672 research outputs found

    Asymmetry in Farm-retail Price Transmission: the Case of Chili Industry in Indonesia

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    A decade of strong economic growth and rapid urbanization are transforming Indonesia's food retail sector. In particular, supermarkets and related modern retail outlets are reorganizing how high value fruit and vegetable supply chains operate, effecting quantities, varieties, quality and prices. Among the agricultural development issues facing Indonesia's policymakers are efficiency and distributional consequences of these transforming fruit and vegetable markets. This study examines asymmetric price transmission in Chili supply chains to assess emerging market failures and potential equity implications for producers and consumers. The Indonesian government recognizes Chilies as one of its 10 priority crops. Chilies are produced by more than 400,000 small scale producers and are an essential ingredient in the Indonesian daily diet. Historically, Chili markets have exhibited large price fluctuations in Indonesia. Two methods for examining asymmetric price transmission are compared using monthly data over an 18 year period in Java: Houck's model and the Error Correction Model (ECM). Although commonly believed that modern retail sectors are increasing market power and influencing prices, both models suggest that there is no price asymmetry issue in the Chili supply chain in Indonesia

    Analisis Biaya Manfaat Program Pembangunan Food Estate dalam Perspektif Perencanaan Wilayah : Studi Kasus Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    Food Estate Development Program is an investment project on food cropsubsector in the form of business activities with large-scale cultivation (> 25 ha), especially rice commodities. The present study aims to analyze economic feasibility of Food Estate Development Program. The methode used to answer the research was NPV, IRR, BCR, Pay Back Period and sensitivity analysis. The results show that the NPV is positive amounted 153.761,83 billions rupiah, IRR of 63%, BCR of 1,25, Pay Back Period of 8 years and the sensitivity analysis of sensitive to changes in prices of inputs and outputs. From the above considerations investment criteria, indicates that program is economically feasible

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kontruktivisme dalam Mengurangi Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Pelajaran Fisika

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    Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan model pembelajaran kontruktivisme dalam mengurangi miskonsepsi siswa pada pelajaran fisika. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur (library research). Dari pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran fisika dengan model belajar konstruktivis tidak berorientasi pada produk tetapi berorientasi pada proses. Pembelajaran tidak dirasakan sebagai suatu proses pembebanan yang semata-mata berorientasi pada kemampuan siswa dalam merefleksikan apa yang dikerjakan atau diinformasikan guru. Model belajar konstruktivis sangat memperhatikan jaringan ide-ide yang ada dalam struktur kognitif siswa. Transformasi pengetahuan dalam konstruktivisme adalah pergeseran siswa sebagai penerima pasif informasi menjadi pengkonstruksi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Siswa dipandang sebagai subyek yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing. Pembelajaran fisika sangat sarat dengan konsep-konsep yang membutuhkan penalaran tinggi, sehingga para guru fisika sebaiknya selalu memperhatikan penalaran formal yang telah dimiliki siswa

    Dampak Bea Keluar Kakao Indonesia terhadap Country Market Power di Pasar Biji Kakao Amerika Serikat dan Terms Of Trade

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    As the world's third-largest cocoa beans producer, Indonesia is expected to have a comparative advantage and to become cocoa beans price reference. This research investigates market power of Indonesia cocoa beans export for the United State market as an impact of an export tax. Five cocoa beans exporting countries namely Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, Dominica Rep and Nigeria are calculated their market power as Indonesia's competitors by estimating residual demand elasticity with two stage least square method. The results show that Indonesia's market power suffered after imposing the export tax. Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana get advantages from this export restriction. The effect of export tax on welfare is analyzed by calculating terms of trade. The gain from cocoa beans trade depicts a declining terms of trade for dealing with the International cocoa beans market

    Transmisi Harga Kopi Arabika Gayo Di Provinsi Aceh

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the price transmission of Gayo Arabica coffee from farmers to exporters. This study utilizesECM (error Correction Model) to investigate price transmission based on monthly price data in farmer and exporter level from Januari 2008 until December 2014. The result showed that price transmission test ECM-EG model showed that in short term, the price transmission is assymetric and symetric in long term.The symmetrical price transmission between farmers and exporters in the long term, showed that there was no misuse of market power, Therefore, price changes that occur at the farmer level in the long term were transmitted perfectly towards exporter. Asymmetric price transmission in the short term is commonly caused by cost adjustment factors and marketing agency behaviors in the pricing mechanism and the performance of each level / marketing agencies. Therefore, the need for setting prices of Gayo Arabica coffee, especially at the producers (farmers) level and the government's role in monitoring the price according to the quality of coffee, and inform the development of the market price (the local and the world) to the farmers

    Permintaan Pangan Hewani Rumah Tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian's consumption of food derived from animal products is relatively low. In general, the consumption behaviour depends not only on prices and total expenditure, but also on some household characteristics. Households with different characteristics have different spending patterns reflecting the level of welfare of each household. This study analyzed the food consumption of households using the LA system (AIDS) of five groups of animal based food. The data used in this research are the National Socio-Economic Survey (NSES) in 2012 in West Java Province. The result show that the consumption of animal based food is influenced by household income and also by other factors including socio-demographic household size, type of area and level of education of household head. The value of own price elasticity showed that all commodities are inelastic. Based on the values of cross elasticity, all animal based food commodities are complement to each other except that fish are substitutes for eggs. Fish and egg are categorized as normal good, whereas meat, poultry and milk are categorized as luxury goods

    The Effects of Trade Facilitation on Indonesian Fisheries Export

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    The growth in the volume and export value of fishery subsector shows the importance role of its sector to Indonesian economy. The export performance is influenced by many aspects, including trade facilitation. The problem faced by Indonesia is the low quality of trade facilitation resulting in relatively high trade costs, and this will affect the export performance. This research aims to analyze the effect of trade facilitation as well as other related variables on the Indonesia export in the fishery subsector, shrimp commodity exports, and export of tuna, mackerel tuna, as well as skipjack tuna. This study used panel data with ten years time series from 2007 to 2016, and the cross section data included ten major export destination countries. The data were analyzed using the gravity model with fixed effect estimation method. The study results showed that trade facilitation and other related variables had an effect on Indonesian fishery, shrimp, and tuna, mackerel tuna, as well as skipjack tuna exports. Based on the research results, Indonesian fishery exports can be improved by, firstly improving capacity and quality port infrastructure. Secondly, improving capacity and quality of electricity supply. Thirdly, the institutional quality is primarily concerned with ethics and corruption, and fourthly, the efficiency of trade across border needs to be improved in the hope of increasing the Indonesian export in the fishery subsector

    Trade Creation dan Trade Diversion antara Indonesia dan Negara-negara Asean-korea

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    Indonesia has several free trade agreements with trading partners that aimed to eliminate tariff and non tariff trade barriers. One of the free trade agreements is ASEAN-Korea FTA. Trade agreement in goods in ASEAN-Korea FTA was agreed since 2007 and now it is entering the implementation phase. The objective of this research is to determine whether the ASEAN-Korea FTA would increase the trade flows between Indonesia and ASEAN-Korea\u27 countries by analyzing the impact of regional integration on trade creation and trade diversion. This research is utilized balance panel data including 13 countries from 1998-2012. The empirical result shows that all Indonesia\u27s trading sectors experienced decline because of trade diversion and trade creation does not occur. Indonesia\u27s import trading with the non-member countries of ASEAN-Korea is 68% lower than the existing trading
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