12 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of flavonoids contained in the sembung leaf methanol extract. To identify the flavonoid content, Spectrophotometry UV-Vis method. Further, the analysis of methanol extract flavonoid in sembung leaves was carried out at a wavelength of 382 nm with successive absorbance values of 0.094; 0.090; 0.084. The total content of flavonoids in the sample was calculated by calibrating the absorbance value of the example with a standard linear equation of quercetin, y = 0.060 x -0.016 with a correlation coefficient (R2) = 0.997, and; the average total flavonoid content in the methanol extract of the leaves was 0.175%

    Formulasi Self Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Ibuprofen dengan VCO dan Kombinasi Surfaktan

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    Ibuprofen is one of the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) class of propionic acid derivatives which has potent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. The solubility of ibuprofen is disadvantageous because it is practically insoluble and has poor dissolution. The aim of this study was to overcome the solubility of ibuprofen through a stable SNEDDS formula. One way to overcome the solubility of ibuprofen is to prepare nanoemulsions using the Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) technique. SNEDDS is a form of preemulsion drug which spontaneously forms nanoemulsion when it encounters the aqueous phase in the digestive tract. Parameters for the success of the SNEDDS formula include emulsification time, stability, and droplet size using a particle size analyzer (PSA). The SNEDDS formulation was carried out by mixing span 80 and tween 20, PEG 400 and VCO as the oil phase. The characteristics of SNEDDS ibuprofen include homogeneity of SNEDDS, clarity, transmittance, emulsification time, and droplet size. The composition of the optimum formula for SNEDDS ibuprofen is 1 mL of VCO; 1 mL PEG; 7 mL tween 20; 1 mL span 80. The formula shows good homogeneity, is clear with emulsification time of 15 seconds, transmittance is 92.69%, and droplet size is 221.9 nm

    Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Sistem Pembawa Liposom dari Ekstrak Etanol Daun Miana (Coleus atropurpureus L. Benth)

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    Miana (Coleus atropurpureus L. Benth) is a plant in the ornamental plant group that has benefits for the body. The part of the plant that is efficacious as medicine is on the leaves with a brownish red color. However, extracts from miana leaves are hydrophilic, making it difficult to penetrate biological membranes which are rich in lipids and difficult to use topically. One way to overcome this problem is by making liposome carrier systems. Liposomes are carrier systems consisting of phospholipids and cholesterol with the ability to encapsulate hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. Parameters for the success of the liposome formula include vesicle shape, high adsorption efficiency and liposome vesicle size using a particle size analyzer (PSA). The liposome formula was obtained through the thin layer hydration method using phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. The composition of the optimum liposome formula of miana leaf ethanol extract is 0.2% phosphatidylcholine and 0.4% cholesterol. The optimum formula obtained is a complex spherical structure, efficiency entrapment 92.91%, vesicle size 573.6 nm and polydispersity index is 0,505


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    Jamu is a traditional medicine that contains ingredients or ingredients derived from plants, animals, minerals, or mixtures of these ingredients that have been hereditary for medicinal use. However, some industry players add Medicinal Chemicals (BKO) such as mefenamic acid into herbal medicine. This study aims to determine the validity of the method in the analysis of mefenamic acid by UV-Vis spectrophotometry on herbs circulating in several markets in Kendari City. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling method so that it gets 5 herbal samples. The study began with method validation to ensure the accuracy of the method in determining the level of mefenamic acid in the sample. The results of the method validation show that this method is good for detecting the presence of mefenamic acid BKO in herbal medicine with a validation parameter value that is the correlation value (r) of 0.998; detection limit (LOD) 0.48 µg / mL; limit of quantification (LOQ) 1.63 µg / mL; intraday and interday precision expressed with the value of relative standard deviation% respectively 0.014% and 0.013%; and the accuracy stated in% recovery is 95.41% (80%), 99.04% (100%), and 102.5% (120%). The results of the analysis of the sample using a validated method showed that there were herbs with mefenamic acid BKO content of 0.8%

    Formulasi Self-Nanoemulsifiying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Asam Mefenamat menggunakan VCO dengan Kombinasi Surfaktan Tween dan Span

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    Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Mefenamic acid works by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis as an inflammatory mediator. Mefenamic acid has low drug solubility and a long process of dissolution in the body which greatly affects the speed of absorption and bioavailability of the drug. In this study, mefenamic acid nanoemulsion formulation was carried out through a Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) delivery system. SNEDDS is a drug delivery method through isotropic oil extraction, surfactants, cosurfactans and drug that form oil in water (m/a) emulsions which when in contact with the water phase in the digestive tract wiil from a nanoemulsion that occurs spontaneously so that the drug dissolves with a particle size small so as to increase the effective surface area for absorption. The purpose of the study was to determine the ratio of surfactant and cosurfactant composition to the optimum formula of SNEDDS of mefenamic acid with VCO as an oil phase. The SNEDDS formula was obtained by mixing the surfactants tween 80 and span 80, cosurfactant PEG 400 and VCO as the oil phase using the characterization of determining the optimum formula, namely emulsion formation, transmittance and emulsification time. The composition of the optimum formula of SNEDDS of mefenamic acid is 1 mL VCO; 1 mL PEG 400; 6 mL tween 80; 1 mL span 80. Optimum formula showed clear emulsion results, with transmittance values of 89,04% and emulsification time under 1 minute. In this study produced the optimum formula SNEDDS the met the criteria based on droplet size parameters of 153,5 nm, potential zeta value of 8,2 mV and showed good stability

    The Type Fragmentation Patterns Confirmed Acetaminophen By Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (LCMS) From Herbal Medicine (Jamu)

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    Abstract: The Jamu or herbal medicine were adulterated with chemical drugs in the last twenty years. One of the chemical drugs that are commonly added to herbal medicine is acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is generally considered an analgesic-antipyretic drug. The research aims to identify the content of paracetamol and its amount added to the jamu. This study consisted of 6 jamu or herbal medicine samples with different brands. The TLC method conducted the qualitative analysis using the mobile phase n-hexane: ethyl acetate (1:1). Three positive samples containing acetaminophen were obtained: D, E, and F. The three positive samples containing acetaminophen were calculated using the LCMS method. Quantitative analysis was conducted with LCMS using a reversed-phase with a mobile phase of acetonitrile: water (15%>: 85%> v/v) at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min and an injection volume of 5 µL, it was obtained the levels of acetaminophen in sample D as much as  0.16 g/2 g of sample, in sample E of 0.63 g/7 g of sample, and sample F of 0.56 g/7 g of sample. Although the acetaminophen content in herbal medicine is relatively small, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia No. 007 of 2012, traditional medicine or herbal medicine should not contain synthetic chemicals.Abstrak: Dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir, banyak jamu yang dipalsukan dengan obat-obatan kimia. Salah satu obat kimia yang biasa ditambahkan pada jamu adalah asetaminofen. Acetaminophen umumnya dianggap sebagai obat analgesik-antipiretik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan parasetamol dan jumlah yang ditambahkan pada jamu. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 6 sampel jamu dengan merek yang berbeda. Analisis kualitatif dilakukan dengan metode KLT menggunakan fase gerak n-heksana: etil asetat (1:1). Diperoleh tiga sampel positif mengandung asetaminofen, yaitu sampel D, E, dan F. Tiga sampel positif mengandung asetaminofen dihitung menggunakan metode LCMS. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan LCMS menggunakan fase terbalik dengan fase gerak asetonitril: air (15%>:85%> v/v) pada laju alir 0,2 mL/menit dan volume injeksi 5 µL. Diperoleh kadar asetaminofen pada sampel D sebanyak 0,16 g/2 g sampel, pada sampel E sebesar 0,63 g/7 g sampel, dan pada sampel F sebesar 0,56 g/7 g sampel. Meskipun kandungan asetaminofen dalam jamu relatif sedikit, namun menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 007 Tahun 2012, obat tradisional atau jamu tidak boleh mengandung bahan kimia sintetik


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    Prediabetes adalah keadaan yang ditandai dengan gangguan glukosa puasa atau gangguan toleransi glukosa. Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke tujuh di dunia dengan jumlah penduduk diabetes tertinggi. Di seluruh dunia, ada lebih dari 400 juta orang dengan prediabetes dan proyeksi menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 470 juta orang akan mengalami prediabetes pada tahun 2030. Estimasi handal yang berkelanjutan diperlukan untuk merencanakan program pencegahan dan pengobatan yang efektif untuk manajemen diabetes secara nasional untuk menurunkan angka tersebut khususnya pada masyakat usia produktif. Kebaruan penelitian ini menganalisis profil prediabetes pada usia produktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gambaran terkait tingkat prediabetes pada usia produktif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan analisis deskriptif. Responden yang diambil sebagai sampel yaitu pria maupun wanita dengan usia produktif (15-64 tahun) di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Kota Malang yang bersedia mengisi kuesioner yang meliputi nama, umur, tingkat pendidikan, nilai gula darah acak, tekanan darah, berat badan, tinggi badan, ada tidaknya Riwayat diabetes dalam keluarga dan frekuensi aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan. Data yang terkumpul diolah untuk mendapatkan nilai/skor prediabetes dengan bantuan website CDC untuk mendapatkan nilai / skor prediabetes.  Berdasarkan hasil survey langsung terhadap 101 responden dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari ke enam parameter penentu pre diabetes (usia, jenis kelamin, tekanan darah, BMI, dan Riwayat keluarga) maka dari 101 responden usia produktif sebanyak 92,1% responden memiliki resiko rendah pre diabetes dan 7,9% memiliki resiko tinggi prediabetes. Kata kunci: Diabetes; Gula Darah; Prediabetes; Usia Produktif.  AbstractPrediabetes is a condition characterized by impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance. Indonesia is ranked seventh in the world with the highest number of diabetics. Worldwide, there are more than 400 million people with prediabetes and projections show that more than 470 million people will have prediabetes by 2030. Reliable estimates are useful for planning effective prevention and treatment programs for diabetes management nationwide to reduce this number especially in people of working age. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview regarding the level of prediabetes in productive age. This research is an observational study with descriptive analysis. Respondents who met these criteria filled out a questionnaire which included name, age, level of education, random blood sugar values, blood pressure, weight, height, no history of diabetes in the family and the frequency of physical activity carried out. The collected data is processed to obtain prediabetes values/scores with the help of the CDC website to obtain prediabetes values/scores. Based on the results of a survey of 101 respondents collected. Based on the research above, it can be concluded that of the six parameters (age, sex, blood pressure, BMI, and family history) determinants of pre-diabetes, 92.1% of 101 respondents had a low risk of pre-diabetes and 7.9% had a low risk of developing pre-diabetes. Keywords: Diabetes; Blood Glucose; Prediabetes; Productive Age

    Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Platform Diabestie pada Pembelajaran Penyakit Diabetes Mata Kuliah PBL (Problem Based Learning) Pelayanan Kefarmasian Komunitas

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    Pembelajaran jarak jauh di perguruan tinggi memberikan tantangan baru karena banyak konflik terkait dengan penggunaan teknologi, pedagogi, media dan proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran pendidikan tinggi. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil dibuat berdasarkan penelitian ini bahwa mahasiswa sepakat menggunakan aplikasi Diabestie untuk mata kuliah pelayanan kefarmasian komunitas berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) prodi S1 Farmasi Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Persepsi mahasiswa terkait aspek pemanfaatan aplikasi Diabestie, meliputi aspek kemudahan untuk memahami aplikasi Diabestie sebesar 87,11%, aspek aksesabilitas aplikasi Diabestie dalam penggunaan sehari-hari sebesar 87,11%, aspek desain yang atraktif dan menarik pada aplikasi Diabestie sebesar 87,56%, aspek efisiensi waktu dalam pemanfaatan aplikasi Diabestie sebesar 82,67%, aspek kesukaan saat menggunakan  Diabestie sebesar 84,4%. Tujuan pembelajaran pelayanan farmasi diabetes adalah untuk mencapai hasil akhir, dengan dukungan lingkungan belajar dari platform diabetes, sehingga mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang tujuan dan hasil akhir pembelajaran, serta efektivitas pembelajaran yang baik


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    Objective: This study was conducted to formulate curcumin nanoparticles transdermal patches and to evaluate their physical characterization. Methods: Curcumin nanoparticles transdermal patches were formulated by the casting evaporation method. Transdermal patches were made using combinations of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and ethyl cellulose (EC) at ratios of 4.5:1.5 for Formula 1 (F1), 4:1 for Formula 2 (F2), 3.5:1.5 for Formula 3 (F3), 3:2 for Formula 4 (F4), and 2.5:2.5 for Formula 5 (F5). Physical characterization evaluation (organoleptic properties, pH, weight uniformity, thickness uniformity, percent moisture content, and tensile strength) was then performed. The permeation of curcumin nanoparticles into the skin was evaluated using Franz diffusion cells. Results: Curcumin nanoparticles transdermal patches could be formulated by the casting evaporation method with the organoleptic properties characterized as smooth, dry, yellow in color, having menthol odor, and transparent. The pH values ranged between 5.0 and 6.0. The thickness of the patches ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 mm. The average of the patches’ weight was 0.7 g, and the percent moisture content ranged from 1.0 to 6.0%. The tensile strength values were 1.0 to 2.0 N/mm. Curcumin nanoparticles could penetrate into the skin with flux values being 1.271 µg. cm-2 (F1), 0.938 µg. cm-2 (F2), 0.775 µg. cm-2 (F3), 0.837 µg. cm-2 (F4), and 0.569 µg. cm-2 (F5). Conclusion: All patches met the requirement of the physical characterization for the transdermal patch