599 research outputs found

    The Effects of Trade Facilitation on Indonesian Fisheries Export

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    The growth in the volume and export value of fishery subsector shows the importance role of its sector to Indonesian economy. The export performance is influenced by many aspects, including trade facilitation. The problem faced by Indonesia is the low quality of trade facilitation resulting in relatively high trade costs, and this will affect the export performance. This research aims to analyze the effect of trade facilitation as well as other related variables on the Indonesia export in the fishery subsector, shrimp commodity exports, and export of tuna, mackerel tuna, as well as skipjack tuna. This study used panel data with ten years time series from 2007 to 2016, and the cross section data included ten major export destination countries. The data were analyzed using the gravity model with fixed effect estimation method. The study results showed that trade facilitation and other related variables had an effect on Indonesian fishery, shrimp, and tuna, mackerel tuna, as well as skipjack tuna exports. Based on the research results, Indonesian fishery exports can be improved by, firstly improving capacity and quality port infrastructure. Secondly, improving capacity and quality of electricity supply. Thirdly, the institutional quality is primarily concerned with ethics and corruption, and fourthly, the efficiency of trade across border needs to be improved in the hope of increasing the Indonesian export in the fishery subsector

    Transmisi Harga Kopi Antara Pasar Indonesia Dengan Pasar Tujuan Ekspor Utama

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    Indonesia is the world\u27s fourth biggest coffee exporter with a market share of 9.7 %. This study examined the asymmetric price transmission in the coffee market between the importing countries (United State, German, and Japan) and Indonesia. AECM (Asymmetric Error Correction Model) was used to examine the asymmetric price transmission by using the monthly data from 2005 to 2014. The result of the study showed that there is no price asymmetry in the coffee market in the long run because there is no market power in the coffee market; however, in the short run, there is asymmetry price transmission in the United State and Japan due to the adjustment cost

    Identifikasi Pigmen Karotenoid Pada Bakteri Simbion Rumput Laut Kappahycus Alvarezii

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    Carotenoid is one of the most important pigments that have important roles for human health. Carotenoids are believed to improve the better immune responses, anticancer, antioxidant, provitamin A and are also used in the treatment of disease that are sensitive to light. Carotenoids are yellow pigments, orange to red pigments and usually found in vegetables and fruits, and are also found in animals, humans, fungi and bacteria. The aims of study were to analyze carotenoid pigments from bacterial symbionts from seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and to identify bacterial symbionts that produce carotenoid pigments. Pigment analysis was performed by a UV-VIS spectrophotometer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Bacterial identification was performed based on biochemical tests. These results showed that from 12 bacterial symbionts isolated, there were 2 isolates that positively synthesize carotenoids pigments, ECJ K and ECJ OR bacteria. ECJ K bacterium contained of Violaxanthin and α-carotene pigments. While ECJ OR bacterium contained of Diadinoxanthin, Neoxanthin, γ-carotene, β-carotene and α-carotene pigments. Bacterial identification showed that ECJ K bacterium was Brevibacterium maris and ECJ OR bacterium was Micrococcus varians. This result showed that bacterial symbionts of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii contained various pigments including in carotenoid pigments

    A Monte Carlo Simulation Describing Melting Transition of Si-Type Structure in the Condensed Phase with BCC Lattice Model Including Many-Body Interactions

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    A new lattice model is proposed for Si crystallization from molten state, which is based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. In this model, each atom is allowed to move only on BCC lattice sites, and the potential energy of atom depends on the configuration in the 1st nearest neighbors. With the parameter that only the atoms constructing tetrahedron have lower energy than others, the 1st-order phase transition between diamond and random structures is observed, including a hysteresis behavior. On the other hand, with using a parameter set which is defined as a function of the number of the 1st nearest neighbors and the bond angles, which is determined by using genetic algorithm, the state is continuously changed with temperature

    Profiling Kimia Sampel Kokain Sitaan di Bali dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis – Spektrofotodensitometri

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    The seized cocaine samples by Narcotic Police in Denpasar have been carried out profiling. Cocaine's were eluted on Al-TLC Si GF254 and spot scanned on Spectrophotodensitometric-method. Eight seized cocaine's were presented relative peaks pattern, with chromatograms similarity of 99.81%. Based on the similarity, all of cocaine's, could be classified into one group or same origin


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    Jumlah penggalian struktur berukuran besar semakin meningkat, untuk proyek penambangan, bendungan, jalan, dan proyek lainnya. Kerusakan massa batuan sekitar akibat penggalian harus dikuantifikasi dan dipertimbangkan dalam analisis kestabilan struktur. Penelaahan dilakukan terhadap sejumlah referensi primer yang membahas mengenai atau berkaitan dengan kuantifikasi kerusakan massa batuan. Hasil telaahan berupa rangkuman definisi dan faktor penyebab, parameter, serta metode kuantifikasi kerusakan massa batuan. Kerusakan mengacu pada penurunan kualitas akibat pertambahan kekar atau berkurangnya kekuatan massa batuan. Kerusakan ini terjadi dalam daerah pengaruh tertentu dan mengubah sifat mekanik massa batuan. Tingkat kerusakan dinyatakan sebagai perbandingan penurunan paramater kualitas massa batuan setelah penggalian dengan kondisi awal. Kuantifikasi telah dilakukan terhadap lereng dan terowongan tambang maupun proyek lain menggunakan berbagai metode: solusi matematis, monitoring, pengujian di laboratorium, studi numerik, dan atau metode gabungan. Akurasi kuantifikasi tingkat kerusakan massa batuan di sekitar penggalian sangat bergantung pada ketepatan dalam menentukan perubahan propertis kualitas massa batuan aktual. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode pemantauan yang mampu mencakup area massa batuan terganggu sehingga kondisi kerusakan dapat teridentifikasi dengan tepat

    The Effect of Natrium Bisulfite Addition and Ethanol Dehydration to the Quality of Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) Flour

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    Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is an alternative food sources from forest. Porang grows under forest canopy and potentially developed to improve food security. Naturally harvested porang contains high oxalate and less glucomannan. This paper observes possible quality improvement of porang flour in term of whiteness and glucomannan content. Porang collected from Nganjuk, East Java was quality tested and mixed with natrium bisulfite then rinse in ethanol repetitively. Results showed that the addition of sodium bisulfite improved the whiteness of porang flour for about 6.59%. Ethanol dehydration proces was able to improve glucomannan content from 12.86% to 38.11%. Fe and Ca content of mixed porang flour showed no significant difference. Porang flour from Nganjuk contained of 1,6-Anhydro- Beta-D-Glucopyranose; 1,2,3,4-Cyclopentanetetrol,(1.alpha., 2.beta., 3.beta., 4.alpha.); cyclopropyl carbinol; aceticacid(CAS)ethylicacid; and hexadecanoic acid

    Driving vascular endothelial cell fate of human multipotent Isl1 + heart progenitors with VEGF modified mRNA

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