dan fasilitas fisik UIN yang  menarik, Faktor jam operasi UIN yang sangat jelas, Faktor lokasi UIN yang seharusnya mudah dijangkau, Faktor nama fakultas/jurusan di UIN seharusnya mudah dikenali, Faktor ketersediaan data alumni dan tempat bekerjanya,  Faktor tarif layanan yang rendah, Faktor penampilan karyawan (staff) UIN yang Islami, Faktor penapilan/pembawaan para pimpinan UIN yang Islami, Faktor penampilan/ pembawaan para dosen UIN yang Islami

    A Case Report: Isolated Liver Tuberculosis

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    Isolated liver tuberculosis is still considered a rare condition and atypical clinical presentation challenges the clinical acumen of the treating physician. There is difficulty in reaching the correct preoperative diagnosis of a nodular hepatic tuberculosis that presents as a space-occupying lesion. It is usually unsuspected and confused with primary or metastatic carcinoma of the liver. In this report, we describe a rare case of isolated liver tuberculosis without pulmonary spread. Keywords: S0L in Liver; Liver tuberculosis DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v2i2.4765 BSMMU J 2009; 2(2): 88-8

    Identifying Important Features of Paratransit Modes in Sylhet City, Bangladesh: A Case Study Based on Travelers Perception

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    Paratransit modes are familiar modes of transportation in Sylhet city and across Bangladesh. Field investigation marked the existence of motorized, non-motorized and battery driven paratransit modes across city. Though non-motorized vehicles such as rickshaws and easy bike were found in every survey location but people preferred motorized transportation. Young age range people mostly used this media as transportation. Students and service holders were most predominant type of users found from the survey. User satisfaction was used for measuring important characteristics of paratransit modes and the results indicated that about 70% people fall somewhere between satisfied to somewhat satisfied. A Multinomial and an Ordered Logit model were utilized to analyze passenger satisfaction and both of them agreed that female passengers were dissatisfied regarding present paratransit systems. Fitness and cleanliness were considered as influential features of the existing modes. Lack of flexible movement of paratransit modes especially motorized ones around city roads was the main driving force of making the mode unreliable to users. People showed positive attitude towards overall service, safety and security of paratransit vehicles operating in Sylhet city. The fare structure made this transport system popular, but operational shortcomings such as congestion make the prospect of existing modes questionable


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    This paper deals with the implementation of carbon nanotube as electrode in supercapacitor to store much more energy .the author also consults with the problem may face and try to resolve the problems

    Duct-to-mucosa pancreatojejunostomy is a safe technique of reconstruction after pancreatoduodenectomy

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    Background: A duct-to-mucosa pancreatojejunostomy is technically difficult to perform than Dunking procedure after pancreatoduodenectomy. In contrast, the incidence of anastomotic dehiscence is more in Dunking than duct-to-mucosa procedure. Duct-to-mucosa technique is rarely practiced in our country because of technical difficulties and lack of experiences. Objectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate the safety of duct-to-mucosa procedure in our patients with pancreatoduodenectomy. Methods: We have performed pancreatojejunostomy in 14 consecutive patients using a duct-to-mucosa technique and the result was assessed. Results: No patients developed pancreato-jejunal leakage; however, 6 of 14 patients developed complications not related to operative techniques (wound infections; 3,jejunal fistula following removal of jejunal feeding tube; 1, renal dysfunction; 1, delayed gastric emptying; 1) which were managed conservatively. There were no postoperative deaths in the present series and the median postoperative hospital stay was 20.3 days. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 12 months and all patients are surviving with good health during this period. Conclusion: Pancreatojejunostomy by duct-to-mucosal technique is a safe method of pancreatojejunostomy after pancreatoduodenecytomy
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