1,230 research outputs found

    Pola Pengundian Masyarakat Bajau Dalam Politik Sabah Dari Tahun 1963 Hingga 2004

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap pengundi Bajau dan juga pola pengundian mereka dalam politik Sabah. Bagi menganalisis persoalan ini, tiga pendekatan teoritis berkenaan dengan perlakuan pengundi telah digunakan, iaitu pendekatan identifikasi parti, sosiologikal dan rasional. Data kajian diperolehi melalui dua sumber utama iaitu primer dan sekunder. Sumber primer diperolehi melalui temubual dengan pemimpin politik dan juga masyarakat Bajau di Sabah. Sumber sekunder pula diperolehi dari semakan ke atas data keputusan pilihan raya yang dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia (SPR), data kependudukan dan data sosioekonomi Sabah selain daripada buku-buku yang berkaitan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan faktor pemilihan parti politik oleh kaum Bajau dalam pilihan raya dari tahun 1963 hingga 2004 adalah berkaitan dengan kepentingan etnik masyarakat Bajau. Kepentingan etnik ini dapat dilihat dalam konteks kepentingan agama Islam, kepentingan mereka berhubung dengan isu-isu politik semasa dan isu-isu lain yang mempengaruhi taraf sosioekonomi dan sosiopolitik seperti kemiskinan, pendidikan, ketidakadilan dan pembangunan. Oleh kerana USNO ditubuhkan bagi membela kepentingan masyarakat Bajau, khususnya kepentingan agama Islam, pembangunan sosioekonomi dan sosiopolitik masyarakat Islam di Sabah, maka USNO telah ditanggapi oleh masyarakat Bajau sebagai satu-satunya parti politik yang dapat membela kepentingan mereka. Seterusnya hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa faktor-faktor inilah yang menyebabkan majoriti masyarakat Bajau menyokong USNO dengan konsisten semenjak pilihan raya 1963, meskipun berlaku perpecahan undi kerana isu-isu dan perkembangan politik semasa. Sokongan yang konsisten dalarn pola pengundian masyarakat Bajau (kepada USNO, dan kemudiannya kepada UMNO) membuktikan bahawa perlakuan pengundi masyarakat Bajau bersifat statik. Oleh itu, meskipun wujud pelbagai isu dalam pilihan raya, sama ada pada peringkat supralokal dan nasional, ketaatsetiaan masyarakat Bajau kepada USNOIUMNO tidak berubah selagi isu-isu yang muncul itu tidak berupaya mengancam kepentingan etnik Bajau. Berdasarkan hujah ini, maka analisis akhir kajian ini adalah pola pengundian masyarakat Bajau adalah berasaskan identifikasi parti berbanding dengan pendekatan sosiologikal dan rasional

    The impact of entrepreneurial passions on organizational commitment in SMEs: the mediating role of perceived organizational support / Md Sharif Md Said

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    This study examines a model involving Entrepreneurial Passion (EP), Perceived Organizational Support (POS), and Organizational Commitment (OC). It was hypothesized that employees’ EP will be positively related to their organizational commitment, and that perceived organizational support would serve as a mediator in the relationship between employees’ perceived EP and employees’ OC. Data were gathered using cluster sampling method from a sampling frame of 231 Malaysian Manufacturing Related Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) located within the Klang Valley comprising the States of Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed on the 258 samples using structural equation modeling. The CFA revealed that there is a positive and direct relationship between EP and OC as propounded by earlier authors

    Tax Misreporting and Audit Adjustment

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the extent of tax misreporting committed by firms in Malaysia. Tax misreporting is measured by independent variables namely firm size, types of tax agent, types of ownership and types of business sectors. The study takes the approach of using actual data sample from 555 corporate tax audit cases that has been audited and finalised in the year of 2009 by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM). The level of tax misreporting is primarily measured by the IRBM's audit adjustments. Using t-test and ANOVA, the study indicates size of firms, types of tax agents, form of ownerships and types of business sectors have signifcant difference to audit adjustments. The study recommends that the IRBM could utilize firm's characteristics in selecting tax audit cases in future; change and revamp tax audit approach because tax evasion possibly could be hardly detected by tax authority in future. The study provides useful feedback to the government as a policymaker to revamp and improve current approach on tax audit; reinforce and design effective tax administration systems in order to curb tax evasion which results an increase in government's revenue and any loopholes to the tax administration can be improvised as tax evasion cannot be compromised in Malaysia

    Monetary policy and inflation targeting in a small open-economy

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    This paper investigates the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and inflation targeting in a small open-economy by using backward-looking of aggregate supply (AS) and aggregate demand (AD) framework. Since September 1998 until July 2005, Malaysia has implemented a currency pegged to the U.S dollar in responding to the Asian financial crisis. However, since the 21st of July 2005 until at present, the Central Bank of Malaysia (CBM) has eliminated pegging with the U.S dollar and moved to the floating exchange rate with basket currencies framework. This new regime has an essential role to be a primary objective of policy in stabilizing exchange rate against its major trading partners, particularly the regional countries. Nevertheless, maintaining the soundness of interest rate is also important to perceive inflation targeting in increasing economic growth. Therefore, by using a quarterly data from 1991:1 to 2006:1, this study has adopted a traditional structural econometrics model (SEM) to examine the role of inflation targeting in monetary policy transmission in a small-open economy, i.e. Malaysia. The findings indicated that output gap is an important variable in forecasting a domestic inflation rate and interest-rates policy is statistically significant in influencing the output gap. Therefore, the choosing of interest-rates as a policy target is vital in controlling the domestic inflation rate.monetary policy transmission; inflation targeting; interest rate; exchange rate; fiscal policy

    Perubahan pengurusan dalam pemasaran industri

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    Penyesuaian demi penyesuaian yang berlaku dalam strategi pemasaran secara lazimnya dicetuskan oleh perubahan faktor persekitaran. Dalam pemasaran faktor persekitaran yang memberi impak besar kepada aktiviti pemasaran ialah persekitaran luaran yang terdiri daripada faktor ekonomi, teknologi, semulajadi, politik dan sosial. Faktor persekitaran luaran pemasaran merupakan satu kuasa di luar kawalan organisasi pemasar. Untuk memperolehi kelebihan, faktor persekitaran luaran harus diawasi oleh pemasar. Tambahan pula, faktor persekitaran seringkali mempengaruhi proses membuat keputusan pemasaran. Kertas ini membincangkan perubahan-perubahan yang telah dikenalpasti berlaku dalam bidang pemasaran industri. Dua perubahan yang berlaku yang diketengahkan ialah perubahan dalam sistem maklumat pemasaran dan gelagat pembelian organisasi. Turut diselitkan ialah bagaimana perubahan tersebut diuruskan dalam menghadapi abad baru ini

    Factors influencing local shoppers to shop at global online stores / Rabiatul Ain Md Said

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    The development of dot com companies in 90s opened a new door of sales and revenue generation for the businesses worldwide. Online shopping has attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to its great potential for buyers and sellers. By enhancing understanding of online shopping, this study is to investigate “FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LOCAL SHOPPERS TO SHOP AT GLOBAL ONLINE STORES” such as Lazada, Zalora, Groupon, and others online stores in Bangi area. In this study, four variables on factors that influence local shoppers were selected, namely perceived usefulness, shopping convenience, perceived pricing and online shopping intention. This research outlines a survey conducted with 200 respondents in Bangi area which is selected students and working professional who are engaged with online shopping due to ascertain the main factors that influence local shoppers to shop global online stores. Data collection procedure of this study by took the form of a self-administered online questionnaire by spreading through email and analyzed through multiple regression analysis by using SPSS. In this research, the outcome or result will be difference than previous researcher due to a researcher was not fielding same independent variables than previous research. Based on the findings, data that has been analyzed, it shows that positive significance of perceived usefulness, shopping convenience and perceived pricing with online shopping intentions which is more than 0.9. Furthermore, shopping convenience was the major dominant that has a strong significant with online shopping intention in correlation analysis

    Loan process of micro credit loan: a case study on Agrobank branch of Melaka / Siti Salbiyah Md Said

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate about how credit department handling micro credit loan process how they make delegation of work in a loan process. This research has been conducted on Agrobank branch of Melaka to investigate the issues. The objective of this research is to show on how credit department make a monitoring and follow up at every stage of loan process. Early monitoring and follow up will reduce the probability for the loan to become default loan. Thus, it needs a good delegation of works to ensure each steps in loan process gets the co-operation from a credit staff. The result of the study shows that Agrobank did not follow some steps in a loan process