7,068 research outputs found

    Nanoscale magnetometry using a single spin system in diamond

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    We propose a protocol to estimate magnetic fields using a single nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond, where the estimate precision scales inversely with time, ~1/T$, rather than the square-root of time. The method is based on converting the task of magnetometry into phase estimation, performing quantum phase estimation on a single N-V nuclear spin using either adaptive or nonadaptive feedback control, and the recently demonstrated capability to perform single-shot readout within the N-V [P. Neumann et. al., Science 329, 542 (2010)]. We present numerical simulations to show that our method provides an estimate whose precision scales close to ~1/T (T is the total estimation time), and moreover will give an unambiguous estimate of the static magnetic field experienced by the N-V. By combining this protocol with recent proposals for scanning magnetometry using an N-V, our protocol will provide a significant decrease in signal acquisition time while providing an unambiguous spatial map of the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Analisis Hubungan antara Kemacetan dan Polusi Udara di Jalan Sultan Abdurahman Pontianak

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    Exhaust Emission vehicle is one of the causes of air pollution in an area that is the impact of the use of vehicles as a means of transportation, be it land, sea or air. Any motor vehicle that uses the engine and oil as the driving source is the cause of the air pollution that comes from combustion imperfect issued in the form of exhaust emissions kendaraan.Memberikan description of the relationship of traffic on the roads in a region, the problems it causes, namely air pollution such as vehicle exhaust emissions in comparison to other areas in the city of Pontianak. Examines several types of air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust emissions which occurred on Jalan Sultan Abdurahman Pontianak. In this study used the method of observation, by analyzing the high percentage of the amount of emissions that occur in Jalan Sultan Abudrahman and analysis of vehicle exhaust emissions as sources and types of air pollutants, according existing emission standard and set. In this study during peak hours occur significant air pollution is at 32.88 NO2, SO2 amounted to 37.65, O3 for 1931 and Dust of 632. The density of vehicles influence of air pollution on roads Sultan Abdurahman, while the degree of saturation at peak hours of 0.46 at 12:15 to 13:15. The more dense then the vehicle will be high air pollution ditimbulkan.Tingkat exhaust emissions on the road during hours of peak Sultan Abdurahman is enormous NO2 mg / m³ of 32.88 g / m³, SO2 amounted to 37.65 g / m³, O3 at 1931 mg / m³ and Dust by 632 mg / m³

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Jenis Pakan Yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Pelangi Marosatherina Ladigesi [Effect of Feeds Type on Growth of Rainbowfish, Marosatherina Ladigesi]

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    The research about effect of feeds type on fish have common done. However information about appropriate feeds type for the growth of Marosatherina ladigesi has been unknown well. The research was conducted in Laboratory of Research Center for Limnology-LIPI in June - August 2006. The research aimed to determine the effect of feed to growth and survival rate of M. ladigesi. This Research conducted by utilizing four different feeds type, namely Daphnia, Chironomus, Tubificidae, and pellet. The result showed that different kind of feeds type have an effect on growth and survival rate of M. ladigesi. Feed from Tubificidae showed highest growth of total length 1.19 cm (0,020 cm/day). While feed type from Chironomus showed highest growth of weight 0.47 g (0.008 g/day) and highest survival rate 100%

    Penampilan Ikan Panchax Kuning (Aplocheilus Lineatus) Pada Pemberian Pakan Yang Berbeda [the Appearance of Aplocheilus Lineatus on Effect of Different Feed]

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    The research on effect of feeds type on fish have common done. However information about appropriate feeds type for the growth and performance of Aplocheilus lineatus has been unknown well. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of different feed to growth, survival rate (SR) and body colour of A. lineatus. Three different feeds was used in this study, were commercial diet (pellet), Tubificidae, and Chironomus. Each treatment repeated three times. Ten A. lineatus juveniles 1.2 - 2.1 cm in length were kept in 60 x 30 x 30 cm5 aquarium for 3 months with observation period every two weeks. The result shows that there was not significant survival rate of/1, lineatus (p > 0.05). There is significant different in daily growth (length and weight) and body colour. Fish which fed with Tubificidae show the best growth of length (O.OS36 cm/day) and the best growth of weight (0.0327 g/day). Difference of appearance of fish body which clearly seen in male fish. Colour of fish body relatively shines and more brightly in fish which fed with Chironomus

    Harapan Mahasiswa terhadap Kegiatan Organisasi Hima Plus pada Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Sekolah Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau

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    This study is based on the existence of students who assess the activities of Hima Plus is less developed and they tend to be less acting in organizational activities of Hima Plus. The formulation of this research problem is how high the level of student expectations of organizational activities Hima Plus? The purpose of this study is to determine the level of student expectations of organizational activities Hima Plus. The population of this study amounted to 181 people. The sample technique used is Proportionate Startified Random Sampling and produce 158 samples. The instrument used is a questionnaire. From result of data analysis hence can be drawn conclusion that student expectation to activity of organization of Hima Plus in Study Program of Outside Education of University of Riau high enough

    Kekerab Atan Beberapa Spesies Ikan Pelangi Irian (Famili Melanotaeniidae) Berdasarkan Karyotipe [the Closely Related of Some Rainbow Fishes (Melanotaeniidae) From Irian Based of Caryotipe]

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    Family Melanotaenidae, known as Rainbow fishes consist of six genus and 53 species and distributed in Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Those fishes usually found in the river, swamp, or lakes which have clean water at about less than 1,500 in above sea level. The differentiation of the genus based on the shape of the jaw. Genus Melanotaenia has the most species (32 species). Some of them are endemic. The aim of the research is to explain the closely related of five species rainbow fishes: Glossolepis incisus/Gi, Melanotaenia boesemani/Mb, M. lacustris/Ml, M. maccullochi/Mm, and M. praecox/Mp based on the caryotype. The caryotype was examined on 2000. Diploid chromosome number of four species are 48 (2N=48) except M. lacustris lias (2N=46). Based on the Numeric Value of Chromosome Position(NVCP) the chromosome showed the shape were sub-metasentric, sub-telosentric, or telosentric. Analysis of the closely related of the five species studied based on NVC.P and relative chromosome length (RCL). Based on the NVCP showed Mp and Mm were in one group, than followed by Mb. Those three species (Mp, Mm, and Mb) made cne group with Gi. Melanotaenia lacustris has its own group. But based on the RCL analysis showed the different result. Analysis based on the shape of each number of chromosome and Gi as the outer (out group), Ml had the farthest relationship, so Ml has the farthest relationship with the four species

    Kepemimpinan dan Tingkah Laku Kewiraswastaan dalam Industri Skala Kecil dan Menengah (Kasus Industri Sepatu Skala Kecil dan Menengah di Desa Ciomas dan Desa Pagelaran, Kecamatan Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor, Propinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menelaah kepemimpinan dan tingkah laku kewiraswastaan pengusaha pada industri kecil dan menengah, menganalisis hubungan kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja pekerja serta menganalisis hubungan kinerja pekerja dan tingkah laku kewiraswastaan pengusaha terhadap perkembangan USAha dan produktivitas. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif (metode survei) dan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara industri kecil dan industri menengah. Perbedaan yang muncul seperti dalam penanganan terhadap pekerja, gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan dan tingkat tingkah laku kewiraswastaan. Tingkat tingkah laku kewiraswastaan pengusaha industri menengah tergolong lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pengusaha industri kecil baik pada tingkat pemikiran maupun pada tingkat tindakan. Pengusaha industri menengah lebih mampu mewujudkan tingkah laku kewiraswastaan pada tingkat pemikiran menjadi tindakan nyata dalam pengembangan USAha. Pada kedua industri terdapat hubungan yang nyata antara kinerja pekerja dan kepemimpinan. Selain itu, terdapat pula hubungan antara kinerja pekerja dan tingkah laku kewiraswastaan terhadap pengembangan USAha industri yang bersangkutan. Dengan tingkat kinerja pekerja dan tingkah laku kewiraswastaan pengusaha yang lebih tinggi (pada tingkat pemikiran dan tingkat tindakan), USAha industri menengah mengalami perkembangan USAha yang lebih cepat dan mempunyai produktivitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan USAha industri kecil

    The Role of Parents in Fostering Self-confidence for the Fishermen\u27s\u27 Children Studying in College at Bantan Air Village Sub-district of Bantan the Regency of Bengkalis

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    The purpose of study was to find out the role of parents in fostering self-confidence for the fishermen\u27s\u27 children studying in college at Bantan Air villagesub-district of Bantan the regency of Bengkalis. The right thing in the study wasthat the parents educated their children until college. The method used in the studywas descriptive and the population of study was parents numbering 30 parents.The writer did not take any sample because the population of study was not much.In collecting the data about the role of parents in fostering self-confidence for thefishermen\u27s\u27 children studying in college the writer used questionnaires directedto the respondents or parents. The data which have been collected were analyzedquantitative approach it was product moment correlation technique. Aftercollecting and analyzing the data the writer concluded that there was the role ofparents in fostering self-confidence for the fishermen\u27s\u27 children studying incollege at Bantan Air village sub-district of Bantan the regency of Bengkalis. Theanalysis resulted the statistic reliability with amount of 0.951. The score meansthe role of parents in fostering self-confidence for the fishermen\u27s\u27 childrenstudying in college. In other word, the better parents\u27 role and more the studentswill study in college
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