477 research outputs found

    Transmisi Harga Kopi Arabika Gayo Di Provinsi Aceh

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the price transmission of Gayo Arabica coffee from farmers to exporters. This study utilizesECM (error Correction Model) to investigate price transmission based on monthly price data in farmer and exporter level from Januari 2008 until December 2014. The result showed that price transmission test ECM-EG model showed that in short term, the price transmission is assymetric and symetric in long term.The symmetrical price transmission between farmers and exporters in the long term, showed that there was no misuse of market power, Therefore, price changes that occur at the farmer level in the long term were transmitted perfectly towards exporter. Asymmetric price transmission in the short term is commonly caused by cost adjustment factors and marketing agency behaviors in the pricing mechanism and the performance of each level / marketing agencies. Therefore, the need for setting prices of Gayo Arabica coffee, especially at the producers (farmers) level and the government's role in monitoring the price according to the quality of coffee, and inform the development of the market price (the local and the world) to the farmers

    Permintaan Pangan Hewani Rumah Tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian's consumption of food derived from animal products is relatively low. In general, the consumption behaviour depends not only on prices and total expenditure, but also on some household characteristics. Households with different characteristics have different spending patterns reflecting the level of welfare of each household. This study analyzed the food consumption of households using the LA system (AIDS) of five groups of animal based food. The data used in this research are the National Socio-Economic Survey (NSES) in 2012 in West Java Province. The result show that the consumption of animal based food is influenced by household income and also by other factors including socio-demographic household size, type of area and level of education of household head. The value of own price elasticity showed that all commodities are inelastic. Based on the values of cross elasticity, all animal based food commodities are complement to each other except that fish are substitutes for eggs. Fish and egg are categorized as normal good, whereas meat, poultry and milk are categorized as luxury goods

    Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete under Elevated Temperature

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    Apart from many advantages, High Strength Concrete (HSC) has disadvantages in terms of brittleness and poor resistance to fire. Various studies suggest that when polypropylene (PP) fibers are uniformly distributed within concrete, they play an active role in improving spalling resistance of concrete when exposed to elevated temperature while having no adverse effect on its mechanical properties. Therefore, there is a necessity to quantify the effect of the addition of polypropylene fibers in terms of the fiber dosage, the strength of the concrete, and the residual mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete under exposure to high temperature from fire. The study was carried out on three water/cement (w/c) ratios (0.47, 0.36 & 0.20) using granite aggregate for determining short term mechanical properties of Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete in comparison to control mix. The experimental program includes 100 × 200 mm & 150 x 300 mm cylinders with fiber volume of 0.5%, that were subjected to temperatures exposures of 400 °C and 600 °C for durations of 1 hour. From the results, it was observed that no significant enhancement in mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, split tensile strength, flexural strength, and compressiv

    Aplikasi Pati Aren Termodifikasi Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji Merah Dalam Pengembangan Produk Berindeks Glikemik Rendah (Applications of Arenga Starch Modified with Red Guava Leaf Extract in Development of a Low Glycemic Index Product)

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    Consumption of lowglycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) products are recommended to prevent and manage of degenerative diseases.The high digestibility of arenga starch could be lowered by physicochemical modification with soaking the arenga starch using polyphenolic compounds. The aims of this study were to determine chemical composition, glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of cake and cookies from arenga starch modified with 4 percent red guava leaf extract 58-62 oBrix. Chemical composition analysis include proximate, starch, dietary fiber and resistant starch. GI test was conducted in vivo on 12 healthy people. The results showed no differences in chemical compisiton between modified arenga starch cakeand native starch. However, modified arenga starch cookies had significantly lower fat and higher total carbohydrate and starch than native starch (p< 0.05). GI and GL decreased significantly (p<0.05) on cake of modified arenga starch, from high (77.72) to low (51.84). GI of modified arenga starch cookies (46.20) was not significantly different than to native starch (47.31). Cookies and cake of modified arenga starch had intermediate GL, 10.55 and 18.45 respectively. The study concluded that arenga starch modified with red guava leaf extract had a potential as an ingredient for development of low GI products. Konsumsi produk yang memiliki indeks glikemik (IG) dan beban glikemik (BG) rendah direkomendasikan untuk pencegahan dan manajemen penyakit degeneratif. Daya cerna pati dan indeks glikemik tinggi pati aren dapat diturunkan dengan memodifikasi pati melalui perendaman dalam ekstrak daun jambu biji merah sebagai sumber polifenol. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui Perubahan komposisi kimia, IG dan beban glikemik (BG) kue basah dan cookies berbahan baku pati aren termodifikasi ekstrak daun jambu biji merah dibandingkan pati alaminya. Kue basah dan cookies dibuat dari pati aren yang dimodifikasi dengan 4 persen ekstrak daun jambu biji merah 58-62oBrix dan pati alaminya. Komposisi kimia yang diuji meliputi proksimat, pati, serat pangan dan pati resisten. Pengujian IG dilakukan in vivo pada 12 orang sehat. Komposisi kimia kue basah pati aren termodifikasi tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan pati alaminya. Cookies pati aren termodifikasi memiliki kadar karbohidrat total dan pati secara nyata lebih tinggi dan kadar lemak lebih rendah dibandingkan pati alaminya. IG menurun secara nyata hanya pada kue basah pati aren termodifikasi dari tinggi (78) menjadi rendah (52). IG cookies pati aren termodifikasi rendah, tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan pati alaminya, berturut-turut 46 dan 47. Nilai BG kue basah pati aren termodifikasi daun jambu biji lebih rendah (10,55) dibandingkan pati alaminya (15,05). BG produk tersebut terkategori sedang. Kue basah dan cookies pati aren termodifikasi memiliki BG berturut-turut 10,55 dan 18,45. Penggunaan pati aren termodifikasi dapat menurunkan IG pada kue basah. Pati aren termodifikasi berpotensi dijadikan bahan baku untuk pengembangan produk ber-IG rendah

    Analisis Motivasi Berkunjung Wisatawan Dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Wisatawan Tentang Produk Industri Kreatif Sektor Kerajinan (Studi Pada Wisatawan Domestik Di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur)

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    Batu City has a lot of tourism potential to be developed either potential natural tourism, artificial tourism (man-made attraction) and local community based educational tourism as creative industry products of handicrafts sector. This Research used explorative or exploratory with mix-methods approach. This research's purpose is to know and identify the dominant motivation convincing tourists to visit Batu City and knowledge rate of tourists about creative industry products of handicraft sector in Batu City. The findings in the field of dominant motivation (factor) driving tourists to visit Batu City was rest and relaxation for push factor and the pull factor of tourists to visit Batu City was recreation facilities (including tourism modes, accommodation, transportation, etc). While, the result of research on knowledge rate of tourists about creative industry products of handicraft sector show tourists still low knowledge related to the wide range of creative industry products mainly from the handicraft sector. The lack of tourist knowledge aligned with a bit of information obtained about the creative industry products of handicrafts sector in Batu City, East Java. The tourist more information on the products famous tourism in Batu City based artificial tourism (man -made attraction)

    Identifikasi Pigmen Karotenoid Pada Bakteri Simbion Rumput Laut Kappahycus Alvarezii

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    Carotenoid is one of the most important pigments that have important roles for human health. Carotenoids are believed to improve the better immune responses, anticancer, antioxidant, provitamin A and are also used in the treatment of disease that are sensitive to light. Carotenoids are yellow pigments, orange to red pigments and usually found in vegetables and fruits, and are also found in animals, humans, fungi and bacteria. The aims of study were to analyze carotenoid pigments from bacterial symbionts from seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and to identify bacterial symbionts that produce carotenoid pigments. Pigment analysis was performed by a UV-VIS spectrophotometer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Bacterial identification was performed based on biochemical tests. These results showed that from 12 bacterial symbionts isolated, there were 2 isolates that positively synthesize carotenoids pigments, ECJ K and ECJ OR bacteria. ECJ K bacterium contained of Violaxanthin and α-carotene pigments. While ECJ OR bacterium contained of Diadinoxanthin, Neoxanthin, γ-carotene, β-carotene and α-carotene pigments. Bacterial identification showed that ECJ K bacterium was Brevibacterium maris and ECJ OR bacterium was Micrococcus varians. This result showed that bacterial symbionts of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii contained various pigments including in carotenoid pigments
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