106 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Introduction: One of the contributors to the post-stroke functional impairment is spasticity. It was estimated that 2/3 rd of patients would develop post-stroke spasticity. The prevalence of spasticity was found to be 40% one year after stroke which leads to functional impairment in activity of daily living. However no study evaluated the effect of lower limb passive cycling movement on spasticity in persons with stroke. Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate how post stroke spasticity behaves with lower limb passive cycling movement. Methodology: This was a randomized control trial. Thirty subjects with stroke (n=30) were randomly divided into two groups. Group A (Experimental group: Passive cycling and conventional physical therapy exercises; n=15) and Group B (Control Group: Conventional physical therapy exercise; n=15). Pre test measurement of all dependent variablesspasticity by MMAS (modified modified Ashworth scale), ROM by goniometer and 10 meter walk test were made on recruitment for the study and post test measurement was made after completion of therapy for 4 weeks, (5 days a week). Data analysis: The Dependent variables for spasticity were analysed using Man Whitney U test. Straight leg raising, dorsiflexion range of motion and 10 metre walk test were analysed using a 2x2 ANOVA. All pair wise post -hoc comparisons were analyzed using a 0.05 level of significance. Results: The reduction in spasticity from pre to post was significantly more in experimental group. The study shows that there is statistically significant improvement in dorsiflexion range of motion, SLR as well as improvement in walking function in experimental group but not in control group. Conclusion: Passive cycling was more effective in reducing spasticity of lower limb, improve the range of motion and walking function than those in subjects with conventional exercises in persons with stroke


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    A four months old female Black Bengal kid presented to post mortem examination, revealed heavy mixed infection of nematode (Trichuris sp.) and cestode (Moniezia sp.). The kid was reported anorectic, weak and unthrifty. After opening the carcass, moderate amount of sero-sanguineous fluid was found in the abdominal cavity along with inflamed intestine and enlarged, friable liver and distended gall bladder. In addition, there were adult parasites in intestine and microscopic examination of faeces showed characteristic parasitic eggs

    Effect of Convective Drying on Texture, Rehydration, Microstructure and Drying Behavior of Yam (Dioscorea pentaphylla) Slices

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    Drying is a critical primary processing technique in enhancing and maintaining the quality and storability of Dioscorea pentaphylla. The present work investigated the effect of forced convective drying at three drying temperatures (50, 60, and 70℃). Ten drying and four-color kinetics models were used to fit the drying data to study the drying behavior and the effect of temperature and time on color change. Moisture diffusivity increased with hot air temperature (4.88526 × 10−10– 8.8069×10−10 m2/s). For Dioscorea pentaphylla slices, 27.04 (kJ/mol) of activation energy was found. Hii and others model gives the superior fitting for all the drying temperatures followed by logarithmic and Avhad and Marchetti model. Color kinetics was evaluated using L, a, and b values at a specified time during whole drying process. Temperature and time influenced the Lightness (L), yellowness (b), a value, chroma, hue, and browning index (BI). Dried slices from 70℃ showed more color change, whereas those from 50℃ had a medium-light brown. The modified color model is best fitted with high R2 and lower chi-square. Potassium metabisulfite (K2S2O5) pre-treatment and boiling significantly affected the drying time and final color of slices. The study reveals that drying at 50℃ exhibits better color retention and could be effectively used to dry Dioscorea pentaphylla. Dried Dioscorea pentaphylla can be utilized in both food and pharmaceutical industries for several applications for formulations food products and health supplements

    Genomska tipizacija i filogenetska analiza izolata pasjeg parvovirusa izdvojenih u državi Odisha u Indiji.

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    Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) comprises three major antigenic variants CPV-2a, CPV-2b and CPV-2c. Their mutated variants in geographically distinct locations need to be investigated to understand viral evolution and for development of effective management measures. In the present study, 71 faecal and 12 blood samples from suspected dogs in the state of Odisha, India were analyzed by PCR. Faecal lysate, extracted by the fast boiling method was found to be more sensitive as a template for PCR compared to DNA extracted from faecal samples by the phenol-chloroform method. The results revealed 29 positive cases (583 bp amplicon) out of 71 faecal samples, and 5 positive cases out of 12 blood samples examined, with a few variations in the results from blood and faecal samples in the same cases, thus suggesting the necessity of screening both blood and faecal samples for diagnosis. Restriction digestion of the 583 bp PCR amplicon with MboII (PCR-RFLP) confirmed the strain not to be CPV-2c. Further sequencing of the 583 bp fragments recognized the variant as one of the mutated CPV-2a strain. Interestingly, an additional presence of CPV-2a mutant of 525 bp was observed in eleven of the positive faecal samples, along with the 583 bp fragment in PCR that needs further characterization. These two CPV-2a variants shared a common clade with other CPV-2a variants in the phylogenetic tree separating CPV-2b and CPV-2c. Our results confirm the dynamic changes in CPV variants and emphasize the importance of CPV surveillance for understanding of viral epidemiology.Pasji parvovirus tip 2 (PPV-2) ima tri glavne antigenske varijante: PPV-2a, PPV-2b i PPV-2c. Radi razumijevanja njegove evolucije i razvijanja učinkovitih mjera suzbijanja potrebno je istražiti njegove mutante iz različitih geografskih područja. U ovom je radu lančanom reakcijom polimerazom bio pretražen 71 uzorak fecesa i 12 uzoraka krvi pasa sa sumnjom na parvovirusnu infekciju u državi Odisha u Indiji. Postupak dobivanja fekalnog lizata brzim ključanjem pri 100 °C pokazao se osjetljivijim u odnosu na ekstrakciju DNA iz uzoraka fecesa fenol-kloroformom. Rezultati su pokazali da je od 71 pretraženog uzorka fecesa 29 bilo pozitivnih (583 bp umnožak), a od 12 pretraženih uzoraka krvi sedam pozitivnih s različitim nalazima kod istih slučajeva, što govori da je za postavljanje dijagnoze potrebno pretražiti oba uzorka od iste životinje. Cijepanje odsječka 583 bp restrikcijskim enzimom MboII (PCR-RFLP) pokazalo je da izdvojeni soj ne pripada PPV-2c. Daljnjim sekvencioniranjem fragmenata od 583 bp pokazalo se da izolat pripada mutiranoj varijanti PPV-2a. Zanimljivo je da je u 11 pozitivnih uzoraka fecesa usporedno s fragmentima od 583 bp bila dokazana i prisutnost mutanta PPV-2a s fragmentom od 525 bp što iziskuje daljnju karakterizaciju. Te dvije varijante PPV-2a svrstane su u zajedničku skupinu u filogenetskom stablu, različitu od PPV-2b i PPV-2c. Naši rezultati potvrđuju dinamiku promjena varijanata PPV s naglaskom na važnost istraživanja za razumijevanje njegove epizootiologije

    Rice (Oryza sativa L.)–Baby Corn (Zea mays L.) Cropping System Response to Different Summer Green Manuring and Nutrient Management

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    The nutrient and biomass supply capacity of green manure (GM) and its complimentary and synergistic relationship with chemical nutrients is needed for a sustainable rice–baby corn cropping system in the eastern part of North India. A two-year field study was performed to assess the effect of GM and nitrogen management (NM) on yield attributes (YA), the yield of rice, and their residual (R) effect with the half-recommended dose of fertilizers on the succeeding baby corn crop. The combination of GM and N levels had significant effects on rice yield, which also influenced the succeeding baby corn crop. A higher number of tillers/m2, panicle length (cm), number of grains/panicles, panicle weight (g), grain yield (Mg/ha), straw yield (Mg/ha), and biological yield (Mg/ha) were found with Sesbania aculeata incorporated at 45 DAS (SA), which was statistically on par with water hyacinth 5 t/ha dry weight basis (WH) during both years of the field study. Among the rates of nitrogen fertilizers, 100% RDN (50% N through FYM + 50% N through inorganic) (RDN100) was the best treatment with a corresponding increase in all YA and yields of rice. It has been proven that integrated nitrogen management (INM), or the use of organic material along with fertilizer, is an effective way of managing nitrogen. In the present investigation, green manuring and integrated nitrogen management on rice sustainably increased the yield attributes and yield of the succeeding baby corn. These results illustrated the complementary effects of summer green manuring in conjunction with INM in maximizing the yield attributes and yields of rice, its residual effect on succeeding baby corn, and the economics of the system

    Rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.)–Baby Corn (<i>Zea mays</i> L.) Cropping System Response to Different Summer Green Manuring and Nutrient Management

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    The nutrient and biomass supply capacity of green manure (GM) and its complimentary and synergistic relationship with chemical nutrients is needed for a sustainable rice–baby corn cropping system in the eastern part of North India. A two-year field study was performed to assess the effect of GM and nitrogen management (NM) on yield attributes (YA), the yield of rice, and their residual (R) effect with the half-recommended dose of fertilizers on the succeeding baby corn crop. The combination of GM and N levels had significant effects on rice yield, which also influenced the succeeding baby corn crop. A higher number of tillers/m2, panicle length (cm), number of grains/panicles, panicle weight (g), grain yield (Mg/ha), straw yield (Mg/ha), and biological yield (Mg/ha) were found with Sesbania aculeata incorporated at 45 DAS (SA), which was statistically on par with water hyacinth 5 t/ha dry weight basis (WH) during both years of the field study. Among the rates of nitrogen fertilizers, 100% RDN (50% N through FYM + 50% N through inorganic) (RDN100) was the best treatment with a corresponding increase in all YA and yields of rice. It has been proven that integrated nitrogen management (INM), or the use of organic material along with fertilizer, is an effective way of managing nitrogen. In the present investigation, green manuring and integrated nitrogen management on rice sustainably increased the yield attributes and yield of the succeeding baby corn. These results illustrated the complementary effects of summer green manuring in conjunction with INM in maximizing the yield attributes and yields of rice, its residual effect on succeeding baby corn, and the economics of the system

    Effect of Convective Drying on Texture, Rehydration, Microstructure and Drying Behavior of Yam (Dioscorea pentaphylla) Slices

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    995-1009Drying is a critical primary processing technique in enhancing and maintaining the quality and storability of Dioscorea pentaphylla. The present work investigated the effect of forced convective drying at three drying temperatures (50, 60, and 70℃). Ten drying and four-color kinetics models were used to fit the drying data to study the drying behavior and the effect of temperature and time on color change. Moisture diffusivity increased with hot air temperature (4.88526 × 10−10– 8.8069×10−10 m2/s). For Dioscorea pentaphylla slices, 27.04 (kJ/mol) of activation energy was found. Hii and others model gives the superior fitting for all the drying temperatures followed by logarithmic and Avhad and Marchetti model. Color kinetics was evaluated using L, a, and b values at a specified time during whole drying process. Temperature and time influenced the Lightness (L), yellowness (b), a value, chroma, hue, and browning index (BI). Dried slices from 70℃ showed more color change, whereas those from 50℃ had a medium-light brown. The modified color model is best fitted with high R2 and lower chi-square. Potassium metabisulfite (K2S2O5) pre-treatment and boiling significantly affected the drying time and final color of slices. The study reveals that drying at 50℃ exhibits better color retention and could be effectively used to dry Dioscorea pentaphylla. Dried Dioscorea pentaphylla can be utilized in both food and pharmaceutical industries for several applications for formulations food products and health supplements

    Microsatellite and Mitochondrial Diversity Analysis of Native Pigs of Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot

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    <p>Assessment of genetic diversity in indigenous animals is an important and essential task for animal genetic improvement studies as well as conservation decision-making. The genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships among geographically and phenotypically distinct three pig breeds/types native to Indo-Burma and Eastern Himalayan global biodiversity hotspots were determined by genotyping with a panel of 22 ISAG recommended microsatellite loci as well as sequencing partial <i>MTRNR1</i>gene. The mean number of alleles per locus, effective number of alleles and observed heterozygosity were found to be 11.27 ± 0.85, 5.29 ± 0.34, and 0.795 ± 0.01, respectively. The moderate <i>F</i><sub>ST</sub> value (0.115 ± 0.01) indicated a fair degree of genetic differentiation among the native breeds. The Nei’s unbiased genetic identity estimates indicated less genetic distance (0.2909) between Niang Megha and Tenyi Vo pigs than the both individually with Ghoongroo breed. The divergence time was also estimated from the microsatellite analysis. Analysis of <i>MTRNR1</i>gene revealed distinct clustering of native Indian pigs with Chinese pigs over European pigs. The study revealed the abundance of genetic variation within native Indian pigs and their relationships as well as genetic distances.</p

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    Not AvailableA field experiment with four irrigation and four nitrogen treatments was carried out with wheat (cv HD 2932) for two rabi seasons, 2009-10 and 2010-11 at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to quantify the water and nitrogen use efficiencies under differential water and nitrogen levels. Responses of water-use efficiency (WUE), nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) and wheat yield to variable water and nitrogen levels were investigated. Yield and NUE are significantly affected (P ≤ 0.05) by the different water and nitrogen levels. Under low water level condition along with no nitrogen stress resulted in only 5% decrease in yield compared to the highest yield but it had increased NUE from 34 to 38%. Therefore, low water stress can be allowed which can result in higher NUE and non-significant decrease in yield. The study revealed the lower water stress resulted in higher NUE, higher water stress resulted in decline in NUE.Not Availabl