5,340 research outputs found

    Nanoscale magnetometry using a single spin system in diamond

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    We propose a protocol to estimate magnetic fields using a single nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond, where the estimate precision scales inversely with time, ~1/T$, rather than the square-root of time. The method is based on converting the task of magnetometry into phase estimation, performing quantum phase estimation on a single N-V nuclear spin using either adaptive or nonadaptive feedback control, and the recently demonstrated capability to perform single-shot readout within the N-V [P. Neumann et. al., Science 329, 542 (2010)]. We present numerical simulations to show that our method provides an estimate whose precision scales close to ~1/T (T is the total estimation time), and moreover will give an unambiguous estimate of the static magnetic field experienced by the N-V. By combining this protocol with recent proposals for scanning magnetometry using an N-V, our protocol will provide a significant decrease in signal acquisition time while providing an unambiguous spatial map of the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Vitamin D Status and TB Treatment Outcomes in Adult Patients in Tanzania: A Cohort Study.

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    Vitamin D is an immunomodulator and can alter response to tuberculosis (TB) treatment, though randomised trials have been inconclusive to date. We present one of the first comprehensive analysis of the associations between vitamin D status and TB treatment, T-cell counts and nutritional outcomes by HIV status. Cohort study. Outpatient clinics in Tanzania. 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were assessed in a cohort of 677 patients with TB (344 HIV infected) initiating anti-TB treatment at enrolment in a multivitamin supplementation (excluding vitamin D) trial (Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT00197704). Information on treatment outcomes such as failure and relapse, HIV disease progression, T-cell counts and anthropometry was collected routinely, with a median follow-up of 52 and 30 months for HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected patients, respectively. Cox and binomial regression, and generalised estimating equations were used to assess the association of vitamin D status with these outcomes. Mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations at enrolment were 69.8 (±21.5) nmol/L (27.9 (±8.6) ng/mL). Vitamin D insufficiency (<75 nmol/L) was associated with a 66% higher risk of relapse (95% CI 4% to 164%; 133% higher risk in HIV-uninfected patients). Each unit higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at baseline were associated with a decrease of 3 (p=0.004) CD8 and 3 (p=0.01) CD3 T-cells/µL during follow-up in patients with HIV infection. Vitamin D insufficiency was also associated with a greater decrease of body mass index (BMI; -0.21 kg/m(2); 95% CI -0.39 to -0.02), during the first 8 months of follow-up. No association was observed for vitamin D status with mortality or HIV disease progression. Adequate vitamin D status is associated with a lower risk of relapse and with improved nutritional indicators such as BMI in patients with TB, with or without HIV infection. Further research is needed to determine the optimal dose of vitamin D and effectiveness of daily vitamin D supplementation among patients with TB

    Effects of calorie restriction and IGF-1 receptor blockade on the progression of 22Rv1 prostate cancer xenografts.

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    Calorie restriction (CR) inhibits prostate cancer progression, partially through modulation of the IGF axis. IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) blockade reduces prostate cancer xenograft growth. We hypothesized that combining calorie restriction with IGF-1R blockade would have an additive effect on prostate cancer growth. Severe combined immunodeficient mice were subcutaneously injected with 22Rv1 cells and randomized to: (1) Ad libitum feeding/intraperitoneal saline (Ad-lib); (2) Ad-lib/20 mg/kg twice weekly, intraperitoneal ganitumab [anti-IGF-1R antibody (Ad-lib/Ab)]; (3) 40% calorie restriction/intraperitoneal saline (CR); (4) CR/ intraperitoneal ganitumab, (CR/Ab). CR and ganitumab treatment were initiated one week after tumor injection. Euthanasia occurred 19 days post treatment. Results showed that CR alone decreased final tumor weight, plasma insulin and IGF-1 levels, and increased apoptosis. Ganitumab therapy alone reduced tumor growth but had no effect on final tumor weight. The combination therapy (CR/Ab) further decreased final tumor weight and proliferation, increased apoptosis in comparison to the Ad-lib group, and lowered plasma insulin levels relative to the Ad-lib and Ad-lib/Ab groups. Tumor AKT activation directly correlated with plasma IGF-1 levels. In conclusion, whereas ganitumab therapy modestly affected 22Rv1 tumor growth, combining IGF-1R blockade with calorie restriction resulted in a significant decrease in final tumor weight and improved metabolic profile

    High-Resolution Methods for Measuring the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Aerospace Materials

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    Accurately predicting the coefficient of thermal expansion for many aerospace components is critical to ensure proper functionality on orbit where the temperature gradient across a spacecraft can vary from +300 degrees F to -450 degrees F. Under these conditions, the linear approximations generated by theoretical equations no longer hold true, and experimental methods are needed. Although several methods exist for measuring the coefficient of thermal expansion of materials, laser interferometry yields high-resolution results, and the technique is widely accepted in the scientific community

    Magnetism dependent phonon anomaly in LaFeAsO observed via inelastic x-ray scattering

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    The phonon dispersion was measured at room temperature along (0,0,L) in the tetragonal phase of LaFeAsO using inelastic x-ray scattering. Spin-polarized first-principles calculations imposing various types of antiferromagnetic order are in better agreement with the experimental results than nonmagnetic calculations, although the measurements were made well above the magnetic ordering temperature, T_N. Splitting observed between two A_{1g} phonon modes at 22 and 26 meV is only observed in spin-polarized calculations. Magneto-structural effects similar to those observed in the AFe_2As_2 materials are confirmed present in LaFeAsO. The presence of Fe-spin is necessary to find reasonable agreement of the calculations with the measured spectrum well above T_N. On-site Fe and As force constants show significant softening compared to nonmagnetic calculations, however an investigation of the real-space force constants associates the magnetoelastic coupling with a complex renormalization instead of softening of a specific pairwise force.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    LNK (SH2B3): paradoxical effects in ovarian cancer.

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    LNK (SH2B3) is an adaptor protein studied extensively in normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. In these cells, it downregulates activated tyrosine kinases at the cell surface resulting in an antiproliferative effect. To date, no studies have examined activities of LNK in solid tumors. In this study, we found by in silico analysis and staining tissue arrays that the levels of LNK expression were elevated in high-grade ovarian cancer. To test the functional importance of this observation, LNK was either overexpressed or silenced in several ovarian cancer cell lines. Remarkably, overexpression of LNK rendered the cells resistant to death induced by either serum starvation or nutrient deprivation, and generated larger tumors using a murine xenograft model. In contrast, silencing of LNK decreased ovarian cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Western blot studies indicated that overexpression of LNK upregulated and extended the transduction of the mitogenic signal, whereas silencing of LNK produced the opposite effects. Furthermore, forced expression of LNK reduced cell size, inhibited cell migration and markedly enhanced cell adhesion. Liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy identified 14-3-3 as one of the LNK-binding partners. Our results suggest that in contrast to the findings in hematologic malignancies, the adaptor protein LNK acts as a positive signal transduction modulator in ovarian cancers

    Generation of Three-Qubit Entangled W-State by Nonlinear Optical State Truncation

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    We propose an alternative scheme to generate W state via optical state truncation using quantum scissors. In particular, these states may be generated through three-mode optical state truncation in a Kerr nonlinear coupler. The more general three-qubit state may be also produced if the system is driven by external classical fields.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figur