73 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in layered organic conductors: Variational cluster approach

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    The κ\kappa-(ET)2_2X layered conductors (where ET stands for BEDT-TTF) are studied within the dimer model as a function of the diagonal hopping tt^\prime and Hubbard repulsion UU. Antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity are investigated at zero temperature using variational cluster perturbation theory (V-CPT). For large UU, N\'eel antiferromagnetism exists for t<tc2t' < t'_{c2}, with tc20.9t'_{c2}\sim 0.9. For fixed tt', as UU is decreased (or pressure increased), a dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} superconducting phase appears. When UU is decreased further, the a dxyd_{xy} order takes over. There is a critical value of tc10.8t'_{c1}\sim 0.8 of tt' beyond which the AF and dSC phases are separated by Mott disordered phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Investigation of the d_xy phase added + discussion of gap symmetr

    The Hubbard model on the triangular lattice: Spiral order and spin liquid

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    We investigate the half-filled Hubbard model on an isotropic triangular lattice with the variational cluster approximation. By decreasing the on-site repulsion UU (or equivalently increasing pressure) we go from a phase with long range, three-sublattice, spiral magnetic order, to a non-magnetic Mott insulating phase -- a spin liquid -- and then, for U6.7tU\lesssim6.7t, to a metallic phase. Clusters of sizes 3, 6 and 15 with open boundary conditions are used in these calculations, and an extrapolation to infinite size is argued to lead to a disordered phase at U=8tU=8t, but to a spiral order at U12U\gtrsim 12.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (published version

    Networked Estimation for Event-Based Sampling Systems with Packet Dropouts

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    This paper is concerned with a networked estimation problem in which sensor data are transmitted over the network. In the event-based sampling scheme known as level-crossing or send-on-delta (SOD), sensor data are transmitted to the estimator node if the difference between the current sensor value and the last transmitted one is greater than a given threshold. Event-based sampling has been shown to be more efficient than the time-triggered one in some situations, especially in network bandwidth improvement. However, it cannot detect packet dropout situations because data transmission and reception do not use a periodical time-stamp mechanism as found in time-triggered sampling systems. Motivated by this issue, we propose a modified event-based sampling scheme called modified SOD in which sensor data are sent when either the change of sensor output exceeds a given threshold or the time elapses more than a given interval. Through simulation results, we show that the proposed modified SOD sampling significantly improves estimation performance when packet dropouts happen

    Extended Kalman filtering with stochastic nonlinearities and multiple missing measurements

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    Copyright @ 2012 ElsevierIn this paper, the extended Kalman filtering problem is investigated for a class of nonlinear systems with multiple missing measurements over a finite horizon. Both deterministic and stochastic nonlinearities are included in the system model, where the stochastic nonlinearities are described by statistical means that could reflect the multiplicative stochastic disturbances. The phenomenon of measurement missing occurs in a random way and the missing probability for each sensor is governed by an individual random variable satisfying a certain probability distribution over the interval [0,1]. Such a probability distribution is allowed to be any commonly used distribution over the interval [0,1] with known conditional probability. The aim of the addressed filtering problem is to design a filter such that, in the presence of both the stochastic nonlinearities and multiple missing measurements, there exists an upper bound for the filtering error covariance. Subsequently, such an upper bound is minimized by properly designing the filter gain at each sampling instant. It is shown that the desired filter can be obtained in terms of the solutions to two Riccati-like difference equations that are of a form suitable for recursive computation in online applications. An illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed filter design scheme.This work was supported in part by the National 973 Project under Grant 2009CB320600, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008, 61134009 and 60825303, the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation for the Process Industry (Northeastern University) of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K. under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Optimal Filters with Multiple Packet Losses and its Application in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper is concerned with the filtering problem for both discrete-time stochastic linear (DTSL) systems and discrete-time stochastic nonlinear (DTSN) systems. In DTSL systems, an linear optimal filter with multiple packet losses is designed based on the orthogonal principle analysis approach over unreliable wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the experience result verifies feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed linear filter; in DTSN systems, an extended minimum variance filter with multiple packet losses is derived, and the filter is extended to the nonlinear case by the first order Taylor series approximation, which is successfully applied to unreliable WSNs. An application example is given and the corresponding simulation results show that, compared with extended Kalman filter (EKF), the proposed extended minimum variance filter is feasible and effective in WSNs

    Observer-based H∞ control of networked systems with stochastic communication protocol: The finite-horizon case

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    This paper is concerned with the H ∞ control problem for a class of linear time-varying networked control systems (NCSs) with stochastic communication protocol (SCP). The sensor-to-controller network (the controller-to-actuator network) is considered where only one sensor (one actuator) obtains access to the communication network at each transmission instant. The SCP is applied to determine which sensor (actuator) should be given the access to the network at a certain instant. The aim of the problem addressed is to design an observer-based controller such that the H ∞ performance of the closed-loop system is guaranteed over a given finite horizon. For the purpose of simplifying the NCS model, a new Markov chain is constructed to model the SCP scheduling of communication networks. Then, both the methods of stochastic analysis and completing squares are utilized to establish the sufficient conditions for the existence of the desired controller. The controller parameters are characterized by solving two coupled backward recursive Riccati difference equations subject to the scheduled SCP. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller design scheme

    Mott physics and band topology in materials with strong spin-orbit interaction

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    Recent theory and experiment have revealed that strong spin-orbit coupling can have dramatic qualitative effects on the band structure of weakly interacting solids. Indeed, it leads to a distinct phase of matter, the topological band insulator. In this paper, we consider the combined effects of spin-orbit coupling and strong electron correlation, and show that the former has both quantitative and qualitative effects upon the correlation-driven Mott transition. As a specific example we take Ir-based pyrochlores, where the subsystem of Ir 5d electrons is known to undergo a Mott transition. At weak electron-electron interaction, we predict that Ir electrons are in a metallic phase at weak spin-orbit interaction, and in a topological band insulator phase at strong spin-orbit interaction. Very generally, we show that with increasing strength of the electron-electron interaction, the effective spin-orbit coupling is enhanced, increasing the domain of the topological band insulator. Furthermore, in our model, we argue that with increasing interactions, the topological band insulator is transformed into a "topological Mott insulator" phase, which is characterized by gapless surface spin-only excitations. The full phase diagram also includes a narrow region of gapless Mott insulator with a spinon Fermi surface, and a magnetically ordered state at still larger electron-electron interaction.Comment: 10+ pages including 3+ pages of Supplementary Informatio