49 research outputs found

    Kotoutumissanasto suomi-turkki

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Aksoy-Sahinkanat, Leyla Kotoutumissanasto suomi–turkki 57 sivua, 1 liite Syksy, 2019 Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Humanistisen alan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Tulkki (AMK), asioimistulkkaus Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli laatia kotoutumiseen liittyvä sanasto kieliparilla suomi–turkki. Sanasto on tarkoitettu helpottamaan tulkkien ja tulkkiopiskelijoiden työtä. Sanastosta hyötyvät myös kääntäjät sekä turkinkieliset maahanmuuttajat, jotka tarvitsevat apua termien kanssa. Opinnäytetyö koostuu kolmesta osasta: tietoperustasta, sanastotyöprosessin kuvauksesta sekä sanastosta. Tietoperustassa käsitellään kotoutumista yleisellä tasolla sekä kerrotaan sanastotyön keskeisimmistä vaiheista. Sanastotyöprosessin kuvauksessa käsitellään opinnäytetyön termityöskentelyn vaiheita sekä pohditaan eteen tulleita haasteita. Lopussaon sanasto, joka sisältää 67 termiä, ja niiden määritelmät molemmilla kielillä. Termit kerättiin alan kirjallisuudesta, luotettavista internetlähteistä sekä tulkkaustilanteista. Osa vastineista löydettiin sanakirjoista ja osalle muodostettiin kokonaan uusi vastine. Sanasto tarkistettiin turkin kielen opettajalla. Kotoutumissanastolle on tarvetta, koska se on kasvavan maahanmuuton myötä aiheena ajankohtainen eikä sellaista ole vielä laadittu kieliparilla suomi–turkki. Opinnäytetyö on kehittämispainotteinen ja sen tuotteena on kotoutumissanasto (liite 1). Avainsanat: asioimistulkkaus, kotoutuminen, maahanmuutto, sanasto, sanastotyö, turkin kieliABSTRACT Aksoy-Sahinkanat, Leyla A Finnish–Turkish Glossary of Immigrant Integration 57 pages, 1 appendix Autumn, 2019 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Degree Programme in Community Interpreting Interpreter The aim of this thesis was to produce a Finnish–Turkish glossary of integration of immigrants. The glossary is meant to help interpreters and interpreting students in their work. Translators and Turkish immigrants who need help with terms will benefit from the glossary as well. The thesis consists of a theory section, a reflection section and a glossary. The theory section covers immigrant integration at a general level and the stages of terminology work. The reflection section contains reflection on the stages and challenges of terminology work. At the end of the thesis there is a glossary featuring 67 terms and definitions in both languages. The Finnish terms were collected from literature relevant to the subject, reliable online sources and interpreting situations. Some of the Turkish terms were collected from dictionaries and some of them were made by the author. The glossary was revised by a Turkish language teacher. There is a need for a glossary of immigrant integration because it is a topical subject following the growing immigration in Finland. Also, there are not any glossaries of the subject in Finnish and Turkish languages. This thesis is development-oriented and the glossary can be found in the appendix of the thesis. Keywords: community interpreting, integration, immigration, glossary, terminology work, Turkish languageÖZET Aksoy-Sahinkanat, Leyla Fince–Türkçe göçmen entegrasyonu terimler sözlüğü 57 sayfa, 1 ek Sonbahar, 2019 Diakonia Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Toplum çevirmenliği bölümü Tercüman Bu çalışmanın amacı Fince–Türkçe göçmen entegrasyonu terimler sözlüğü hazırlamaktı. Sözlük, tercümanların ve tercüman öğrencilerin çalışmalarını kolaylaştırma amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Sözlükten Türk göçmenler ve çevirmenler de mutlaka faydalanacaktır. Bu çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır: genel bilgi, analiz bölümü ve sözlük. İlk bölümde göçmenlerin entegrasyonu ve terminoloji çalışması ile ilgili genel bilgi ve örnekler verilmiştir. Analiz bölümünde terminoloji çalışmasının en önemli adımları açıklanmıştır ve yazar kendi düşünceleri ve zorluklarını paylaşmıştır. 67 terimden meydana gelen üçüncü bölüm göçmen entegrasyonu sözlüğü olarak ektedir. Sözlükte terimler ve terimlerin açıklamaları hem Fince hem de Türkçe olarak bulunmaktadır. Fince terimler göçmen entegrasyonu ile ilgili kitaplardan, güvenilir internet kaynaklarından ve tercüme durumlarından toplanmıştır. TerimlerinTürkçe karşılıkları hem sözlüklerden bulunmuş hem de tezin yazarı tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Sözlük Türkçe öğretmeni tarafından revize edilmiştir. Finlandiya’da göçmen sayısı günden güne artmakta olup, henüz göçmen entegrasyonu ile ilgili bir Fince–Türkçe sözlük mevcut olmadığından, böyle bir sözlüğe ihtiyaç vardı. Bu tez çalışması geliştirme amaçlıdır ve göçmen entegrasyon sözlüğü ekte bulunmaktadır. Anahtar sözcükler: toplum çevirmenliği, entegrasyon, göçmenlik, sözlük, terminoloji çalışması, Türkçe dil

    Prevalence of positive potassium sensitivity test which is an indicator of bladder epithelial permeability dysfunction in a fixed group of Turkish women

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    Objective: Traditional epidemiologic studies of interstitial cystitis (IC) have focused on diagnosed cases alone while many patients who appear to have IC have been eliminated due to strict diagnostic criteria. An association between positive potassium sensitivity test (PST), epithelial permeability dysfunction (EPD) and painful bladder syndrome/IC (PBS/IC) has been reported but limited attention has been given to these relationships in the epidemiologic area. This study was designed to seek further evidence of potassium sensitivity and therefore bladder EPD in a fixed group of Turkish women. Methods: All female workers of the two textile factories were evaluated for PBS/IC-specific symptoms by using the Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency (PUF) scale and then all were asked to volunteer for PST and further clinical evaluation. Subjects who volunteered for PST were separated into two groups: group 1 consisted of subjects who had a PUF score of 6 7 and group 2 (control group) consisted of subjects who had a PUF score of <= 6. Results: A total of 80 volunteered for PST, 58 were in group 1 and 22 were in group 2. The rate of positive PST was 86.2 and 9.1% in group 1 and 2, respectively (p < 0.05). We estimated that the prevalence of bladder EPD would have been 32.80% (145/442) in a fixed female population in our region when considering the rate of positive PST in group 1. Conclusion: Our data provide further support for the high prevalence of an increased potassium sensitivity which is a reliable indicator of EPD in a fixed female population. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Reliability of venous diameter in the diagnosis of subclinical varicocele

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    Objective: The diameters of the veins in the pampiniform plexus have been used to diagnose subclinical varicocele. But there are many cutoff points and some controversies about the diagnosis. These cause difficulty in the evaluation of the results of epidemiological and clinical studies. Our aim is to establish the reliability of vein diameters in the pampiniform plexus in the diagnosis of subclinical varicocele. Methods: Physical examination, scrotal gray scale ultrasonography (SU) and color Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) were performed to assess varicocele in 100 infertile patients without clinical varicocele (group I), 100 infertile patients with clinical left varicocele (group II), and 50 fertile men without clinical varicocele (group III) as a control group. The diameter of the veins in the pampiniform plexus was measured with SU. According to various cutoff points of venous diameter and CDU criteria, the diagnosis of varicocele was made. The highest mean venous diameters were calculated with and without varicocele in men whose diagnoses had been made with CDU. The results were correlated with each other and the control group. Results: According to venous diameter cutoff points, the varicocele ratio did not correlate with the CDU results (p 0.05) except for the left side of group II patients. We did not find an exact relation between the highest venous diameter in the men who have and those who do not have subclinical varicocele with CDU. The highest mean diameter was 2.17 +/- 0.34 (SD) mm for men who have subclinical varicocele and 2.00 +/- 0.31 mm for men who do not have subdinical varicocele by CDU (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Our results indicate that venous diameters should not be used as diagnostic criteria for subdinical varicocele. Only the evaluation of venous diameter in varicocele should be used to document and quantify pathology, but it should not be used to establish the diagnosis. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Enuresis prevalence and accompanying factors in schoolchildren: A questionnaire study from Southeast Anatolia

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    Introduction: The aims of this study were to establish the prevalence of enuresis, to determine accompanying factors, and to identify common methods in the management of enuresis in Turkish children aged between 6 and 11 years living in eastern Anatolia. Methods: The parents of 3,527 schoolchildren aged between 6 and 11 years completed a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire asked about sociodemographic data, enuresis data, physical or psychological disorders, and family stressors. Descriptive statistics and chi(2) test were used for data analysis. Results: The response rate was 88%. The overall prevalence of reported enuresis was 12.96%, and the prevalence of marked enuresis ( at least weekly) was 9.8%. Enuresis was notably more common in boys ( male: female ratio 1.6), and the prevalence rates decreased by age without gender bias. Of all enuretic children, 21% had also daytime bed-wetting. The rate of a positive family history was 42% for siblings only and 66% for the other family members. Significantly more of the dry children woke up spontaneously at night to void as compared with the enuretic children ( p < 0.001). The parental concern level was not high, and only 15% of the children visited a physician for the management of enuresis. Low socioeconomic status, unfavorable perinatal or postnatal history, and unsatisfactory familial characteristics were significantly more frequent in the enuretic group (p < 0.05). The enuretic children had also higher rates of poor school performance and poor social adaptation as compared with nonenuretic children (p < 0.001). Conclusions: These results suggest that the prevalence of enuresis in eastern Anatolia is similar to that reported from western Anatolia and from most other countries. Turkish families did not report a high-level concern about enuresis, and the problem was managed primarily within the family. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Effectiveness of electro-acupuncture compared to sedo-analgesics in relieving pain during shockwave lithotripsy

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    The aim of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy of electro-acupuncture (EA) with the combination of tramadol+midazolam (TM) for pain relief during outpatient extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL). A total of 35 patients (20 men, 15 women) with stones located in the pelvicalyceal system of the kidney were randomized prospectively to undergo lithotripsy with a third generation lithotriptor (Stone Lith, smart PCK) after receiving either EA (n=17) or TM (n=18) for sedation and analgesia. EA treatment was applied to patients by the same licensed acupuncturist 30 min prior to ESWL in group EA. Tramadol (1.5 mg/kg) 30 min before the start of lithotripsy and midazolam (0.06 mg/kg) 5 min prior to ESWL were given as a sedo-analgesic intravenously to group TM. During ESWL, blood pressure, heart rate, pain and sedation levels were measured at baseline and every 15 min thereafter. The pain intensity perceived during lithotripsy was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS). There was no statistical differences in the diameters of the stones and age of the patients between groups (P=0.590; P=0.568, respectively). In the EA group, the median of maximum energy level achieved was 16.0 kV (range 10-23 kV), while it was 18.0 kV (range 10-20 kV) in the TM group. There was no statistically significant difference between the maximum energy levels applied to the patients during ESWL (P=0.613). The median numbers of shockwaves were 2,114 (range 1,100-3,800) and 2,200 (range 1,500-3,200) in the EA and TM groups, respectively. In the TM group, the numbers of shockwaves used were higher than in group EA during ESWL. However, this difference was not significant (P=0.732). VAS scores were consistently lower in the EA group compared with the TM group throughout the ESWL procedure. The median VAS score was 5.0 (range 1-10) in the EA group while it was 8.0 (range 2-10) in the TM group. The patients who underwent EA had lower median scores of VAS than patients who took only conservative treatment, but this difference was not significant (P=0.245). When both groups were compared for stone-free rates, no significant difference was found [82.3% (14/17) for group EA, 88.8% (16/18) for group TM] (P=0.658). Durations of ESWL procedures were similar in both groups [median 27.4 min (range 15.7-34.3) in group EA vs 27.1 min (range 16.1-33.6) in group TM] (P=0.517). No side effects was seen in any patient who received EA. Side effects such as mild orthostatic hypotension and dizziness occurred in patients given sedo-analgesia, but these were not severe enough to require any patient to be excluded from the study. Our study shows that EA is an effective method for inducing sedation with analgesia without any demonstrable side effects

    Wound approximation with tissue glue in circumcision

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    Background: To assess the feasibility of using tissue glue in the approximation of circumcision wounds in children

    The relationship between serum testosterone levels and bladder storage symptoms in a female population with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    This study indicates that women who have higher serum testosterone level are more likely to report bladder symptoms