562 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pengamanan Pesan Chatting Menggunakan Metode Vigenere Cipher dan Cipher Block Chainning

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    Along with the increasingly rapid development of technology at this time, causing security is a very important thing. In this era, there are many terms of chatting. Chatting is a form of communication that is usually carried out between two people or more directly or realtime by utilizing network facilities. Various ways can be done by irresponsible parties to damage, hack our chat facilities, and therefore need security. To overcome this so that chat messages are safe from unauthorized users, we need a software that can do a message encryption / decryption process. In this paper we discuss the implementation of the Vigenere Cipher method and Chainning Cipher Block for the encryption / decryption process of securing chat messages

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Dengan Menggunakan Rasio Keuangan Dan Metode Economic Value Added (Eva) (Studi Pada PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Periode 2011-2013)

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    Face the free trade in 2015, the company will increase the performance of the company to compete with others. one of which will competing company is PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The study is to analyze the performance of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk period 2011 until 2013. The research as descriptive of a quantitative approach. The manner of analyzing financial condition of the company calculated by 2 a method of calculation , this method is the ratio of finance and a method of economic value added (EVA). Both this method is very helpful to investors that will invest in PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The results of the end of the company financial condition if calculated by the ratio of finance in 2011 to 2012, the company experienced a decline. In 2012 until 2013, PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk the condition of financial increase. The final result of the accounts with a method of EVA in 2011 and 2012 the financial condition of the company rose and positive. 2012 to 2013, financial condition by calculation EVA decline. Calculation the financial condition of the company by a ratio of financial equipped with a method of EVA can be done by parties who need so that the outcome is accurat

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Mylibrary Telkomsel Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: PT. Telekomunikasi Selular)

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    Information is important for companies, especially in the field of services in order to help the customer. Information on PT. Telekomunikasi Selular services mainly in the division at the moment still uses the way of deploying and managing the information manually. To help the process of document management at PT. Mobile telecommunications are still using manual method and data storage is still in the archive, he built MyLibrary Information Systems Telkomsel. The research methodology used is the waterfall methodology. By using the modeling language UML design as a system to be built, Class Diagram as a data model that consists of entities and relationships (relations) between objects. The system is built using the PHP programming language implementation phase and a database using MySQL database and information system testing plan using techniques Black Box. The system is built based Website that is accessible only to employees of PT. Telekomunikasi Selular. Based on the results of the implementation is done, it can be concluded that the information system is to facilitate employees in the process of document management, employee data and data reports. This information system is also expected to be developed to provide mobile-based applications for mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers

    Implementasi Keamanan SMS dengan Algoritma Rsa pada Smartphone Android

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    Kebutuhan masyarakat akan adanya pengiriman informasi dari satu tempat ke tempat yang berbeda sudah tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi. Pada zaman sekarang pengiriman informasi telah dipermudah dengan adanya salah satu fitur dari sebuah smartphone, yaitu SMS (Short Message Service), yang mana dapat menggantikan peran surat dalam bertukar pesan. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu dan berkembangnya zaman, serta perkembangan yang teknologi semakin canggih, muncul beberapa kekurangan pada SMS. Salah satunya yang paling disorot ialah tingkat keamanan SMS tersebut. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa zaman sekarang sudah banyak para pengusaha/petinggi/pejabat pemerintahan yang menggunakan SMS untuk bertukar pesan yang sifatnya sangat rahasia. Sehingga telah banyak terjadi pencurian data SMS atau yang sering disebut penyadapan yang membuat tingkat keamanan SMS perlu ditingkatkan. Untuk mengatasi masalah yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, peneliti berencana untuk merancang dan membuatkan sebuah aplikasi enkripsi dan dekripsi yang akan diimplementasikan untuk aplikasi SMS pada smartphone android. Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan teks pada smartphone berbasis android dengan mengamankan atau menyembunyikan pesan asli. Sehingga, pengirim tidak perlu takut pesannya akan disadap dan diketahui orang lain yang tidak berkepentingan


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    Gizi merupakan salah satu faktor sangat terpenting dalam menentukan kualtas sumber daya manusia. Salah satu indikator yang menentukan pertumbuhan anak yaitu dari kulitas status gizi yang begitu  sangat baik. Adalagi faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi status gizi anak yaitu pendidikan, pekerjaan dan juga pendapatan . Tujuan penelitian ini mencari hubungan antara status sosial ekonomi dgn status gizi pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di Desa Wori Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Desain penelitian ini yang digunakan yaitu  analitik Cross-Sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh anak dengan usia 24-59 bulan, dengan sampel penelitian ini seluruh jumlh populasi yaitu 95 anak. Penelitian di laksanakan  bulan Mei-Juni 2019. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan status gizi bedasarkan (BB/U) status gizi kurang 11 (11,6 %) dan status gizi baik  84 (88,4%). Indeks status gizi (BB/TB) status gizi kurus sebanyak 15 (15,8%) dan 80 (84,2%) status gizi normal. Indeks status gizi  (TB/U) 19 (18,9)  pendek dan (IMT/U) status gizi kurus sebanyak 18 (18,9%) dan 77 (81,1%) status gizi normal. Karakteristik status sosial ekonomi seperti pendidikan orang tua mendominasi pada tingkat pendidikan rendah. Sebanyak 87,4% ibu  bekerja di dalam rumah atau menjadi Ibu Rumah Tangga. Pendapatan keluarga sebagian termasuk pendapatan rendah 87 (91,6%). Berdasarkan hasil uji chi quare  ada hubungan antara pendidikan ayah dengan status gizi (IMT/U)  (p= 0.001). Pendidikan ibu (IMT/U)  (p= 0,001). Berdasarkan hasil  Fisher Exact test ini tidak terdapat hubungan antara pekerjaan ibu dengan status gizi (IMT/U) (p= 0.591) & begitu juga tiadak terdapat adanya hubungan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi (IMT/U) (p= 0,345). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat hubungan antara pendidikan orang tua dengan status gizi anak (IMT/U), pekerjaan ibu serta pendapatan keluarga tidak terdapat hubungan dengan status gizi anak (IMT/U). Disarankan kepada orangtua untuk memperhatikan lebih baik  lagi asupan makanan bagi anak baik dari segi yang  berkualitas maupun kuantitas. Juga bagi orang tua harus rajin pergi ke posyandu mencari informasi dengan mengikuti penyuluhan-penyuluhan tentang masalah gizi pada anak.  Kata Kunci: Sosial Ekonomi Dan Status Gizi  ABSTRACTNutrition is an essential factor in determining the quaity of human resources. One indicator that determines the growth of chiildren is the quality of good nutritional statuss. The factors that can affect the nutritionl status of children are educatioon, employment, and incomee. The purpose oof this study to lok is for a relationship between socioeconomic status nutritional status  children aged 24-59 months in Wori Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The design of this researchh is analytic design with a Cross-Sectional approach. The population is all children aged 24-59 monthss, the sample of this study is the total population of 95 children. This research was conducted in May-June 2019. Based on nutritional status a (BB/U) there were 11 (11.6%) underweight and 84 (88.4%) good nutritin. Nutritional status index (BB/TB) contained thin nutritional status of 15 (15.8%) and 80 (84.2%) normal nutrition. Nutritional status index (TB/U) and (IMT/U) there are underweight nutritional status of 18 (18.9%) and 77 (81.1%) status normal nutrition. Characteristics of socioeconomic status such as mother and father education predominate at low levels of education. As many as 87.4% of mothers do not work or become a housewife. Family income is mostlly included in the low incme of 87 (91.6%). Based on the results of the chi-square test, the father 's education (IMT/U) is obtained p-value = 0.001. Maternal education (IMT/ U) p-value = 0.001. Based on Fisher Exact test Work motheer test results (IMT/U) p = 0.591 and family incomee (IMT/ U) p = 0.345. This study concludes that the father education and mother' education have a relationship with the nutritional status of children (IMT / U), and maternal work and family income have no relationship with the nutritional status of children (IMT/ U). It is recommended for parents to pay attention to food intake for children both in terms of quality and quantity. Also for parents to be diligent in going to the Integrated Healthcare Center looking for information by following counseling about nutrition problems in children. Keywords: Socio-Economic and Nutritional Statu

    A Monte Carlo Simulation Describing Melting Transition of Si-Type Structure in the Condensed Phase with BCC Lattice Model Including Many-Body Interactions

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    A new lattice model is proposed for Si crystallization from molten state, which is based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. In this model, each atom is allowed to move only on BCC lattice sites, and the potential energy of atom depends on the configuration in the 1st nearest neighbors. With the parameter that only the atoms constructing tetrahedron have lower energy than others, the 1st-order phase transition between diamond and random structures is observed, including a hysteresis behavior. On the other hand, with using a parameter set which is defined as a function of the number of the 1st nearest neighbors and the bond angles, which is determined by using genetic algorithm, the state is continuously changed with temperature


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    The banking industry has experienced an increase in the services that customers can provide due to the emergence of the industrial revolution 4.0, so it has become more innovative. Using this information technology provides innovation in the form of digitizing the banking sector from various sides. This research aims to see how developments occur in the Indonesian banking industry, which has begun to be digitized. This research will be carried out using a qualitative approach and literature study methods. The data obtained came from various research results that discussed the digitalization of the banking sector that occurred in Indonesia. This study found that industries that want to survive need to adopt new technologies to stay ahead or stick with existing conventional systems and then slowly disappear

    Pengaruh Tapioka Termodifikasi Ekstrak Teh Hijau terhadap Glukosa Darah dan Histologi Pankreas Tikus Diabetes

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    Diabetes had become national and global health problem. The management of diabetes beside using medicine and physical activity, controlling the daily diet also considered. Food having low digestibility and slow release were good for diabetes. The modification of cassava starch by green tea extract was expected to have low digestibility and slow release, so it could be an alternative food for diabetic person. The aim of this study was to obtain the hypoglicemic effect of tapioca (Manihot utilissima) starch modified with greentea extracts fed to diabetic rats.The sample of this research were 24 male Sprague Dawley rats, aged 2 months (weight 175-250 g). Rats were induced by streptozotocin to become diabetes. Ration containing of tapioka starch modified with 4 percent green tea extract were fed to diabetic Sprague Dawley rats for 35 days. After 35 days of experiment, the blood glucose level and pancreatic Langerhans islets were assayed. The result showed that the tapioca starch modified with 4 percent green tea extract diets could lower blood sugar levels andincrease the population of beta cell sofpancreaticislets in diabetes rats (p<0.05)