3,000 research outputs found

    Aksiologi Budaya Bugis Makassar terhadap Produk Peraturan Daerah (Perda) di Sulawesi Selatan (Studi Politik Hukum)

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    In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as well as culturally. Bugis Makassar in public life, customs is a factor that was crucial. Indigenous is a manifestation of the "philosophy of life" man Bugis Makassar in their social institutions and occupy the highest positions in the social norms that govern the behavior patterns of people\u27s lives. Social system or societal values that were born under customary provisions have established patterns of behavior and views of human life Bugis Makassar. Adat is the key idea underlying all of his relationships, both with fellow human beings, social institutions, as well as with the natural surroundings, even with the macrocosm. As customs, rules accustomed, certainly can be called traditional, but not in the sense panngaderreng essential. Such a custom would be opposed by panngaderreng because panngaderreng actually build dignity and human dignity. Panngaderreng happenings include ade \u27about talking, about rapang, about wari and about sara\u27. But the progressive side of the law, look to a tendency to ignore the custom that we have and nurture over the years. And penetration protection against the formation of customary law are sometimes forgotten even element values in it have not been able to exist in the underlying fundamental laws of various products. Since most products are still legal hegemony in the interests of society who tend to put in a position pheriperial, or known by the politically conditioned, especially in the context of law in South Sulawesi regressu

    Inhibition of plaque formation

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    Thesis (M.Sc.D.)--Boston University, School of Graduate Dentistry, 1975. Periodontology.Includes bibliographic references: leaves 112-131.One hundred-twenty subjects were assigned to AP-100 enzyme mouthwash, used twice daily, in a doubleblind treatment schedule for six weeks. They were divided equally into Part A and Part B, sixty subjects each. In Part A, subjects ,vere scored, then half of them were randomly assigned to placebo and half to AP-100 enzyme. Removal of pre-existing plaque and treatment of gingivitis only were considered in this part. Part B, focused on reducing plaque accumulation and treatment of gingivitis. Therefore, all subjects in Part B underwent complete prophylaxis with a base line score equal to zero. Gingivitis only was scored in this group and the subjects were randomly assigned half to AP-100 and the other half to placebo. Plaque and gingivitis were scored at three and six weeks. [TRUNCATED

    The reattachment of free gingival autografts to the root surfaces

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    Thesis (D.Sc.D.)-- - Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry, 1976 (Periodontology).Bibliography included

    Predictive permanent magnet synchronous generator based small-scale wind energy system at dynamic wind speed analysis for residential net-zero energy building

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    Integration of small-scale wind energy system to residential buildings for a target to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions is a revolutionary step to reduce the dependency on the national grid. In this paper, a predictive 20 kVA permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based small scale wind turbine is investigated at dynamic wind speed with a sensing control system to manage and monitor the power flow for a supply to a typical residential building. A control system is applied that regulates the power from the wind turbine. Results indicate that the proposed control system maximizes the power efficiency within the system. The maximum power generation capacity of the wind turbine is 20 kWh with 415 VAC and 50 Hz frequency. A storage system of 19.2 kWh that supplies the energy to the load side. The applied control unit improves the energy management and protects the power equipment during the faults. The research is conducted using MATLAB/SIMULINK and mathematical formulations

    The study of the effect of intake valve timing on engine using cylinder deactivation technique via simulation

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    There are many technologies that being developed to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines as well as reducing their fuel consumption. In this paper, the main area of focus is on cylinder deactivation (CDA) technology. CDA is mostly being applied on multi cylinders engines. CDA has the advantage to improve fuel consumption by reducing pumping losses at part load engine conditions. Here, the application of CDA on 1.6L four cylinders gasoline engine is studied. One-dimensional (1D) engine modeling work is performed to investigate the effect of intake valve strategy on engine performance with CDA. 1D engine model is constructed based on the 1.6L actual engine geometries. The model is simulated at various engine speeds at full load conditions. The simulated results show that the constructed model is well correlated to measured data. This correlated model is then used to investigate the CDA application at part load conditions. Also, the effects on the in-cylinder combustion as well as pumping losses are presented. The study shows that the effect of intake valve strategy is very significant on engine performance. Pumping losses is found to be reduced, thus improve fuel consumption and engine efficiency

    Epistimologi Politik : Studi Atas Politik Hukum Undang-Undang Perbankan No. 10/1998

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    Legal and political system is a subsystem in the community. Each perform a specific function to movethe social system as a whole. A rill, a national banking law norms contained in Law no. 7/1992concerning Banking as amended by Law no. 10/1998 provide less public protection arrangements(social protection) than in community settings (social deregulation). The Law. 7/1992 on banking, asamended by Law No. 10/1998 which does not restrict the ownership of commercial banks. In acompany where there are differences in ownership of company shares a number of very big difference,it will be found the majority shareholder in one hand and minority shareholders, on the other bydifferences in the number of voting rights is striking. Lessons of the past shows that the majorityprinciple causes ¬'s minority shareholders are in a position of powerlessness and disadvantage inenforcing their interests. Legal position of minority shareholders who number more weak and unableto deal with actions that harm the directors or commissioners of the company, it is caused by theposition of the majority shareholder of which is identical with the company's second organ, bothphysically and interests

    Optimasi Kekasaran Permukaan Proses Pembubutan Baja ST.42 dengan Menggunakan Metode Taguchi

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    Minimal surface roughness value is the performance to be achieved in the process of CNC NLX 2500, is necessary to regulate variables NLX 2500 CNC process in order to obtain the proper response surface roughness of the workpiece is minimal.research that has been done is to determine the contribution of these variables NLX CNC process in 2500 to reduce the variation of the response surface roughness of the workpiece simultaneously. Moreover, it also made the determination that the proper setting of the variables NLX2500 CNC process in order to obtain the surface roughness of the workpiece is minimal.machining process variable is varied spindle rotation, motion eat, and in the funeral. The experimental design is determined based on the Taguchi method and form of orthogonal L9 (33). Optimization method is used Taguchi. The randomized trial with replication 2 times to overcome interference factors that occur during the machining process.the results showed that to reduce the variation of the response simultaneously, eat motion has the largest percent of the contribution, which amounted to 99.48%, spindle rotation has a percent contribution of 0.0974%, the feeds have a percent contribution of -0.126%.to obtain a surface roughness of the workpiece is minimal, spindle rotation is set at 2748 rpm, eating motion is set at 0.15 mm / rotation, the funeral was adjusted to 0.5 mm