5,691 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Kalimantan Selatan (Public Health Insurance Program Implementation in South Kalimantan)

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    Background: The phenomenon of increase in poverty in South Kalimantan becomes a concern in an effort to reduce morbidity in poor communities. Efforts to reduce morbidity in poor communities to ensure the health needs of the poor/Underprivileged then held a health insurance program. A health insurance program is expected to lower the maternal mortality rate, infant and under five mortality rate as well as the birth rate besides the underserved of health for the poor in general. This study aims to analyze the implementation of health insurance program that can provide information and consideration in making policy in an effort to improve health care for the poor/underprivileged in South Kalimantan. Methods: This study presented a qualitative approach with descriptive exploratory that focuses the location in 5 cities in the province of South Kalimantan. The cities were chosen by geographical area category, HDI and poverty. The study was carried out in 6 months. The study instrument was questionnaire, in-depth interviews were conducted to the various informants who are competent. The field data were taken by direct observation as well as document review. Result: The results showed that the health insurance program in South Kalimantan is not optimimum in its implementation so that still needs to be evaluated. So that it could ensure the fulfillness of health needs of the poor and reduce the morbidity and mortality in poor communities. Conclusion: The implementation of health insurance program in South Kalimantan has been following the guidelines. However, it is still not optimum in case of the membership, quality of services, facilities and infrastructure, even the reporting system and organizing the health insurance program. Recommendation: Required human resources better in the implementation of such program conducted training for program managers as well as the need for SK to Tim so clear in their duties. Need more actively monitoring program for the implementation of the program can be run in line with expectations

    Karakteristik Dangke Susu Kerbau dengan Penambahan Crude Papain Kering

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    Dangke is traditional food from Enrekang, South Sulawesi, which is made from coagulated buffalo milk or cow milk protein by using crude papain. There is limited information about characteristics of dangke from buffalo milk than those from cow milk. The characteristics of dangke is affected by the addition of crude papain. This study was aimed to explore the effect of crude papain addition to curd dangke production, percentage of whey and taste of dangke from buffalo milk. This study was conducted by using complete randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. Treatments consist of the addition of crude papain in different concentration: 0.5%; 1%; 1.5% and 2.0%. This study howed that curd dangke production range was 41.38- 52.20; pH range was 6.92- 6.96; lactic acid percentage range is 0.15-0.70; curd dangke's colour range was 1.35 (white)- 1.50 (white); smell range was 2.50 (mild dangke' smell)- 3.55 (mild dangke' smell); taste range was 2.10 (bitter)- 4.60 (not bitter) and preference level range was 2.00 (dislike)- 3.90 (like). This study revealed that the best quality of dangke from buffalo milk was derived from treatments with addition of 1% crude papain. Physicochemistry characteristics from our dangke: curd dangke production was 43.94%; whey percentage was 51.14; pH was 6.96; lactic acid percentage was 0.15. Organoleptic characteristics: curd dangke's colour was 1.45 (white), smell was 2.55 (mild dangke' smell), taste was 4.10 (slightly bitter) and preference level was 3.55 (like)

    Pengembangan Saklar Pengendali Jarak Jauh Berbasmikrokontroler dan Tranduser Ultrasonik

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    Kemudahan pengoperasian suatu peralatan elektronik merupakan kebutuhan bagipengguna/konsumen. Jarak menjadi salah satu kendala dalam pengoperasian sejumlah peralatan elektronik.Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan adanya perangkat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan sejumlahperalatan elektronik. Pengendalian peralatan elektronik dapat memanfaatkan gelombang ultrasonik danmenggunakan mikrokontroler AT89C2051 sebagai pusat pengendali pada pemancar dan mikrokontrolerAT89S51 sebagai pusat pengendali utama pada penerima merupakan salah satu perangkat yang dapatmempermudah pekerjaan tersebut. Perangkat ini dirancang dengan menambahkan piranti pendukung lainseperti, LCD sebagai tampilan output-nya, driver relay sebagai piranti penghubung antara mikrokontrolerdengan peralatan elektronik dalam eksperimen ini adalah lampu. Sebuah transduser ultrasonik dipakaisebagai sarana untuk memancarkan dan menerima gelombang ultrasonik. Program dibuat untuk diisikan kemikrokontroler AT89C2051 dan AT89S51 dengan menggunakan bahasa assembler yang berisi instruksiinstruksi.Melalui perangkat ini dapat dikendalikan lampu dari jarak jauh. Saran untuk penelitian lanjutandapat dibuat variasi beban dan fungsi yang beragam untuk memperoleh hasil yang efisien

    Antiviral Replication Agents

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    An analysis on compensation of claims regarding to personal Injury and loss of earning on several court cases

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    Road accident is a major contributor in personal injury cases. The plaintiff or accident victims are entitled to compensation from injuries. This study aims to analyse the amount of damages received compared to the amount of damages in personal injury guideline from Completion of the Review of the Compendium of Personal Injury Award. A comparison between the system multiplier set forth in Section 28A of the Civil Law Act (Amendment) Act 1984 will be carried out with Odgen Table from United Kingdom customised with the Expected Life Tables of Malaysians. A total of 30 court cases from 1989 to 2013 are analysed in this study which includes all accidents on the road. The results showed that there were two cases of injury beyond the maximum range of the guidelines which are scars and eye injuries. Therefore, it is suggested that we should look at multiplier which is fairer in dealing with loss of earnings.Keywords: quantum; loss of earnings; multiplier

    Rancang Bangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan (Rph) Ayam dengan Proses Biofilter

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    More than 90 % of Jakarta livestock supply, especially poultry, originated from outside the area. Meanwhile temporary places and slaughterhouse are spread out in some locations in Jakarta area, even most of them located in residences area. Almost all wastewater are not processed but straightly discharged to the sewer or river around the house. These spread chickens slaughterhouse activities caused environmental pollution which is difficult to control.This paper discussed about the design of wastewater process installation of chickens slaughter by biofilter anaerob-aerob process and test of its process result. Based on the test the removal efficiency of COD, Permanganate, BOD and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) were 86.52 %, 82.85 %, 88.79 % and 94.1 % respectively.

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Jenis Pakan Yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Pelangi Marosatherina Ladigesi [Effect of Feeds Type on Growth of Rainbowfish, Marosatherina Ladigesi]

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    The research about effect of feeds type on fish have common done. However information about appropriate feeds type for the growth of Marosatherina ladigesi has been unknown well. The research was conducted in Laboratory of Research Center for Limnology-LIPI in June - August 2006. The research aimed to determine the effect of feed to growth and survival rate of M. ladigesi. This Research conducted by utilizing four different feeds type, namely Daphnia, Chironomus, Tubificidae, and pellet. The result showed that different kind of feeds type have an effect on growth and survival rate of M. ladigesi. Feed from Tubificidae showed highest growth of total length 1.19 cm (0,020 cm/day). While feed type from Chironomus showed highest growth of weight 0.47 g (0.008 g/day) and highest survival rate 100%

    Masalah Pencemaran Air Di Jakarta, Sumber Dan Alternatif Penanggulangannya

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    Water pollution in big cities, especially in Jakarta has become a serious problem. One of the potential reasons is home wastewater, which comes from the kitchen, bathroom, washing waste or human feaces. Limited facility for processing wastewater in the cities and bad sanitation system right now has quickens the process of water pollution, especially river and shallowunderground water pollutions. For example, general septic tank system used by the people is the one, which does not fulfill technical terms. As the land become narrow, the reservoir system is not proper anymore, because wastewater penetrated through the earth still contains high concentrated pollutant. Bacteriological pollution in shallow underground water also can be potentially caused by bad human feaces waste. As the slow development of centrally processing system of home/city wastewater is a problem, the individual process home waste water (On Site Treatment) is a new way to solve it

    Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Variabilitas Pendapatan, Corporate Tax Rate, Dan Non Debt Tax Shield Terhadap Struktur Modal Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Tahun 2011-2015

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    The research examines the effect of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, income variability, corporate tax rate, and non debt tax shield. The sample of this research was taken from manufacture companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2011-2015. The sample was taken using purposive sampling. The sample used was 22 companies. In order to test the hypothesis the statistical methods used was multiple linear regression analysis. Partially the result of this research shows that managerial ownership, income variability, corporate tax rate, and non debt tax shield have significant influence on capital structure, whereas institutional ownership has no significant effect on the dependent variable. Meanwhile in the simultaneous test, the five independent variables are seen to have significant influences to the capital structure

    Land Acquisition by the Government and the Impact for the Community

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    Land acquisition, unlike the purchase of land, is the forcible take-over of privately owned land by the government known as the process by which the government acquires private property for public purposes. Sociologically, land acquisition is more detrimental to the community because damage sometimes does not meet the needs of the community thus the community clearly denies and rejects to the land ownership even though in the end the Government or the State has the power to possess land by expropriating land rights.The purpose of the recent formulated writing is to find out how the impact of the exemption of land rights carried out by the government towards the community. With regard to this issue, this study uses normative method where this study only uses legal research conducted by examining library material resources, afterwards discussion and seeking the findings are carried out hence it can be concluded that the takeover of land rights carried out by the government is liberation through land rights, reformsof land rights by firstly conducting deliberations with appropriate and fair compensation, however in itsfactual implementation the land acquisition does not proceed smoothly due to the compensation value process was immeasurably far away from what is expected by the community thus the community intends to be disadvantaged in this position. On the other hand, in concerned with preserving land, the level of people\u27s understanding on property rights as well as the orientation of the public purposes is still very degraded
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